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33.33% A Whole New Demon Slayer(s) / Chapter 2: Two Chosen One's?!

Chapter 2: Two Chosen One's?!


"Master do I really have to go? I mean, I can get stronger at the dojo and who is going to train the new recruits? You? Obviously not! You're old and grouchy, that's the reason why I don't have any juniors, and besi…" 'BAMMMM' a karate chop landed on the head of the handsome teenager with long silver hair as he was speaking. He wore a traditional kimono with a white haori over with a unique symbol for his sword school. A turtle over two swords.

"Shut up Jin! I told you about the fucking babbling. Wait for a response before continuing to speak sometimes! And this isn't a request, you must leave this mountain and make the Ogame sword style roar throughout all the land where the sun rises. This is my final mission to you boy," says the kid's master, an old man of at least 65 but looks no more than 40. His brown hair is tied into a samurai bun, and he wore two blades draped on his left side.

"OW! That hurt old man!" Jin says as he rubs the top of his head. "Will there be strong people, or at least some pretty damsels in distress?" Says Jin no longer upset at being kicked out, he's already moved on to the potential prospects of adventuring.

"Understand this boy. This is a world where demons feast on humans, the government abuses the people, rape and banditry run rampant, orphans are commonplace and human lives are literally less valuable than a dog's," the master warns. "Do not assume that your haki will make you invincible or that your sword is the greatest out there. I will warn you now, there exists a swordsman that even my blade could barely reach, and you will definitely meet him on your travels. Hell, there's no point being cryptic about it, he's your namesake and grandfather. 'The Sword demon King Jinsuke Kurogane'". As Master Iori was continuing his speech, he felt a rising pressure that had caused a rumbling across all of sword mountain. "Hah, is that how you feel?" Iori asks with a smirk as he sees visible steam coming off from the boy's body. A manifestation of his fighting spirit, so intense it began forcing out his conqueror's Haki (an ability he has never used of his own volition but only with a strong stirring of his emotions).

Jin looked at his trembling hands and smiled ecstatically. "Sword demon king? This is enough to make my blood boil. I'm shaking with excitement master, I must go! I must see the world! I shall spread the Ogame swordsmanship all over, and I will become the one and only Sword God!" Jin yells with a newfound vigor.

"Just get going already," says Iori. There was no need for any long-winded goodbye or to even explain the common knowledge of the outside world to him. He was a fast learner so he would get the picture eventually. Only Iori himself knows that since the boy was ten years old, he could no longer be defeated in pure swordsmanship. What's more the kid seems to be subconsciously holding himself back. For the last four years Iori sat and watched this monster grow, and now it's time for him to slay the demon king. Iori watched the kid's back travelling down the mountain path until he was no longer in sight, and then he turned around and went back inside only for Jin to turn around and bow to him. A deep bow, a bow not for master and disciple, but one for father and son.

"Thanks for everything old man," says Jin cooly as he walked away.

-Two weeks later-

"Hmmm what should I do now?" Jin wonders aloud as he wandered through the forest with no particular destination in mind. Having seen none of the perils his master warned him of. Jin was getting bored enough to go home. Just then he spies a kid with red tipped golden hair which reminded Jin of fire, training alone. Well trying to train, his form and ability were abysmal but his determination unrivaled. Jin's interest was piqued by the genuine efforts being put forth, so he watched from a distance for a while. "I guess I can watch just a bit longer, I may have found a possible heir for that sword and kata.

The little boy was training his own in his family's traditional swordsmanship, but he couldn't produce results anywhere near the ability of his predecessors. That frustration hurt him more than any training he put himself through. He idolized his big brother and wanted to become strong like him. He abruptly stopped his training and turned around when he heard a voice from behind.

"Hey kid, what's your name?" says Jin to the flame-haired boy.

"I am Rengoku Senjuro, and you are a kid too." He points out.

"Irrelevant," Jin dismisses the statement.

"Okay…" Senjuro says. While he doesn't sense any ill intent, he is wary of the stranger. "Who are you, and why are you here? This is my family's land," Senjuro says as he prepares his stance.

"I am Jinsuke Kurogane, the supreme class demon slayer and future sword god!" Proclaims Jin loudly. "I have one thing to say seeing you train. You lack any talent in your family's swordsmanship," says Jin with his eyes closed and hands behind his back trying to seem enlightened and profound. He did not realize it had the opposite effect on Senjoro, it demoralized him quite a bit. "Senjuro…"

"I am not weak!" Senjuro's sadness turned into anger as he tried to attack. He swung the wooden sword he trained with his attempt at flame breathing. "Second form: Rising scorching sun!" he says while swing an upward slash to which Jin simply used took the slightest movement back to dodge within the narrowest margin. The upward swing left Senjuro off balance and wide open, but Jin just jumped back and raised both hands defensively.

"I see I have offended you, that was not my purpose."

"Even so it doesn't make the truth sting any less…" Senjuro says as his countenance drops.

"I wish to teach you flame kata of the Ogame school of swordsmanship. now before you get too proud to accept, just watch. I believe you have talent, just not the same as your brother's. That does that make your potential any less…you too can be as strong as the hashira, maybe even stronger." Jin says pulling the long sword that was taller than himself from his back. "This sword is named Kaito: Kutaragi Sadanaga it belonged to my senior uncle. Now watch this." The boy watched closely with interest and skepticism. To say he wanted to be stronger would be an understatement, but can this extremely long sword even be used practically? And even if it was possible would he have to leave his family to learn it? That he could never do. Then the display begins…

"First Mode!" Jin shouts before stopping completely with a bothered expression.

"Is something the matter?" Senjuro asks.

"I can't show you how well this works without a real opponent," answers Jin as he looks around while thinking. "Ah!" With a deep breath Jin moved at a speed Senjuro couldn't even perceive he grabbed Senjuro and dashed off into the forest. Stopping at an old, abandoned shrine nestled in some boulders far away, Jin dropped a dizzy Senjuro and steps forward. "Here should work," he says looking around.

"Mr. Kurogane what are you doing?" A nervous Senjuro asks.

Jin breaths in deep. "Come out demon! I've come to slay you!" In response nasty growls are heard from inside and a long-limbed demon lumbered out from the doorway. He turns to Senjuro with a big smile "don't miss a thing."

"Another foolish demon slayer dares to come into my domain and challenge me? HAH! You're just a child! I'll tear you limb from limb!" says the demon as it charges at Jin.

Jin didn't answer and merely took a sideways stance, raising both arms overhead bending them over each other. The massive Sadanaga held away from the demon. "First mode: Hibashira!" As Jin's target drew near, he loosened his grip on the sword letting it hang freely in his hand. Then he quickly unfolded his arms, pushing upwards on his sword arm with the other. The resulting flaming whip-like movement focused all the strength on the tip sparking a combustive flame, resulting in a devastating downwards slash that easily cleaved the demon's flesh taking an arm.

"Damn you!" Curses the demon as it stumbles backwards holding the bleeding stump where his arm just was.

Jin marched forward as the demon backed into a large boulder. "Second Mode: Gurensen" Jin crosses his arms, with the right one pointing back and the left one up. Then, he swings his right arm while pushing it with the left one at the same time, resulting in a very powerful and wide swing leaving the image of bloody flaming lotuses. Barely jumping out of the way the demon looks back to see that entire boulder cleaved in two.

"Grrr! This brat could really kill me, I have to kill him quickly!" He says as he jumps around the area at high speeds trying to confuse Jin. Then he lunges straight towards Jin's blind spot, but Jin reacts lunging to meet him. The giant sword dragging behind up the ground behind him. "You die boy!"

"Third Mode: Shuengetsu!" Jin pushed the sword and slid it forward with his free hand so as to increase the speed of his blade. Sparking flames exploded out propelling the rising slash even faster. At the last possible moment, he switches hands increasing his speed and range farther, so much so the flames become a brilliant blue. The blazing Sadanaga cleaved through the demon as it burned to nothing on its way to the ground. Jin waved the blade and dispelled the fire as he turned around. "So." Jin says looking over only to see Senjuro's mouth ajar at the sheer destruction.

Plop! Senjuro drops to his knees. "Master!" yells the excited boy only a few years younger than Jin.

"I won't be your master, I will accept that bow on behalf of the previous flame kata master. Remember my movements well and study this book daily. Most importantly this sword now belongs to you." Jin says as he hands over the Sadanaga to Senjuro who falls under its weight.

"Thank you mast-"

Senjuro starts but is interrupted by Jin "Stop I'm just your senior brother."

"Okay senior, but is this really okay? We just met and this all seems very important. Is it right for me to accept this?" Senjuro says hesitating.

"If the gift is too heavy then prove my instincts right, grow strong enough to carry that weight on your shoulders. By the examination time I'd better here the name Rengoku Senjuro the Flame Kata user of the Ogame school." Jin says with a cheerful smile, he doesn't know that for Senjuro this was the first person since his brother to encourage him. This moment marks the beginning of the of legend of the Kagutsuchi, the flame sword god, but that's a story for later.

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