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57.57% GTA 5 - Viper / Chapter 38: station exploration

Chapter 38: station exploration

(My apologies for the delay. This chapter hasn't been edited, so quality might be sub par)

Keith hold her in his arms to awkward to move her away from him.

Molly couldn't calm down completely before police shouted at her to get down on the ground.

After all she had not only endangered herself, but had also inderectly caused the death off countless police officers.

Keith was sure that she could make it out without as much as a slap on her wrist, but looking at her current state, Keith wasn't sure she could take it well mentally.

She was normally a iron will woman, breaking her pride would be difficult, but the terror that she must have felt wasn't something a person could just walk away from.

His chain of thought halted as he himself was thrown on the ground by a police officer. Keith wasn't resisting but the amount of force the officer used could be considered criminal as he cuffed Keith.

"What are you doing?" His question was left unanswered by the police officer who ordered the other officer to get them to the nearest police station to be interrogated.

Before long Keith was placed in the back of a police van, being told to shut up as response to any questions he asked.

Arriving at the station Keith was dragged into a holding cell before being left to his own defices.

His phone and gun were taken from him, allong with all other pieces of gear he had on himself.

All in all it seemed pretty incriminating, but this time he really didn't do anything that he shouldn't have done.. the only thing he could have done different was use his gun against Michael.

Something that would likely have caused more trouble in the long run, even more so in the short run. As Keith himself wasn't sure that he would win against Michael in a shootout.

As he thought about the events that happened some time ago a police officer aprouched his confinement cell.

"Stand agains the far wall!" He ordered Keith as he looked through the small window on the door.

Keith cooperated, he knew that they didn't have any dirt on him, or at least not related to this specific arrest.

He was cuffed before being dragged into a interigation room.

Being left in the room, Keith prepared his explanation for once he would be questioned.

A lanky police officer entered the room followed by the person who had brought him to the room.

"Do you want something to drink before we start?" The lanky police officer began the conversation.

"No thanks, maybe later." He wasn't thirsty, just wanting to get to it before it would take more time then it needed.

"Well… we will begin right away then." The officer placed down a document on the table.

Reading everything that was on it before confirming with Keith.

"You understand everything I just said?" Keith had heard the document before, his rights, which some police officer back then decided to ignore.

"Yes although I am interested in the reason of my arrest. As far a I know I was well within my rights to be in that hanger." Growing up involved with crime ment growing up to dislike the police.

"And why would you be allowed to be in Devin Weston's hanger, holding his prime council hostage."

Keith took a long look at the police officer who said that. Thinking about how the situation could be interpreted as such.

"Well you could simply ask Molly yourself… as I am sure she would confirm I was there to meet her before she would leave on the plane." All of this was dumb, she wasn't threatened by him and neither had he resisted them.

"So all the damages and the deaths you inderecly caused don't come to mind?" They were either trying to frame Keith or believed him to be the person they were after.

"I could see it happened from within the hanger as a was there long before the chase entered the airport runway."

"Who would be stupid enough to believe you, we got you on tape, not to mention the amount of eye witnesses we have, within and outside the beuro." Keith didn't know if he was trying to scare him into confessing, but Keith knew they had nothing on him.

"Funny you should say that, as I am sure that if you would contact any of them that they will reveal the truth."

"And who would be the any that are telling telling the truth? As we only hear more incriminating evidence."

"First off Molly herself…"

"She is unavailable at the moment so I would suggest getting someone else."

"Well then the hanger guy, or the gatekeeper…. Perhaps getting the security footage would be for the best…"

"I would like to believe you but with everything as stacked as it is I am not sure that you can make it out with just your word alone." His words caused Keith to doubt if they were even listening to him, as they just tried to pressure him into confessing to something they had no proof of.

"I don't think we are getting anywhere… just talk to the people that actually witnessed the events play out before saying you are sorry and letting me leave."

"Don't think we will let…"

"Tim…" the boss shut him up, letting Keith be escorted out of the interrogation room by a new female officer he had seemingly called with the press of a button.

Before being locked away Keith tried asking about Molly.

"Do you perhaps know how the other arresty has been doing since getting here?" Depending on what she planned on doing things could either go horribly wrong or go supricingly quick.

"You mean Devins main counsel?"

"Yes… sheets quite destressed before coming here."

"You shouldn't worry, the higher ups decided to let her stay home until the investigation is done." Her answer explained a lot, even if it didn't contain much information in itself.

"Thank you." Keith tried to be kind, wanting to appear innocent to her but was met with a closed door that she was in the process of locking.

"No problem." Keith could barely hear it as the final turn of the key was made.

Back in his cell Keith only had a couple of thing he could do to occupy his mind… he would soon be free, if they weren't ready for him to leave then he would just need to get into contact with a semi competent lawyer.

The minutes of waiting turned into hours with Keith growing dull by the gray walls that incercled him, finding the view flaws in each of the otherwise perfect walls.

Not long after that he heard someone aprouching his holding cell.

Opening the hatch in the door to allow something to pass through it.

Keith hadn't noticed it much but he had grown hungry and tired, accepting the mediocre food.

Finishing it before he had enough.

With a sigh Keith realized that he should have immediately asked for his lawyer, the sertanty of the situation made him believe he was going home within the day, but the food had made him realize that he would be here longer than expected.

Deciding that it was best to get some rest, keith tried getting comfortable before closing his eyes… unable to sleep properly.



Keith woke up, someone was shouting at him but keith was only focusing on the uncomfortable feeling.

"Stand up and face the back wall!" A second shout was heard as he tried to get his current situation in a straight order.

Following the orders, Keith wondered how he got to such a point that he was woken up in what he guessed was the middle of the night in order to be dragged somewhere.

"Get your hands behind your back!" The shouting continued as Keith followed the instructions he got while his cell door was being opened.

He could hear another voice speaking up against the one that shouted at him only for the words to be drowned out by something he couldn't intereley make out.

"He is the cause.. the death of my partner… you got no right to…. me on this." The rest of the words were masked by the sound of the door clanging.

Their echange cause Keith to look over his shoulder for a bit wondering who had spoken up against the shouting of the officer who Keith guessed was the same as who tackled and interrogated him.

The words he said could be mostly made out to be that he blamed Keith for his partner's death, explaining the heavy handed aprouch he had been using, but simultaneously causing Keith to wonder if they were that understaffed or simply allowed a police officer with a personal fendata to engage with the criminal investigation.

The officer got into his cell, pushing him against the wall while placing a pair of handcuffs on his wrist's.

Without as much as an explanation Keith was dragged back to the interrogation room. Followed this time by the female officer who had brought him back previously.

Getting seated Keith got a second look at the man before him, remembering his face for in the future.

He was there once again to get interrogated, with it resulting in neither party furthering their opjectives, as their goals simply didn't align.

Keith did manage to convince the female police officer to let him get into contact with his assistant to sort some things out.

His assistant probably didn't even know that he was imprisoned, not that it would bother her much as keith was sure that she had a grand time not having to work while he was gone.

The other operations didn't need his command to continue, although problems would arise if he was gone for to long.

Before he could get that call though his cell door was once again unlocked, this time by a new police officer that Keith hadn't seen before, with a foxlike man beside him wearing a grey suit and dark tie.

"Your free too go." The police officer sounded disgruntled with the situation but allowed Keith to step out of the cel. Coming directly in front of the other person who gave him a well trained smile along with an hand.

Shaking it the other person introduced himself.

"Good day sir, my name is Robert Damwell, a lawyer tasked with representing you by Devin Weston." Keith wasn't dumb.

"Any reason as to why he needs me out." It was likely that Devin wanted something otherwise he wouldn't have gone through the trouble.

"We will discuss it later… in the meantime let's get you home and away from all these unsupported accusations." Robert guided him to a car parked out front of the building, on his way Keith saw some police officers along with the one people he wouldn't forget.

Getting in the car Keith relaxed before speaking as the car came to a move.

"How's Molly doing?"

"Miss Molly schultz is currently enjoying her time off at home, where she will remain until everything has cooled down." It surprises Keith at first, but he quickly accepted it as Devin himself had likely pulled some strings to make it happened, sadly Keith wasn't deemed important enough to be imidiatly released by Devin.

"No crime committed?" Not minding his toughs to much Keith continued to pry information.

"Non on her record." It was good news to hear, as Keith had been worried of them needing to cut contact for a while.

"What about me?" Keith changed the subject, wanting to know what he could face in the future.

"They have nothing on you, holding you any further would have resulted in many reprocussions from Devin Weston's legal team."

"That's what I thought… could it be possible for them to get a warrant to search my house?" That was the important question, getting imprisoned on false claims was terrible, but getting inprisoned on rightful charges could be onsidert even more scary.

"Not with conflicting eye witness reports… although they may appear near your home in the near future."

"I'll keep that in mind." One detective was set on getting him arrested, as he clearly blaimed Keith for the death of his parter even if he didn't have any evidence.

His lacked evidence just meant more reason to investigate for those types.

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