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Chapter 2

**Just after the events of Phantom Planet**

"It is time to go young Fenton." Clockwork said.

Danny just stood there for a moment. He tries to turn around but he is enveloped into a hug by his entire family. Clockwork seeing such a scene has a sad smile upon his face.

"He is still too young, can you not take any of us with you?", Maddie said.

Clockwork becomes old, a sad smile comes upon his face. "I am sorry."

Danny Fenton starts to hug everyone back and says, "Mom and Dad, this is my responsibility. I know that you will say that I am but a child. Yet, I will make that deal a thousand times more if it means that I can keep you guys safe."

Breaking out of the hug, he moves towards his parents.

"Mom, Dad remember. Ghosts may certainly not be alive, they can still feel pain. Its how they deal with their obsession and find some measure of peace. So, please nothing of the dissection variety huh."

"Hey, we had you. We certainly got alot of experimental out of you. Don't worry. Your parents were being idiots before. We will still look for answers within the ghostzone but no ghosts will be harmed during the process much". Jack said the last part with a cheeky smile.

Maddie just played with his hair.

Danny moved to his sister Jazz.

"So sis, you gonna be a therapist for both ghosts and humans huh. Quite a big challenge."

"Says the boy who has been a superhero for a year. Come here, twerp". Jazz envelopes him in a hug.

Moving towards Dani, his little sister. He began to tousle her hair.

"Look after Amity Park. Would you squirt?"

Knocking his hand away. Dani is about retort when her eyes water she starts to sob.

"I will big bro." She says with small hiccups.

"It will be alright Dani". Danny hugs her until she stops crying.

Moving to Sam and Tucker.

"Hey man we already knew this was gonna happen. No need to get mushy on us. Here." Tucker handed him a PDA.

"This had a range of healthy vegan recipes along with plenty of songs and lyrics we were composing together. We made an entire playlist." Sam Said

"Credit these to Mcnair alright"

" There are also alot of meat dishes along with plenty of manga and comic books as well. No need to thank moi." Tucker said with a bow.

Tucker got a slap on his head. "You can sell them for some spending money."

"Wow, Tucker did manage to corrupt you. Our innocent Sam committing copyright theft" Danny Shrugged playfully.

"If they don't exist in that world, who cares. Spread some culture in the other world you go to." Tucker Smiled.

Seeing the smile on each other faces, they could not help it and all three of them burst into laughter. All three friends hugged each other.

Danny moved to lancer after the laughter died down.

"Mr. Fenton, so that explains the late assignments and late arrival and the breaks as well huh" Lancer said with a frown on his face but it transitioned into a smile," I am proud of you, just look after yourself."

"Thank you, sir. For giving me an extra chance as well." Lancer smiled and nodded at that.

Clockwork opened a portal and Danny began to approach it.

"Danny wait." Maddie said, handing him a metallic box with a single button on top of it. "Pressing that button will create a lab with most of our gadgets research equipment."

"Thanks mom and GOODBYE EVERYONE", Still keeping a smile on his face, Danny stepped through the portal followed by clockwork.

Oftentimes, when we are saying goodbye to our loved ones. We smile for them so that they don't feel sad. So that the parting can be free from grief. So that they can see us go and we can see them go with a smile on our face. As the portal closed, Danny burst into tears. Clockwork placed a hand on his pupils shoulder to let him know that he is there.

After a few minutes, when Danny was done. Clockwork asked him, " Is your heart light now?"

Danny wiped his eyes and nodded.

Danny, I must also inform you of a few things.

Danny's training with clockwork had been very effective. From energy manipulation, weapon training to diplomacy and surgery. He had been taught alot by clockwork. His deadliness had increased by multiple factors. Danny had no doubt that clockwork had been preparing for a long time.

Danny stepped into the Clock Tower, the lair that clockwork calls home.

"You will be facing insurmountable odds. I cannot interfere in that universe at all. If I do, it may bring doom to this universe as well. Just remember this, find a way any way to achieve a full conventional victory. The crucible is a lie. That is all I can inform you. You will also age at a very slow rate Danny. You are a half ghost and half human."

Danny found himself in front of a small black being dotted with stars like the night sky.

"Ahh King Danny, You have certainly amused us. I hope you can certainly entertain us more. Good luck and godspeed." The celestialsapian said.

Clockwork opened a portal," There is no ghost zone in that world. Oh I almost forgot your gift from me. Can't be the only one not to give you some thing."

Clockwork handed him a black sphere with green circuitry on it.

"You will use this to save a friend. Trust me. Here is a storage ring as well. Use that to store your personal belongings. Let me". A child clockwork said. "Let's not forget about the languages and the history of the currently existing races."

Clockwork touched Danny's head and began the transfer of knowledge. "So that should cover the basics."

"There was no need for this Master Clockwork".

"There is, I know", An Clocktower that turned old winked at him.

Sheepishly smiling. Danny stepped through the portal.


Stepping out, Danny found himself in a cage. Moving towards one of the end, he saw an energy shield. This was interesting. Touching it, Danny got an electric shock. Danny heard footsteps. By the intensity, he could tell that a large group was approaching.

Danny turned himself intangible. He would rather not act without any information. In the past, the act of charging in without any information had led to its own brand of consequences.

The shield deactivated and a bunch of people were pushed into the cage. Danny's blood began to boil at the scene. He saw dozens of a different mixture of races. Malnourished and dehydrated. Lacking any type of hope.

"That should be the last of them, lucky bunch. This bunch will go directly to the Hegemony." One of the Bartarians laughed. "Wonder how long these ones will last." A nasty smirk makes its way on his face.

Bartarian characterized by the presence of four eyes but not the nice 4 eye nerd you will find. No, to them anything less then four eyes were less intelligent and developed then them and as such prime targets for slavers. The only race which for some reason had a caste system with slavery being an integral part of it.

The shield activates again and the Bartarians leave.

Phasing through the container, Danny looked at the malnourished faces as he began to explore his surroundings.

'So much for a peaceful resolution. This is not something that I can ignore.', Danny thought to himself. Already a form of a plan forming in his head. But First, he had to know where he was.

So Danny does what he does best, save people and be a hero.

"Going Ghost"

Two rings went through his body and he transformed into his ghost form.

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