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6.94% Youjo Senki: The Dacian Prince / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Hello There, my Child.

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Hello There, my Child.

Ferdinand pov

I was waiting for a medical team to come to give me an Aptitude for Magic test, my parents wanted to hire this medical team from the Empire, after all in Dacia we don't have that, just normal doctors and nurses.

While I know I might have a good aptitude because of all the Young Master Training I've done in secret, I'm not sure how high it will be.

But one thing is for sure, it will not be comparable to Tanya, the protagonist of this world, who received the forced blessing of Being X so that she could survive in this world.

Frankly, this feud between the 2 is complete Chaos, if Being X would just send this atheist to Hell, he wouldn't have to have all these problems, plus I never understand why he created a World War just to get Tanya to wake up her faith.

It only brought death, misery, and starvation, plus Tanya was more than willing to commit war crimes and other heinous acts, plus when she prayed to use the Computing Gem's Magic Powers, she only prayed because it was necessary, otherwise she would have gone "fuck you".

Another thing I never understood in Anime, was why the Empire kept using Trench Warfare tactics when they had tanks and not only that, but also the industrial capacity to create without problems? If they had used a Blitzkrieg, they would have wiped out the Republic and possibly Legadonia pretty quickly.

But I won't complain, let the Empire sacrifice their Soldiers, the fewer Imperial Soldiers, the better for Dacia.

"Your Highness, the medical team has arrived." Said a maid as she walked over to me and bowed.

"Thank you, please guide me to where they are." I answered the maid as she followed her to where the medical team was.

The moment of truth has arrived, we will see how my aptitude will be.

Johan pov

I was with my wife and father watching our son receive his Magical Aptitude test and what we saw surprised us a lot.

The objects started to levitate and you could see the Green Aura on the objects, both us and the medical staff were surprised by this.

"I-incredible" Said my dad and I nodded in agreement, it was just incredible.

The doctor who was leading the medical team left the surprise aside and started to write something on the document, he then, together with the team, turned off the equipment, and the nurses together with the maids took Ferdinand to get dressed.

The doctor then proceeded to jot down a few things before coming over to bow.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness Prince Ferdinand has a high Grade B magical aptitude" Said the doctor to me as he handed me the document referring to Ferdinand's Magical Aptitude.

Just like he said, Ferdinand's Magic Aptitude grade is B, that's extremely good, too good to be honest.

I can't deny that I'm proud, my son will be able to become a very powerful Mage in Dacia.

I'll break the news to Ferdinand, I'm sure he'll be jumping with joy upon learning his Magical Aptitude.

Ferdinand pov

Okay, the ranking I gained is great, it looks like the Young Master Techniques worked, and now I can shout "Courting Death!", oh no wait, I need minions first.

Damn it.

Anyway, now I will be able to ask for help from my Family to improve my Magic because I will no longer need to hide to practice.

Hmmm, another thing I need to do is ask my Family to give me a tour of Os, the Capital of Dacia, which is where we are.

I'll have to rename this city someday, that name is horrible and reminds me of The Wizard of Oz, nothing against the movie, but I don't want the Capital to look like it's straight out of a movie.

I was going to ask my father for help, to look for someone useful to start Plan A, but I was quickly against it.

It would be better if I did it myself, plus it would be suspicious for a child to start doing Political Maneuvers, even if said child is Royal, plus I want to maintain the facade that I'm just a "normal kid".

After all, this is an advantage I cannot afford to lose, let others underestimate me while I gain power in the shadows.

I think that some charitable acts could help me with this more quickly, it would make me have more support from the population.

Now I understand the usefulness of the poor population for Politicians, the bastards really are geniuses of Manipulation.

When I have the right person, I can make a "Dacian Iron Guard" in this Youjo Senki world, one under my full control.

Yes, I'm thinking of recreating the Iron Guard, but totally different, involving both the Archangel Michael's Legion and the Iron Guard itself would be modified to suit Dacia's needs.

This Dacian Iron Guard would mainly defend the Royal Power of the Monarch in the country, of course, I did not forget the Dacian Orthodox Church, which would have a fundamental role in all of this.

The Church has been a staunch supporter of the Royal Family ever since the pact we made to protect the Orthodox Clergy from the Communist and Socialist elements that attacked them before.

Yeah, I know, my father had to accept the Orthodox Faith to continue to have their support but I don't see a problem with that, as it would be really strange if Dacia, an Orthodox nation was ruled by a Non-Orthodox Royal Family, my grandfather was an exception.

The Orthodox Church would probably like to have more voice in the country again, so they would support the Iron Guard, who would be staunchly defending both the Monarchy and the Church.

In addition, the Iron Guard would deal with my political opponents and rivals, mainly the Socialist and Communist Groups.

Any chance they'll try to rebel? Yes, there's always that possibility, but for that, I will increase the Royal Guard, and I have other plans to contain them in case those hunting dogs of mine go wild.

In addition to the Army, Air Force, and Navy I will ensure that they are loyal to me, there will be no political thoughts in the Armed Forces unless it is about loyalty to the Monarch.

With all these thoughts and ideas, I went back to my room happy, my parents let me rest today because of the Magical Adeptness test.

When I got to my room, I closed the door and threw myself on the bed happy, all my plans will start and I'm sure they will work out.

I close my eyes ready to take a nap, but soon I feel a cold air go through my body and making me open my eyes quickly, I look at the window and see a bird that was flying near the window... motionless, as if the time had stopped.

My breathing starts to come faster, I feel my heart beat faster and a bead of sweat starts to break out on my forehead.

Shit shit shit shit shit.

I didn't expect him to come now! I expected it to be-

"Hello there, my child." Said a calm and serene voice, the kind of voice that would give you security and confidence.

But I know very well who that voice belongs to, I turn on my side and see my teddy bear, Mister Puffy, looking me in the eyes.

Damn, if I didn't know better who he was and the world I was in, I would have thought he was some SCP and would have beaten him up.

Calm down Ferdinand, put a smile on your face, you're never dressed without a smile, plus the Department is defending me.

"General Kenobi! You are a Bold One." I say, trying to take some of the tension out of the air.

Apparently, it worked because I'm hearing some Being X laughs or rather... God.

"Do not worry, my child, I am not here to harm you, nor can I because of the association you have with a certain Department." Said Being X as he made Mister Puffy, who he was controlling, get up and walk over to a chair, giving him a few bounces before sitting down and looking at me again.

"I'm here to propose a deal to you, one that will be very beneficial to you." Said Being X as I sat in a chair across from him.

"I'm listening, sir."

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