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Chapter 7: Chapter 7 First Day

The next day I awoke early, I took my trunks and put them around my neck. Although the Shrinkings charms used were partially powered by some rune I still took the habit to recharge the rune every morning for safety's sake. I put my two wand holster with my two wands(cherry wood with a phoenix feather core and the other with dragon heartstring core with hawthorn wood) underneath my pajamas and disillusioned the one on my left hand where the wand made of cherry wood with a phoenix feather core was situated. I left for the Great Lake where the giant Squid and a colony of Merpeople resided. Once on the shore, I began to warm up with some stretches and a light jog. As an outsider to this world, I knew the importance of maintaining physical fitness even if magic was the primary source of power. After a few minutes, I started to do some calisthenics, such as push-ups, sit-ups, and squats. I also incorporated some magical training into my routine, practicing some simple spells while continuing my exercises as my core was now liquid. After finishing my workout, I cooled down with some stretches and a dip in the cold Great Lake. As I swam, I could feel the water revitalizing my body and soothing my mind, the cold temperature was relaxing. Once finished, I climbed out of the water and dried myself off with a quick spell. I then made my way back to the castle, feeling satisfied with my workout and ready for the day ahead. As I walked through the halls, I passed by other students on their way to classes or to breakfast in the Great Hall. I made my way to the Hall as well, my stomach grumbling with hunger. When I arrived, I found a seat at the Ravenclaw table and began to fill my plate with eggs, toast, and bacon with some coffee. I glanced around the Hall, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling students. It was going to be a busy day.

I continued to eat in silence when Professor Flitwick approached the table. Oh, the class schedule is supposed to be distributed today, and judging by the face of the rest they were excited. "Good morning, Professor," I greeted him politely.

"Good morning, Mr. Queen," he replied with a smile. "I have your class schedule for the day." He handed me a piece of parchment, which I eagerly unfolded to scan the list of classes and their respective locations.

As I reviewed the schedule noting that I had Transfiguration, Potions, History of Magic, and Charms classes. It was a busy day, but I was looking forward to it hoping to study a branch of magic that the Black Library didn't provide.

Flitwick's next however words caught me off guard. "I saw you exiting Hogwarts at dawn and go to the Great Lake I wanted..." he trailed off, clearly hesitant to continue.

"Is everything alright, Professor?" I asked, curious

"Well, I just wanted to caution you about the Great Lake," he said, his tone serious. "It can be dangerous at times, especially with the merpeople and the giant squid. I believe you have maturity beyond your peers judging by the way my father talks about you at home but it never hurt to be careful."

I nodded, understanding the gravity of his warning. "Thank you, Professor. I'll be sure to be careful but some morning exercise never hurts and if someone tries to attack me, I am not helpless."

As I finished my breakfast, my mind wandered to my future training plans. I knew I couldn't train in the Ravenclaw room, but there were other places I could use. The Room of Requirement and the Chamber of Secrets would be ideal for my needs, as I could store potion documents and other necessary items there. I couldn't help but sigh as I thought about the second year and the inevitable confrontation with the basilisk that lay ahead despite my original intention to not interfere with the canon and Dumbledore's plan.

The first class for the day was Transmigration so I immediately went to the room without exploring the castle remembering the treatment of Harry and Ron. I went straight to the back of the class near the windows. Some minutes later a cat sat on the teacher's table but I ignored it. Some might ask why didn't I denounce McGonagall and I would answer them, why state the obvious? Instead, I chose to review the book of the year to be sure I knew all the spells while waiting for the rest of my classmates. The room was filled up with students by the time the class officially started. Although some asked where the professor was, I already knew that the cat was Professor McGonagall in her Animagus form. She soon revealed herself and began the lesson on transforming a matchstick into a needle. I followed along and completed the task when some other student had finished so I wouldn't attract her attention. As the class ended, I packed my bag and made my way to the next class potion.

As I walked towards the potions classroom, I couldn't help but imagine what sort of history Snape had here, in the book he was a complex person who was often portrayed as a cruel and heartless teacher, but as the story unfolded, we began to see that there was much more to him than meets the eye. Snape's backstory was filled with tragedy and heartache. He had a troubled childhood, marked by neglect and abuse from his parents, and was bullied relentlessly by other students during his time at Hogwarts. Throughout the series, we see glimpses of Snape's humanity and vulnerability, such as his love for Lily Potter and his guilt over her death. Despite his gruff exterior and harsh treatment of students, it becomes clear that Snape is ultimately motivated by a desire to protect the wizarding world from the return of Voldemort, even if it means making difficult and unpopular choices.

Although this time I had heard that Professor Snape was one of the toughest teachers but always had a smile on his face, and I wasn't sure what to expect. As I entered the room, I saw that it was dimly lit and filled with all sorts of ingredients and equipment of security like protective gear such as gloves, goggles, and aprons to surely prevent accidents and protect against harmful ingredients.

I took a seat at the back again and waited for the class to start. As the other students arrived, I noticed that many of them seemed apprehensive or scared. When Professor Snape finally entered the room, the atmosphere became even more tense. He began the lesson by explaining the importance of following instructions carefully in potion-making and warned us that any mistakes could have serious consequences with a dumbledore-smile.

I listened intently as he went through the steps for brewing a simple potion by his standards which strangely were close to my own, my career as a vigilant left a deep trace in this regard. I carefully measured out the ingredients and stirred the potion as instructed and to no one but Snape and other's surprise it turned out perfectly which is why he assigned 20 points to Ravenclaw after it. As the class ended and we were dismissed, I felt the strange look Snape sent my way and I returned a little smile which made him smile back.

The Ravenclaws were in high spirits, as we were currently at the top of the class rankings with a 30-point lead over the Slytherins, who seemed to be a mix of annoyed, indifferent, or amused. After a brief break in the Grand Hall to regroup, I made my way directly to my History class. Despite my focus on magical studies in this life, I remained a passionate reader of history and fantasy in my previous life. I had even delved into the history of other races, such as werewolves, vampires, and goblins. Through my research, I discovered that contrary to popular belief, silver did not harm them but rather caused their metabolism to slow down, acting as a poison if not treated correctly. I learned that these creatures were the result of a failed ritual to create an enhanced human, and had developed their unique characteristics since then.

During the class, he was discussing the Goblin Wars and the impact they had on the Wizarding World in a boring manner. To be precise Professor Binns was going on and on about dates and names only explaining the event if it was favorable for the wizard. My mind wandered back to the idea of failed rituals and the creation of new species. It was fascinating to think about what other beings might exist out there. It seemed that a visit to another magical nation would be required in the following years and I heard that Japan was hosting a magical tournament soon. I made a mental note to research more about it and possibly join. As the History class ended, I left the classroom and headed to the grand hall to eat with some of the other Ravenclaw.

However, dinner itself proved to be quite interesting. For the first time, I caught a glimpse of what could potentially be the future golden trio. Among them was Lena, a young woman who looked remarkably similar to Neville Longbottom. She had the same round face, the same shy smile, and the same large ears. Her hair was blonde and curly, and she wore it in a messy bun on top of her head. Her eyes were a bright blue, and she wore a pair of spectacles that magnified them slightly. She was dressed in the traditional Hogwarts uniform, which consisted of a black robe and a white shirt. However, she had added her touch to the outfit with a pair of colored accessories in the colors of her house. Overall, she looked like a kind-hearted and studious young woman, much like her male counterpart Neville. A tiny bushy-haired witch in a similar outfit caught my attention, and I realized it was Hermione Granger. She noticeably appeared taller and more outgoing than her counterpart. Her hair was a wild mass of brown curls that seemed to have a mind of their own. Her eyes were large and brown, and behind her glasses, they held an intense curiosity and intelligence. Her face was heart-shaped, with a small nose and full lips. She wore the Hogwarts uniform with a sense of practicality, keeping it neat despite her hair's best efforts to disrupt it. At her right was the star of the day, Harriet Potter. She stood tall and confident, with jet black hair that was styled in a messy yet somehow still fashionable manner. Her eyes were bright emerald green, just like her famous male counterpart. Her facial features were delicate and angular, and she had a prominent scar on her forehead that resembled a lightning bolt but was significantly smaller than Harry's. She wore a stylish and modern traditional Hogwarts uniform, consisting of a fitted black blazer over a crisp white button-up shirt, a pleated black skirt, and knee-high black boots. Despite her fierce and intimidating appearance, there was a softness in her eyes that couldn't be hidden that spoke of compassion and kindness. She had a magical presence that made it clear that she was not to be underestimated, and her demeanor exuded a sense of confidence that was impressive for someone so young but was surely cultivated by Bellatrix. It was easy to see why she was the child of the prophecy if her uprising changed her so much, and was likely to become one of the most influential figures in the wizarding world. And we could also count two other people, Susan who had long brown hair that she kept neatly tied back in a ponytail. She had a friendly face with warm brown eyes and a kind smile. She wore her Hogwarts uniform with a sense of pride, and her Hufflepuff scarf was neatly tied around her neck. And Hannah on the other hand, had short blonde hair that framed her delicate features. She had a quiet grace about her and moved with a sense of purpose. They were of course accompanied by Tonks whom I won't describe because of her ever-changing appearance but you could see that her hair kept changing color upon my stare.

Anyways the day passed by, and me remaining by myself for the most part, attending my classes and studying on my own during my free time. I had a particular interest in Ancient Runes and Arithmancy, finding their complexity and structure fascinating. However, I also made sure to pay attention in all my classes, knowing that each subject had its significance in the wizarding world. As the day drew to a close, I realized that it was already September 12th.

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