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Chapter 4: Need for Help

With a "ding!" sound, Josh and Daenerys completed the transaction. Daenerys' warehouse now had four rifles and four hundred rounds of ammunition. In contrast, Josh's warehouse had an additional 120 ounces of gold.

Unlike the previous transaction, which was some gold jewelry, this time, all the gold was melted into individual gold blocks, precisely 12 of them. Daenerys had prepared a large amount of gold in advance for the transaction. Although the two worlds had different languages, texts, and measurements, the trading system automatically converted or translated these differences, making it very convenient.

Seeing so much gold at once, Josh couldn't help but feel excited.

This was 3.4 kilograms of gold, which, according to the gold price before he crossed over, was worth more than $180,000.

Although his economic conditions were okay in his previous life, he had never seen so much cash other than real estate.

He had seen more gold, but that was also in a jewelry store.

Suppressing the impulse to take out the gold and play with it, Josh was ready to close the system. He had to think about how to cash in so much gold. Although the previous sale of gold went smoothly, the amount had increased by 12 times this time, so it was hard to say how things would go.

"Wait, Josh!" However, at this moment, Daenerys called him.

"What's the matter?" Josh asked, somewhat surprised. After all, Daenerys was busy leading the Dothraki army back to Slaver's Bay to quell the rebellion at this time.

"I really like this book on rulership, especially the part that describes the qualities a ruler needs to possess. It has given me a lot of insight. If I had read this book earlier, Slaver's Bay might not be in such chaos now. However, the content of this book is relatively limited. For example, it does not introduce the detailed experiences of the rulers mentioned. I am very interested in the experiences of these rulers, so can you help me find more books on these aspects?" Daenerys said, holding the book on rulership that Josh had traded to her before.

Daenerys grew up constantly fleeing as an exiled princess and had never lived a peaceful life for more than a few days. Therefore, not to mention the ruler's education, even the primary education she received, was very incomplete.

There was not much feeling when there were few people and less territory.

However, as her power grew larger and larger, her shortcomings in this area began to show.

She needed to learn how to reconcile the contradictions between the various forces and classes in her territory, how to manage her subordinates, and how to govern the region.

And this has become one of the main reasons she still lingers in Slaver's Bay... Due to the lack of governance experience, the various cities in Slaver's Bay have been in constant rebellion, failing to grow her power and constantly consuming her original resources and influence.

As for her important subordinates, although they were also helping to teach her what kind of monarch she should be, such as Tyrion, who had just recently joined her.

But these people all hoped that Daenerys would become the monarch they expected her to be rather than helping her become the monarch she wanted to be.

In the past, Daenerys couldn't see through this and just thought that she wasn't doing well enough and compromised constantly for this reason.

But this seemingly thin content of the monarch's theory made her understand many things.

Daenerys' leadership abilities are powerful, but her vision was limited in the past.

And with her acquisition of the interdimensional trading device and contact with Josh, a brand new world has opened up before her.

She became interested in various related literature and the history of Josh's world.

"Of course, I can help, but this will take some time, as there are quite a few related books." Josh agreed without hesitation.

As the only trading partner at the moment, Daenerys' rapid growth is good for him.

Only if Daenerys matures quickly and becomes a qualified monarch can she avoid many detours in the original plot and not end up as tragic as in the original story.

Only in this way can Josh continue to trade with Daenerys.

And if Daenerys dies, the interdimensional beacon will seek a new host, and this process is completely random.

If the new host is also a lord or aristocrat, it's okay, but if it's bound to a beggar or someone else who has nothing, it won't be so fun.

Josh would have to spend energy to support the other party and wait until they have a certain amount of wealth before trading with him.

Therefore, the first interdimensional beacon was able to find a host like Daenerys, who is rich and powerful, and Josh's luck is very good.

It's hard to say whether there will be such good luck next year when a new beacon is produced.

So besides trading with Daenerys to make money, Josh is also happy to help her in other ways.

Even if he is not worried about too much excitement for Daenerys, Josh wants to tell her the entire plot of Game of Thrones.

"That's appreciated. Originally, after returning to Slaver's Bay this time, I was planning to go to Westeros as soon as possible. But now, I plan to study more for a while and accumulate more strength. Also, if possible, I hope to equip the entire Unsullied army with interdimensional weapons." Daenerys said.

However, trustworthy and reliable helpers are not easy to find, especially for Josh.

Josh's full name is Josh Kane, of Austrian descent, and to some extent, he is a compatriot of that little mustache.

Five years ago, when little mustache annexed Austria, his parents, who were originally from there, fled with him and emigrated to the United States.

While they were in Austria, their family had some wealth, but in order to escape, they had to sell most of their assets at low prices. After arriving in the United States, they bought this small apartment, which was basically considered part of the impoverished class.

They relied on the father's job at the port to support the family of three.

Although they have been in the United States for five years, because only the father speaks English, the family has not integrated into the local society quickly.

And the previous owner, although he also went to school in the United States for a few years, apart from being slightly proficient in English, he did not really learn much. Due to his personality, he also did not make any friends.

Even more unfortunately, just over three months ago, when the previous owner was not at home, the couple ate an insufficiently pickled sausage and died of food poisoning, which was very hasty.

This was a huge blow for a 15-year-old boy who was inexperienced in the world.

Even if it were not for the help of the community priest, the previous owner would not have known how to bury his parents, and that also basically spent the little money his parents left.

Since then, the previous owner has never been to school again.

After three months of drifting, he was replaced by Josh.

Such a monotonous social relationship has caused Josh to be unable to find a trustworthy friend or relative.

Hearing Josh's explanation, Daenerys nodded in understanding. After all, she had also experienced Josh's current predicament.

"But speaking of reliable helpers... do you want me to send a few Unsullied to help you?" Daenerys said after thinking for a moment.

"Unsullied?" Hearing Daenerys' words, Josh couldn't help but feel moved.

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