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23.75% Shadow Monarch: Multiverse Ascendance / Chapter 53: CHAPTER 51 Fight???

Chapter 53: CHAPTER 51 Fight???

So with these first 50 chapters are done.


Additional effect: Protects the hands from injury


(If your strength is below 80, your movement will be slowed.)




I obtained the gauntlets with a happy expression and equipped them.  Just like the other equipment, the gauntlets did not show their form and did not impede my fingers.




After moving my fingers around, I raised my head.


Ahead of the tunnel, the torches that lined the wall finally ended.  At their end was a giant door. I clearly remembered the entrance from a manhwa.  


I looked back on the path that I had walked so far.


'It's been two hours since I came in here…'


My level had reached 67, and I had picked up a lot of new equipment.


I was prepared.


HP: 10794/10794 R: 19.3%(1040.57) per Minute

MP: 31051/31107 R: 27.87%(4887.93) per Minute

Fatigue: 01


After performing a final check on my status, I grabbed the handles of the door.




As if moved by some unknown mechanism, the doors opened apart easily.



The doors of the boss room opened.  Inside of the room was dark.  All that I could see was the front of my feet. The floor was neatly lined with stone slabs. The grey stones gave off a cold feeling compared to the heat of my body.


The moment I took a step onto those slabs,




The numerous torches that lined the interior of the room all lit up, illuminating the area.


'As I thought… nothing had changed even after me going overboard with my mana.

So the Architect didn't modify anything or he can't modify anything?  Does he still have authority over the system? Especially when the system reached beyond his programming


I could not lower my guard.  I cautiously walked while observing my surroundings.  The sides of the room contained giant pillars, and at the deep end of the room was a large throne.


'This reminds me of…'


It was reminiscent of a king's throne room that I saw in many anime and movies.  Well, the scale was quite different.


After I had taken a few steps into the room, the door behind me closed with a loud sound.




I didn't even look at it and I continued forward.


As I neared the throne, an armored form hidden behind a pillar revealed itself and slowly walked in front of me, blocking my path.  


step step




The thing stopped and turned to face me.


I knew this was the boss and my future Knight.  Its name in red letters, floating above its head, told me as much.


'Knight Captain, Blood-red Ygritte' 


It was a knight wearing red armor.  The armor part was the same as the knights I had faced before, but compared to those lumbering enemies, this one looked a lot more agile.  What stood out to me was its helmet. The top of the helmet was adorned with plumage. It was a streak of red hair that started from the top of the helmet and fell backward, looking like a horse's tail.  While looking over the helmet, I noticed something else,


'He… he has eyes?'


Or rather, in the spot where a person's eyes should be, the opening of the helmet glowed with two silver lights.  Its "eyes" were reminiscent of light coming from a machine and gave off a sense of coldness. Those eyes were looking at me.  It raised the hair on the back of his neck.


'So this was the owner of the powerful presence…'


I kept an eye on Ygritte's movements and raised my fists.


'Dagger won't work anyways.'


What was needed to defeat a knight was destructive power.  I would need my strength.




Ygritte was watching me, then suddenly removed its red cape.




The cape fell onto the ground.




Its strange behavior did not stop there.


The knight took out the longsword and the two daggers at its sides and threw them onto the floor, one at a time.  It was a slow, deliberate act, sending a message to me.



clang. clang.


The silence of the boss room was broken by the loud sounds of the metal falling onto the stone slabs.  Having discarded his weapons, Ygritte raised his fists and took a fighting stance, trying to imitate me.


He is going to fight him in a hand-to-hand combat because I did not take out a weapon?  


"Come I will show you the difference" 

As if understanding my words, Ygritte charged at me in a straight line.


step, step, step, step!


It was an unthinkable speed for an armored being.


'My armor said strength below eighty resulted in a movement penalty.'


That meant the opponent's strength was at least 80! On top of that, the knight's movements revealed that his agility was not at all below a high-ranking Hunter.


Ygritte came before me and leaped.




The knight aimed a knee at me.


'He's fast! But not fast enough


But I was not about to lose in anything.  I bent my body backward at a nearly 90-degree angle and dodged Ygritte's attack.  I quickly raised my body and turned to face the boss. Unlike the knights that lost their momentum and continued after missing their charge, Ygritte immediately turned around after landing.



"I will give you a point for that,  But do you know what," I said as I quickly ran to Ygritte before he fully turned around and aimed a fist at his chest. And before Ygritte could be realized I was faster than before so he was too late for making any counter moment, 

So he embraced himself for the attack, "Bang! Boom bang" and as my punches connected he was sent flying high colliding with the wall behind him while he had a huge dent in his chest.  "Sorry to tell you dude but I am way over-leveled for this shit"

I told him as the dust settled down Ygritte pulled himself out of the wall he looked down and saw a huge impact on his chest that had left behind a first mark.  

As he looked at it with eyes of shock as if saying was impossible.  

Ygritte quickly ran to me and aimed a kick at my face.  However, he was still much slower from my perspective so I accurately moved my arm.




Ygritte's right leg was easily stopped by my left hand.




He was surprised.  While Ygritte's leg was still off the ground, my fist flew straight toward him.




Ygritte's reflexively put up both arms to guard but could not completely block the impact.


Bang! Dent! 


The punch broke through his guard, and his body was tossed into the air.


With a fist imprinted in his hands.   




I was already right before Ygritte's eyes.  Before he could react, Ygritte's face was greeted by my left leg.




The knight bounced on the ground and rolled across the room.



When he finally stopped and got up, his ears were ringing.  He shook his head a few times and the ringing eased up a bit. However, there was a bigger problem approaching.  Through his blurred vision, he saw me walking towards him.


step step

As I looked at the system window which told me I have three minutes before I will be forced into the penalty zone. "Well let us entertain ourselves, I already have my fair share of life and death battles so this should be fun."  


Ygritte opened his eyes wide after hearing me and focused strength on his legs.  I stopped at an arm's reach before Ygritte.

 Standing before even though his size was bigger the dents and imprints on his body told the story of who was the boss here.  He still stood high, "I am going to make you my servant on my first try, and to do that I have to break you and force you to submit to me." 

I told him,  and again he has wide eye look, and 

A beating began between us.

In an instant I was behind the knight, as I knew I had to overwhelm him, So I started punching him from head to toe. In just a little over 10 seconds I landed dozens of strikes on the enemy.

By the time Ygritte felt all of that looking at himself wounded, I had already attacked all major vital spots and broke off chunks of his armor. The Kight health points were falling rapidly as I stopped. 


clang! clang! clang! clang! 



Ygritte fell down as he felt pain over his body and he looked around and saw pieces of his armor that were scattered around.  



An inhuman scream spilled forth from the helmet.  At the same time, the eyes struck on me. 

Next, I picked Ygritte by grabbing its neck. I looked into its eyes. 



While thrashing about in pain, Ygritte repeatedly struck me but it was the struggle of a child.  

Before he knew I threw it with all my strength. Next second I cast modified earthlance and the following second it came out of the ground "Bang boom" which launched him into the high ceiling.









With a scream, Ygritte was slammed into the ceiling.  

He collided with the shelter, but he didn't fall as he was stuck on the ceiling. The subsequent second I cast "Stone Bullets" and just after I did, tens of stone bullets materialized around me. They were spinning but not as fast as they did last as I didn't modify the spell. 

"See you in a few days, dude," I told him, and all the stone bullets launched at him.  

*Crash* *Crash* *Crash* *Crash* *Crash* *Crash* 





Stone bullets started to fly and hit him, most of them hitting him and creating holes all over his body.  While the remaining ones crashed into the ceiling creating huge holes, which caused the knight to plunge to the ground.  

The shock of the attack was powerful enough to shake the entire room.




I took a step back.  Even stuck on the ground, Ygritte was still alive.  I felt the blazing lifeforce emanating from the knight.

 "Dude you just don't die"

'...I have to end it.'


I took out the knight killer,  Ygritte's body flinched as he saw the dagger. I grabbed the dagger-like an ice pick and brought it down at the knight's neck.

'Vital Stab!'




The attack did more than piercing his neck.


One more time.


'Vital Stab!'




Sparks flew from the dagger's tip.  came out of the other side of the neck. 

The Knight Killer dug itself deep into the knight's neck and came out from the other side


You've defeated the Knight Captain, Blood-red Ygritte.



You've leveled up!


I raised my arms high into the air.  While walking backward, yes this was nothing but I believe every good thing should be celebrated.  

There were several streaks of light coming from Ygritte's body.  It was the calling card of items.


'Let's grab those first.'


I stretched a hand towards the light.


You've found the "Red Knight's Helmet"

Would you like to acquire it?


You've found a "Runestone: Ruler's Hands"

Would you like to acquire it?


You've found a "Leather Pouch"

Would you like to acquire it?


You've found an "Instant Return Stone"

Would you like to acquire it?




So world travel is coming soon which is batter Akame Ga Kill or some other world.

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