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66.66% True Dragon Reincarnation / Chapter 16: The War Approaches

Chapter 16: The War Approaches

Velzura POV:

Hahhh..... the day is about to come. According to Raphael, they will attempt to stage a public scene for the humans visiting to see. It would be one to show that we are not the kind monsters that they believe.

They got me there, its a decent plan, but with Raphael any plan simply falls short of her genius. She knows there moves before they even make them now. It is quite the advantage over any battle of wits.

Including the plans of other individuals going on at the time. Thanks to Raphaels intelligence, I am informed about every important situation I need to know. Earlier previous to our Charybdis incident, there was a group of ruffians that was sent out by the Kingdom of Farmus, you know.... The kingdom that appears to be sparking a war with is allied with a few others. They had been sent out to confirm the existence of an orc lord that they had heard about, but that changed when they ran into our kingdom. Long story short, I gave them an offer to be the heroes who packed up the orc lord. Although it hurts my pride to let someone take the recognition for my feat, it is something I had to do. He is now somewhat of a champion on our side.

According to Raphael as well, Youm would meet quite the interesting lady and introduce her to our executives.

But back to the more pressing matters and not Youms dear friend.

Currently I am simply laying down on the couch inside our castle again. Why have I not moved since I went to sleep earlier? Simple. When I woke up from that nap, I found myself laying on something both squishy and soft. When I looked up I found none other than Velzards smiling face as she was caressing my head. She spoils me quite alot to tell you the truth. Even Shion and Shuna try to do this for me when I am in dragon form. But I don't get the same amount of satisfaction and serenity when its Velzard doing it. I feel completely at peace with it.

On the other couch in this room Veldora reading his manga. Usually Milim would be here with us, she took off after taking a bath in the hot springs. She said she had business to attend to.

But never-mind her business, she can handle herself no matter the situation. She is older than me and probably stronger than me too, so why shouldn't I have trust in her.

"Question." I said abruptly, causing Velzard to look down at me in surprise. She seemed to not have noticed that I was awake. Veldora as well had looked up from his manga.

"Ara, I didn't notice you were awake. How was your nap?" Velzard had asked.

"It was comfy." I has said completely unaware of my words. Out the corner of my eye I could only see Velzards smile grow even wider.

"Is that so? Well I'll make sure to spoil you more often." She raised her hand to her still smiling mouth as she tried to hide her giggle. As I heard these words, a faint tint of red could be seen on my cheeks. I was indeed blushing from this out of sheer embarrassment. Veldora on the other hand was taking this in as he covered his face with the manga and began to slightly release his laughter.

"A-Anyways, back to my question." I said as I tried to hide my embarrassment and focus on what I wished to ask my beloved siblings. Both of them stopped their teasing and looked at me in anticipation as I sat up from Velzards lap.

"The both of you.... Even in dangerous times.... Would you stick by my side?" I cast my gaze downwards as I spoke. I felt disappointed in myself for asking such a thing. They are my siblings so they might say yes, but I am asking them this as I am unsure myself. Its disappointing because it seems like I don't trust them. I should feel ashamed of myself for even asking.

"You....." I heard Velzard speak as I was still looking downward. However it was then that I had felt Velzard wrap me up in her embrace. It was not her usual overbearing type of hug. It felt full of warmth, softness and love, warm enough that I could melt away in her embrace. However, I was shocked from the sudden show of affection.

"There is no need to worry. We True Dragons will forever stick together." Velzard had spoken in a soft tone.

"Thats right little brother. No need to worry about us abandoning you." Veldora had added, not speaking in his usual joking and obnoxious tone.

As I heard their words of confirmation, all the discomfort I felt up to now had completely faded as if never there. It was gladdening to have my negative thoughts denied. I could have asked Raphael to tell me, but it is not good enough to ask someone who is essentially all knowing as I don't get the feeling. It was pleasing. All I could do was melt away in her loving embrace as all my worries had faded.

'I don't know why, but..... this feels.... Nostalgic.' A weird feeling, but this feels like I've been through this before.

"Why did you ask something so absurd?" Veldora had asked while I was still enjoying my time in Velzards arms.

"Well..... you see..... our kingdom may be facing a war, not too far from now." I had told them, however their expressions remained quite neutral. But both of them took a glance at eachother, from that exchange I could see a slight smirk appear on both of their faces before they erupted into laughter.

"Thats what you were worried about?! Kuhahahaha!" Veldora had gave out his usual hearty laugh.

"Veldoras right, theres no need to worry about pitiful little humans. If they do invade us, repelling them will prove to be easy." Velzard said while giggling.

"Well.... You never know what the enemy has under there sleeves."

"That may be right, but take pride and confidence in the power you possess. Measly human tactics wont be enough to beat us." Velzard said in a relatively mocking tone towards humans.

"Yeah, I guess thats fair. Seems I was worried about nothing all that concerning then."

"Well, you are not that old yet, but you do learn relatively quick." Velzard said with a slight giggle while releasing me from her arms.

"Shes right you know. With your age will come wisdom. Just look at your older brother!" Veldora said as he pointed to himself with a proud and expectant smile. Velzard and I did not share that sentiment as we just stared at him in silence before turning to eachother and casting a little grin on our faces.

"HEY! ARE YOU BOTH MOCKING ME?!" I guess our silence was quite loud and caused Veldora to notice it. Velzard and I simy burst out laughing at the ridiculous dragon in front of us. But Velzard abruptly stopped and began to speak.

"Oh, that reminds me. What are we going to do with those prisoners?" Velzard had asked prompting Veldora and I to think.

"Well. We could just execute them." Veldora had suggested while picking up his manga again.

{I have an idea as for their fate.} Out of nowhere Raphael had chimed in and gave me an idea. A slight smirk had formed on my face as she gave me her idea. It was quite sickening to tell the truth, but..... they are our enemies after all. No need to be kind to them.

"I already have an idea for them in mind. Their judgement will be passed on them in the near future."  I spoke up.

"Well, they have been locked up in their ever since the orc lord. Heh, I am glad I can never hear their measly screams." Veldora said still with his eyes on his manga.

"Thats right. They have been getting their "punishment" from the executives right?" I had asked.

"Yup. Everyday since then, they would each have a designated day for who gets the day to beat them near death." Velzard explained.

"Hoh, I could almost feel sorry for them. Almost. Should have thought their plans through carefully." I said while shrugging my shoulders.

"Say, its been awhile since we have had proper family time right?" Velzard chimed in and asked.

"What do you mean? Aren't we spending time together right now?" Veldora had asked curiously as he tilted his head.

"This does not count! We are talking about business right now and future plans for our kingdom. That is not proper family time." She said while standing up and putting her hand on her chest as she spoke. It could be taken as her symbol of dedication to this topic. But I don't know why, we spend quite a lot of time together as is.

{There appears to be an interesting development with the Charybdis Core.} Once again out of nowhere Raphael had something to say. It was fairly unusual as I thought I had completely devoured the Charybdis Core but as it turns out I had only isolated it within me.

'What happened with it?' I had asked curiously while trying to tune out Veldora and Velzard talking in the back.

{It appears to have developed its own ego due to interference from both you and Veldora.}

'Veldora? What has he done to help it gain an ego?'

{If I am correct, the time Veldora had spent away from Tempest was him trying to help it attain its own ego. As the core was sealed before Phobio had found it, Veldora was at its seal and attempting to help it gain its ego.}

'Hm, why would he be doing that exactly? Charybdis is a mindless monster like any other that was simply born from Veldoras cloud of leaking magicules.'

{I cannot elaborate further, better ask Veldora}

As she said this I deadpanned at her answer.

'You mean you wont tell me.'

{I have no idea what you mean.} I believe I could hear a little giggle in her voice. Never mind that, may as well go and check up on the Charybdis Core now. I guess I should take Veldora and Velzard with me to check it out. It did come from Veldora originally so this is somewhat of a family matter.

"Velzura!" As I was still stuck in my thoughts I could hear Velzard scream my name. Instantly snapping back to the events in front of me.

"Huh?! Im listening!" I shouted in a state of complete panic. It seemed Velzard did not believe this and simply deadpanned at me. Veldora on the other hand was snickering behind his manga.

"You weren't listening were you?" She asked while further pressing for the truth. Sweat was streaming right down my face as she was showing her 'unfriendly' and 'terrifying' smile my way. Until.

"I admit. I was not listening."

I finally gave in.

"Thats better. Would not want to have a little brother who does not pay attention to important discussions. So I forgive you this time." Velzard said as her evil smile changed to a more genuine and sweet smile.

"Now anyways, why were you so lost in your thoughts?" Velzard had asked. Prompting Veldora to look at me and wait for an answer as well.

"Well, you both remember how I how to isolate the Charybdis Core from Phobio and that I am keeping that core right?" They both nodded to my words.

"Somehow, that core has gained its own ego and sense of self." I had explained, causing Velzard to go wide eyed and Veldora did as well. Just for a second but he did go wide eyed before regaining himself.

"That mindless monster obtained its own ego?" Velzard said with quite a surprised and thoughtful tone.

"Indeed. I believe it to have been something with Veldora and My interference." I had said causing Veldora to look at me in surprise.

"Me? What did I do?" Veldora asked with a little sweat dripping down his forehead.

"No need to hide brother. I know everything." I could be heard in a straight up teasing tone. Though I did not know this until a few minutes ago. Veldora could only sigh as he put his manga down.

"Hahhh, am I unable to hide anything from you? How long did you know?" Veldora asked with a smirk.

"I have just found out!" I shouted.

"Anyways never mind how long I knew. The real question is, do the both of you want to see it?" I asked with with anticipation deep inside my voice. But even without Raphael I still knew what their answers would be.

"Well, a monster such as Charybdis gaining an ego would prove to be beneficial for us. So I am fine with meeting them." Velzard spoke as Veldora simultaneously nodded with her agreement.

"Perfect! Lets go now!" I said before snapping my fingers. The sheer sound of the snap was incredibly loud. Following the snap a giant sized portal opened up within our living room. It appeared to resemble a black hole but it was glowing a purple glow. Veldora and Velzard looked at the portal I just conjured in amazement.

"Well, I should not be surprised. You are one of us as well as quite exceptional for a newborn." Velzard said in praise.

"Agreed. This is natural for us but unnatural for a newborn." Veldora had agreed with her.

The three of us proceeded to enter this portal. Where did this portal lead us to exactly? This portal had led to my [Imaginary Space]. In essence it is my own infinite sized pocket dimension where I can essentially store anything I wish. This is the place that used to be my Stomach. But now it is greater than it used to be and acts as where I store those weapons Raphael had created for me prior and the materials to make those weapons. And our most important addition, the Charybdis Core.

As of right now it was right in front of us.

"How are we supposed to know if it indeed has an ego."

Veldora had asked aloud.

{It is in a sleep-like state. Simply call out to it and it will respond.}

It appears that Raphael had used this space as a way to speak to all three of us rather than just me. I guess its fine since I trust them.

"Who was that?" Velzard asked as she was looking around this void like space for the voices exact location. I guess I'll let Raphael explain that.

{I am the Ultimate Skill called Lord of Wisdom Raphael. I am the Ultimate Skill to master Velzura.} She had said in a respectful voice.

"Oh, so my brother indeed has more than one Ultimate Skill. It is to be expected." She quickly believed what she had said. Well, she has no reason to believe I am lying. Anyways, lets get this show on the road.

I began to approach the core that was roughly 6 feet in front of us. Once directly in front of it I released a bit of my Haki. Only an amount that would make a human feel great discomfort, but it appeared as if this core was not affected by it in the slightest.


"Whos there?"

It appeared to have woken up. It was abrupt enough to make Veldora stumble backwards a bit. Seemingly surprised that it can actually speak. Velzard went a bit wide eyed for a sec but regained herself as if nothing happened.

"Ara, it seems you did obtain a sense of self." Velzard was the first of us to actually speak to it.

"So how did this happen exactly?" I questioned.

{My estimation would be when Veldora was interacting with it before it officially returned as Charybdis, it was slowly developing its own ego. Not enough to overcome its natural urge for destruction, but it was traceable. Then when master isolated the core from Phobio and stored it within his stomach, the core had a perfect view as to what was going on outside as well as the phenomena of my analysis of the seed. Those were the given factors for it to finally gain its own ego. Once that was obtained it began to feel..... I believe the emotion called Envy.} Raphael had wrapped up her explanation. Leaving the three of us fairly surprised that it truly gained its own ego. But more so that, they felt envy. What was there to make the core feel envy?

"Envy? Why did they feel envy?" Veldora had spoke my exact thoughts. All of us had awaited Raphaels answer.

{The reason it felt envy was because it had sensed Veldora as its progenitor, somewhat like a father. It had witnessed the time the three of you have spent together and yearned to be with you.} Raphael had explained.


That was not what I expected.

In a sense it felt lonely and wanted the same love we gave to each other. Thats why they felt envy. It simply wished to be apart of our family.

"So what do we do?" Velzard had asked.

"Well, we could take them in?" Veldora gave his honest thoughts.

"This is still Charybdis, is it not?" Velzard retorted.

"Thats correct. But they have gained a sense of self now. They are able to think and produce rational thought rather than simply satisfy its destructive nature. There should be no worry." Veldora had explained.

"I would have to agree with him here. They can think for themselves now rather than destroy everything in its path mindlessly now. And it is obviously capable of showing emotion as it felt envy. I see no reason we shouldn't." I voiced my thoughts and received a smile from my older brother.

"I guess those are positives to this situation. Fine then, we will take them in with us." Velzard accepted Veldora and my plea. A big and satisfactory smirk appeared on Veldoras face before he had turned his back on us. I believe I could hear him speaking to himself in a low whisper.

"Yes! This is the first time I have managed to convince Velzard-Nee! I am the greatest dragon in existence!" He was on the verge of doing his usual "Kuhahaha!" As I could see him trying to stop that from happening. Velzard had simply ignored as I figured she heard it too.

"Are you..... my family?"

Out of nowhere the core spoke once again. Seemingly asking if we were its family. All of us had turned to look at it with a smile plastered all over our faces.

"Indeed we are. I am Velzard, your eldest Aunt. To my right is your youngest uncle Velzura. And to my left is your idiotic father Veldora." Velzard gave our introductions in a soft tone and kind tone.

"HEY!" Veldora shouted upon hearing his introduction. Merely causing Velzard to grin.

"But if you are to be apart of our family you will need a name to show that you are one of us." I said.

"Your right. What would this new ones name be?" Velzard put her hand on chin as she thought of a name for them.

"I already have a great idea!" I shouted while raising my hand. Both of my siblings eyes now on me with an expectant look.

"How about Velraiha?" I gave my suggestion. Both of them seemed to have thought about the name I gave.

"I love it! Velraiha! A powerful name worthy for my daughter!" Veldora shouted with a plethora of emotions in his voice.

"Well, she is your daughter. You can name her then." Velzard said as she turned her head to Veldora.

"Very well then!" He said before approaching the core closer.

"As the Storm Dragon Veldora Tempest! I bestow the name of Velraiha Tempest; The Chaos Dragon upon my daughter!" Veldora shouted in excitement for the official birth of his daughter. The core began to glow as the name was getting engrained onto the core.

Within this void like space, a bright light had begun to shin coming from the core. It was a light more golden than all of our eyes. Within that light I could see the core essentially disappear and take a new form.

<<Notice: The Birth of a New True Dragon has Taken Place. The sixth is the Chaos Dragon Velraiha Tempest.>>

'Huh? The voice of the world had spoke. Hm, I wonder why it spoke for Velraihas birth but not mine. Or did it announce it before I had fully been born into this world.'

The everlasting and bright source of light had begun to die down and fully reveal the person coming from the light.

Now floating in front of us was a really beautiful girl. Roughly 5'4 in height and shiny blonde hair that, to be honest, looked better than Veldora. In contrast to us, she had shiny red eyes instead of our golden eyes. The clothes she had taken form with was a red hoodie with gold fashioned on the sleeves, with what looked to be a dress showing from the bottom of it. On her head was a black crown. In her hair was two distinct red ribbons that kept her hair up in twin tails.

This girl was of course our new family member, Velraiha Tempest.

She had looked down at herself, putting her hands in front of her face as if analyzing what she was looking at was true.

"Nice to officially meet you Velraiha." Velzard said with a soothing voice as she approached our new family member. She had put her hand on Velraihas shoulder as if to confirm her thoughts and welcome her to the family.

Velraiha had turned her head to face Velzard who was still sporting a bright smile. That smile seemed to have meant alot to Velraiha. Why? Because Velraiha quickly turned around in order to give her aunt the biggest hug she could muster. The hug was quick surprising to Velzard as she had stumbled back and lost her footing. But she nonetheless remained in place and reciprocated her hug. Tears could be visible from her eyes as she hugged Velzard.

A soft smile was apparent on all of our faces as we could see just how much happiness she had felt in this moment.

'Now I have one more person to protect. That must and will be protected with all my soul.' I had thought to myself full of dedication.

"Hoh! We should see just how strong she truly is." Veldora had voiced his idea.

"It would be nice to see just how strong she is compared to us." I had agreed with Veldora idea.

{Very Well.

Name: Velraiha Tempest

Race: True Dragon

Protection: Storms Crest

Magicule Count: 40,387,290

Unique Skill:

-Finder: The user is capable of locating the weakest point of their target. Whether it is an individual, magic, or skills

-Desire: The user is capable of bringing forth their desires, though it does have its limitations. (Similar to Shions [Cook])

Intrinsic Skills:

Dragon Spirit Haki

Universal Sense

Universal Shapeshift


Holy-Demonic Attack Resistance

Natural Effect Nullification

Spiritual Attack Resistance

Physical Attack Nullification

Abnormal Condition Nullification}

Hoh, she is pretty damn strong thats for sure. If our war with these nations was not confirmed to end in our victory, then it sure as hell is now.

Well, thats one problem solved. Time to prepare ourselves for the finale.

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