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58.33% True Dragon Reincarnation / Chapter 14: Making Discoveries

Chapter 14: Making Discoveries

This is quite refreshing. It has been two weeks since Gazel had left after confirming his alliance with us. He even stopped by once again to drop somebody off.

Someone called Vesta. Gazel told me he was an 'ex' minister in Dwargon.

Apparently he is on a punishment.

Also this man was responsible for some of the downs and negative things in Kaijins life in Dwargon. Unfortunately for him, Gazel knew of all of Vestas wrongdoings towards Kaijin. He was simply waiting for Vesta to tell the truth. But since Kaijin was gone now, Vesta telling the truth was completely meaningless now. I guess you can tell what happened from that point onward.

He gave Vesta as some kind of gift to us. Kaijin had forgave and took in Vesta with us. I gave him to power to do so, it was his choice if he wanted to forgive and forget or to punish him more after all. I was not going to stand in his way of that.

So now, he is working with Gabiru in the cave.

Oh, thats right!

I forgot to mention, I named all of the lizardmen that were sent here to work under me. They had all evolved into a race called dragonewts. With some even gaining the ability to get a human form. Specifically five of them who got that ability had chose to work under Souei. So now we have six members training in the art of spying and espionage.

Speaking of that, I might have them go and spy on Veldora. He has been gone since the day Gazel and the Dragonnewts arrived here. I have yet to go and see him, even Raphael has suggestions as to what he might be doing. But I will be a respectful and responsible little brother and respect his privacy. But either way, he seems to be coming back at least, so I will probably ask or not.

Anyways, currently I am just walking around outside of the kingdom. No Velzard and No Shuna and Shion breathing down my neck. Nothing but the peacefulness of this forest.

At least thats what I had thought. While I was walking around, I heard noises indicating that a fight was going on. So I concealed my presence and went in that direction.

What I found was quite a weird mashup of characters. On one side was what looked like one beastman and a kitsune and they were along side two insects. They were fairly bruised and beaten. The beastman was looking not so good. He was profusely bleeding and even missing an arm. But with his other he was still holding onto a dull and chipped blade. Refusing to back down and fail to protect the others.

While on the other side was the oppressors. 4 Knight spiders were the attackers. In the back I could see 3 dead. Legs cut off and their backs split wide open. Seems like he was able to kill three of them but at the cost of his arm.

The knight spiders were slowly encroaching onto him. With each step forward from the spiders, he took a step back. With each step the beastmans facial expression was getting more and more anxious and worried. Each step was only putting them closer to death.

'Might as well help them. Can't just leave people in need of saving to die can I.'

With my thoughts organized, I decided to save the squad of their impending doom.

I summoned my scythe from my storage, it was quite the looker. The entire grip of is colored a pure black. All while the blade was the opposite. The blade shined a mixture of purple and blue as well as seemingly having the look of shining stars within. It looked as if this blade had devoured a galaxy and it sporting its looks.

(Not my Image)

For this weapons name, I went pretty simple. "Galaxy". A name that perfectly suits this scythe.

With my weapon ready, I noticed that the spiders had gotten him backed into a corner, no more room for him to retreat. The spider in front had raised it's leg high enough in the air and was readying to strike him down.

'Nows my time.' I said as I sped off in their direction. The spider brought its leg down violently onto the beastman. As its leg was getting closed to his position, I made it in time and cut off the leg using my scythe. I heard a shriek of nothing but pain come from the spider as its appendage had sprayed blood around.

"Time to silence you." I said. I brought my scythe high up like it was about to do to the beastman and violently brought it downward. Except my strike connected. It pierced its head and completely annihilated its head. Killing it instantly and splattering blood everywhere.

With the first one killed I raised my scythe and leaned it on my shoulder.

"W-Who... Who are you?" I heard someone behind me ask. It was the beastman. He was looking upward at me, completely filled with surprise that someone came to their rescue. However I simply ignored their question and looked forward at the spiders.

"So.....whos next?" I lifted my scythe off my shoulder and pointed it at the spiders.

All three of the knight spiders seemed to get intimidated about what I said. I was quite surprised that they could understand me. Either that or they just got intimidated from me killing their leader.

All in all though, they did not back down. They simply decided to face me.

"All right then. Have it your way."

I proceeded to lower my scythe. Noticing my actions all three rushed at me all at once. The were fast for a basic monster and all, but far too slow.

As soon as they made contact with me I disappeared. It left the monsters and the group I'm protecting dumbfounded.

But in truth I simply jumped upwards. As I was falling back down to the ground, I began to spin rapidly as I descended. Causing the descent of me to increase.

I violently crashed into the spiders while in my attack. Slicing them up completely into nothing but meat cubes.

Blood had been scattered around the forest from this.

I turned to face the group of four. The beastman was quite literally looking at me with his jaw basically touching the floor.

I had begun to approach them, but they got wary of me and backed away a little. To show that I am not hostile, I put my scythe back into my stomach.

My actions seemed to have had some sort of effect as they didn't seem worried anymore.

"No need to be afraid, I'm a friend." I raised my hands up to indicate that I indeed mean no harm.

"Who are you?" The beastman spoke up and asked once more.

"My name is Velzura Tempest. May I ask what the four of you are doing?" I asked with a friendly tone as I dropped my hands back down to my sides. But once I asked that question, a scowl formed on the beastmans face, I also noticed that the Kitsune had started to shake in what seemed to be fear. I think I have an idea about what happened to them.

"We were.... Our village was utterly crushed by those foul orcs. Me and her are its only survivors." He said quite angrily. I had a feeling thats what happened.

"And those two?" I asked as I pointed towards the beetle and wasp monsters.

"We came across the two of them a few days ago. Since then we have been looking after one another." He proceeded to explain.

"Hm, well then..... I can confirm to you that the orc invasion has come to an end." I said, causing both the beastman and kitsune to become quite surprised.

"I-It's over! How?!" He shouted completely consumed by disbelief.

"Oh, well.... Let me explain." I said casually. From that point I began to explain the reason as to why the invasion had happened and how it came to an end. Along with telling them how the orcs could in truth not control their actions. And as soon as they came to realize all they have done, they were consumed by their remorse for their actions.

"I-I cannot believe it." He said before dropping to his knees.

"Oh, the orcs also work under me to atone for their actions." I added on with a smile. But it did not seem like he had processed it yet. But I know he had to have heard it.

"If you like, you can follow me to my kingdom." I gave them the offer. He looked up at me with what had seemed like hope in his eyes.

"Y-You..... invite us..... to your kingdom?" He had asked still sounding like he could not believe I had offered them that.

"Indeed, I wont abandon a monster in need. And it looked like you needed it as well. But my offer goes to higher lengths than what I just gave you." I said with a smirk. This caused the rest of them to grow confused.

"What do you mean by that?" The beastman had asked.

"I will give you a name. And with that name comes strength and a good position within my kingdom. As well as food, job and place to live. Even if you decline my offer I will still help you and give you a name." I had explained to the group.

"Does this mean we will have to work under orcs." He said as he lowered his head. Looking down and the ground below him.

"Indeed. Would that be a problem?" I genuinely asked. If he cannot forgive them for the actions they are currently atoning for, then I guess having them with us is not going to happen. He seemed to take a few breaths as he continued to gaze at the ground. In 7 seconds he looked up at me and began to speak.

"If they are atoning for what they have done then I will have no problem with them. Although you say they were controlled into committing these actions, my anger will not be subsided so easily."

"I can understand that. It will take time to forgive them, its only natural." I had said.

"Now, lets get that arm healed." I had said. He was seemingly confused as to my words. Before he could ask what I meant by that, I threw one of the many full potions I had since my cave days at him.

He thought I did something bad to him. But in a second he had calmed down and noticed his nub was glowing. Due to that, a light blue light was coming out of his arm and began to take shape. In less than 10 seconds his arm had entirely regrew.

"Now I shall give the four of you names." I said as I wanted to hurry. Earlier Raphael said she had made some kind of discovery.

"Beastman you shall be Sakame. Kitsune you shall be Kiyoko. Beetle you will now be known as Zegion and Wasp you will go by Apito." They were quite shocked with how I did all that in such a short timespan. But nonetheless each of them tried their best to bow in front of me.

"Souei." I said. In an instant Souei had appeared behind me.

"Yes my lord." He asked as he was kneeling to the ground. Awaiting my orders.

"Please escort the four of them to Tempest. Prepare them some new clothes and have someone show them around."

"Understood." He said. He stood up and proceeded to motion for them to follow. They seemed kinda reluctant but since I was the one who ordered him, that seemed to put them at ease. So they had began to follow him all the way back to Tempest.

I waited until they were a decent distance away. Although I could have had that conversation while we were talking, I wanted my full attention on what Raphael says.

'Alright Raphael, what is it?'

{Thank you. The first matter is during the analysis of the Nihility Seed, I have uncovered a skill that is to be an upgraded version of your current skill [Beelzebuth].}

'Already! Didn't I just get Beelzebuth?'

{Indeed. However, I have discovered something that comes with it. That thing is with this upgrade and your connection to both Veldora, Velzard and Myself. We will get our own upgrades as this skill is brought forth. But it can only be achieved once you gain a connection with the Scorch Dragon Velgrynd. Once a connection with her is obtained she will get a benefit in this as well.}

'While I can understand what you are meaning by that, it is quite surprising to be honest. But I have to get my connection to Velgrynd to get this upgrade. And everyone else would get this upgrade too.'

This appears to be something that I cannot miss out on. But I guess waiting will be the best option. From what I was told from Velzard, she is located in the Eastern Empire. And tensions between them and the western nations has been high for quite some time. So a visit with her out of the blue may be out of the option.

Unless I can get her to come here there is really nothing I can do.

So waiting it is.

'Lets pull back for now.' I said to Raphael, all while closing my eyes as I began to walk back to Tempest.

I only went a few steps forward until I heard something that surprised me to the very core of my being.

{MASTER WATCH OUT!!} Raphael had shouted a bloodcurdling scream within my head.

From above me a multitude of golden magic circles appeared and shot out golden chains from each one. They were damn near as fast as me. But I managed to dodge this attack successfully. The chains pierced the ground like nothing and created a massive crater.

"What the hell was that?!" I shouted completely confused. I began to observe my surroundings and it was quite the sight. The area looked the exact same, except the sky above looked distorted and there were even people around.

"What….. is this?" I blurted out astounded by my surroundings.

{I will begin an analysis on this place.} Raphael had said. But then, those images before me completely vanished. As if they had never existed.

'What were those chains as well?'

{Those chains appeared to have the capability of sealing all of your resistances and skills. Reducing you to becoming completely powerless. I managed to sense hostility coming towards you, that is the reason I saw the attack coming.}

'So... someone is trying to kill me. That is... surprising. How does anyone even know of me? I am barely known whatsoever and I have someone after my life. Although, I will just reincarnate later. But, that felt terrifying to say the least.' I said to Raphael.

I proceeded to look down at my hands after such a thing. I...

I was shaking.


Theres no way I could have been terrified from that, right?

I am a member of the strongest race, I don't need to show fear.

I would just reincarnate later, no need to be scared'

I had thought to myself all while clutching my hand in determination. Fear is not something I must show. Whoever that was trying to assassinate me, I will not show them any sort of fear towards them. That will simply make them all the more arrogant towards me.

'Do you know who it was?' I asked Raphael.

{No, I was able to scan the attack but not find where the magic circles originated from. However, all the hostility towards you I sensed earlier is nowhere to be found.}

'So they left. They took a shot, failed, and retreated huh? I guess I will have to be on guard, no more sleeping like I have been enjoying until this bastard is caught and killed.' I thought. For now, I think it is a good idea to keep this information from Velzard. I don't want to have her worried sick for me. The same goes for Veldora. Although he can be carefree all the time, he is quite the worrywart.

I then let out a loud sigh out what had just happened.

"Damn this. I just wanted peace and this is the thanks I get."

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