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95.58% Youjo Senki: The Dacian Prince / Chapter 64: Chapter 63: The Shogun Wants OIL

Chapter 64: Chapter 63: The Shogun Wants OIL

3rd Pov

Four days passed after the events in Edo, Ferdinand and Tanya were treated with more respect in the Imperial Palace by Emperor Asahi and the Shogunate government, after all, if it weren't for them, who could guarantee that some of the revolutionaries wouldn't be able to capture or kill people from the Imperial Family? Because of that, Asahi was grateful.

Famous newspapers from the Akitsushima Dominion wasted no time in reporting this, with Ferdinand and Tanya's heroic actions coming to light for everyone, with the Emperor ensuring that the few Palace Guards who were interviewed didn't dare talk about the duo's psychotic expressions during the fight, so as not to tarnish the image of the two.

"I have to say, our stay here is pretty great," Ferdinand said to Tanya. They were both in a room where there was only them, besides the Dacian Imperial Guards and some masseuses who were always part of Ferdinand's entourage, with the masseuses massaging Ferdinand's back with extreme care and delicacy.

"You protected the Emperor, of course, they would treat you well, but not only that, they want to be on your good side so they can negotiate with the Imperium, probably involving oil, which is what Dacia has the most of," Tanya said as she lay on her stomach while receiving a massage. She decided to accept after the battle the pair had.

"Probably... Akitsushima must want it for the mechanized troops and for their Imperial Navy, which can be used to our advantage," Ferdinand said as he closed his eyes, resting a little while enjoying the massage he was receiving, as always.

Dacian Embassy

At the Dacian Embassy, ​​we can see that everything was restless, the embassy staff worked seriously and quickly while the soldiers and legionnaires moved in a hurry, which was to be expected given the news they had received.

When they heard about the revolutionaries who had attempted to attack the Edo Imperial Palace and endangered the life of Prince Ferdinand, the legionnaires at the embassy were about to communicate with their Legatus to demand a Crusade against Communism. Thankfully, the local ambassador, Varujan Simeonescu, managed to calm them down, but he was also demanding that the Shogunate government do something about it, after all, the heir to the Imperium could have lost his life.

The Shogunate did not see any problems, after all, this was their plan, with all government organizations working to deal with the red scum, especially Tokkō and the Kempeitai, who had no qualms when it came to hunting down their enemies.

Now a diplomat from the Shogunate was talking to Varujan about trade agreements.

"Mr. Simeonescu, these are the agreements we brought, we hope we can trade with the Imperium Daciae" Said the diplomat Tanaka Hajime as he handed the documents to Varujan.

Varujan takes the documents and puts on a pair of glasses, he then begins to read carefully what was written, with Hajime waiting patiently, after all, there were several documents.

After 5 minutes of reading and rereading, Varujan looks at Hajime seriously.

"Mr. Tanaka, the Imperium is willing to make such trade agreements, but I need to know, where will this much oil be destined?" Varujan asks suspiciously as he points to one of the documents, after all the amount of oil they asked for was almost comparable to the trade agreements with the Allied Kingdom.

"Nothing much, Mr. Simeonescu, the Shogunate only wants to stock up on oil for the future. Times are changing, so if the price of oil drops, we just want to make sure we have at least a stockpile," Hajime said calmly, already expecting the Dacian Ambassador to want an explanation for the almost astronomical amount they were asking for. Of course, he lied, at least part of it. What the Dominion would do with that oil was to use it for the Imperial Navy and the mechanized troops against Zhongguo in the future, but part of it would be stocked by the Shogunate in case of serious problems.

Zhongguo was becoming a thorn in their side, while the Emperor initially wanted to be diplomatic regarding disputes over Akitsushima's influence in the Jurchen region, he changed his mind after seeing how Zhongguo was unwilling to compromise, so the only way to deal with the problem was militarily.

Some Generals wanted to divide Zhongguo into several Puppet States loyal to the Dominion, with the Navy also supporting the idea, but both discussed among themselves where each one's zone of influence would be, with the Emperor still not interfering in their discussion, as he was analyzing the justifications for the claims each branch of the Military had over each Puppet State that would be created.

Varujan looked at Hajime for a while before nodding, he then took out some documents that were with him.

"Well, Mr. Tanaka, the Imperium also wants to make certain trade agreements with Akitsushima," Varujan said as he handed the documents to Hajime, who was surprised but didn't let it show. He then carefully took the documents and read them. Hajime read the trade agreement with extreme care, with an eyebrow in one of his eyes raising, but after a while, he looked at Varujan. 

"Mr. Simeonescu, I must speak to His Excellency the Shogun about it, but I believe that the Akitsushima Dominion will accept making such agreements with the Imperium Daciae," Hajime said respectfully to Varujan, who nodded before standing up, with him extending his hand for a shake. 

With both shaking hands, Hajime then left the Embassy with a smile on his face, knowing that he will be able to rise in politics thanks to the agreement he managed to make. The Shogun and the Emperor will clearly be pleased with this and he may receive a promotion.

 As for Varujan, he was calm, knowing that everything was going according to Dacia's plans for the Dragon Continent, as Prince Ferdinand had told him 2 days ago.

'I'll have to notify the Central Government' Varujan thought as he sighed, knowing that he would have to deal with a lot of paperwork and phone calls, at least he had already done his part, now he could just leave the rest of the negotiations to the Central Government.

Moskva, Russian Federation

In the Capital of the Russian Federation, more specifically in the office inside the Winter Palace, we can see General Secretary Dzhugashvili reading the reports of the failed revolution that happened in Akitsushima, with him sighing before putting them on his desk.

"First Dacia, now Akitsushima, at least Zhongguo showed more success than those two... damned imperialist bastards" Said Josef Dzhugashvili as he rubbed his forehead in irritation, he then called a Palace guard.

"Comrade General Secretary!" The guard said as he saluted Dzhugashvili.

"Bring me Loria, I need to know what's happening on the border with the Imperium," Josef orders seriously, with the guard saluting once more before rushing off to carry out the orders, after all, if he didn't comply quickly he could irritate Josef.

And no one should irritate the Secretary-General... unless they want to be killed along with the rest of their family.

'The Imperium and the Empire are a threat to the existence of the Federation, we will have to prepare for an all-out war if they become an even greater danger,' Josef thinks seriously as he taps his fingers on the table, knowing that he would have to prepare the country for war.

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