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Chapter 60: ᵥₒₗᵤₘₑ ₅, ₚₐᵣₜ ₁₀ ₋ ₛᵤbₜₑᵣfᵤgₑ: A ''Real'' part of our Family.

~5745 words

"Brother? Why are we here?" 

Aisha asked as she walked side by side with Julian in the center and Norn on his left side. 

"I am selling you off the to the slave traders." 

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." Aisha deadpanned at her before busting into a fit of laughter, "brother, your sense of humour improved a little from back then." 

"Well, that is good to hear." He replied. "Hm. Well, I was thinking of buying you new clothes." 

'But these are just fine.' Is what Aisha wanted to say but after Julian came back from meeting with Orsted, he met everyone and informed them of the situation. Not everything, but just enough to make them calm down. 

He also described his final decision of never letting Aisha act like a maid, even if she wanted to. Aisha tried to defend her mother by saying that this is what she wanted, but Julian just rebuked her statements, saying that since she was living with him now, she has to do as he says. 

And his order was to be free. 

After all, he knew all about the importance of freedom. 

"Thanks brother." Aisha replied instead of her initial thought. Thinking that the answer was satisfactory, Julian hummed gratifyingly. 

The market square buzzed with life as the trio made their way through the bustling streets. The raucous, blaring calls of vendors rang through the air, blending into a polyphonic symphony of commerce. 

The fragrant scents of exotic spices mixed with the mouthwatering aroma of freshly baked pastries, enticing passersby with their tempting flavors.

Julian led the way, his confident strides setting the pace for their adventure. His long, ebony coat flowed behind him, catching the occasional breeze. 

Though his sisters' demeanors remained composed, a spark of anticipation twinkled in their galvanic emerald eyes. 

Today was not just any ordinary day; it was a day to make Aisha feel cherished and valued, to ensure she knew she was an integral part of their family.

Norn, the vivacious middle sister, animatedly engaged with the vendors, her blonde hair glinting like burnished copper in the dappled sunlight. Since she had already spent time with Julian like this before, she knew that she could be free and he won't say much. 

Her warm laughter rang out like a sweet melody as she bantered with the vendors, creating an atmosphere of joy wherever she went.

"Brother dear, it seems like you've been meeting Norn behind my back."

'Woah, is that murderous intent I feel from her? Scary...'

"Hm, not really. Why do you say?" 

"Hmmmm, eh. Just felt like it. She seems rather carefree for someone who saw you for after 6 whole years. I mean, I really missed you!" 

"Well, you know it as well, she isn't normally so carefree. I guess she is like this just around me?"

"Yeah, that makes sense. Miss Claire was really strict on her." 

"Mhm. How about Rudeus? You don't think bad of him like Norn, do you?" 

"I will answer honestly, but what do you want my reply to be?" She asked, wiggling eyebrows sparsely. "Will you be jealous if I say I think good of him?"

"A little." 

"Hehe, brother, you are a bad liar, you know that?" 

"I've been told that a lot of times." 

She giggled, "I have nothing bad to say about him. He saved me and mother when we were in that hard situation. He helped me out without wanting anything in return. I am sure you would've done the same, but for someone who never met me before, he treated me very nicely and gently. I almost felt the same as I did with you when I was with him. So, this whole ordeal of him acting like you aren't the real one really made me angry, but it all went away. Rudeus isn't THAT dumb. He must have a reason. Don't you think so, brother?"

Julian felt surprised but since the start she had always shown more intelligence and talent than Norn. "Yeah. In fact, he isn't dumb at all. The way he is acting now, part of the blame falls on me. But it was necessary."

Aisha looked at him with a surprised look, "Oh? Well, I won't ask what you did, but I hope you two make up soon. I don't like when our family is all together finally, now we have such a big rift between us." 

"Mhm. I agree. It will all be over..." Julian's voice reduced down to a whisper, "...all of it." 

"Brother! Can we get this? Please?!" Norn brought the two out of their conversation as she pointed at a skewer. 

"Do you want some?" Julian asked Aisha. 

"I have been meaning to ask you the same thing for a while...they look appetising." 

"You should've asked for it then. Don't reserve yourself." 

"Hehe. I won't then. Please buy me lots of skewers, dearest brother." 


As they strolled through the market, the two sisters couldn't help but admire the colorful tapestry that unfolded before them. Stalls adorned with fabrics of every hue and pattern stretched out in an endless array. 

Artisan shops displayed intricate jewelry, pottery, and ornate wooden carvings, each a testament to the craftspeople's skill and creativity.

Aisha stole a few glances at the pottery objects a few times but didn't talk much. In her training as a maid by Lilia, she taught her how having interest in things like flowers and other cute things was a hindrance to her job and that she should always act dignified and practical. Indulgence in such activities was strictly prohibited. 

But now that she was away from Lilia and was now free, she thought about it. 

'He won't say anything. But should I ask him for something? Hmm. I don't want to be a burden on him... hmmm. Ugh, I don't know what to do!'

However, her monologue was interrupted as Norn happily started chatting with her. Soon Aisha also found herself giggling along with her sister. The genuine warmth of their interaction was a stark contrast to the reserved and timid Aisha who had once felt like an outsider within her own family. 

Julian watched the two from behind as he observed the transformation that had taken place. His face was pale, concentration weaving into his body. For a brief moment, his concentration wavered, and he felt the mana inside his body increase. However, it died out as soon as it happened. 

'Almost let go of it. That was a close one.'

"Brother? Did you see a ghost or something?" Aisha asked, looking back at him. 

"Uh, no. Do you want to eat something?" 

"What's on the menu?" Norn asked. 

"Anything you want." 

"I don't have anything specific in mind." 

"You? Aisha?" 

"Hmm. Something sweet!" 

Julian felt relieved. He wanted to eat something sweet too. And Aisha happened to share his sweet tooth. 

Their first stop in the market was a charming bakery, known for its delectable pastries. Julian insisted on treating Aisha and Norn to his favorite—a sweet raspberry tart. At first, they hesitated, her eyes filled with uncertainty, knowing how weird their brother's taste was. 

But after a little persuasion, that was "oh-so" full of "brotherly affection", melted away their reservations. They took a tentative bite, concurrently, and their eyes widened with delight as the explosion of flavors danced on her taste buds.

"It's good, isn't it?" Julian asked, his own mouth stuffed with a mouthful of pastry. He had ordered almost everything. And not for his sisters, no. He was stuffing everything himself. 

"Good? That would be disrespectful. It is amazing!" Norn exclaimed. 

Aisha nodded as well, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of pleasure and gratitude. "By the way, brother?" 


"I don't see a kitchen in here. Is it cooked somewhere else?" 

"Oh, yeah. It is actually made it in my restaurant. Then shipped here. They just sell it for us on a commission."


There was something Aisha wanted to say. 

"Do you want to learn how to cook it?" 

Aisha looked up with glimmering eyes. "Yes, I do!" 

 "Hm, ok. I will have someone give you the recipe. Shizuka likes this one as well. You can have her show you a practical demonstration." 

"Thank you!" 


With their appetites satisfied, Julian guided his sisters toward a row of clothing shops. It was time for Aisha to finally have a wardrobe of her own, one that reflected her true status within the family.

Norn's eyes sparkled with excitement as they approached the colorful array of garments on display. "Oh, Aisha, you're going to look stunning in these!"

Aisha's eyes darted nervously over the fabrics and styles. For almost all of her life, she had worn a maid's uniform, and the prospect of choosing her own clothes felt both thrilling and overwhelming.

Julian stepped forward, his voice calm and reassuring. "Take your time, Aisha. We're here to help you find something that suits your style."

Norn eagerly began rifling through racks of dresses, her enthusiasm contagious. She held up a selection of dresses, each more exquisite than the last, and awaited Aisha's reaction.

Aisha hesitated, her fingers trembling slightly as she reached out to touch the delicate fabrics. She felt like a bird that had been caged for years and was now being offered the chance to spread its wings.

Julian observed his sister's uncertainty and decided to take a more active role. He carefully selected a few dresses that he thought would complement Aisha's features and offered them to her. "Try these on, Aisha. We'll see which one you like best."

Aisha nodded, her gratitude evident in her eyes. She disappeared into a makeshift dressing room, and Julian and Norn exchanged a knowing look.

Norn whispered to Julian, "You're doing a great job, big brother. She's really coming out of her shell."

"Oh? You've grown enough to grasp such situations." 

"Hooooh? Did you think of me as someone who couldn't read the room before?" 


"Ouch... that hurts brother. Be gentle with those jabs." 

"I am not lying though." 


Moments later, Aisha emerged from the dressing room, her transformation nothing short of breathtaking. She wore a deep blue gown with intricate embroidery that accentuated her slender figure. The dress flowed gracefully around her, and her eyes sparkled with newfound confidence.

Norn clapped her hands in delight. "You look stunning, Aisha!"

Aisha blushed and smiled shyly. "Thank you,"

Julian nodded in approval; his gaze full of approval. "It suits you, Aisha but...." he looked up at her, " you like it?"

"I....uh, yes, I do." She replied. 

"No, you don't. Go in and wear the ones you like the most. You can't wear clothes that you don't like." 

"Yes. Yes." She immediately turned back. 

"How did you know she doesn't like it?" 

"Her manner of speech. And the way she looked at her own dress repeatedly but not her reflection in the mirror." 

"I don't get any of that, but I guess that would be true if you're the one saying all that." 

As they continued their shopping expedition, Aisha tried on various outfits, each one more enchanting than the last. Her initial uncertainty had given way to excitement, and she reveled in the experience of choosing her own attire. 

However, even after being easy with him now, she chose clothes that weren't exactly to her liking. Hence, Julian stepped up and chose a few dresses for her. They were all cute dresses, with light colours like baby pink and such, adorned with frills and cute accessories. 

"Eh, no way brother! I am 10 now. I am a grownup!" 

"No, you're not. You're still 10 and a kid. Plus, your smile is way too wide for you to be lying." 

"Ugh...." Aisha grumbled, despite being so happy that she got such dresses. Julian scooped up as many dresses as he could that had the same design of somewhat similar in different colours that would look good on her. 

"Go on, wear this one. Leave the maid uniform here." 

"I can change in home." 

"No. Right here." 

"Hmmm, can you help me change? Hehe." 

"Nope. You are 10. You can do it on your own." 

"Fine, fine." Failing in her teasing attempts, she took the dress Julian had picked out for her and went inside the dressing room again. 

After a while she came out. 

After that he bought equal amounts of dresses for Norn. 

Aisha wore a white dress with long sleeves that had ruffles at the ends with a pink top, as well as black shoes and socks. Her hair was styled into the usual bun held together by yellow ribbons. She also fashioned a pink ribbon around her neck, a somewhat trademark of the nobles. 

Meanwhile Norn got herself a white shirt that mixed in with a light blue skirt above her navel. She was also wearing a ribbon around her neck, albeit in matching blue colour. 


Present Day

Julian's eyes fluttered open, the world still cloaked in a veil of sleepiness. 

The room was dimly lit, with the soft glow of morning's tentative light seeping through the edges of heavy curtains. 

It was a familiar sight to him, a room he had spent countless nights in, but this morning felt different somehow.

As consciousness began to reclaim him from the clutches of slumber, he became acutely aware of an unusual sensation—a weight on his back. It was a strange, unexpected pressure, and it took him a moment to fully register it.

He shifted slightly, the blankets rustling in response to his movement. A soft, almost inaudible murmur escaped his lips as he attempted to shake off the remnants of his dreams. 

He was not getting enough sleep. 

'Maintaining it is getting harder and harder.' He thought, clutching the cylindrical pendant around his neck. 

And the weight remained, and it was growing heavier by the second.

With a growing sense of curiosity mixed with mild aggro, Julian finally mustered the energy to turn over and inspect the source of the intrusion. 

His eyelids felt heavy, as if they were weighted down by invisible anchors, but he persisted.

As he rolled onto his back, the sight that greeted him made his drowsy mind snap to full attention. 

There, perched atop his chest like a regal conqueror, were his two sisters—Aisha and Norn. 

Aisha was completely on him while Norn was on the lower side, sticking to his arm more than his chest. 

Aisha's sleeping form seemed to have an expression---an air of smug superiority, as if she had just claimed victory in some silent battle for dominance.

'Hm? They weren't here last night...' He shook his head, trying to remember. 'Maybe they came after I slept. It is my last day after all.'

Reaching to a conclusion, he placed his head back on the pillow. 

Aisha's maroon and Norn's golden blonde hair mixed in together, sprawling all over him. 

The slightly shifted, and even in their sleep, they seemed to be fighting each other. Their presence was oddly comforting, like a reassuring anchor in the sea of morning grogginess.

He reached out a hand to gently poke his finger in Aisha's cheek, seeing if she was awake. She responded with a contented purr. 

'Is she a cat?'

Her soft, rhythmic vibrations seemed to resonate with the steady beat of his own heart.

Julian's senses gradually awakened as he looked around. 

The room came into sharper focus—the rich, dark wood of the furniture, the delicate patterns of the curtains, and the soft, muted colors of the walls. It was a serene sanctuary, a stark contrast to the chaotic world outside.

The weight on his chest, albeit, was an intrusion, he didn't really mind it. 

Julian closed his eyes for a brief moment, savoring the warmth of the morning sunlight that bathed the room. 

With a final, affectionate pat on both his sister's heads, Julian slowly pushed himself up, determined to face the day ahead. 

Slowly and gently picking them up, Julian placed their heads on the pillow and slipped out of the bed. His feet fell on the carpet with almost no sound, despite the fact that he had jumped down. 

Looking around, he saw Nanahoshi sleeping on the couch, covered in a blanket from head to toe. Julian silently walked over to her and removed it from her face. She was sleeping with her chin over the pillow---slumbering upside down. 

However, as if she had a detector in her mind, her eyes opened groggily. Seeing Julian standing beside her, she sat up, rubbing her eyes with her fingers. 

"Mmm, good morning~" She greeted, stretching her body like a cat, "Sorry, I was drinking with mom and aunt Therese until late night. I will make something..." She threw the blanket to the side and pushed the sides of the couch, attempting to stand up. 

Julian gently pushed her shoulders, "It's ok. I am about to leave anyways." 

"Already?" She asked, her vision still hazy as she tried to shrug the hangover off. "At least wait for mom to wake up."

"I talked a lot with her over the past 3 days. I told her already I was leaving early today, so it won't be a problem." Julian replied and sat beside her. 

Nanahoshi's eyes fell on the pendent around his neck. 

"What is it?" She asked, gently touching it. 

"Just some random jewelry. I thought it would look good..." he paused before slipping the socks over his feet, "...does it?"

"Very." She replied with a smile, leaning her head on his shoulder. "I will miss you." 

"Mhm. Me too." 


Julian fell silent. 

'Am I that transparent?'

"Before you go, can you tell me where Adam is?" Nanahoshi asked, her head still resting on his shoulder. 

"He is in Asura. There is some work he needs to do. Although, he is not alone." Julian reassured. 

"Not alone? Wasn't the training you gave him optimal for working alone?" 

"It was. The other person is just someone I need to be in Asura as well. Might as well show Adam around while he is at it. He isn't really good at new placed anyways." Julian argued. 

"Who is it, though? I am worried about him."

"Komrade. Komrade Bluewolf." Julian riposted. 

"Oh. The exiled man. Is he of any use? I don't think an exiled person if of much use honestly." 

"Hm. True, he is of no use as long as using the Bluewolf clan is concerned. But as a person, he is quite conducive." Julian replied and slowly removed her head, "I have to go now." 

"Mhm. Take care...uh..." 


"When will you return?" She asked, nervously fidgeting with her fingers. 

Her breath was escalated---again.

"Not sure. I will try to visit before the next full moon." Julian reassured and stood up. He looked in the mirror and despite his bed head, he just deemed it to be perfectly fine. He had bathed already before he went to sleep a few hours ago. 

Opening the door, he stepped outside and stopped. Looking back, he saw Nanahoshi standing behind him. "Take care of my sisters." 

"Don't have to mention. I will take care of them even if you never said it." 

"Orsted is around as well. You don't have to worry about someone intruding into the house as well. Just press the button by the table. It will send a distress signal to him. It's just 5 minutes' walk away from here."


"Well, goodbye then." 

He turned around...



"Uh, umm..." She said 'wait' without thinking, but she actually didn't have anything to talk about. She just blurted it out on a reflex. "Uhm, just wanted a little hug before you went away." 

"Hmmmm?" Julian hummed, looking up as if thinking over it. 

"Hey, don't think over it. It isn't that hard, you know." 

"Uh, I was thinking of something else. Can you repeat what you said?" 

"Ugh, forget i---" 

Before she finished her sentence, he languidly hugged her. With one hand on her head, he gently tapped it. "Don't start crying now. We don't have enough tissues." 

"Hehe. I wasn't going to." She returned the short but warm hug. Just as the separated, she grabbed him by both his collars and pulled him down, clemently kissing him on his lips. "I love you. Now go, hush." 

With his pale hued eyes still fixated on her, she pushed him out of the room and closed the door on his face. 

She slipped against the door's surface, giggling to herself while small beads formed on the corner of her eyes. 

'I said it!' 

She exclaimed, celebrated mentally. 

Julian stood on the other side of the door, staring at the lower side as if he could see everything through it. His hand was on his chest, counting his pulse. 

70 beats. 75. 80.

80 was the maximum that it got.

He let out an exasperated sigh. 

'I should give up on it at this point.'

Thinking that, he silently tip-toed downstairs. Wearing his boots, he went for the main door. 

"Going somewhere?" Zenith's voice petrified him as he sluggishly looked back. 

"Good morning, mom." 

"Good morning." She replied and laughed out loud, wiping the tears off her eyes. 

Julian tilted his head. 

"Sorry, sorry, but I couldn't help it. You just looked like the time when you used to dirty your diapers when you were little. You used to have the same look." 


His reply was bland. He wasn't sure what to reply with. He couldn't reply with a 'That brings back memories' since he isn't supposed to remember that time. 

"Are you going to Begaritt?" 

"Yes, mom." 

"Ahh, well you did tell me about it. I almost forget since I was drinking with Nanahoshi and Therese all night." 

"Is Aunt Therese comfortable here?" 

Zenith huffed, "Wayyy too much. She doesn't want to go back home." 

"That's good to hear?" 

"Haha. You are still awkward with long conversations, aren't you? You are still the same..." Her voice trailed off, not knowing why others can't tell that he is the same Julian. "...well, never mind all that, I made you some lunch for your journey. Eat it on your way there, ok?"

"Sure. Thanks mom." 

"No problem. Just stay safe and don't fight with you brother, ok?" 

"Even if he attacks me?" 

"I hope he doesn't attack you. But if he does, violence doesn't have to be the only solution." 

Julian fell into silence. She was the only one who's words actually got to Julian's ears. 

"Sure. I will do that." He replied, nodding his head. "I can give him one chance." 

"That is enough. Thanks for understanding." She replied, smiling brightly. "Ah, before I forget, I have 2 more things to talk about." 

"Yes?" He placed the lunchbox down and walked over to his mom. 

"What are you going to do to Eva? In case you are going to make her leave her duties, I want you to bring her back. I grew quite close to her over the years. Also, because I liked the fact how she took your word as the final verdict. She is quite obedient. If you can, bring her back for me." 

"I can do that. I wasn't relieving her of her duties anyways. I sent her there to deal with some issues in my restaurant there and report me on it. She will come back a few days after I go away." 

"Oh, good lord. Good thing you didn't already sent her off." 

"And what is the second?" 

"When are you marrying Shizuka?" 

"Hm. I haven't thought about it. There is a lot going on right now, so marrying is the last thing on my mind."

"Engagement or something else like that? I mean, she looks pregnant as well." 

"Hm? She can't get pregnant. As you know, she is from another world. Her time is stopped, so is her reproductive system. Her menstrual cycle has halted as well."

"Huh? Really....? That's tragic. Hmm...why did I felt like it though?" Zenith pondered, placing a finger on her cheek.

"What made you think that?" 

"Mana congregation." 

"Hm. It seems like her body is not taking the mana well. That is why it is congregating in a specific place that is making her appear sick. I might have a solution for when it becomes apparent." 

"Oh...well, I really wanted you to marry her and make me a grandma already, haha. But, oh well... have you thought about this problem? It's not like you can have no heirs." 

Despite Nanahoshi being extremely close to Zenith, and despite the fact that the statement made her heart ache, keeping her son's legacy was more important. More now that he was such a renowned person. 

"Hm. Nothing much. She said I could have heirs with someone else." Julian explained. 

"In return? She stays your first woman?" Zenith asked further. 

"Something along those lines." He paused before talking again, "Do you want me to adhere to Milis teachings, mom?"

"I would've loved that. But forcing my faith on my kid if he doesn't want to would be just selfish. The decision is up to you. However, remember Julian, you'd need an heir at one point in life. Maybe you'd think now that you don't, but time and age would tell you." 

It was a little bit hilarious situation. She was talking about maturity. And mental age wise, Julian wasn't younger than Zenith by any more than 1-2 or so years. 

"I will think about that." 

"Oh, by the way, Julian?" 

"Yes, mom?" 

"What about Rudeus? I wanted to pay him a visit. But I am not really in a mood to meet Paul." She inquired. 

"Did he cheat on you again?" 

"Haah, leave that matter. Although, just know this, your dad has fallen even low. But no, he didn't cheat...technically." 

"Hm. He took advantage of you? In that state?" Julian asked and despite not being adept enough, Zenith felt the aura flicker around him. 

"Leave that matter. Tell me about Rudeus. How is his family coming along?"

"Hm. Well, he has 3 wives." 

The first sentence made Zenith facepalm, "What was I even expecting! Anyways, continue." 

"Hm. Well, as you know, his first wife is Eris Boreas Greyrat. That is why Rudeus is also known as a Royal Mage, due to their support for the first prince. Second wife is someone from one of his parties, named Sara. He cheated on Eris with her and then told her about it in the Sword Sanctum. She agreed to it regardless, so it isn't that much of a problem." 

"He really is like his dad." 

"Hmm. Well, the third wife is Sylphie." 

"Sylphie? From our village?" 

"Yes. She is pregnant as well. Although the other two don't know about her, yet." 

"This boy...I knew he took after his father but looks like he even beat him." 

At this point, Zenith was tired of facepalming herself. 

"How do you know all this though?" 

"I have my ways." Julian shrugged, "I have to go now, mom." 

"Oh, yeah, sure. Haha, talking to you makes me so lighthearted. Thanks for the small talk." 

"Mhm. Bye mom." 

Greeting her goodbye, Julian hugged Zenith as well and she removed his hair from his forehead with her one hand, planting a good luck kiss there. 

Once he was outside, he saw Orsted standing with his back against the wall, "Ready to go?"

"Yeah. Also, why are you wearing a party suit?"

"Should I not? Since this is the first time I am meeting your family, I thought I would dress appropriately."

"This is for formal parties. Also, it is 6 in the morning on a holiday. Everyone drank themselves to sleep."

"So, did I dress for naught?"

"A hundred percent." 

Orsted sulked, the chocolate presents for the little ones and the jewellery item for the older ones almost breaking in annoyance.

"What is in the jewellery box?"

"A dragon tooth that was carved into one of the sharpest blades at the base of a volcano. One of the dragon generals gifted it to their wife."

"My mother is not a widow."

"I swear I wasn't going to do anything like that. I just thought this would be a respectful gift for a human woman. Hmm, was I wrong?" He pondered, gripping his chin.

"I was merely joking. Anyways, come in the evening. At least my sisters would be awake." 

"What am I supposed to do with your sisters? Aren't they like 10?" 

"Yeah? There is enough food for now so make sure to buy them some readymade food from the restaurant for the evening, in case they all are still snoring."

Orsted grumbled but agreed anyway. " it working alright?" He pointed at the pendent around Julian's neck which was hidden beneath the layers of clothing.

"It is. I don't think it can hold on too much though." 

"Of course, it is not an endless pit."

"Hm. Well, anyways, Bye."


After Julian walked away, Orsted sighed. "Oh wait, I can't go into market..." The realisation dawned on him, finally discerning what Julian had signed him up for. The urge to blast his fist in the nearby wall flooded his mind but he let out a deep breath. "...he's not getting out of his one." 


The subtle buzzing of the teleportation circle subsided, and Julian arrived on the outskirts of the Begaritt Continent. Looking in a specific direction, he caught sight of the house he had spent quite a lot of time in. 

Still, he didn't feel anything. No nostalgic feeling, no urge to go back there. All he felt while looking at it was a harrowing emptiness. 

Looking away from there, he started walking towards his restaurant---the first and main branch. 

The Begaritt Continent had undergone a remarkable transformation. 

Once a desolate, desertic land, it had now become a thriving hub of activity. The catalyst for this change was the restaurant that had risen to unparalleled fame, serving as the very origin point for a highly successful chain of eateries.

Word of mouth and the allure of delectable cuisine had attracted hordes of visitors and entrepreneurs alike. Competitors from far and wide had flocked to the once-deserted continent, eager to capitalize on the burgeoning food scene. 

The result was a remarkable metamorphosis that had breathed new life into the region.

Streets that had once been desolate were now bustling with activity. 

Storefronts, cafes, and businesses of all kinds had sprouted up, creating a vibrant and competetive atmosphere. The scent of freshly prepared dishes wafted through the air, mingling with the sounds of chatter and laughter that filled the streets.

The restaurant that had started it all was the main catalyst for all this. 

Drawing patrons from all corners of the world, its success had not only transformed the landscape but had also inspired countless aspiring chefs and entrepreneurs to set up their own establishments, each vying for a piece of the thriving food industry.

And it became even more popular once a rumour spread. 

That the owner was the [Rank 6] on [Seven Great World Powers] --- [Void God - Julian Greyrat]

Putting on the ring, Julian changed his appearance and entered his restaurant. It was teeming with people, waiters hurriedly taking dishes from one corner of the place to another. 

A huge number of people remained seated in the waiting room outside the restaurant, waiting for their turn on the waiting list. 

Not batting an eye to many things, Julian made his way to the office. As soon as he entered, he saw Eva sitting on of the chairs, sorting things out. 

"Ah, Master Julian. Welcome!" 

She greeted, keeping herself composed. 

"Hm. Hello. How are things here?" 

Julian went straight to the point. 

"There weren't many problems to begin with. The head chef was stealing money and was refusing it. So, I checked the financial records. He seems to have stolen around 300 gold coins until now. Safe to assume he has stolen more given the fact he bought a lot of property and farming lands in other continent." 

"Hmm. I see. Where is he now?"



The short conversation came to an abrupt halt. 

"Go to Sharia. Mom misses you." 

"I can?" 

"Do you not want to?" 

"I really really want to. Ma'am has been treating me so well, although your father...." 

"Did he do something to you?" 

"Not me, but uh... how to put it." 

The pieces fell in place as Julian realised what was going on. 

Sighing, he spoke, "I understand. He isn't there as of now. Go back and until I come back, teach my sisters some magic." 

"Wouldn't it be better if you did it yourself, master?" 

"Perhaps. But I won't be available for some time now. Besides, I have taught you enough to be their teacher." 

She nodded vigorously, "Then I will pack my bags." 

"Oh, and Eva?" 

"Yes, master?" 

"Don't compare or teach magic to them at the same time. Norn is a bit dull." 


2 hours later, she was escorted to the magic circle to be teleported back to Sharia. 

Julian stood atop the carcass of the huge behemoth. His face pale, his hand clutching on to his pendent. 

"Just a little more." 

He muttered as the warm wind of the desert whisked the sand up and disheveled his hair. 


Author's Note - Ok, so uh, let me say a few things. First of all, thanks to everyone who is reading, voting and commenting on these chapters. Ya all are the best.

Secondly, and more importantly, while it might seem like I am elongating the plot on purpose, I am not. I actually have the ending planned and am directing it towards that end. Although, the additional small factors that I added seem to be requiring a lot of words. 

I thought I could put away this family reunion in a few words, but the more I think about it, the more I realise that undermining it at this point will just ruin it for the sake of reaching that end point. So, if the chapters are starting to feel boring or lackluster---due to no fight scenes, I aplogise but this is kind of a necessary evil. (I don't enjoy writing wholesome stuff since I am not good at it.)

Anyways, enough of my yapping. This is it for now. Next chapter is also already written and will be out after a specific period of time.

See you all next time. Peace.

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