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Chapter 3

Hinata had waited patiently by the door for his eventual return. When Neji arrived he spotted her and immediately tried to go in the other direction.

"Neji I want to apologize to you." Hinata said.

He froze, but refused to turn around to look at her. "An apology? For what would you need to apologize to me for Lady Hinata?"

She flinched slightly at his tone. His voice was perfectly measured, with just the slightest trace of contempt coloring his politeness. There was no anger in his voice, but Hinata knew it had to be there. That he could hide it so well scared her.

"Big brother Neji, I apologize for activating your seal and wounding you. I am truly sorry that I did that." Even though his back was turned she gave him a low bow. "Please forgive me."

"Forgive you?" Now he did turn around to look at her. "Do you think a few words and an empty gesture are enough to make me forget everything that has been taken from me?"

Now she could see his anger begin to poke through the calm façade he usually wore. "Neji, until today I have never done anything to deliberately hurt you. I know what has been done to you and how you have suffered, I am very sorry for all of it. But I can only apologize for what I have done."

"You know nothing about how I have suffered. How could you? Do wear this damned seal? Do you live your life knowing that you are a slave? You were born a princess with every advantage. You know nothing of what it's like to suffer simply because of you are?"

"That is where you are wrong Neji. I have suffered because of who I am." She said quietly.

Neji had a fresh retort but Hiashi came out of his study. "Hinata, I wish to speak with you."

She sighed; there was only one correct answer. "Yes, father." She looked back to Neji. "Can we talk later?"

"Of course," he gave her a bow that seemed more than proper. "I am after all at your service." The words and tone were perfect and Hiashi thought them properly respectful.

But Hinata knew better. As she watched her cousin stride quickly away she knew things were as bad as ever, maybe worse. She headed towards her father's study. There was nothing she could do right now. But she promised herself she would keep trying to fix things between them.


Iruka and Naruto were walking through the village together. Iruka was smiling at his favorite former student.

"Anything on your mind Naruto?" He asked innocently. "You've been pretty quiet."

Naruto looked up at his old teacher with an embarrassed grin. "Uhm, Iruka-sensei if I ask you about something will you promise not to laugh at me?"

"You have my word Naruto."

Naruto began scratching the back of his head nervously. "Well… I sort of have a date with Hinata-chan tomorrow."

"Well that's great!" He reached down and began rubbing the top of his head messing up his hair. "It's about time you two got together."

Naruto hated when Iruka did that, it felt like he was being treated like a kid. "Hey! Iruka-sensei did you know that Hinata liked me too?"

Iruka chuckled. "Naruto, everyone in the class knew except for you."

He gave his sensei a betrayed look. "Then why didn't you tell me?"

"Because it was never my secret to tell, it was Hinata's. It was always her decision when or if to tell you what she felt. After all would you want me to talk about your secrets?"

Naruto quickly shook his head. "No."

"Then please extend the same courtesy to Hinata." Iruka frowned a bit. "After all, Neji was not trying to be kind when he revealed her feelings."

The reminder made Naruto want to chew nails. "That guy was such a jerk, I mean how could anyone be so cruel to Hinata?!"

Iruka sighed. "I'm not excusing what he did Naruto, but keep in mind he has reasons for his resentment."

"Yeah I heard about that, but whatever the clan did to him he shouldn't take it out on Hinata."

"I'm not saying you're wrong Naruto, I'm just saying there are real reasons why Neji feels so much resentment. But anyway, what did you want to ask me about?"

Naruto looked embarrassed. "Well… Sakura and Ino gave me all these different rules about how I should be on the date. Pretty much they want me to be totally different from how I normally am."

"Different how?"

"They want me to dress up, not eat ramen, eat slowly, say 'please' and 'thank you' a lot, bring flowers, and a whole lot of other stuff. If Hinata likes me for who I am why am I supposed to act so different just because we're on a date?" Naruto complained.

Iruka chuckled a bit at Naruto's vehemence. "Naruto, there's a difference between changing who you are and acting on your best behavior. No one is telling you to be someone else, but don't you want to show Hinata you care? The reason to dress up and bring flowers and make all the extra effort is in order to show the person that they matter to you and are worth that extra effort. Does that make sense?"

Naruto thought about it, and slowly nodded. In his entire life he had never been invited to any sort of formal event. No one ever cared how he was dressed and only a few people (Sarutobi, Iruka) even cared how he behaved. Mostly people just glared at him and wanted him to go away. That was why when someone actually wanted to be with him that person immediately became very precious. And if getting all dressed up and bringing her flowers and eating somewhere other than Ichiraku's would make Hinata happy, then he would do it. Though there was a problem.

Naruto looked down at the ground. "Iruka-sensei?"

"Yes Naruto?"

"I… I don't really know anything about what someone should wear on a date." He absolutely hated admitting that he needed help. "And I'm not really welcome in most restaurants besides Ichiraku's. Could you…" He cut off when he felt Iruka's hand gently fall on his shoulder. Naruto looked up to see a warm smile on his sensei's face.

"I'll tell you what Naruto; the Hokage was kind enough to release me from my teaching duties for the rest of the day. If you don't mind putting off your visit to the hospital I'll take you clothes shopping. I also have a friend that owns a little café where I am sure you and Hinata would be welcomed. I'll even take you to get some ramen after we're done and give you a few tips if you want."

"Thank you sensei!" A relieved and very happy Naruto glomped onto Iruka.

Iruka noticed a few people staring as the boy clung to him, but he didn't care.


"So you used the caged bird seal to defeat Neji?" Hiashi asked.

"Yes father." Hinata answered. Her father had called her in to relate everything that had happened during the second phase of the exams. She told him everything as accurately as she could, with the exception of Naruto's involvement. She did not mention Neji's insults or the fact that she had a date. She knew her father would not approve of her being involved with him. That left her with no choice but to keep everything about Naruto a secret for as long as she could.

She stood there waiting for him to rebuke her as he always did. She was ashamed of what she had done to Neji and she fully expected to be on the receiving end of his disapproval.

Her father nodded. "Well done Hinata, you have brought glory to the Hyuga clan."

"I have? How was what I did to Neji glorious?" Her father never praised her. And she had certainly not expected praise for what she had done.

"Victory is always glorious Hinata." Her father stated. "By reaching the finals of these exams at your age you prove to all the strength of our clan."

"But I only did it by using the seal." She protested. "There can't be any honor in that."

Her father shook his head. "Victory is victory Hinata, no matter how it is achieved. I would have much preferred you to have defeated Neji in actual combat, but the important thing is that you did defeat him. Perhaps the manner of his defeat is even a blessing; Neji has been growing a bit arrogant due to his obvious skill. Perhaps this public humiliation will remind him of his proper place."

Hinata felt a bit sick that this was the thing that had earned her father's approval.

Hiashi looked at his daughter carefully; she seemed a bit more certain of herself than she had before. Perhaps she was finally developing the strength required to lead the Hyuga clan. "Hinata, I have decided to take over your training for the next month. Not only the entire village but many important foreign lords and even the Kazekage will be attending the finals. I expect you to show all of them what it means to be of the Hyuga clan."

She stood up straighter. Her father had stopped training her in favor of Hanabi a couple years ago. This was a chance for her to try and earn his respect. "I promise to work very hard father and do my very best."

He nodded, satisfied with her answer. "I expect nothing less from you Hinata."


Naruto and Iruka were sitting at Ichiraku's with five shopping bags filled not only with clothing but some new ninja gear as well. Iruka had insisted on his getting not one but several new outfits as well as some nice sharp kunai and shuriken.

"Thank you so much Iruka–sensei, but you didn't have to pay for everything."

Iruka shook his head. "I don't mind Naruto, I'm very happy to help. But if you want to repay me just tell me how your date goes and we'll call it even."

"A date?" Ayame looked over excitedly. "Naruto do you have a date?"

Naruto gave her a big cheesy grin and began rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah," he admitted.

"That's wonderful! Who is it with?" Ayame asked.

"This really amazing girl named Hinata. She's part of the Hyuga clan but she's really kind and sweet, she is just the nicest person in the whole world." Naruto found himself eager to tell people that such an amazing girl liked him. The truth was he would have liked to have climbed the Hokage monument and shouted it to the whole village.

"Awww, that is so sweet!" Ayame said happily.

Back in the kitchen old man Teuchi was also smiling. "Good for you Naruto, it's about time a girl appreciates what a good young man you are."

Naruto felt really happy to hear some of his precious people supporting him. It was not something he was used to.

"Naruto, there you are." A familiar voice called out. Iruka and Naruto turned on their stools to look as Kakashi and a guest entered the ramen stand.

Seeing Kakashi's guest Naruto immediately jumped off the stool and began pointing. "Hey! What is that pervert doing here?!"

"Pervert?" Kakashi looked confused.

"Ah, just a slight misunderstanding from before." Ebisu quickly put in.

"You two have met?" Kakashi asked. "Well that should make things easier." He looked at his student. "Listen Naruto I've been looking for you. I need to discuss your training for the next month."

"Oh yeah! I can't wait, a whole month of training with no dumb missions chasing that stupid cat. I want you to teach me a whole bunch of cool new jutsus Kakashi-sensei."

Iruka was surprised to see how uncomfortable Naruto's eagerness seemed to make Kakashi. Normally he would have expected a sensei to be thrilled to have a student so willing to train.

"Naruto, I'm afraid I won't be able to train you."

Naruto suddenly seemed like a balloon whose air had been let out. "Huh?"

Kakashi looked a bit embarrassed. "I'm afraid I've got other things going on and I wouldn't be able to give you my full attention."

"What sort of things?" Iruka demanded. "You are Naruto's Jonin sensei. What could possibly take priority over getting him ready to try and become a Chunin?"

Kakashi really wished he hadn't run into Iruka along with Naruto. Iruka was an old friend and the way he was glaring was making this much harder than it should have been. "It's true that I am Naruto's sensei, but he isn't my sole responsibility."

With that statement the truth struck home like a thunderbolt. Naruto pointed an accusing hand at his sensei. "Oh! This is about Sasuke isn't it? You're dumping me to only train him!"

"It's not like that Naruto."

"Are you sure Kakashi?" Iruka stood up and stood right behind Naruto. "That is certainly how it sounds. You have three students, not just one. You cannot simply ignore the others to focus on a favorite."

"Kakashi, Naruto needs your help. How can you just ignore him?" Ayame put in.

Kakashi was feeling a bit ganged up on. "Now hold it, I'm not abandoning Naruto. I have found him an excellent instructor."

"You mean the pervert?! No way am I letting him train me."

"How rude," Ebisu declared. "I will have you know I am an elite instructor of the ninja arts and normally accept only the very best applicants. The only reason I have agreed to take you on is because it is a personal request from Kakashi."

"I don't care!" Naruto shrieked. "I am not working with that pervert, no way, no how!"

Iruka sighed and put a hand down on Naruto's shoulder. The boy immediately looked up at him. "Actually Naruto, Ebisu is an outstanding teacher and could probably teach you a lot." Iruka gave Kakashi a hard look. "If your sensei is going to refuse to help you then I think you should give him a try."

Naruto still looked upset but nodded. "All right Iruka-sensei, if you think so I'll give it a try."

Kakashi was surprised to see how easily Iruka was able to not only calm Naruto down but get him to agree. He noticed the way Naruto was looking at Iruka. It was a look he had never seen on Naruto's face before. It was a look of complete and total trust. Naruto normally did not fully trust others, not even him or his teammates. But it was quite clear that he had total trust that Iruka would not betray him and would always look out for his best interests. To his surprise Kakashi suddenly felt a small pang of jealousy. That was the sort of relationship he'd enjoyed with Minato-sensei, and he'd hoped to have it with his own students.

He'd tried his hardest to develop that with Sasuke, but the boy was much too closed off emotionally to actually trust someone. Sakura didn't seem interested in a relationship with anyone but Sasuke. And Naruto? The student who needed his help the most? Somehow he always wound up an afterthought. He'd assumed that given Naruto's past he would never be open to that sort of close relationship, but obviously he'd been wrong.

Have I really neglected the boy that much? He was a bit ashamed when he admitted to himself that he had. And now he was going to neglect him for an entire month. But what could he do? If Sasuke was going to have any chance of beating Gaara he would need every possible minute of training. I'll make it up to Naruto after the exams.

"Well I'm glad to see that's settled. I'll see you later." Kakashi disappeared in a swirl of wind and leaves.

"Stupid," Naruto muttered beneath his breath.

Iruka could see how bitterly disappointed Naruto was to have Kakashi abandon him in favor of Sasuke. Iruka decided he would report this directly to the Hokage. No matter how special Sasuke might be Kakashi owed more to his other students than to simply pawn them off to someone else.

"So teach me something pervert." Naruto called out.

"How rude! Do you call Kakashi that?" Ebisu demanded.

"Sometimes," Naruto replied. Iruka coughed and Naruto glanced up to see a warning look. "Fine," he muttered beneath his breath. "So are you going to teach me something Ebisu-sensei?"

Ebisu nodded, slightly relieved. "I will teach you a great many things, starting with chakra control. Trust me Naruto, if you listen to what I have to teach you and work hard, in a month's time you'll be a much stronger ninja than you are now."

Now that sounded interesting. One thing that no one could ever say was that Uzumaki Naruto wasn't willing to train hard. "So let's get started."

Ebisu nodded. "Very well, it's getting late but I suppose we can get a couple hours of practice in. Follow me; we're going to the hot springs."

Naruto slurped down the last of his ramen. Iruka promised to take care of the bill and bring his new clothes to his apartment.


Ebisu and Naruto arrived at the hot springs to begin working on water walking. Neither of them noticed a spiky white haired ninja walking away as he scribbled furiously into a notebook.

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