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Chapter 7: Dominance

With the conclusion of the battle; the next morning the people of the eastern were alit with whispers and rumors. The Black Tiger gang had been exterminated in a single night! Those who lived close to Orochi Manor claimed to hear shouts and explosions, while those who lived near the tavern of the black Tiger gang claimed to hear people screaming about being bit by snakes and loud explosions!

Strangly enough, these places weren't torn to the ground as a result of fighting. After a brief period of noise, a eerie stillness remained. By the next day all members of the black Tiger gang went missing! THE Black Tiger gang a force of 250 cutthroat thugs who carved out a massive piece of the eastern slums to rule over. One of the 4 prevalent powers of the region has been snuffed out without a trace!

The one rumoured to be responsible?

The new, strangly named big shot in this part of town- Orochi Maru! The estate seemed to be in relatively good shape for a place where fighting must have happened. Didn't this mean the entire gang was taken down quickly and they couldn't fight back? Explosions were heard but no fire or massive destruction?

'This mysterious master is an expert!' People thought. More eyes were on the shabby Orochi Manor instantly. As a result, it wasn't strange to see a group of men waiting at the ruined, unguarded gate. They came without weapons and carrying white flags of surrender.

It took a few minutes but eventually, they saw a youth. He had pale skin, silky smooth black hair that reached the nape of his back and and soft features. It was unknown to them but this wasn't the original look of the body.

The beautifully handsome young man they looked at possessed the looks of a younger Orochimaru from the elemental nations! The group stopped before the young expert and cupped their fists while bowing deeply. "We worthless things are honoured to be in your presence, esteemed Lord Orochi Maru!" They greeted in perfect unison.

Unexpectedly, the expert didn't say anything. He just smiled at them and motioned them to follow him inside. Bewildered and nervous, they walked into the dilapidated compound. Even as struggling men, their little compounds looked much better than this rotting place. But none of them were disdainful. In fact they had an higher evaluation of this manor lord! To battle the majority of the tiger gang in this delapedated place and not have collapsed buildings?

Isn't this a little too strong? How powerful is Orochi Maru? Is he a spirit profound realm practitioner? In this dump!?

No way!

The men swallowed and followed the powerhouse to the main manor hall where they were sit. After they were seated. The young expert poured out a cup of tea for himself and began to speak.

"You must be businessmen who were under the 'protection' correct?"

"Yes lord Orochi Maru! Those bastards of the Black Tiger gang terrorized us and extorted us terribly for years now! We've came to thank you sincerely for freeing us." They bowed again in unison.

"Is that so?~" Orochimaru sipped his tea with a peaceful look on his face.

"Yes lord Orochi Maru! We wish to aid you in anyway we can!" The group of 20 businessmen stated how they could send over servants, profound coins and women over. Why were they so eager?

The fact of the matter was that the owner of this part of town was presumably dead and relpaced! It was best to get acquainted and hand over our resources before the boss asks. As for the other 3 Gangs? How would they take down a force who destroyed a group that maintained the stalemate between them? It was better to head over to the more powerful force to curry favour!

This way they don't end up becoming an example to the masses when the boss inevitably begins solidifying his rule over the area.

However, to the shock and mild relief of the men. Orochimaru didn't begin dictating how much taxes he wanted or request for them to send their daughters over.

Instead, he asked them 'boring stuff' such as how the region was run, what businesses they had and their relationship with the rest of the city. Orochimaru digested the new information he received from the businessmen with rising contentment.

Why did he want information about the area and how things were conducted here in the eastern slums? It was to take over this place completely of course!

The Legendary Sanin planned to completely swallow this whole region of the city! If he was to do so, he needed the complete lay of the land, the extensive secret tunnel works of the area and economic state. Most of all, he needed people to control. This heavily populated and large slum area was the perfect beginner base.

The multitude of human livestock and tools at his disposal were acceptable enough. The lack of any major ruling powers from the large sects or local government was a boon as well

This place reminded him of the underdeveloped land of Rice Patties. Apparently this area of the city was known as the black district.

Unlike the small red light entertainment district, a black district was the area were livestock rearing, butchering, hide tanning, commoner burials and waste collection took place. It was a gathering of all the city's undesirables.

Immediately Orochimaru could see why this area of the city was like this. In theory this should be one of the most well developed areas in the city. Economic flow should be heavy here as well. But this was not the case.

This was the land of the filthy untouchables! The people here worked on the dirty land, took care of smelly animals, tanned animal skins and buried unimportant people or criminals. These people reminded Orochimaru of the Eta people of the shinobi waring states period.

'This is perfect.' Orochimaru thought.

'The more people are discriminated against, the more of them that are disadvantaged, then the more easily they'll be to use and bend to my will. A whole region of Eta people all to myself!' Orochimaru's tongue slid over his lips in excitement.

After hearing everything, Orochimaru sent the men away; telling them to invite the the people who managed the livestock farms, rice patties, and other jobs.

While these businessmen were important, he wished to talk with and directly supervise the ones who worked the land. To sweeten the deal, he promised them safety from all thug interference in the future before sending them away.

Hearing this, the businessmen were tentativly estatic!

This new powerful boss Orochi Maru kept up the jovial look and talked with them in a calm and soothing manner. Making them feel at ease. In conclusion they had a pleasant meeting before departing as the esteemed lord Orochi Maru, promising to immediately send over servants and goods to provide the lord the comfort he was due. In fact as they left, the were fighting over who gets to do what for the new expert.

That same day, Orochimaru met up with his new servant staff and all the big experts of farming, ectera. He reviewed the information and began passing down orders. Less than a day since the eradication of the Black Tiger gang and Orochimaru was now the unofficial leader of their turf. With all the other Gangs soon to be crushed, the forsaken untouchables could quickly role over and accept their new leader.

Not all of the them were happy though. They were worried and secretly disdainful of their new leader. What would a Practitioner of the Profound know about working the land, rearing livestock, economics, population management and business?

The more nihilisticly hopeful of them thought his interference may cause loses for the city then the city officials might finally pay attention to their suffering.

Only the future could tell.


The days passed slowly and remarkablily, the situation seemed stable. under usual cases, the whole eastern slums would be in turmoil after a major gang's fall but the uniqueness of the Black Tiger Gang's demise seemed to be the cause.

On the other end of the city, in a relatively large tavern for the eastern slums, the Silky Smoke pub was a little tense today. Of course it would be. All the ruling heads of the eastern slum's underworld were gathered here with their right hand men.

It seemed all the tension that would have been felt by the citizens of the region was all gathered in this one location. "What are we going to about this Orochi fellow? What's his angle?" A large tattooed man asked while looking around the room.

"We really don't know yet. But this doesn't look good." Another sighed while nursing a cup of wine.

They all felt bitter. This Orochi Maru muddied the waters. His intentions and strength are unknown. The only reason they'd been able to hold their place in the eastern slums while being bitter enemies was due to their shared solidarity to opposing forces and their slipperiness.

All of them are either exiles or criminals of small profound clans or sects. They all escaped here with their superior profound strength and arts to rule over this tainted place. They were all on the same level in strength. But this new entity just came in a slaughtered another force equal to themselves in might.

Was this Orochi Maru an exterminator sent in to clean them out? But what self-respecting master would dirty their blade with the blood of tainted thugs?

Could he be negotiated with or better yet, could a coordinated attack of all their forces kill him off?

There was no way he was a earth profound realm practitioner and it is just highly unlikely for a spirit profound realm practitioner to come to this dump. So he must at most be at the peak of the true profound realm.

"I'd say we go meet him altogether and feel him out. Let him think we're surrendering to him and then we strike at the right moment!" Another suggested as his palm reached out to grab the behind of a rather pretty serving girl.

Only to notice that he touched air as she doagded his lecherous hand. "Bitch! You dare to avoid my hand?" All the men in the room turned to look at the servant girl.

Usually, in situations like this a young servant girl would be scared out of her wits. After all, offending these tyrants will lead to assaults of every kind, not just on her, but her family as well.

But this girl had a strange smile on her face as she walked to the center of the room and faced all of the thug leaders and extended her arms out.

"Three nascent profound realm practitioners of slightly varying levels! I've struck gold it seems." Just as the men jumped up to catch the stupid wench. The girl's hands came together in a weird way and then her body fell apart in a pile of snakes. The serpents then jumped out to strike at the men as explosions sounded and smoke filled room.

They never had a chance.....

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