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90% Twilight: Really! I Didn't Ask For This! / Chapter 63: Chapter 63): Re-con Mission...I Think?

Chapter 63: Chapter 63): Re-con Mission...I Think?

Chapter 63): Re-con Mission...I Think?

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

{Do not do drugs, I am not promoting them either as I write these. This is purely for fun nothing more, nothing less.}

{20+ advanced chapters on buy-meacoffee/flaminglines also check out You: Oh Joe for level 2 members!}


"Ryan!!!" Seth shouted as he pulled up to the Clearwater house, the kid completely ignoring his sister who missed him her own eye twitching, but there was also a smile on her face.

Ryan chuckled as he gave him a bro hug before pushing him towards Leah, "Go hug your sister dude, she has been waiting to see you too."

Seth rolled his eyes but happily went to do it, Ryan meanwhile started to pet Meredith who run up to him, every since her whole change of becoming his pack member she had grown ten times more intelligent then she use to be. While her intelligence might be on par with a human she still needed them to watch her while he was away.

'Another one Alpha? Are you collecting women? Because I can drop French Fries, I am sure he would understand.' Meredith said to him after taking a sniff of him and no doubt she smelled Jade who had been with him four days straight.

Even he could still smell Jade's unique scent on him after her being with him from awhile, it was a combination of Jasmine and Lemon, it was actually a very relaxing scent and he was hoping it would stay awhile. He couldn't help but look at her helplessly though when she finished the rest of her sentence, he was okay with all the girl attracted to him but there was no way that he was going to have a dog after him to, 'No, stay with French Fries. I am sure you two will have great pups.'

'Mhmm true. I will stay with him then.' she declared before walking over to greet Leah too.

Ryan shook his head and carried the bags inside for Leah who was catching up with her mom and dad, he gave Sue a brief hug while giving Harry a handshake before he walked into the house taking her things to her room. She actually shopped with his mom and Jade for a day so Leah came back with one more bag then she left with, she also bought her family some gifts which he helped picked out.

[Mission #4

Title: Righting Wrongs!

Description: With your absence Bella has fallen for Edward like she should, now with the plot in line things are about to get interesting. Make sure that Bella lives through Twilight!

Objective: Keep Bella Alive!

Reward: $50k, +3 free level ups, New Power

Failure: Stripped of Original Powers]

Ryan raised a brow as he saw this, from what he knew it was pretty easy to keep Bella alive, there was only three people in the nomad group that was going to be after her anyway. He was also smart enough to know that things weren't that simple though, there was no way that a mission would appear if it was simple.

He knew that this was something the Cullens wouldn't be able to handle, and while he wasn't thrilled getting involved with the plot of Twilight and their problems as Bella was now falling fro Edward. That didn't mean he didnt want the rewards, because he was giddy about the new power while he was also excited to finally finish getting some skills to max level.

First he needed to figure out where in the plot it was though, because technically they should have been dating or she should have figured out what they were by now, but with her focus on him that changed things. With that in mind he would ask Rosalie later, she was sure to know how much interest Bella was showing in her family, she didn't agree with the girls choice after all to become a vampire.

Then again they were two different people Rosalie wanted kids and a real family, while Bella was drawn in with the prospect of the danger and being one of them despite losing her humanity. It just kind of showed how much she was disconnected from humans, which was a little sad but he could understand somewhat, not that he approved though.

"You okay?" Leah asked walking into her room and just seeing him standing there.

Ryan came back to himself and nodded at her with a smile, "Yeah, I am good, just thinking."

She looked him in the eye then nodded, "Alright well go ahead and get out of here then. We just spent a whole week together, I don't want to see your ugly mug again for awhile."

He chuckled at her teasing before pouting, "Oh I see how it is after a trip together your already tired of me, fine then I will go find my other girlfriend."

She laughed holding her stomach, "Fine by me, tell Rosalie I said hey."

He rolled his eyes walking up to her and kissing her deeply, she wrapped her arms around his neck moaning into the kiss, when it started to get to heavy they both pulled back with smiles, "I love you, I will see you later."

She nodded, "Love you too."

Ryan walked out and waved to the family before leaving, Meredith no longer needed to ride with him as she could run freely to the house and meet him there, which is exactly what she did. He didn't immediately go to find out about Bella though or go home, instead he wanted to track the Nomads and see what was going on with them.

Even if Bella didn't get interested in Edward until later, that didn't mean the Nomads weren't already in Forks or the surrounding area, he drove home then immediately took off in the woods in the opposite direction of town. There was now way that they would risk running into town, they knew a coven was here so they would hunt on the outskirt until they could gauge how the Cullens would act.

Being that they were the second strongest coven behind the Volturi they should have taken care of them easily, especially with Alice's power, but instead they watched and waited. It wasn't until they actually met that they decided to do something, which in his opinion was stupid as after the first death they should have done something about it.

The killings were obviously happening on the Cullen side of the treaty line, because the wolves had no loves for human drink vampires, and seeing that they hardly tolerated the Cullens well.. So using some of his wolf speed Ryan ran threw the woods, he was following the faint scent of the death that he had found, they had been in the woods.

Jumping to the top of a nearby tree he paused, looking down he stared...he stared hard as he looked at the redhead he knew as Victoria, something inside him yearned for her something that was not his wolf wanted him to get her. He frowned as he watched her hang off who he knew as James, they were sitting around what looked to be an abandoned cabin in the woods, from what he could tell the only difference was that there were more then three of them.

He ignored whatever it was that was telling him to claim Victoria, instead he counted the nomad group and saw that there were five instead of the original three, the extras were looked to be a couple. The first was a man that stood about six seven, he was in cut jeans and a leather jacket with a black undershirt, it was clear that he use to be a biker or something with the was he dressed.

The way girl meanwhile looked older, like way older if he had to guess she was from the viking age, it wasn't from the way she looked but the way she acted and dressed the led him to that conclusion, as if she hadn't let go of that time period. Being a nomad would do that to someone though, with no true roots out down she would essentially be stuck in the same time period she was changed in as she didn't want to lose her roots.

Her blonde hair was braided and her clothes looked more like it was hand made with some furs added on, she had clearly made it herself, while she wore no shoes either. The funny thing was though is that she had a dagger attached to her hip as if she wasn't a blood sucking monster who could rip apart a man with her bare hands, he chuckled a little at the thought.

At his chuckle Victoria whipped her head and their eyes connected, wine red met blood red as the two stared at one another, "What is it?" He heard James ask looking to where she was but not seeing Ryan.

Victoria meanwhile was stuck as her eyes seemed to not want to leave Ryan's but she answered anyway, "..Nothing, I thought I heard something."

"Is your power acting up?" James asked as he tried to sniff the air but since Ryan was down hill from them his scent was carried off in another direction.

Laurent looked scared as he looked around, it seemed just like the movies he was scared of conflict, most likely he was thinking the Cullens were there to fight them, eight on five would put them at a disadvantage.

Not taking her eyes away Victoria shook her head, "No, I would have warned you before hand if something dangerous was going to happen."

Ryan smirked at that, he knew she had a power that would alert her to any danger that would come after her or if something harmful was going to happen, which is why he had been standing there with no intention to attack them. While his eyes were red he had a beating heart so he knew he was a mystery to her, he had no clue if she could feel the pull he felt but she was keeping quiet for some reason.

James nodded, "Good, we are hunting later and I don't need something to disturb us. We already have to watch out for the coven here, though they seem to not care much even if we have been here two weeks."

Ryan listened in because he honestly didn't know how long they had been here, the movies never said when exactly they came into the for area, they had just stated to the Cullens that they were 'passing through' but they definitely killed multiple people while here. Now with Five it might even be more, no way was one or two people going to satisfy five vampires, from the knowledge he gained over the months he knew it took at least ten for them to be satisfied for a month.

It would always take two to fill a vampires hunger for a month, and that was stretching it because by the last week they would need to hunt again but could last if they really didn't want to draw attention to themselves.

"Ha! As if I am worried about those golden eyes, they should be fearing me rather then us fearing them." The viking woman said while looking at James with disdain in her eyes. The biker next to her chuckled kissing the top of her head agreeing with her apparently.

Victoria the entire time had been looking at him and no one seemed to notice after she had dispelled James worry, "We shouldn't agitate them, I know you are willing to go fight them, but this is their territory and we do not know what they are capable of." Laurent said his eyes shifted around still looking for danger.

The viking woman scoffed, turning away she picked up a bow and began to shoot arrows at a nearby tree, she was hitting it with su h accuracy and speed that his eyes had a hard time following what she was doing. It was clear she had been doing it for a long time.

Ryan watched them for another thirty minutes his eyes going to Victoria who had been staring at him too, when he saw that they did nothing but lounge and relax he figured it was time to go. The only real threat was the viking and biker, they were obviously stronger then James and the rest, even his wolf was watching them cautiously.

When he saw nothing knew he took decided to take off, after getting a mile away he stopped, "You can come out now, I know you are following me."

From atop a tree Victoria basically glided down, she stood ten feet away her head tilted to the side as she smiled at him, "So it is you?"

Ryan raised a brow, he could see it on her face, she knew him but he didn't know how they could have ever met it wasn't as if they had ran into each other before. He frowned, "Do you know me?"

She laughed and a feeling of deja Vu came over him as she did so, blurry images went off in his head but they moved so fast that he couldn't grasp them, with quick movements she was in front of his stroking his cheek, "Oh, it isn't time yet Ryan, but soon, soon we will meet again."

Ryan didnt get to ask anything else as she vanished in the next moment, the only thing going through his head way, 'What the hell is going on?!'

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