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Chapter 9: Chapter 9) Edited

Ryan, Leah and Seth made it there in good time, not many people just took off to Port Angeles during the middle of the week so there was not a whole lot of traffic on the road when they took off. Seth controlled the music the entire way, not that it really mattered since Leah and Ryan talked the entire way.

He could tell she was nervous about later but she was trying to hide it, that is why he was trying his hardest to keep her mind off of it. "Alright so we will start with mine first since I am only going in there for one thing----" Ryan started as he parked the car but Leah cut him off with her holding up her hand.

"Don't even try it, I will go in there and buy it then you we can go get what Seth wants before finally going to get mine." She said with a stern glare as she held out her hand for his debit card.

"What is that suppose to mean?" He asked with a raised brow, he didn't move to get his wallet though.

"It means that you and Gus in there will get to talking about the new things he has in store, next thing you know we are he for the next three hours. I am not letting that happen.....especially since we are going to the hospital tonight." She said her voice did get a little low though when she spoke at the end.

Ryan sighed knowing she was right, while Seth in the back nodded his head, they both knew how he could be and that it would most likely end up like that. All he could do was take out his card and give it to her, with a smile she hopped out and made her way into the store.

Seth seeing that it was quiet decided to speak up, "Do you like my sister?"

Ryan blinked then blinked again, he had never been straight out right asked if he liked Leah, sure Sue and Harry suggested it but they never came right out and said it. As for Sam, well that was a reason they never got along, him always believing that Ryan was trying to take her.

Oh the irony of it all.

Ryan himself didn't know what he felt for her, sure Leah was a beautiful girl, he got along with her, they smoked a lot together and she was funny. But he hasn't had a chance to actually think of anything romantically, because since coming to this world he hasn't really dated to often not knowing where life was leading him.

As for him actually being with her it was hard to say, with him here he didn't know what was going to happen to Leah, because it was the emotions and vampires that caused her to shift. If she was to still shift this time who was to say that something else wouldn't happen that is out of order, like her imprinting.

All this would lead to is him getting his heart broken if they got to attached, he knew though that if she shifted and imprinted on him then it would be simpler. Sure he planned to go away for college and other things, but at the same time she would be by his side for it all. He knew she had no ideas about staying in Forks, with the pack thing happening she didn't want to stay in the movies, it was just begin apart of Sam's pack made her.

Which is another thing in itself, she wasn't an Alpha, and there wasn't another pack, who was to say that she couldn't leave unless there was another alpha around.

Jake was able to do it because he was the rightful alpha, the only reason he didn't take up the alpha position was because he didn't want the responsibility. Which he thought was dumb because he would rather want to lead others then be told what to do, so he wasn't sure about her.

Getting back on track he didn't really know what to to with Leah, at the moment for sure he could say that he enjoyed spending time with her that wasn't a question. Though he would need to see how things went down the line before he could say anything else, he wasn't going to end up being left behind.

Seeing as he was in this world now then he could easily watch and see who Leah ended up imprinting on since it was never shown in the movies, or written about in the books.

Seth was still looking at him but there was a smile on his face as he spoke, "Dude, you just looked as though you just went through the toughest math problem ever. It was a simple question, to late though seeing as she is back."

Looking up he could see Leah was indeed coming back, at the moment she was smiling as she carried his bag along with a bag of what looked like cookies, which made him laugh. Even if he wasn't the one to go inside they still sent him something, though knowing Leah she would claim it for herself, and seeing as he had a drug test, well he couldn't eat them.

"Alright Seth, what is it you wanted?" She asked while getting inside and putting the bag to the side. She didn't even acknowledge him or hand him back his card, but instead of being mad he laughed lightly before turning the car back on.

"Well since Ryan is paying, I was thinking a new wardrobe, oh also there is this new laptop out that I wanted." Seth looked at him with an expectant expression.

Leah sighed and was about to say something but Ryan cut her off, "Sure thing man. Are we going to the mall then?"

"Yes sir. While you old people go get Leah's things I will shop on my own. So are you giving me the card or is it cash?" He said with a wide smile as his hand reached into the front of the car.

Ryan laughed and missed the way that Leah was looking at him in that moment, "Let's wait until we reach the mall. From there I can get some money off for your sisters things, then you can take the card and shop for yourself."

"Awesome! Now turn up the music." He said as he leaned back into his seat.

Ryan shook his head turning it up, as he pulled back he happened to catch Leah looking at him, "What?" He asked with a smile.

"You know you don't have to do that right? He doesn't need a whole new wardrobe, his clothes are just fine." She said with a chuckle.

He nodded his head as he turned into the parking lot for the mall, "I know that. Still doesn't hurt to get it for him, I see Seth as a brother and what kind of older brother would I be if I didn't get him things now and then. I like doing it."

Since he was trying to park perfectly as he said this he missed the light in her eyes as he spoke, he also missed the soft smile she sent him when he was talking about it. Though Seth in the back didnt miss it, he smiled to himself while crossing his fingers, he was really hoping that his sister and Ryan would end up together, then they really could be brothers.

Not knowing what was going through the head of the two people in his car Ryan turned off the car, "Alright guys let's go do this."

They each got out and headed towards the front, out of all of them Seth was the most excited for it, not like this is the first time he has taken them to do this though. But it would be the first time that Seth was going unsupervised, which just meant that he would be responsible for whatever he bought, and Ryan would just have to trust him with it.

After getting money out the ATM Ryan turned to Seth, "I'm trusting you here man. I don't care what you get or what store you go to, just make sure to bring me the receipt that is all I ask."

Seth nodded, "Sure thing, and you wouldn't mind if I got a thing or two off the wardrobe list right?"

"Seth..." Leah started but again Ryan stepped in.

"Sure thing man. Just remember that if it needs ID that me and your sister won't be helping you get it, anything else go wild. Though make sure it isn't over five thousand, if so my parents will have to confirm the purchase." Ryan explained to him while letting him walk off.

"Got it." Seth said waving over his shoulder.

They both watched as he walked over to some friends, who he apparently was meeting, they all started laughing before heading off somewhere. "I think you might have done the wrong thing there. He will most likely spend that amount but in a small dose so he can get a lot." Leah said with a smile.

Ryan chuckled nodding his head, he wrapped an arm over her shoulder while steering her towards the music store she always went to, "Well in that case you will just have to pay it back by marrying me." He joked.

She rolled her eyes but didn't pull away, "Yeah right, I am worth way more then that."

"Yeah you are right about that. I mean if someone wanted to marry you then they would need enough more to buy a galaxy. What I am saying is you are priceless." He said with a smile.

Leah grinned softly while leaning her head on his shoulder, what neither noticed was a blonde following them from behind, she had a nasty scowl on her face as she followed them further into the stores. Two other people were with her a small brunette and a man who looked to be in pain, though he calmed down some when the girl took his hand.

"So what are you getting today then? More Queen?" He asked while looking into some of the nineties rap that they had lying around, he was holding a Tupac album at the moment.

"Yeah I still need 'News of the World' and 'Hot Space' they are the only two I haven't got. The manager is holding 'News of the World' for me, they just got one in." She said with obvious excitement in her voice, she lived and breathed vinyl so he knew how important this was for her.

"Well then it looks like I know what to get you for your birthday if you haven't gotten it by then. Though I already have a few gifts picked out." Ryan said with a smile as he got the album he was holding, he usually just listened to his playlist but he did like listening to music on vinyl too.

"You do realize that is in February right?" She asked with a smile and a laugh as she led him to the counter where the manager was getting her purchases ready.

He nodded his head, "Still doesn't mean I can't be ready for it."

She just shook her head as she paid for her newest album, "You do you Ryan."

"Don't I always?" He asked with a smile as they walked out the store, "So, clothes shopping now huh? What would you like?"

All she did was laugh while leading him to a store, the thing about her being more tomboy then being a girl was really helpful in situation like these. Ryan knew that she was only going to this one store then she would be done, she wasn't the type of woman who shopped at five different stores.

He didn't mind it either since this worked for her, she looked sexy in her usually flannel shirts with another tank top or undershirt, she usually wore with that some tight blue or black jeans. Ryan just saw no reason for her to change her style, he found her drop dead sexy, though he would never say this out loud.

After an hour in the store they walked out, it was still early for them to head back so they decided to get some food at the food court. When they arrived there they saw Seth surrounded by friends as they were all laughing, smiling they left him alone in order to get their food.

"So which girl do you think he is dating or is after?" Ryan asked Leah as they stood in line for their food.

Leah looked to her brother while raising a brow, "Most likely Sara there, she has been friends with him since childhood so I can see him showing out for her out of all the girls over there."

Ryan chuckled some, he wondered himself since he never knew if Seth actually imprinted on someone, at the moment he was only fourteen years old. Now when he fazes he will find his one true love, hopefully, or maybe he would take some time to find her, but at least he would find her.

This was one of the many reasons he also wanted Seth to have a proper teenage childhood, at the moment he stood at maybe five foot six, but when he shifted he will hit six foot. By then so many things will be changing in Seth's life that he will be able to live with these memories fondly.

"Hey Ryan! Stop spacing out and grab the food." Leah said with a smile as she snapped her fingers in front of his face bringing him out of his thoughts. Shaking his head he grabbed their food before making his way with her to a table, she led them to one not to far behind Seth and his friends.

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