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He said, "Oops."

{Time skip ; 1.5 years}

[3rd POV]

It has been one and a half years since the day Sasuke had restored the moon and nearly four years since the new Sasuke had emerged.

The span of one and a half years proved to be chaotic. The battle against the Otsutsukis began small but it soon gained intensity - like a forest fire.

The Shinobis villages main priority was protecting the people and the Bijus whereas powerhouses like Sasuke and Naruto were the ones that deal with the Otsutsukis.

The fights that sometimes occur leave countries in absolutely shambles. Sasuke would usually take the fights in other dimensions but some fight in his home dimension was unavoidable - especially after the the enemy found out that he cared for the people.

But Sasuke alone was more than strong enough to deal with any Otsutsuki that challenged him head on.

Once the enemy figured out that Sasuke was stronger than all of them in one on one battles they teamed up.

The enemies who thought of themselves as Gods were forced to team up to fight against someone they consider an ant.

It infuriated them to no end.

Kinshiki Otsutsuki

Momoshiki Otsutsuki

Isshiki Otsutsuki

Urashiki Otsutsuki

Riyushiki Otsutsuki

Yabai Otsutsuki

Tamuya Otsutsuki.

These were all the Otsutsukis that Sasuke was fighting against. He realized at some point that his world was different than the one from his knowledge, if he was to describe it, he will say its an AU.

The difference being the new Otsutsukis and their earlier attacks on earth. It was quite infuriating for him but it makes him wonder if this was the reason he changed the way he did.

Was the whole reincarnation and soul fusing thing a way for the world to balance things out since the enemies were more powerful?

He did not know but it seems likely.

The Otsutsukis teamed up to fight against him but with the help of every Shionobi Village and Naruto he was able to fight them off just fine.

The war continues, the war between the world and the celestial clan.

It was mind blowing how many incidents and battles happened in the stretch of a year and a half. The current age was even called the Age of Disasters, starting from the 4th shinobi war, the falling moon, and now the battle against the alien Gods.

But that was finally nearing its end. The Otsutsukis had been laying low for more than a month now and Sasuke with the others cornered them inside a cave located in the Land of Snow.


"Is everyone in position?" Sasuke asked as he watched the mountain in the distance which was the hideout of the Otsutskis.

"Yes, the Chakra Cannons are ready and the other troops including the Suicide Corps are stationed around the mountain." Ino`s answer came inside his head.

The troops were more or less all Kage level Shinobis consisting of the village kages and some reanimated shinobis, they wouldn`t defeat the enemy but they would be more than capable to put up a fight.

The Suicide Corps on the other hand consists of taijutsu users lead by Rock Lee. They were trained to use the Eight gates and are ready to die using it anytime.

"How is the seal holding up?" Sasuke asked again to which Ino answered that it was standing strong and the enemies were completely trapped.

"That`s good." Sasuke said but his tone betray the words he spoke.

This was way too suspicious, not only were the enemy all in the same place but the Otsutsukis were staying still while they were surrounding them? It`s too good to be true.

Sasuke knew - as much as he knew himself -  that the enemies were up to something, he didn't know what. He just hoped that he prepared enough.

"Ready Naruto?" Sasuke asked his friend that had always stood beside him. They had faced the enemy together since the beginning.

"Lets end this." Naruto replied, determined.

After that they both sprint towards the enemy. They close the distance in mere seconds as they entered the cave that was the enemie`s hideout.

There was something wrong, the feeling lingered on the bottom of their throat, then it sinks deeper and deeper as they neared their enemy until the feeling became a ball of unease at the pit of their stomach.

There was no ambush, no attacks, no retaliation.

'What the hell is going on!!?'

Then they finally reached the core of the hideout where a bright light was flashing with such intensity that the space around it was bending, gravity was messed up.

They came upon the Otsutsukis who stood in a circle, all seven of them. Sparks could be seen crackling around and the bright lights seems to blend with it.

But unseen by the normal eyes, something much more was happening. Sasuke with his Rinnegan was able to see everything that was happening.

The area where the Otsutsukis stood was filled with chakra so massive that its mass weighted on the space time frabics and bends them.

At the center of it was an artifact that tells Sasuke exactly what was going on.

The artifact was Karasuki.


"How did they get their hands on that!!!'

The Otsutsukis were trying to travel back in time, or maybe they were doing something much more considering the amount of chakra used.

Whatever it was, he couldn`t let them do as they wish.

Naruto shot forward but he couldn`t even reach them as he was unable to pass through a shield of some sort which surrounds the Otsutsukis.

"Its too late to stop us now!!!" Urashiki said with the widest smile.

But the smile immediately turned upside down when Sasuke suddenly appeared before him using the Flying Thunder God.

"And it's too early for you to say that." Sasuke said as he delivered a clean uppercut that smash together Urashsiki`s teeth.

Sasuke immediately moved back and stood right at the center where he was surrounded by the enemy from all sides. The artifact was right beside him, shining.

But before the other Otsutsukis could react a blinding golden flash from the artifact stopped them and after the intense light subsided they were all gone from their position.

Naruto stood alone, stunned and confused.


The place was a void where time and space were in absolute chaos. There was no order as time twisted or even flowed backwards.

Space was not as it should`ve been as one wouldn`t be able to tell the directions. Something thats seems near may be lightyears away.

Myriads of colours seemingly dissolve around the surrounds as cube like projections floated here and there.


At the center of this chaotic dimension where logic had far gone astray, there was a platform that was not affected by the nonsensical laws of the dimension.

On that platform there are eight people.

Seven of the Otsutsukis were standing in a circle and right in the middle was their greatest foe, Sasuke Uchiha.

Sasuke stood with a straight posture, his face holds absolute indifference even though he was surrounded by his enemies. It was as if everything was under his control.

Which could not have been more further from the truth as Sasuke was panicking internally. His sharp mind worked quickly to come up with a way to deal with the current situation.

There was stillness and silence in that chaotic dimension where time and space obeyed no laws.

The Otsutsukis all looked a at him with cold eyes as they were also confused about what to do. This was not part of their plan and they were low on chakra, years of fighting against Sasuke made them extremely wary of him.

Sasuke quickly chopped up a shabby plan in his mind and for that he needed to buy some time.

And that`s what he did.

"You should all surrender," Sasuke spoke with the confidence of a victor.

"Because you are all surrounded." He said to them with certainty even though the situation was the complete opposite. But his serious face would make anyone have second thoughts.

One of them even looked around to check whether they were really surrounded while the rest looked at him with narrowed eyes, unamused.



"Lies." Isshiki said, his voice deep and almost rumbling.

"You are the one in trouble, Uchiha."

Sasuke kept quiet but his eyes make them feel like they had no idea about truth of the current situation. He lips curved in a smirk as he said..

"What kind of adult go full force when fighting against mere childern-."


Isshiki had enough, he dashed at him with a black rod in his hand and he gave a swift horizontal swing at Sasuke.

Sasuke had no time to complete his sentence as he ducked under the attack. Everything happened in a split of a millisecond, assault and evasion.

'Well that should be enough' Sasuke thought to himself as he put out both his arms out and released the chakra he had gathered in his Rinnegan.

"Almighty Push."

There was a confusing stillness for a moment before a powerful repulsion exploded and pushed them away in every diretions.

'God I love this jutsu. Never gets old.'

The Otsustukis were blown off the platform as they were left at the mercy of the chaotic dimension where time and space were in disarray.

Sasuke immediately got to work as lightning came to life in his left hand. The lightning crackle with power and sharpness but that was not enough as dark flames were mixed in the lighting and increased its intensity.


An eerie purple smoke-like chakra leaked out of Sasuke`s left arm to further augment his attack.

Sasuke quickly blitz towards the artifact that was responsible for the whole thing, Karasuki.

Sasuke shot his arm forward in a stabbing motion and his eyes focused on the artifact. He noticed that it was surrounded by thick layers of chakra that almost made it impossible to penetrate,


It was a space-time ninjutsu that Sasuke had used frequently in the canon to swap the places of objects, including himself and his enemies.

But it was not limited to just that, with the right approach and training it could do more.

The space between the artifact and his attack was ignored as the chidori infused with Ameterasu immediately reached its target.


The artifact was imediately shattered, unable to hold up against the attack.

Sasuke leaped back to safety as the whole dimension began shaking and web like cracks began appearing as if the whole dimension was made of glass.

Still standing in the platform, Sasuke conjured the rib cage of his Susanoo as the whole dimension exploded in a bright array of light.



Naruto looked around at the empty place where Sasuke and the Otsutsukis disappeared.

"Where are they?"

Then a blinding light appeared which caused Naruto to cover his eyes. The light died out and when Naruto opened his eyes again he saw Sasuke who was crouching with his head down.

"Sasuke!!' Naruto called, alarmed. He quickly moved towards Sasuke and checked on his friend.

'What happened?!" Naruto asked but Sasuke was silent.

There were no Otsutsukia around. They did not return with him after he destroyed the artifact like he thought they would.

That could only mean...

'Oh shit.'

Sasuke slowly stood up and Naruto could see millions of thoughts flashing in his eyes.

Naruto reached out and grabbed his shoulder and Sasuke turned his head to meet Naruto in the eye.

A single sound left his mouth.



Author : The events that took place during this time skip would be fleshed out in later chapters.

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