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82.85% Twilight: Really! I Didn't Ask For This! / Chapter 58: Chapter 58): New Person

Chapter 58: Chapter 58): New Person

Chapter 58): New Person

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

{Do not do drugs, I am not promoting them either as I write these. This is purely for fun nothing more, nothing less.}


After his shower Ryan went downstairs, since Leah's spa day was in the hotel he was able to take the car they had rented, which is why he didn't as Trina to come get him, it wasn't as if they could drink tonight anyway. Walking out the lobby and into the humid LA air Ryan bumped into someone right as he was leaving, he reached out but was surprised they didn't fall over.

Looking them in the face he was surprised as she looked familiar, he couldn't place her though no matter how hard he tried to remember, "I'm sorry, I was on my phone and didn't see where I was going."

Her smiled was bright making Ryan feel warm and fuzzy inside as she shook her head, "Nope, my fault I was also checking out a text, but I guess we can both take the blame. I'm Lexi."

Lexi was wearing a short red leather jacket with a bright yellow shirt under it, she was wearing a long silver necklace that dangled in between her breast with just a normal pendant on it. In her ears was silver hoop earrings that were slightly big, she had long flowing blonde hair that she currently had going down her back.

Along with that she was wearing tight blue jeans that was hugging her legs and what he was pretty sure her butt nicely, finally she had on high heeled boots. Ryan did notice a ring on her finger though, he didn't know why but it caught his attention and made him stare at it for a moment.

"Are you okay?" She asked when he had been looking at it for awhile.

Ryan shook himself from his thoughts a smile on his face, "Yeah, I am fine. I'm Ryan, again I am sorry about knocking into you."

She smirked whole running a hand down his chest, "Well you could make it up to me, by maybe buying me a drink?"

Ryan gulped feeling a shiver run down his spine, but it was some from pleasure not being creeped out, the only other person who gave him this feeling when they firs met had been Leah. For the first time in a long time he blushed, he could feel it, "Umm sorry," He coughed stepping back, "I am meeting some friends and if I don't leave now I will be late, sorry."

She pouted but nodded, "That's okay cutie pie, but you have to make it up to me at another time okay?"

Ryan wanted to say no but he couldn't he didn't know why, but he just couldn't, "Sure thing. Can I get your number."

Her smile did things to his heart that only Leah has done so far, "Of course. Make sure to call me soon, or I will be a creepy stalker and wait outside this hotel for you." She laughed and he couldn't help following along because her laugh was just so contagious.

"Well, umm see you later Lexi." He said nodding.

"Bye Cutie Pie." She waved giving him a wink that sent the same tingle down his spine.


Ryan shook the encounter with Lexi off but it was still playing on the back of his mind, he couldn't help but wonder what was so different about her that he actually blushed, but he didn't want to focus on it. Any other night he might have blown this off, but since he was someone who kept their word then he decided to go do Karaoke instead, even if it might not be as much fun.

He texted Trina again to find out that she was already there, using his GPS it didn't take him long to arrive there either, thankfully traffic didn't seem that bad, otherwise he might have been with the distance his hotel was from it. When he finally arrived he thought he was going to be blinded by the Neon sign that hung above the place.

Shaking his head he got out the car and immediately heard Trina shouting for him, "Ryan! You made it!"

Seeing her rush over and hearing her tone of voice, well he was pretty sure she got stood up a lot, because her voice sounded so relieved like she didn't know if he was really coming or not. He actually felt a little bad about that, sure he didn't see where as anything other then a friend, but Trina didn't seem that bad maybe just a little to over the top sometimes.

At the moment instead of a outlandish outfit, she was wearing something more conservative, which he was pretty sure he had a hand in seeing as he told her that she shouldn't wear something so out there. He knew she had a big personality, but at the same time that didn't mean she needed to go the extra mile in what she wore.

"Well we did say we are meeting for this, unless there is someone else you are waiting for?" He said with a raised brow as the met half way.

She chuckled shaking her head, "Of course not, I was waiting for you."

"Let's get to it then." He said with a smile as they walked towards the door, as they did so he noticed that it was mainly all teenagers who were walking towards it.

For every twenty teenager he was seeing he would see like two adults, it was clear this play was opened with the intentions for a place that teens could hang out, he thought that was a good idea. Not enough places were just for teens to hang, most places that were weren't that fun either because they tried to hard to cater to every age.

Walking inside he thought the place looked okay, it was bigger then what he was expecting, it had tables everywhere while at the 'front' there was a stage next to a DJ booth where he assumed the singing took place. He was happy to note that the place served food and not just drinks, that would have been awful if they just did drinks, he actually would have wanted to leave.

"Ummm Trina, did you invite them?" Ryan asked as he saw Tori's whole group sitting at a table near them when they took their seats.

"Ugh no, I planned to be here, and Tori and her friends knew I was meet you, they sort of just invited themselves along seeing as this wasn't a date." Trina said while scowling at their table.

Ryan nodded, it was a public space, not like he could say anything to them either.

"So, what's first singing or eating?" Trina asked looking to him excitedly.

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