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CH 2: Break in

The sun had set quite a while ago, and a part of the Earth had succumbed into darkness. San Francisco was also in such a state. But with the amount of lights and brightness in the city, you might've doubted that.

In a certain place in San Francisco's region, some distance out of the city, laid the heavily guarded facility of the Life Foundation.

But well, it seems like the amount of guards that were there didn't really matter to the two intruders. While a guard was patrolling inside of the building, an arrow struck him in the chest.

However, it wasn't a normal arrow that would kill him though. It was an arrow that electrified him with just the right voltage to knock him out but not kill him.

"Nat, this area is secure. Get to it." Clint spoke into his ear piece, informing Natasha to start her part as well. "Got it. Moving in."

She quickly walked to the locked door of the labs, took out a special phone, and held it up against the biometric lock of the door. Being a SHIELD agent had its perks.

Like having access to some of the best equipment on Earth. Like that single phone just hacked the lock and unlocked it. Just like that.

As the automatic door opened, she walked inside before it closed behind her. Walking into the dim lit lab, which had only a few light blue lights on, she started to look around.

'Now, let's see what I'm working with here.' She thought as she started to search for what Nick Fury had told them to find.

- (Flashback)

"You want us to do what now?" Clint asked, confused. "Secure office." Fury spoke to the A.I, and the room immediately turned dark while the windows were locked.

As he pressed a button on his keyboard, the holographic screen on the wall lit up, showing videos and images of Life Foundation.

Their company, business, spacecraft that was sent and came back, and the files, pictures and videos containing said spacecraft :"About three to four months ago, a spacecraft that was sent to space by the Life Foundation came back.

You know Life Foundation, right? The genetics corporation founded on the belief of humanity is at the brink of extinction? That one.

Back to the subject. The spacecraft that they had sent to space, came back just a few months ago. But it didn't come back gently or slowly.

While nearing Earth, the spacecraft was suddenly met with some problems, unknown problems, and crashed into Malaysia.

All of the astronauts on the spacecraft died except one, John Jonah Jameson. But he died on the way to the hospital as well. Again, for unknown reasons.

His condition was bad, but he could've been saved. However, on the way, not only did he die, they found the ambulance he was in crashed and nearly wrecked with everyone in it dead.

Except a nurse who survived and went missing. But we found her later as well. It's just that she had died as well after killing several thugs by unnatural means. Locals say she wasn't shot or killed, but just dropped dead suddenly. So we've hit a dead end.

Back to Life Foundation, they have been trying everything to keep the spacecraft crashing under the cover. And with their connections and money, keeping the media quiet wasn't that hard for them."

While looking at the holographic screen, which was showing all sorts of pictures and videos of the crashed spacecraft, Natasha asked :"Alright, so what do you want us to do? Investigate it?"

"No." Fury leaned back in his chair :"I want you to bring in what caused the crash." Causing them to get confused before he continued :"We've found out that after Life Foundation checked the spacecraft, they brought back a few "items" from there.

Whatever items they brought back, must've been extremely important. And they wouldn't just take an important thing up there, so it must've been something that they brought from there, to here.

And my gut feeling tells me that whatever they managed to find was the reason the spacecraft crashed. It can be dangerous. I don't want something like the Tesseract getting tossed around on Earth again.

And I certainly don't want another war where the aliens are after something we took. So get to it, find whatever they took, and bring it here.

This is extremely important and I've done a shit ton of things to keep it under wraps. Not even the council knows about what you're going to do.

Those bastards will immediately try to take whatever is found there and use it for their motives again. Believe me, they were not happy about losing the Tesseract.

They won't let something get out of their hands so easily again. That's why, keep your mouths shut tight about this entire conversation.

Here are the files about the structure of the place, what you should do, and basically whatever you need to do. Be safe and good luck."

- (End of flashback)

As she walked around the lab quietly, she subtly and sneakily checked the locked glass cages. Trying to see if there was anything out of the ordinary.

But as she continued to check the place, she didn't manage to find anything that had even a hint of "hey, I'm from outer space!" or anything like that.

The weirdest thing she managed to find was a few rabbits or such in different cages. However, something finally caught her eyes.

"Oh? Well what might you be?" She mused with a smirk as she looked inside a glass cage. Inside of what seemed to be a really cold room, because of the layer of ice that had formed on the glass door, rested a big glass tube.

But what caught her attention wasn't the glass tube. It was what was inside of it. Inside, was what seemed to be a thick red and black liquid.

But what was surprising about it was that it was gently moving around just by itself! 'Whatever Fury is asking for must be that.' She took out her handy phone again.

She held it up against the digital lock, and it was immediately solved. However, just as the automatic door was being opened, the alarms went off!

And a woman's voice was heard :"There has been a security breach in lab sector 3. Repeat, this is a Code Silver security breach."

"Shit!" She cursed as the door got stuck just after opening a little. Looking at the small space that she was sure she couldn't go through, she cursed as she saw whatever was inside the tube started shaking violently, while screeching in pain!

"Nat?!" She heard Clint's voice in her earpiece as she looked at the panicking creature :"What happened?!"

"I have found the package!" She spoke into the earpiece :"But I need a second to take it. The door got stuck because of the alarms."

"Alright, be careful. I'll try to keep as many guards away as possible." Clint said. She quickly looked around, trying to find anything that she could use to open the door.

When her eyes landed on a fire extinguisher on the wall, she immediately picked it up, and started banging on the glass door.

After hitting it multiple times with all of her strength, the door finally shattered, allowing the cold air and mist of inside to get out, blocking her view.

However, just before the mist cleared, a shout was heard :"Freeze!" And just as she turned around while stepping aside, the guard shot his gun!

But thankfully, it only managed to hit her forearm and went through before hitting the glass tube and shattering it. Luckily for her, the bullet didn't hit her bone.

As she turned around, she immediately raised her hand and shot him with her Widow's Sting! Electrifying him, and killing him.

She couldn't let anybody see her and identify her. This was a top secret mission for a reason after all. But unfortunately, just as she turned around, she couldn't spot the creature.

"On no..." She cursed as she quickly looked around the now clear room. But no matter where she looked, she didn't manage to spot it anywhere :"Shit!"

"Nat, we have to go!" Clint almost shouted in his earpiece. After muttering a curse, she quickly took a run for it!

After spotting the back door to the lab, she quickly rushed towards it. "Damn you..." The door was obviously locked after the alarms went off.

Not wanting to waste any time, she just raised her foot and kicked it. Trying to just forcibly open the door. But shockingly, the door immediately came out of its hinges when she kicked it!

She didn't have the time to be surprised about it though. Because guards were coming after her in swarms!

Natasha immediately started running towards the clear direction, and went to the destination where Clint was waiting for. However, she could easily notice that for some reason, she had gotten faster!

"C'mon! Quickly!" Clint shouted from behind the tall ass fences. It seemed like he had gotten out while Natasha was looking for the creature.

Without stopping, she ran towards the fence before jumping to climb it up. "Aahhh?!" But the moment she jumped on it, that part of the fence literally broke and she landed on the other side!

"What the hell?!" Clint called out as he looked at the fence in disbelief. But the redhead's voice pulled his focus back :"No time for that! Let's go!"

And they both immediately began to run while the guards that had reached the fence started blasting. But luckily, none of the bullets hit them.

"Got eyes on them!" A guard shouted from afar as he saw them. There was also the rumbling of a car or two. With a frown, Natasha glanced at her best friend while running :"We can't lose them on foot. We need to fight back."

"... Then let's fight back." The archer gave a tilted nod before they both stopped in their tracks.

As the Russian assassin took out her pistols and shot the guards, the blond man took out an explosive arrow and shot it at an incoming car!

The moment the arrow hit the SUV, it exploded! Taking the car and the guards in it with it! But there were still some more.

As he took out another SUV, one of the guards actually thought that close combat would be the better option. So he ran towards the red headed spy.

But just as he reached her, she turned around and threw a punch at him. and the moment the punch landed, she clearly heard and felt the cracking of his ribs before he was shot away!

As he fell down and slid a bit on the ground, Natasha looked at her hand in pure confusion before she returned to shooting guards!

After killing all the guards, Clint turned to her after folding his bow :"What was that, Nat? What happened suddenly?"

"I don't know." The redhead shook her head in confusion :"But this isn't the time to ask questions or look for answers. Come on, let's get out of here before even more guards show up."


'Sigh, what a night...' She thought with a sigh as she unlocked the door to her apartment and walked in.

As she closed the door and put aside the keys, she groaned and frowned at the unusual feeling of hunger and thirst.

As she walked inside her not-too-fancy-but-still-impressive apartment, the feeling of hunger, thirst and sickness grew by the second.

When the feeling got annoyingly unbearable, she quickly walked into her kitchen and opened her fridge to get some leftover lunch to eat.

'What the hell is going on?' She groaned as she quickly started gulping down everything. She didn't even take a few seconds as she drank all of her soda.

What she didn't notice, was that her eyes seemed to twist with a red and black color inside before returning back to normal like nothing happened!

The feeling of nausea was seriously becoming worse and worse. But after taking a pill to calm down her nausea, she decided to sit down and tend to her gunshot wound.

But just as she rolled up her sleeve, he eyes went wide :"What the fuck...?" Where she was shot, forget about a wound, not even scratch or even a scar was left!

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