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13.33% Surviving the Apocalypse in the Multiverse / Chapter 2: Shit hits Fan?!

Chapter 2: Shit hits Fan?!

[Day 1]

The boy at the front's name was Aldricht, who he knew came from one of those old families that were just rolling in money thanks to the memories of the previous owner of the body and the fact that this group were the ones who put the previous owner in the Infirmary.

Abel looked towards this pompous prick that was the typical idea of a pretty boy, with blonde hair and blue eyes, with annoyance clear on his face, and turned to keep on limping away, like the fucking MC of his own novel, towards the boys' dorms.

This caused the pretty boy's face to turn red while veins popped out of his forehead, as if he were trying to cosplay as the dickhead he was, from being ignored straight to his face, causing him to order the goon squad standing behind him, "Obviously you haven't had a proper beating, so maybe we should correct that. Boys, go deal with this dog for me."

With a vicious smirk on his face, Aldricht waved his hand for the goon squad behind him to carry out his order. Just like the loyal dogs that they were, as soon as they heard his words, all of them smiled coldly at Abel and started to run towards him!

Seeing that he was about to get beaten up again, Abel felt utter despair and weakness, screaming within himself, utterly shattering the MC qualities he had built for himself and making it seem like he was a little bitch, 'DAMMIT, WHY CAN'T I MOVE FAST ENOUGH?! WHY CAN'T I JUST STAND UP FOR MYSELF FOR ONCE?! WEREN'T THINGS SUPPOSED TO BE DIFFERENT THIS TIME?! WHY CAN'T I JUST FIGHT BACK?! JUST FIGHT BACK FOR FUCKSAKE!'

Yet just as he heard the mocking laughter of Aldricht's goons getting closer, a voice that he thought was going to save him and give him a way out of his predicament was heard within his mind!

Just as he thought he was going to be special and that all of his internal ranting to the universe was heard and answered, Aldricht and his goons looked as if they had heard it too, crushing his hopes of being stronger like a can of soda.

[Hello humans of planet #2970198623, welcome to the Multiverse System!] A synthetic yet boisterous voice said.

Just as Aldricht, his goons, and Abel himself were looking around for the source of this strange voice, it continued, not caring for their curiosity.

[Please note that you are the first race to receive the Multiverse System, so rejoice! As there are only a select few of you on this planet capable of withstanding the integration of the System, totaling 10% of your population, the rest will be subject to the Primordial Mist. Which, you will be witnessing the effects of yourself firsthand in a few minutes, so I will not be explaining what will occur when that happens. Thus, let the integration and the first and last Multiverse Apocalypse begin. Good luck!]

Following these words, pure, unadulterated pain akin to millions of needles being stabbed into their bodies, coursed through a select few people in the world, followed by a set of cold, synthetic words, that was nothing like the previous voice.


While these were the words that others heard, Abel was having a different experience, with the words he heard sounding frantic and, in a rush, as if something that was not even calculated was happening.


While the voice was speaking within Abel's mind, he was busy experiencing a piercing pain within the cells that made up his body, making sweat cover his body and drenching him, the pain passing like an electric current all the way from his skin to his blood to his very hair.

Where the other people in the world only experienced millions of needles piercing them all over their bodies, it was as if the needles had shrunk to a microscopic level, multiplied billions of times over, and started to pierce every individual cell numerous times over until he was on the verge of fainting.

Feeling as if his very body was trying to kill him.

After what seemed like hours, the pain stopped for everyone; luckily, Abel was included in that cosmic decision.

Yet he got another message from the voice, unlike the others in his world, who only saw a status screen appear with an explanation appearing magically in their minds.

Although this one seemed different than the previous two messages.

The voice accompanying this message sounded like a little girl's voice, and it only said two sentences laced with mischief.

[Conditions for installation are not fully met. Installation will be halted until conditions are fulfilled.]

Now Abel just felt like coughing up blood!

Thinking in a panic, 'What the hell did I go through all that pain for?! Now everyone else has a system and I have nothing; these guys or whatever this Primordial Mist is going to produce are going to kill me!'

Abel was suddenly broken free from his thoughts by an ear-splitting scream and a mist that looked like what you would expect a galaxy to look like.

With a mixture of different colors and what appeared to be stars within, the mist passed through the stone walls and high gothic windows like they weren't even there.

While Abel's sight was obscured by the mist, he was trying to look for the person who was screaming, not to help the person but to make sure they were as far away from him as possible.

It was only when he turned around that he saw that it was three out of the five guys following Aldricht were screaming.

When he saw this, Abel knew that something bad was going to happen to those three. I mean, who screams in galaxy-colored mist for the fun of it?

Abel got ready to run when the three boys abruptly stopped screaming and lunged at one of their friends, biting and ripping his flesh off, causing him to bleed like a fucking fountain.

Upon seeing this, Aldricht and his other friend ran in the direction of Abel instantly, in a state of panic.

Tears and snot rolled down their faces, showing their true colors as pansy-ass mommy boys.

But when they spotted Abel, who was also turning to run, Aldricht wore a vicious look on his face, increased his speed, and started to run towards Abel, like a predator would with its prey.

Abel, seeing that Aldricht had changed course and was heading in his direction, felt his heart drop to his stomach.

He tried his best to speed up and run, but was unable to with all of his wounds! Feeling frustrated, he cursed his abysmal luck for reincarnating into this body and the hopeless situation that he was in.

At this moment, Aldricht reached him, grabbed his blazer and pulled him back, making Abel fall.

The last thing Abel heard was Aldricht's voice and maniacal laughter: "HAHAHA! Thanks for being my bait, dipshit!"

After that, all Abel saw was Aldricht's back getting further and further away while he was trying his best to get up from the ground.

His attempts to get up were sadly met with grunting and shuffling noises closing in behind him.

Turning his head to the side, he was met with the three boys, who now had blood all over their faces and human flesh stuck in between their teeth.

Though what Abel didn't expect to see was the fourth boy standing up again with blood leaking out of the fresh wounds on his neck, face, and arms.

It was a scene straight out of a zombie movie, minus the galaxy-like mist that was starting to dissipate.

Watching the three boys get closer caused Abel to start crawling away at his fastest speed given the, let's just name them zombies for simplicity, zombies speed.

With all their shuffling, they weren't actually that fast, but they were fast enough to catch up to an injured, chubby, teen who was trying to crawl away on the ground.

What followed next was three zombies falling on top of Abel.

One of them managed to bite the Carotid artery in his neck, causing his right eyelid to droop while he kept on going in and out of consciousness from being affected by the lack of blood not going to his brain.

The other two zombies followed the first one, with one biting the side of his stomach and the other biting his calf muscle.

All Abel felt was excruciating pain in the beginning, but once the fourth zombie started getting closer, the pain began to dull, and he was starting to black out.

The last thing he heard was the gurgling of him choking on his own blood and the same little girl's voice after the System was corrupted and he had to meet certain conditions for the installation to sound within his mind with a cheerful tone to her voice.

[Conditions for installation of the @#$%&*! &$%@ System met. Commencing installation!]

MooingNymph MooingNymph

Second part of the first chapter I split, leave a comment of what you think about it!

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