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30.76% As Sasuke in Tower of God / Chapter 7: The Real Game Begins

Chapter 7: The Real Game Begins

"The Team of Ho, Sasuke, and Laure emerged victorious once again," announced Leoro-ro, his gaze fixed on Sasuke as if trying to read his thoughts.

Ignoring Leoro-ro, Sasuke positioned himself near the throne, eagerly awaiting the start of the next round.

The Third and Fourth Rounds proceeded without any surprises, with Sasuke swiftly finishing each round in just four minutes. Though disappointed by the lack of formidable opponents, Sasuke's fighting spirit remained undiminished as he relished in thrashing .… defeating the opponents.

"With no changes to the results, the Fourth Round concludes," declared Leoro-ro. "Team Ho, Sasuke, and Laure will advance to the Final Round. Prepare yourselves, Regulars, as this is a rare opportunity. Give it your all in the final battle."

Leoro-ro attempted to motivate the Regulars, many of whom had lost hope and lacked the desire to participate. He began the countdown to the End game.






*Buzzzz* *Buzzzz* *Buzzzz* *Buzzzz*

As the sound buzzed, four cages ascended, revealing the new participants for the Final Round. On the left side of the throne stood a team cloaked in mystery, with only two females and a towering 10-meter humanoid discernible. Opposite them was a team composed of two males and a figure clad in a black Leotard, sporting a jeweled mask. Nearby, a team of two boys and an alligator-humanoid awaited their turn. Unexpectedly, the Lizard team, having chosen to participate again, comprised the final team, surprising everyone.

'Now, Now, isn't this exciting ?' Excitedly, Sasuke stood before the throne without fear, wearing a stoic expression. He felt a surge of adrenaline as he looked at the new participants. In his previous life, he never had any interest in anything, other than reading books. so this newfound excitement for battle surprised him.

"Ugh, this crazy guy," Khun muttered in annoyance, already devising numerous plans to win the round. He doubted they could defeat Sasuke, even if they all teamed up. He even questioned if Sasuke was truly a regular like them.

"Hey, why don't we deal with him first? We can't win without defeating him," Khun proposed, keeping a close eye on Sasuke. Rak, however, was not interested in following the plan. "That's not how a warrior acts. I'll fight that turtle alone!" Rak declared.

"Shut up, you gator!" Khun silently thanked his luck that Sasuke didn't immediately engage them, giving them some time. But Rak's stubbornness was only making things worse.

However, what Khun didn't anticipate was a sudden attack from a long, green hook. He swiftly dodged the attack, grabbing Baam and evading it. Meanwhile, Rak blocked the attack with his spear, moving to the side.

Khun looked at the one who attacked them and asked, "Now what?" They were suddenly attacked by the lizard-like creature, catching them off guard. Thankfully, the others present didn't seem interested in starting a fight.

"Tell me, kid, where did you get that needle?" Anaak asked, shocked, ready to launch another attack.

"W-why are you asking?" Baam nervously inquired, confused about why he was being attacked when he hadn't done anything wrong.

"You shouldn't have that. You see, the weapon I'm holding is Green April, one of the 13-Month Series. I am a Princess of Jahad, and only a Princess can possess a weapon from the 13 Month Series. That weapon you have is 'Black March.' Give it to me," Anaak demanded, still keeping the Green April poised above her head, prepared to strike.

"I can't. I can't give you the Black March. Yuri let me borrow this weapon, so I should return it to her in person," Baam firmly replied, mustering newfound courage.

"I explained everything to you, but you still don't get it? DI—" Anaak's sentence was interrupted.

The team in cloaks and the figure entirely covered in black surrounded her, preventing her from moving. In any normal situation, Anaak wouldn't care and would fight back, but her injuries from the previous round made it impossible. Nevertheless, she wasn't about to give up.

"Let's deal with this later, Anaak. Right now, we need to focus on the round. We can't do anything in this situation," Hatz intervened, warning her. "I don't care about this game anymore. Now back off before I kill all of you," Anaak retorted, seething with anger.

"Enough of your nonsense, you fake. Look at you, pretending to be all Royalty. Do you think you can take on all of us in your current condition?" the girl from the cloaked team mocked.

Anaak's patience reached its limit. Before she could swing her weapon again, a sword was pressed against her neck. It was Hatz. "Don't forget, you're part of a team now. Leave your matters outside the field," he threatened. Anaak gritted her teeth but ultimately backed down, promising to deal with Baam after the round.

"Phew," Khun sighed in relief. Now they had no choice but to win this round to avoid facing this new opponent. "We still have a chance. It's only been one minute; we still have four minutes left."

Sasuke observed the ongoing events and had no intention of interfering yet. He wouldn't attack unless they made the first move. After all, he wasn't losing in this situation. The longer they dragged out their fight, the closer he came to winning the game.

After another 30 seconds, they refocused on their main target. Sasuke didn't know what they discussed in those thirty seconds, but he wasn't willing to take any risks. He remained in place, just before the throne.

"Are you guys done?" Sasuke asked playfully.

"Yeah, thanks to you, we've resolved our family issues. At least for now," Khun replied, bowing like a gentleman. He took a dagger from his bag and said, "Follow the plan," as they all surrounded the throne from different sides.

The first to advance was the cloaked female. She sprinted towards Sasuke, spinning to deliver a kick directly to his face. A smirk could be seen beneath her cloak.

Instead of defending or attacking, Sasuke swiftly sidestepped and grabbed the cloak of the cloaked figure, hurling them towards a person dressed in a black Leotard with a scepter-like weapon descending from above. The impact caused them both to crash into the wall and fall to the ground, revealing a girl with short brown hair, yellow eyes, and a yellow dress. There was a small horn on the right side of her head. It was Endorsi Jahad, another Princess of Jahad, the real one.

Sasuke had no time to focus on Endorsi as he was greeted by a spear thrusting toward his chest. He broke the spear in half by striking its center and evading a punch from the massive humanoid behind him. In response, he threw a punch of his own, but to his surprise, the giant humanoid only took ten steps back.

Sasuke was taken aback because the force behind his punch was greater than the kick he had delivered to Anaak earlier. Taking advantage of the moment, Rak attempted to land a punch directly on Sasuke's face. However, Sasuke caught his fist and halted him in his tracks. He looked at Rak mockingly and remarked, "Isn't it more honorable for a warrior to attack from the front, Alligator?"

Rak, feeling overwhelmed, thought to himself, ' This turtle... He's too strong, ' before being thrown to the opposite end of the wall.

"Stop being so arrogant, you brat!" shouted the teammate from the leotard team, attacking with his dual swords, while the other teammate followed closely with a punch of his own.

"I have no interest in wasting my time on side characters like you. So, please go to sleep," with a kind smile Sasuke stated, conjuring two fireballs in his right palm and launching them at the two side characters. Soon enough, they were thrown back against the wall, Burned charcoal.

Glancing to his left, Sasuke noticed Anaak dashing towards the throne. Contrary to the expectations of the onlookers, he didn't intervene but instead regarded her with a mocking smile, leaving them perplexed. Within moments, their confusion was resolved as Anaak was struck by a concentrated beam of Shinsu, causing her to struggle to stay on her feet. As she turned her gaze towards the throne, she saw a boy with dark green hair and green eyes, wrapped in a blanket, observing her with indifference.

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