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Chapter 5- Jade Rock Building, Betting with an Unknown Oldman

Xu Hao walk back towards his house, precisely his rental apartment, he open the door, and he then found himself crouching in front of the waist-heightened drawer, where his folded clothes were on.

"It's here if I recollected it right." He mumbled, as he searched for something inside of his drawer, it has 4 layer boxes, and he find the thing that he wanted in the 3rd layer.

Xu Hao sighed, he was glad that he save money for himself.

"I am too poor." He couldn't help himself from shaking his head, he counted his money, as it was only 500 Yan, it wasn't that big for the place he was going to go on.

Standing up, as he grabbed a grey coat, as he put the money that he only has in his pocket.

Xu Hao's eyes beamed into a new light, as he remember the place he is going to spend his money on.

After all, he did not want to be a complete loser and mostly poor dog like he was, it's the start of his change!

With a resolution on his mind, Xu Hao took a step to the first line of his life! The starting point!




Meanwhile, back to the Landlady's house, where Xu Hao has just left, on the sofa where he has massaged Qing Xinyi with his Magical Hands.

Qing Xinyi could be seen sleeping peacefully, her breathing was in a line of serenity, and her profile was as docile as a harmless cat, not like from before when she always lashed out wildly.

"Hmm.... Mhhm..." She hummed while sleeping, she has a little smile on her lips.

She has a long silky black hair it travels down, falling like a waterfall on her back, she has a wild yet curvy eyebrows, she has an oval face, a high wilder nose, and a red lips was open a little showing her white teeth, she has a smooth white flawless skin, as it glistened under the light inside, she has a mature aura, her body was plumper, with a seductive 'S' shape sexy figure, an F-cup breasts measurement under those fabrics, a slim waist and a rather peachy fat buttocks, she was wearing a single dress, revealing some of her white thick thighs. Her slender jade legs were visible through her toes.

She was older than Xu Hao, she was already at her 38 age, divorced, and was lonely living frustrated in life cow.

Qing Xinyi right now, her consciousness drifted into the land of the dreams, as she experience the very first pleasing and peaceful sleep she ever had.

She was unaware that her Yin Essence was just smothered and was absorbed by Xu Hao, as his tongue personally invaded her milfly cave.

Under the fabrics, on her red sexy undies, a puddle of her liquid was gushing out, a tiny amount, as there was still a saliva left on her slitted flowers.





Jade Cutting Building– a place where a famous Jade Cutting was foreseeable, anyone can become rich if their luck was on their side, after all, this business was handled by the Mei Family, one of the behemoths in the Mallory City!

People's voices reverberated, as there were too many humans walking and talking to each other.

"Did you know, yesterday someone obtain a Jade and made a fortune!"

"Really! Damn, I miss the opportunity to finally see a jade crystal!"

"Well.... too bad for you, under my eyes, I had witnessed it, haha!"

Outside of the 3-floor tall building, a taxi could be seen stopping, as a simple youth was presented.

"Thank you for riding in my taxi, goodbye."

Xu Hao stepped out of the taxi, as he nodded at the driver, who said that to him, and silently look at the Jade Cutting Business, he took a deep breath and walk inside.

"Trying my luck..... isn't that bad." Xu Hao said under his breath, as he came prepared, he will use his Piercing Devil's Eyes to find a precious jade.... but, he won't be in a hurry, after all, he can only use it for almost likely 2-3 times... He didn't know, after all, the Piercing Devil's Eyes was not like the Nirvana's Touch.

Thinking of this, as he recalled the Immortal Dual Cultivator life using the Piercing Devil's Eyes, the Duration was mostly -10 Spiritual Qi or Yang/Yin Qi, but it was lasting until the day, basically 24 hours, but pushing it to that will have a side effects. Xu Hao naturally did not want that currently.

Xu Hao walk inside, as he goes to the 500 Yan Jade Stone prices, it was a fist-size stone.

"Hmm, youngster..... you will most likely wouldn't find a Jade under this covered rock, they are too small.... I advise you to go to that one."

Xu Hao look at the Old man beside him, wearing a formal clothes but he didn't know the brand, as it was a precious yet old branded clothes.

The Old man was probably have 70-80 years old, as his hair was already white, but he noticed that the Old man's temperament was from those high-class people, how did Xu Hao notice? Well..... Let's just say it came from.... stalking Lin Muyan in the past.

Xu Hao shake his head, as he reply his bloody red eyes glinted for a second, as he activated the Piercing Devil's Eyes!

[Spiritual Qi]: -10

[Spiritual Qi]: 0/20

Looking at the fist-size rocks displayed on the round big table, Xu Hao had a miraculous grin on his lips.

In his view, as he activated the Immortal/Heavenly Eye Power, ‹Piercing Devil's Eyes›, he can see through the rocks, as he eyed them one by one.

Suddenly, his eyes opened wide, and he noticed a different rock, almost all of the rocks here were no color, it was plain, but when his eyes landed on a certain rock, there was a vivid green color emitting on it!

Xu Hao has a neutral expression, as he then stated, getting the attention of the Old man beside him, "How about a bet.....? If I tell you that there is a rock with a Crystal Jade inside one of these rocks...."

"Hooh, you seem to didn't know me kid, youngster like you are full of vigor, I see, I see." The Old man chuckles caressing his beard under his chin.

But, seeing Xu Hao's serious expression, the Old man become amused.

"How much can you bet..... young man?" The Oldman asked, stroking his beard and looking at Xu Hao with a new light.

Xu Hao then reply internally happy, "Hm, how about 20,000 Yan?"

"Ohhh, that amount of money is nothing to me, here." The Oldman signaled his hands, as Immediately a buffed man dressed in a black professional outfit, like a professional bodyguard in a suit.


"Get me the briefcase."

"Here it is respected boss."

The Oldman open a red case, and he then grabbed the money inside of it, 20,000 Yan as he handed it to Xu Hao, who just blankly gave the Oldman a strange look.

"Haha.... I assume you wouldn't run away, correct?.... but entirely.... you couldn't." The Old man chuckled, as he was surrounded by his 5 bodyguards.

"Running away, I will not do such a despicable thing." Xu Hao was not even nervous.

"Where's your bet.....? the money?" The Oldman squinted his eyes.

"In here." Xu Hao pointed at his pocket, as the Oldman frowned, seeing this, after all, he was just bulshitting he didn't have the money yet, but he planned to milk this Old man a little, "Rest assured.... why would I have the courage to asked you, to a Jade Rock Betting, I won't stain my own name."

Reassurance made the Oldman release a serious chuckle, "Good..... Good...." He squinted his eyes a little at Xu Hao, "Even if I'm old, offending me isn't easy to deal with.... Young man."

"Now... Prove it to me... Show me if there's a Crystal Jade in this Low-Class Rock Section!"

The Oldman was unaware that he has fallen under Xu Hao's despicable tricks, too much confidence sometimes gives you a headache.






A/N- i created a discord soon i'll let you know the link! Character pics will be posted there!

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