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Daily school life!

Deacon would have never thought that his stay at Hogwarts would be any bit more eventful. The first transfiguration lesson drew quite a bit of attention to him, apparently being the only other person to transfigure a needle from his first day. The only other person who had done such a thing was Hermione, and the Ravenclaws were not very happy, to say the least.

According to his memories from his past life, Hermione was supposed to be the only one who managed to transfigure the match into a needle by the first lesson. This means that he is a very talented boy considering how he succeeded at transfiguring the match, albeit a bit slower than Hermione. But who could blame him? She studied all day and all night practically making her a walking encyclopedia.

Other than the transfiguration, charms was a nice little subject. Although it seemed he lacked the raw talent to truly cast charms with ease, he could go by without relative difficulty. Professor Flitwick had to be one of his favourite teachers, he had surmounted the challange that was his height and found his true passion in teaching people how to make shit float! Truly an admirable Background is it not?

The innocent passion and drive that professor Flitwick showed on the first day was nothing short of incredible, his explanations about the subject were a tad vague but isn't that all what comes with magic? Nothing is truly certain.

Charming was something much more different than transfiguration. Transfiguration involved changing the subject's structure, essence, and it's impact on the surroundings. For example when you change a table to a pig you firstly make the table change shape, then you mold the essence to fit the shape, and use your intent to clearly envision what it's purpose is, however each of these are hard tasks, like trying to fold a water ballon into a paper crane. Possible, but extremely hard.

However charms are much more different, they involve adding a temporary task onto the subject, when you make something levitate, it's task is to float, however the height it floats to, the speed it floats, and how long you want to make it float depend on intent completely. 

Intending for something to happen, and it not happening was one of Deacon's key traits in his past life. But for that to suddenly switch around was a bit disoreinting to say the least. But at least the rosy aroma coming from his wand would calm his mind.

Currently, Deacon's task was to go to Potions class, and have an okay time. Since the subject did not require magic as much as the other subjects, this gave him a headstart considering he took AP Chemistry in high school.

His feet sauntered across the hallways of the castle with excitement, every day at this school was bringing to him new experiences, and although he was a bit lonely in his room... and his common room... and perhaps at the dining table... Nevermind that just killed the mood a bit.

Besides all these scarily personal thoughts he entered the men's bathroom to look at himself in the mirror. These past few days had changed him completely, his face was becoming much cleaner, showing the tiny little sprouts of a puberty stache. His brown hair was messily pushed back, giving him a wild child sort of appearance. Wait why was he obsessing over his obsession now? He's only 11 and turning 12 in almost a year.

"Your aged mind is recalling it's past insecurities. But what 11 year old isolates himself on purpose? Best not be too conspicuous"

A Deep voice rang through his skull, narrating his current experience, no doubt it was a chilling occurence but it seemed oddly logical, providing advice as well. He was sure that this voice was completely in his head, because things tended to echo in this very bathroom, evident by the sounds of droplets dripping from a leaky faucet.

Is this it? Had he finally gone mad from the merging of souls and the whole reincarnation scenario going on?

"Your mind is on a rollercoaster of unsettled existential crises that should have better been addressed last night before bed."

What would happen if he just ignored it? It would probably disappear right? He hadn't experienced much of auditory hallucination since exam season at university and even then it was just a whole lot of whispers. Not a whole damn nature documentary narrator in the back of his head.

"You've been staring at yourself in the mirror for the past 10 minutes, the bell will ring in 5 minutes. Best get down into the dungeons for potions class"

His eyes widened as he realized his mistake, hallucination or not the voice was helping him, like one of those tips on loading screens except there is no loading screen... Isn't that just called getting advice from someone?

He rushed out of the bathroom, past the quiet hallways and slipped himself into the dungeons, looking to do some magical chemistry.

The class was nearly full, and few students hadn't paired up with others, it would seem as if getting himself a partner would be quite hard considered how much of a pain he was at socialising. It wasn't that he was a jerk, or antisocial. No more like an idiot.


The bell rang, and class was in session. Professor Snape appeared out of the shadows like an assasin and glared at each student with a peircing gaze, but in all honesty he just looked like someone pissed in his coffee that morning and he drank the whole thing without realizing.

He began a rollcall, counting every student present and writing down which were gryffindor and which were slytherin. As he did so, Deacon couldn't help but stare at how ominous the classroom was. There was a smell of damp paper, and pickles. Jars and baskets withholding potions and their respective materials were scattered all over shelves and some were even placed on the ground.

"Ah, yes," Snape's soft voice echoed through the class

"Harry Potter. Our new - celebrity"

That was spoken with pure and uttter disdain. Malfoy the absolute shitstain was snickering with his mates. Deacon had nothing personal against the blonde ponce, however he was just that much of an ass that it didn;t really matter if they were in the same house.

"You are here to learn the subtle science and the exact art of potionmaking," Snape began.

"As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with it's shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids tha creep through the human vein, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death - if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach"

That was one speech, wow, Deacon could swear that he was now compelled to start throwing shit in the cauldron.


Or maybe not, Deacon would have to wait to use his experience in a little, at least until Snape stops grilling the son of his crush and his bully. That is a genuine experience, imagine having your crush and friend marry the guy who was a dick to you the whole time you were in school. And then they have a kid who becomes famous around the whole wizarding world.

While this is also not that bad, Snape looks like the definition of "Therapists aren't real" This man has some seriously deep-seated issues.

"For your information, Potter, asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the draught of living death. A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons. As for monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite. Well? Why aren't you all copying that down?"

Deacon shifted to grab his quill and parchment, this was certainly going to be a fun year.

Soon enough the class was separated into pairs, it seemed he wouldn't need to search for a pair as Snape would do it for him. Coincidentally placing him with Hermione.

"Hello, my name is Deacon Butch" he greeted the bushy haired girl.

"Um, Hello I'm Hermione Granger" She responded in kind, she seemed quite on edge. Why was that?

"Kind reminder to all students, and especially Deacon Butch, and Hermione Granger, that this is Potions class! Not Small talk class!"


Deacon grumbled mildly whilst gathering the materials. 

The materials for the potion were dried nettles, crushed snake fangs, horned slugs, and finally, porcupine needles.

Clearly this was the very first potion they would learn, the cure for boils.

Hermione, was sulking by the desk whilst reading her book on how they would prepare the potion. She would obviously be a thorn in his side during this so he just began preparing the ingredients on his own.

With his experience in highschool chemistry, albeit a little limited, he knew how to prepare the ingredients. First of all he would need to maximise shape whilst maintaining consistency.

The snake fangs were to be pulverised and finely powdered.

The nettles won't need much processing considering they were just dried leaves.

The horned slugs would have to be grated, their slimy consistency would make a paste not so great as it would emulsify.

Lastly the porcupine needles were to be cut into equal sized segments, the tips would be removed as they would provide an extra bit of danger if the potion were to explode on to him.

"Hey Hermione?"

The meek girl with bush for hair perked up.

"In what order do I place the ingredients? You're the one with the book after all"

"I would tell you but you prepared the ingredients wrong"

"Eh Bacon Schmacon, does it matter when whatever you do you'll lose points for being in the wrong house?"

"Fine, First add the snake fangs"

Deacon's hand swiftly poured the fangs in the cauldron.

"Heat the cauldron swiftly for 10 seconds"

The cauldron began to lightly simmer.

"Wave your wand"

As he waved his wand the world around him began to tune out. The movements of his body becoming automatic and dictated by Hermione. It was a simple potion that required little more than adding and mixing around the ingredients. 

"Your first time brewing potions has gone well. Hermione seems suspcious though, your presence has changed the present. She must know something"


[Rolling... Questioning Fate... Done]

1. Shrimp fried Rice (You're telling me a shrimp fried this rice?)

2. Physical copy of Frank Sinatra's The world we used to know (Groovy)

3. Picture of Jesus Christ blessing the sea (Religious)

4. Stress ball (Stress relieving? or Stressful?

5. Affection meter system

Basil_Grower Basil_Grower

Had to stop from uploading for a while and work to keep my family's farm from going bankrupt, other than that will continue to release more chapters

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