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Chapter 46): Edible Halloween!!! (3)

Chapter 46): Edible Halloween!!! (3)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

{Do not do drugs, I am not promoting them either as I write these. This is purely for fun nothing more, nothing less.}


{A/N: First Three Chapters of Teen Wolf now Available to first level members on BuymeaCoffe//Flaminglines, no more than that though as you still need to be an Arsonist for the rest.}

Ryan was running for awhile before he came across a house, the thing that stood out to him the most was that it was operating as a haunted house, but the sickly sweet scent was pouring from the house, along with blood. He watched a moment as college students walked to the house, it was a large group of over ten before the door was tightly shut, moments later screams were heard from inside as they were all being killed.

Honestly he didn't stop it either, they weren't his problem and he wasn't a saint, he was here to kill vampires, there was nothing about saving people along with it, plus he loved killing vampires it was fun to do it to these types. With slowly steps he walked up to the house, he was sure that people were assuming that the boards on the window were apart of the Halloween attraction, but he knew this house was abandoned.

With a puff of black smoke he was gone, the next moment he was in the dim lit house, because he was able to get a glimpse of the house between the boards he was able to teleport himself inside. The first thing he saw was a vampire sucking the blood of a college girl who was in a sexy nurse costume.

Without a second thought he was ripping her head off and walking away, the young woman was convulsing on the floor, maybe it was from the lack of blood or maybe it was the venom in her body. He honestly did not know, he didn't care much either as he moved more into the house a group of cowering humans were huddled in a corner but he ignored them as he moved deeper into the room.

Following the noises he came across another group of five attacking ten students, he rushed in and in the next moments it was as if the sound granite was breaking as he attacked them all. As he ripped the last head off he froze, his eyes widen slightly as something attacked his mind, he thought he was safe but this attack was powerful enough to break through.

Everything around him went hazy as he saw a dark room, in the center of the room three people were strapped to chairs, their bodies were bloody as they had gone through some form of torture. The three were all female, the first was Leah who had tears streaming down to her cracked lips, next to her was Rosalie whose eyes were a warm brown rather then golden sat there her once beautiful face cut up with deep gashes, he couldn't tell of she was alive or not.

Finally his mother was nude as her body was carved into blood still flowing down as her eyes were open in horror at what had been happening in front of her, it sent shivers down his spine.


(Haunted House POV)

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!!!" A woman seethed as she walked into the room to see her little coven spread out all over the place in pieces.

Her right hand next to her equally shocked as they looked at the carnage around them, the man standing in center of the room already lost in his worst fears from her power. He seemed unassuming but what he did to her coven was anything but, this was their biggest time of the year for them to get catches, they planned to keep the human like pigs to raise.

The leader moved around and stood in front of the man, she noticed his red eyes along with warm skin, she frowned at the obvious signs of him being human, "How is this possible...unless.." she opened his mouth quickly but frowned as there was still no indication that he was anything else.

She jumped back in shock as she saw the haze leave his eyes, his expression fierce as his ruby red eyes landed on her, "Your death will be slow."

She tried to use her power again but it didn't work, and when she tried to flee he caught her arm it was a strong enough grip that it didn't tear off but held her firmly.


(Ryan POV)

Ryan was beyond pissed it was a vision that set his blood on fire as he saw it, although it was only strong enough to hold for a minute at most it was enough to have him livid, those were at the moment the three most important people in his life. To even see them that way set him wrong, and the lady who did it was not getting away with this.

He didn't even acknowledge the other, this one had already admitted to using a fear power on him, he was going to make sure that she suffered the most painful death that anyone could suffer. His sadistic tendencies taking over as he wanted to hear her screams, he would be hearing them.

He heard the other rush him from behind and without even taking his eyes off the leader he grabbed her by the neck, using all the strength he could muster he broke her neck temporarily stunning her. Since she was down he focused his attention back on the leader, her eyes were wide as she struggled to get away from his grip.

Putting all his strength into a kick he broke her right leg off with it, she gritted her teeth as she was suddenly a leg down, she didn't have time to react either as he kicked the other just as quick. He was now holding her up by her arm, her eyes were panicked as she slashed out at him with the arm not being held.

Ryan didn't take the slash seriously as he just leaned back avoiding it, "I don't know if you can control the fear you inflict on others, but even if you couldn't, you fucked with the wrong person."

Throwing her down he stepped on the others neck effectively disconnecting her head from her neck, after that was done he moved back to the leader who was using all her strength to crawl across the floor. He allowed it while he took out a match and set her legs on fire, she whipped her head around to see it her eyes going wide at the flames.

His grin grew as he slowly followed her, the back door she was headed to was bolted shut so it wasn't as if she could break out any way, he whistled as he kicked a head out the way as he followed her. As she clawed at door he finally reached her, he ignored the humans which were rushing out the house past him, most were dead though as it was to much blood taken from them.

Ryan lifted her by her hair, she glared fiercely at him but knew there was nothing she could do, he set her down in the lone chair that was in the room, he made sure to rip her arms off before he walked out. Whistling he walked around the house, when he found no rope he took metal instead, at least he was strong enough to bend it for this.

Going back into the room he paused outside of it, to the left the first girl he had seen he noticed wasn't fully dead, her eyes stared at him as they slowly lost their luster in them before fading. He watched as her heart stopped, but it wasn't from death, instead it was because she was in the process of the change, he could tell because her skin immediately became hard after her heart quit beating.

'Huh, Neat.' He thought having never seen a vampire go into transition before.

Moving back into the room he bound the woman with the metal, "So, usually I am quick and I would be even quicker as some of your victims left early, and cops might be called, but luckily for me you chose a house down a far road. Which means, me and you are going to have some fun."

His grin was like a wolf who found a tasty prey, in a matter of seconds her arms were on fire, they both watched as they slowly turned into nothing, she didn't scream as they weren't attached to her. She did glare at him instead of making a threat, because they both knew at this point it was pointless to even try to make one towards him.

"Now, let's see if your screams are as pretty as your face." He said his grin widening as he took a match and held it close to her face where a drop of venom was.

She gritted her teeth as the side of her face caught fire but couldn't hold on long as a blood curling scream left her lips, his smile was like the devil's as he listen to the scream, relishing in it. Quickly he put out the fire before it could spread to far and she calmed down but her eyes were wide in anger as she looked at him in absolute loathing, which made his smile wider.

"Oh don't worry, we still have a whole night for this." He grinned as he saw her try to glare at her, she was tired though.

Ryan felt something in his head, but this time his mind was ready as it blocked off the mental intrusion she tried, he knew that his mind had adapted to her attacks, she might have been older so it worked the first time, but since he had dealt with it he no longer needed to worry.

Since she didn't want banter he tore out some of her hair and allowed some venom to fall, it dropped down her face as she glared at him some more, he whistled something close to Michael Jackson's 'Smooth Criminal' as he did so. She wasn't enjoying it apparently.

Lighting another match his grin faded as he stared into her deep red eyes, "How many covens do you know around here?"

Her lips were sealed, she wasn't speaking at all as she slowly closed her eyes.

"Well, I needed this information as it seems more and more covens seem to be popping up around here, but I will have to deal with this as they show then. Thank you for the enjoyable time." With a flick of his wrist he sent the match to the top of her head.

He let the flames go this time as he moved out the house throwing out matches as he did so, he could hear the sirens in the distance so it was time to leave anyway, as he passed the living room he stopped. Looking to the side he saw the college student who was in transition, with a sigh he walked over to her and lifted her into his arms.

Rushing out the house he ran through the woods with the deathly cold woman in his arms.


[Mission #3 Complete

Title: Halloween Delight

Description: The things that go bump in the night get extra joy from hunting on Halloween as they don't need to hide as much.

Objective: 15/10 Vampires Killed before midnight

Reward: 50k, +1 Skill Level Up

Hidden Reward: Fear Manipulation Skill]

Ryan showed up outside his house, he jumped into his open window on the second floor ignoring the party inside, they weren't ready for the judging of the contest yet so he didn't need to rush. Setting down the semi-dead girl on his bed he walked downstairs while making sure that his fear gas was still there.

As he reached the bottom Leah glided over to him her eyes looking him over before she nodded, "Good you aren't hurt, and you are just in time. The judging will start soon and we can't start without you. Angela will be the third judge as someone impartial as both you and I are already judges."

He nodded wrapping an arm around her waist and kissing her the moment she finished speaking, that little fear vision did more then he was willing to admit to him, he couldn't get it out his head. Leah didn't mind though as she deepened the kiss, when he pulled away they were both out of breath some.

"Est-ce que tu vas bien mon amour?" She asked speaking French staying in her Morticia character.

(A/N: Might be right but not sure, it is suppose to say 'Are you okay, my love?')

He nodded, thankfully his logic skill help him breaking down languages, otherwise he wouldn't know what she said at that moment. He put his forehead against her own, "Just something that shook me some, I am find shortstack." He smiled kissing her forehead before leading her to where the make shift judges table was.

As they took their seats music began to play, it was as if they were at a fashion show as they began. Ryan leaned back into his seat as he watched the different people 'strut' their stuff, he rolled his eyes at some of them as they were acting as if they were top shit.

Ryan yawned as they went on and on before finally it was time to judge them, they all huddled together and talked low as they decided on it, he could feel the intense gazes of Rosalie and Jessica. He shivered as he thought about what they might ask for if they were to win, the prize was any favor from him after all.

Finally they had all decided on one after a ten minute debate, they had all chosen someone different so instead of choosing that person they decided to go with what would technically be the fourth place. Ryan also made sure that the vampires in the room couldn't hear, because it would just be unfair if Rosalie knew anything before it was even over.

"Well it was a tough decision and we all actually picked different people but we decided to go with the fourth option which is....Alice and Jasper, who are Beetlejuice and Lydia." Ryan announced glad that they could agree on that.

Leah had first chosen Jessica, Angela had chosen some guy named Adam who came as Gollum, while Ryan had chosen Rosalie so technically they could have won but seeing as none of them got a second vote, it wasn't meant to be.

Off to the side he did see Jessica and Rosalie pout but ignored them with a slight chuckle as Alice celebrated with Jasper smiling at her fondly, which was creepy since he was dressed as Beetlejuice.


[Name: Ryan Robins

Race: Wolf (Fenrir Bloodline)

Age: 18 (Young Adult)

Mood: Happy, Relaxed

Skills: Acting Lvl 7, Driving Lvl 8, Cooking Lvl 9, Fitness Lvl 8, Comedy Lvl 5, Charisma Lvl 9, Gardening Lvl 10, Handiness Lvl 6, Logic Lvl 7, Programing Lvl 5, Piano Lvl 9, Basketball Lvl 9, Vampire Lore Lvl 9, Shape-shifter Lore Lvl 9, Video Gaming Lvl 7, Etc....

Money: $102,500]

[Fenrir Bloodline Powers: Super Senses, Super Strength, Super Speed, Super Regeneration, Draining Bite

Powers: Flicker, Fear Manipulation]

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