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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Now don't get me wrong, I am very proud of that story and of the volume of people who seem to really enjoy it. It's just that I don't know WHY A Mother's Love is that popular. The story that I actually consider to be my best is The Hokage Great and Terrible which of course is one of my least popular.

Now why do I bring this up? Because the reaction to this story has also caught me by surprise. I got the idea for it while writing a chapter of A Mother's Love that centered around the Hyuga clan and the caged bird seal. The idea occurred to me and I actually typed it up in about an hour. I just thought it would make a cute little one shot.

So I was just a little surprised when I got over sixty reviews, alerts, and favorites, which means that except for A Mother's Love this story has gotten the strongest reception of anything I've written. Don't ask me how it happened because I have no idea.

As I said I had planned this to just be a cute little one shot, but since people seem to really like it I've decided to go ahead and continue it. Hopefully people continue to enjoy it.


Before Hinata could hit the walkway Kakashi caught her and gently laid her down. He gave his blonde student a hidden smile. "As subtle as ever Naruto."

Kurenai seemed to appear out of thin air. "What happened here?" She was trying to sound stern but she couldn't quite keep a tiny smile off her face. She already had a pretty good guess.

Kakashi confirmed her suspicions. "Our young heart throb here asked Hinata for a date. She managed to say yes before passing out."

"I see," she crossed her arms over her chest and looked down at the boy with her red eyes. "Naruto."

Naruto looked back up feeling a bit nervous. "Yes Kurenai-sensei?"

"Hinata is my student and I care very much about her well being. I trust you will treat her with respect and behave like a gentleman." She was careful to keep her tone firm but neutral. She did not want Naruto to think she disapproved of him or was upset at the idea of his dating Hinata. She got the reaction she'd been aiming for as he shook his head violently.

"I promise that I will never treat her any other way!" Naruto declared.

Kurenai smiled a bit and nodded. "Good," she glanced at her student who was coming around. "Are you all right Hinata?"

Hinata opened her eyes to see Kurenai, Kakashi, Naruto and Sakura all standing over her. "I am fine sensei." She quickly got to her feet.

"Well then let's go rejoin Shino."

Hinata nodded. She gave Naruto an embarrassed grin. "Excuse me Naruto-kun, I will see you later."

He gave her one of his big happy smiles. "See you later Hinata-chan."

As she walked away she nearly tripped over her own feet. He called me Hinata-chan!


Naruto was feeling very happy about his upcoming date when he suddenly noticed Sakura glaring at him.

"Oh Sakura-chan! You're not mad at me for asking out Hinata-chan are you?"

She planted her fists on her hips and gave him a look he was very familiar with. It was one that said, 'you're an idiot.' "Baka! Why would I be upset by that? I love Sasuke-kun, if this means you're finally going to stop asking me for dates I'm relieved."

"Oh," Naruto was a little disappointed, but not surprised. "Then, uhm, why do you look like you're mad?"

After everything they had been through together in the Land of Waves and Forest of Death, Sakura had gained some respect and even liking of her loud blonde teammate. But even after all this time a large part of her still saw him as the dead last of their academy days, a boy who was completely ignorant of even the most basic social niceties.

"Listen Naruto, I want to make sure that you treat Hinata really well on your date. The poor girl deserves to have you actually make an effort to please her. I mean not only is she really nice but she's had a crush on you since the first year of the academy. So I want you to go out of your way for a change."

"Wait a minute!" Naruto gawked at her. "What do you mean she's had a crush on me?"

"Well duh! The girl has always stared at you with this far away look in her eyes; it was pretty obvious to everyone except you." Sakura told him. "And she has been doing it pretty much from the time she met you."

"But that was four years ago!"

Sakura nodded. "That's right; Hinata has been waiting for this for four years so she deserves to have you make a real effort."

"Forehead is right," Ino wandered over to join the conversation. "Not only has she waited since the academy for you but she's probably the only girl in this whole village that would willingly go out with you. So you better make this first date special."

Sakura glared at her rival, even if she did agree with her. "Stay out of this Ino pig."

Ino grinned. "But forehead girl I thought you wanted Naruto to get good dating advice."

"Listen you bleach blonde pig I…"

"Hold it!"

Both girls stopped their argument and turned to an upset looking Naruto.

"What?" Sakura asked.

"You both knew that Hinata liked me this whole time?"

Ino laughed. "Naruto, everyone knew."

"Then why didn't anyone ever tell me?!" Naruto didn't just sound upset, he really was upset. He had been so lonely for so long that the thought he might have had someone care for him and not even noticed hurt.

Now both girls gave him the, 'you're an idiot' look. "Why would we have done that?" Sakura asked. "It was Hinata's business when and if she wanted to tell you how she felt."

Ino shrugged. "Besides, we all sort of hoped it was just a phase and that Hinata would snap out of it."

"But now since you are going on a date with here we need to set some ground rules." Sakura informed him.

"Ground rules?" Naruto didn't understand. Dating had rules?

"Your first date needs to be really special." Sakura told him in no uncertain terms. "So no orange! You've been wearing that stupid jumpsuit forever. Show Hinata you care and wear something different, something nice."


"Flowers," Ino rolled right over him. "After four years the girl had better get some flowers. I know you don't have any taste so just come by the flower shop and I'll have an arrangement that will be perfect."

"But what if…"

"And no ramen!" Sakura ordered. "I know Ichiraku's is like your second home, but save it for your next date. Take her someplace fancy and spend a little money on her. Make the girl feel like she's worth it."

"Worth it? But I don't…"

"And could you at least try and smell nice?" Ino pointed out.

Naruto stood there helplessly as he was bombarded by dating advice.


At the far end of the arena The Third Hokage was watching the little scene play out as he puffed on his pipe. Along with everyone else he'd heard Neji's verbal assault and the responses from Naruto and Hinata. He was disappointed that Neji still held so much resentment, though he had to admit given the boy's circumstances it was understandable. Sarutobi had then watched as Naruto said something that had caused Hinata to faint. And now both Ino and Sakura seemed to be taking terms berating him. He was too far away to hear what was being said, but he could guess.

He looked over at Iruka who was standing close by and smiling fondly as he also watched. "It seems out young Naruto is growing up."

Iruka nodded happily. "Hai Hokage-sama."

Sarutobi took another puff on his pipe. Though the fact the girl he cares for is the Hyuga heiress might be a problem.


Through all of this a pair of medic nins had been looking over Hyuga Neji. He had no obvious wounds that required medical treatment so had not been taken to the medical station. Instead the medic nins had simply been there to make sure Neji really was unhurt. After about ten minutes the Hyuga genius was able to climb to his feet.

"I am fine." He said angrily and waved the two medics away.

"Neji there is no need to be hostile towards these men." Guy had also been on the arena floor to check on his student. "They were only looking out for your well being."

"I don't need anyone to look out for me." Despite his hard words he stared about in confusion. "What happened?" He said just quietly enough for his sensei to hear him.

"What is the last thing you remember?"

"Pain," he answered. "I was about to attack Hinata when…" He stiffened as he realized what had happened. "She used the seal on me!" He glared at his teacher. "That is completely outside the rules!"

"Actually," cough "it's not. I stated right at the beginning that all ninja techniques and weapons were allowed. While," cough cough "what she used was certainly unusual, it was nevertheless within my guidelines." Hayate informed him.

Neji clenched his teeth to keep from screaming. Of course the main house had won! Even when they were weak they still won! They won because the game was rigged. What did it matter that he was a genius and that he never stopped pushing to develop his skills? What did it matter that Hinata was a pathetic nothing? His fate from the moment of his birth was to be the slave of the main branch. That was his destiny and no matter how he fought against it he was doomed to fail.

Guy could see the anger boiling within his young student. "Neji, if you wish I will protest to the Hokage."

"What good would that do?" he snapped. "Do you really think the Hokage would go against the wishes of Hiashi?" He took a deep breath and struggled to bring himself back under control. For a true ninja displays of childish anger were a disgrace. "I apologize sensei," he gave Guy a small bow. "Let us return to the balcony and watch the remainder of the matches."

Before jumping back up to the balcony he looked to where Hinata was talking with Kurenai and where Naruto was talking to the two idiot kunoichi. He would show them just how weak they were. He had no idea how or when, but he was going to show them they were nothing compared to him.


Gaara's near killing of Lee changed the mood of all the participants and reminded them all that romantic antics aside they were still involved in a very dangerous business. When the preliminaries were finally completed the nine finalists were standing on the arena floor listening to the Hokage as he explained what would come next. The finals would involve another series of one on one battles to be held in a month's time. They would have that long to rest, heal up, train, and get some new jutsus and surprises ready.

"Now, before I let you go there is one last piece of business to take care of." The Hokage announced.

"Hey come on!" Naruto shouted. "I need to start training now!"

The Hokage smiled. "Don't be so impatient. There are slips of paper in the box Anko is holding. Each of you take one."

Naruto reached in and pulled out a slip of paper with the number one on it. Hinata pulled out a slip that had the number two.

Once they had all read out their numbers the Hokage nodded. "Good, I will now reveal the match order for the tournament style finals."

It was then revealed that Shikamaru would face Dosu with the winner then facing Temari. Shino would get Kankuro and the missing Sasuke would have to go up against Gaara.

And Naruto would have to fight Hinata.

They both looked at each other, not really sure what to say. Finally Naruto took a deep breath and said what he felt he really needed to.

"So Hinata-chan, how about I pick you up tomorrow at six for our date?"


This is not my fiction, is made by lord of the land of fire

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