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50% True Dragon Reincarnation / Chapter 12: Further Progress

Chapter 12: Further Progress

To the west of the jura forest, there exists a nation known as Ingrassia. Out of all the western nations, Ingrassia is by far the most advanced nation. Within this nation is the Free Guild, founded and leaded by an otherworlder known as Yuuki Kagurazaka.

Inside the Free Guild:

Within the Free Guild headquarters, a private meeting between individuals was going on. No one knew just who these people were, except for one of them. That was Yuuki, this meeting is taking place inside his office after all.

Currently there are 4 people within the room, Yuuki included and one speaking over a communication crystal.

"That is the end if it Grandmaster." The one on the communication crystal finished up his explanation.

Everyone in the room was in shock from all that their ally has just said. Other than Yuuki who was barely shocked and even knew that he should have seen something like this unraveling before him.

"Are you sure that he is just not late in returning?" Yuuki had asked. Although all of which his friend had told him was true, he had a hard time believing in what he had said.

"It is true. I saw it happen over the crystal. Laplace was captured and so was that useless Gelmud. I am unsure as to whether they are alive or not." Their friend finished speaking. To confirm whether this was true, Yuuki looked towards the female elf taking part in the meeting.

"Laplace is alive, I can confirm that. Had he died I would have been made known about it and been able to revive him." The elf named Kagali explained.

"That is good, at least we know he lives!" A fat man by the name of Footman had said in what can only be described as triumph.

"Yeah, yeah!" A little girl named Tear piped in.

"Hah, what kind of force could catch Laplace so damn easily. He is the strongest out of you and he is the slickest." Yuuki said, quite annoyed at how easy Laplace had been captured.

"You do not want to know." Their ally said in a more nervous voice. This of course had caught Yuuki's interest. His friend here had witnessed just what had happened there.

"Hoh, then entertain me...Clayman." Yuuki had said. Revealing their unknown ally to be The Demon Lord Clayman.

"According to Guy Crimson, the person who caught Laplace..... was the White Ice Dragon Velzard."

"WHAT?!" Kagali, Tear and Footman all ended up shouting in surprise. Yuuki however was not as surprised. All it did was answer his question on who captured Laplace. And with her as the answer it made sense to him all to easily. But a question for Clayman quickly took over his mind.

"What are they doing inside the forest?" Yuuki had asked. Aside from Veldora, he knew all True Dragons to be quite neutral in nearly anything that happened in the world. So it confused him as to why she was moving around within the forest.

"According to Guy, she took interest in something going on inside the forest. Quite awhile ago, there was a fluctuation of magicules happening within the forest. The Demon Lords believe that to have been Milim fighting a new power within the that rose within the forest. Velzard took interest in this power." Clayman had explained all of everything he had learned up till now.

"Do you have any idea what this power is or was?" Yuuki continued to bombard Clayman with questions and awaited his answers.

"At first we were not quite sure. Guy wanted Frey, Carrion and I to continue what we had inside the forest in order to get a gauge on what was going on and who this person was. Even after Guy took control of the orc lord and powered it up.... It was still beaten and killed without any kind of trouble." Everyone was quite neutral to this statement, aside from Kagali. She was quite literally shaking from what was just said. She tried to speak but could not get the words out.

"Alright Clayman, thank you for the info. We will contact you again once we have a plan to free Laplace." Yuuki had said before cutting their communication with Clayman.

"Well." Yuuki said as he stretched. An excited smile plastered across his face.

"It is only natural that we will have to fight the strongest sooner or later. Im sure Guy Crimson will be a worthy opponent for me." Yuuki said with quite the arrogant tone, still exuding that same confidence. However, Kagali was quite terrified by Yuuki's sheer arrogance and confidence speaking about such a person.

"HAVE YOU GONE MAD?!" Kagali shouted at Yuuki in what can only be described as pure anger and confusion at Yuuki's words. Tear and Footman were quite surprised to see this from the usually calm and composed Kagali.

"Yooooo, what wrong?" Yuuki had asked quite confused. Upon hearing this, Kagali began to calm herself down. Once she calmed down, she began to speak.

"You truly have no idea how strong Guy Crimson and other like him are, do you?" Kagali asked quite worried.

"I have a good gauge of their strength as a catastrophe and I don't think myself any inferior to them." Yuuki said quite honestly. Kagali let out a deep and exhausted sigh.

"Well a catastrophe is just what they are. You may be as strong as if not stronger than me in my prime. But you cannot fight and I mean under any circumstances fight a catastrophe class."

"You say that like you have seen them in action." Footman spoke up.

"Oh, thats right. I never told you how I even joined the demon lords at first, have I?" Kagali had said, instantly catching the attention of everyone.

"No, you have not. So how did you join the demon lords?" Yuuki asked with much curiosity.

"I was simply at the pinnacle of my power, in both skills and magic. I was so..... absorbed in the power I had and believed I could beat anyone. So I went to challenge the person who I knew was the strongest."

"And that person was Guy Crimson. How did the fight go?" Tear had asked, filled with curiosity.

"In fact I never got to fight him. Hell, I never even made it inside his palace." Kagali said, catching everyone by surprise.

"Then who could beat you?" Yukki asked still quite surprised.

"His green haired maid stopped me. She was about to kill me then Guy stopped her. Had he been mad at what I had attempted, I might have been dead."

"A maid? A maid stopped you?" Yuuki had asked in disbelief. He heard about how capable she was in her prime, thus he could never believe a mere maid beat her.

"Indeed. One of the top two of Guy Crimsons subordinates. She beat me effortlessly."

"So just how much stronger is Guy Crimson?" Footman had asked.

"He is a catastrophe. Catastrophe classes are said to have the power to destroy the planet at the flick of their wrist. The very stars bend to their will and crumble under their power. True Dragons and Demon Lords such as Milim and Guy are at that level. Not one of us can beat them. Only in a million years would I say we would have a chance." Kagali finished her explanation.

"Well then, to achieve our goal we are going to have to face them. I will maintain my confidence in my strength and I believe I can outsmart them. Lets hear this plan." Yuuki had suggested. But everyone else could not believe their ears. They knew him for quite sometime already so it was only natural for him to be this way. Putting their surprise aside, they focused all their attention onto Yuuki.

"If the frost dragon Velzard and the destroyer Milim Nava are hanging around this new power.... Lets say for an instance that they care for this person. All we have to do, is get our hands on that person and we will have a True Dragon and The Destroyer within our grasp." Yuuki had suggested.

In the Jura Forest:


It has been a total of two weeks since the orc invasion came to an end. Like you may remember, the orcs now work under me. Through that I gave them a peaceful life. A life where they wont have to deprive others of theirs so they can live on.

They have been extremely cooperative. Most of male orcs work in the construction department, of which the newly named son of the orc lord is the leader of. In remembrance of his own father, I named him after his father.

He now leads his people to prosperity.

Due to the orcs jobs and Geld leading them so effectively, what we have had before is now flourishing into a wonderful little kingdom.

But, we have also had to put some people within a prison already. Why? Simple. They were some of the people behind the orc lord. And..... they dared to attack me while my back was turned.

You see, when we were going to leave and head back here, two figures had emerged to try and destroy the ogres and orcs since their plan had failed. At least one of them was foolish enough to try, the other began to ran. But Velzard had caught him pretty easily.

They call themselves Gelmud and Laplace. Currently they are inside of a prison that we had just barely finished constructing. Until then, they had been frozen in Velzards ice. They still are, but....... Now they are in the prison.

We don't plan to let them go for the purpose of their plan with the orc lord was to try and dominate the forest to create a new demon lord. But, the orcs have already destroyed a few villages. For their actions, them I guess we could simply execute them. It would end up being more discreet because I don't want my people to see me in such a light. Only when necessary will I do something like that.

But, now I also have a few more powerful beings working under me. I personally named the ogres that I had met originally. The old man goes by Hakarou. The purple haired woman goes by Shion. The sly and non-talkative looking guy is named Souei. The pink haired girl is named Shuna. The bulky guy is named Kurobe. And the Father, Son lookalikes go by Akamaru and Benimaru.

Shuna works in making clothing as well as personally serving Velzard, Veldora, Milim and I. We didn't ask her to but yet she wanted too.

Kurobe works with Kaijin. They got along pretty much from the start and started talking about all the ways to forge weapons and making a perfect weapon. With the both of them working together, I wish to see what they can create together.

Shion..... well. She tries to work as a secretary to us. We didn't want that either. But its better than her being in the kitchen. When she tried to serve us some food, I expected it to be good and at the very least edible. But in the end... it came out looking like a horror movie. Although true dragons are supposed to be the strongest race, I think this food had us beat. So we found it better to keep her away from the kitchen.

Hakarou has been training the goblins in charge of protecting our mini kingdom. He is quite the tough teacher but I have been noticing some improvements among them since he has arrived.

Souei is working as, in a way, my personal ninja. He will be used for things such as espionage, spying and collecting all sorts of info and data. I expect our group for that to get larger with time.

Akamaru works along with Rigurd in order do anything that we believe does not require my personal input. In a sense they retain their jobs as Goblin King and Ogre King.

And lastly, the son of the chieftain. Benimaru. He is working as the leader to our current military might. Though it is quite small currently, it is still fairly formidable. And since its size is not all that big, Benimaru is working with Hakarou in training the Goblin Riders.

Back to the orcs. They wanted to show us how grateful they are feel to us for taking in and saving their race from what would have been extinction. So what do they do? They are beginning to build us our very own castle! Isn't that cool?! I have always wanted to live in a castle! This kingdom really is coming through! They were orcs as well as the goblins and ogres who were taking part in construction had been working in conjunction with Myrd. The dwarf brother who is an expert in construction. They have already cleared lut a section of the forest to build it, and got the foundation down.

And lets just say...

It is looking to be quite the big castle.

Upon hearing about such a plan, Veldora, Milim and Velzard all became excited at the thought of living in a castle. It has been a thought of mine so I could not deny that offer they were giving us.

Currently, our kingdom is in a pretty good place. We even have had some orcs already moving to another location and creating a colosseum. Of course many major events will take place within it as it was made for my request.

While all of this is going on, I am doing something quite embarrassing. Quite outside of the kingdom, Velzard is laying in her dragon form. Her body was as blue as my previous hair color if not even brighter than that. Her scales were as pure and white as snow. On her head were many white horns. As well as it being quite big, at least the same size as Veldoras.

And it was her laying down in that form and I leaning onto her seemingly asleep.

To onlookers it may look like I was sleeping as to how motionless I looked but in reality I was simply enjoying my time laying down next to my sister. Simply enjoying the comfort of laying next to her.

It was quite the experience, but to also think she would be this kind as an older sister.

This is something I will remember till the day I die.

To add on, Milim was also here with us. Except she was already fast asleep. I was in my dragon form as well, except Milim was cuddling up with me in her arms.

However out of nowhere, Velzard raised her head and looked in one direction.

"Velzura-sama, Velzard-sama, Milim-sama." Souei had appeared before us and kneeled. Milim was still asleep even after his appearance. I decided to raise my head and address him.

"What is it Souei?"

"There is a group of lizardmen headed in this direction. We are unsure of what their intent is."

Hah..... I don't want to deal with anything right now. Why did they have to come when I am so relaxed?

"Also, there appears to be a group of winged horses with people riding atop them. They appear to be coming from the nation of Dwargon." He added before disappearing. Dwarves? Great, lizards and dwarves. Why do they like to disturb me. Well, since "That" king might be here, I will screw with him as well.

I reluctantly got up and was making my way to the developing kingdom. My not so subtle movements proceeded to wake Milim up for like a second, then she passed back out. From that, I heard a giggle erupt from Velzard.

"Hehe, Milim-chan can be so cute sometimes." Velzard said as she began to change back into her human form. All while grasping Milim and holding her still sleeping body in a princess carry.

Together, she and I walked back off to..... what is the name of our kingdom going to be? That is something I will need to think of. But suddenly I was hit with a thought.

"Oneesan, you didn't adopt our last name yet have you?" I reluctantly called her that, it felt quite weird to be honest. But she enjoys it when I call her that, so I won't deny her it. When I said it she smiled and looked quite satisfied.

"Thats right, since we will be ruling this kingdom of monsters, we should have the same last name correct? Very well then, from now onward I shall be Velzard Tempest." She had said. I don't know why, but it made me happy. Unconsciously, I let out a small smile.

"Ara, my little brother is happy to see my adopting his last name?" She had teased upon seeing my smile. A faint tint of red had begun to cover my face in embarrassment. To my left, I could hear some giggles coming from her.

I was fairly embarrassed the entire walk back.

10 minutes later:

We had arrived at the location where we sensed the dwarves. Turns out the lizardmen were there as well. They were all being observed by our subordinates. Specifically Shion, Shuna, Benimaru, Akamaru, Souei, Ranga and Raiga. They were watching them with quite the observant look. If I had to guess, they were simply waiting for someone to make a wrong move just to attack.

"Hoh, King Gazel? What are you doing here?" I had asked, instantly grabbing everyones attention as well as startling them. The both of us were concealing our presence so it was natural for that to happen.

"Ah, lord Velzura, Lady Velzard." Akamaru had greeted us and kneeled, of course followed by everybody else. Except for the dwarves and the lizardmen.

"Greetings. And to what do we owe the visit of dwarves and lizards?" Velzard had asked as she turned her attention towards the two groups, all while still holding Milim in her arms.

Gazel had noticed her greeting but ignored it as he did not know who she was.

"Velzura, who is this woman?" Gazel turned to me and asked. Hm? I could answer his question honestly, but that would probably give him quite the headache. But that seems like the most fun option. The other option is less fun and to just feign ignorance. Or the third option, give him an answer but refuse to elaborate further.

Yeah..... lets cause him some pain.

"This here is my older sister. I will not elaborate further. You will have to figure it out." I said with quite the devious smirk. However, his protection detail did not like this answer and we're beginning to raise their weapons. My people noticed this and were about to retaliate in their anger towards his men.

I have yet to use [Destruction], and it has quite the sub-skills. So lets put it to a mini test on these guys.

Using my skill, I used the [Fear] aspect on his men. I noticed the effects almost instantly. They had begun to shake and their grips on their weapons were weakening. Their knees were quite literally turning them into jelly as they we're extremely afraid.

My men had noticed this and stopped their aggression and looked more confused. But they saw me standing there and looking at them with a smirk and figured out that I was behind it.

The lizardmen who were watching were simply confused as to what was going on. They might be quite dumb to be honest.

'Raphael, what does the target go through when I use this skill?' I asked with a blatant curiosity.

{It displays a scenario in the targets field of vision and takes form of something that would terrify them beyond belief without using your Haki to put them into submission.}

'Oh. So it's quite handy if I want to scare some information out of people or even if I don't want to accidentally kill them via my Haki. This might be quite useful.'

Coming to that conclusion, I deactivated it and the guards shaking had began to slow and calm down. Though the fear was still relevant within them. Gazel however looked me with quite the wary look.

"To be able to do such to to guards without even the slightest movement..... you truly are impressive." He complimented, although I could see some sweat forming on his head.

"Dont worry, I meant no hostility. I just wished to test an ability that I have yet to use." I said so casually.

"I must also ask..... who is that sleeping in your sisters arms?" Gazel asked as he pointed towards Milim.

"That is just my niece. So please don't wake her up."

"Alright. Anyways, I assume you are wondering as to why I am here."

"I believe I have a good idea . But first..... what are you lizardmen doing here?" I had asked. As soon as I asked, a lizard that appeared to be their leader had stepped up.

"I am the illustrious Gabiru! Son of the lizardmen chieftain!"

"Gabiru-samas amazing!"

"Well done sir!"

"Gabiru! Gabiru! Gabiru!"

Such words were heard as this Gabiru was taking poses while having his name chanted. Everyone was completely dumbfounded as to what was going on. Including Velzard. But even the fearful guards had lost all their fear as soon as they were faced with this.

"Get to the point." Velzard had been the first to say something except with quite the irritated and annoyed tone. I cant blame her though.

"Ah yes! I have come on orders from our chieftain in order to discover the people who defeated the orc lord." Gabiru had said, instantly changing into a more respectful tone. It was as if that show they just put on had never happened.

"That would happen to be my little brother." Velzard said with quite the proud tone.

"Great! My father would like to make an alliance between the two of us. As an offer he has sent me and everyone else here to 'entice' the offer." Gabiru had said. Hm... it would be a good offer. I would have more people work under me. That would ensure the safety of everyone here even more. I guess I have no reason not to accept.

"Very well then. I will accept all of you under me." I said before turning my attention back to Gazel. However, they did look quite excited to work in a place like this. And even my current subordinates took a look of pride to their excitement.

"I take it that is what you are here for?" I asked Gazel. He simply nodded to my question, simply confirming my thoughts.

"I have also come to completely ensure that you are not an evil being." Gael said as he began to draw his sword. This merely caused my subordinates to become quite furious with the king, the same had went for Velzard. I simply raised my hand, indicating that it was fine. Although Velzard still seemed quite mad.

"Meet my blade with one of your own. I will fully grasp your nature through crossing blades." Gazel said as he was In position, ready to square off with me.

I decided to accept his request.

"Please know that I will not hold back." I said. A black hole appeared to my right. It was not a literal black hole but somewhat of a gateway into my stomach. Why might I be doing this? Simple. During that time I was in the cave before finding Veldora, I ate alot of crystals lying around. It has been stored in my stomach since then. According to Raphael, due to being in my stomach, it was becoming saturated with my magicules stored inside. Because of that it has been evolving into different materials. It has become a material called Dragotite and is approaching a material called Hihiirokane.

Keep in mind that my stomach has alot of this material as of currently. Due to this, Raphael had offered to create an abundance of weapons out of this material for me. So far she has created a Katana, a Scythe, a pair of daggers, some gauntlets, something more like a broadsword, a spear, and she even replicated a handgun.

They each had the same special ability. Although Raphael wishes they could have implemented a unique special ability within each weapon. But she does not have those capabilities right now. They each have the ability to harvest the souls of their victims. Using each soul to empower it even further.

I even went so far as to name each of these weapons. You will learn them soon enough however.

If I had to choose, the katana, scythe and spear would have to be the weapons I utilize the most. Having a gun would be fun and all, but not as fun as the other three.

Oops….. I appear to have gotten a little off track.

Anyways, out of this black hole, I pulled out a skinny pure black sword with a dark purple aura surrounding it.

I named this sword "Nightshade".

The type of weapon I pulled out from the black whole surprised everyone. Even Velzard. But her look of shock was soon replaced by a smile. A proud and expectant one at that.

I raised my sword and pointed it at Gazel.

"Whenever your ready." I said calmly. He proceeded to raise his sword upwards, changing his stance.

"HAZE OF RUMBLING HEAVENS!" Gazel had shouted before disappearing. However, something like this is fairly easy to see through.

He attacked from the bottom upwards as I had expected. I dodged it without any problems. He continued this string with an attack from the top, assuming to slash me from head to toe.

'Lets see how strong this sword is.' Continuing with my thoughts, I prepared my sword for a slash. Not at Gazel, but at his sword.

As the sword was coming down on me. I quickly struck his sword with mine. It was to fast to even react to. Everyone on Gazels side had expected the win for their king. Everyone on my side stayed neutral, they had no doubt of my victory over Gazel.

Soon, the sword was brought all the way down onto me. For a second Gazel seemed to think he had managed to strike me.

But the realization of what really happened was soon to set in.

The sound of metal hitting the ground. Multiple pieces at that. I was lucky enough to notice his expression as he realized what truly happened.

His sword had been completely shattered, leaving only the hilt. The entire blade was reduced to nothing but shards.

Everyone on his side could not hide their disbelief in what just transpired. I am sure they are thinking how their hero king could lose. They were even voicing their complaints at how such a thing happened.

"SILENCE!" Gazel had shouted towards his men.

"What has happened has happened. I used that art of mine at my best. And you not only saw through it, but also deflected it." I simply gave off a slight smile at his words.

"So.... Does this mean I win?"

"Hahahaha! Indeed it does!" Gazel had gave out a hearty laugh.

After this fight, we had ended up talking for a bit before guiding them back to our kingdom. From their onwards, we had a talk with them regarding that alliance I had offered Gazel earlier. They were talked about during a meal being provided. Weird enough, I have no idea where Veldora is right now. Usually for food he would be here in a heartbeat. I can sense him but he is quite far doing something, since he is far I can only determine he is doing something that he does not need us for.

Well, during those talks we had officially formed our alliance. But with that alliance came the need for a name for our kingdom. So what did we name it? Simple, "The Kingdom of Tempest". A nation where no one aside from the citizens knows what race its rulers are.

The next day, we ended up signing a treaty and agreed to make it official in front of his people at a later date.

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