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41.37% Taking the place of the most insane primarch (Wh 40k) / Chapter 12: Chapter 11:Butterfly flapps its wings

Chapter 12: Chapter 11:Butterfly flapps its wings

Emperor POV:

Over the time of my great crusade, I have found seven of my missing sons, and so far, each has made me proud of their progress of advancing humanity. With hope, this warmongering will be over, and the true fight shall begin against CHAOS.

I have recently heard rumors from the eastern section of the universe of a man uniting FIVE hundred world under one banner, and from said rumors, the people love him for it.

I have tried to get in contact with the ruler, but I've been delayed by warp storms. Soon the Bucephelus will exit the warp, and if what I find is true, that one of my sons leads this empire. Problems began right after exiting the warp as each alpha level navigator and the emperor himself gasped as a feeling of the warp simply not existing to the far Noth of the meeting point on the planet Orpheus prime.

Deciding to put this valuable and worrying information to the back of his head and choose to go and meet one of his sons.

On the planet, his theories were proven correct. A son of his was in control of this empire, and what an empire it was. While with my son Guilliman, he recounted his exploits and his merits in the making of his empire called ultramar, and for such merits , I rewarded him and gave him a challenge of his empire supporting his own sons.

It was during such talks that u brought up what lies to the north of his empire, and the information was bleak. For what lies north is an expanse of planets, each working against one another due to its rivalry but the jewel of this crown of thorns of society was a planet called nostramo that sits just beside many dead or dying stars. when I inquired about this planet, it was said to be a planet of criminals and villainy. it was seen as a useless planet outside of its mines, but the planet itself has gone dark for the past six years as no new trade was made with guilliman's outpost world, Hale.

After the heart to heart with my son, I sent out a call for his brothers to gather to make sure this void in the warp is not a danger to humanity. I, along with Guilliman, wait on Hale for my sons to arrive. The first to arrive is horus with his luna wolves. When he reached the planet surface, he happily greeted me with a simple "Father," and once noticing his new brother, he greeted him just as warmly, and together, they left the drop area to talk and ger to know one another. In time, the rest showed up many talking to their new brother before dorn finally arrived. Once all my found sons arrived, I called them to a large room to debrief them on the possible danger amd since I could not feel the dark gods hands in this I don't have to hold back on any info to protect them.

"Even though I know you can't feel it but a great void has formed, and we have yet to know its source and its intentions."

"Father, what if it's a highly advanced human empire? Would this not be a great chance to strengthen our imperium." Questioned horus.

"It very well may be a human empire, but I've called you here for the chance it's xenos or if they refuse to bend the knee," responded the emperor.

"I hope they are friendly. it is always good to make friends in this rather depressing galaxy, " stated vulkan

"I disagree brother, think of the glory of a fight that even Father believes might require us all to fight!" argued leaman.

"Father, I shall begin fortifications on this planet for a staging ground for this possible war," stated dorn before leaving.

"Ferrus, which of us do u think would gather more glory in this supposed war me or you?" questioned fulgrim to his friend and brother.

"Victory would matter more brother," stated ferrus

"Before any war talk, I believe we should investigate nostramo. It may be the source of it all, or worse case scenario, it's the first casualty." Argued guilliman receiving a nod from his father.

"I agree, my son. That is why I and just you, my sons shall investigate this plannet for if the worst case is true, we stand the best chance to annihilate it before other worlds fall." stated the emperor while thinking how him and his companions, along with his sons and their vanguard, would provide a good show of force to cow the possible humans into submission.

Onboard the Bucephelus bridge

It was not a long trip to nostramo, but as a father, I found it quite amusing how my sons interacted with each other. Looking out onto the almost pitch black planet, I can barely see five cities due to a faint green glow, but the center most city glows the brightest. It must be the capital and the best place to land. It was after these thoughts when a comms officer got my attention and the attention of my sons.

"Milord, we have reciellved clearance to land on nostramo quintis by order of the High Judge"

So they know we are here yet do not seem to be hostile. How curious that they knew exactly when to send clearance.

"Very well prepare a landing crusier captain, me and my sons are going planet side"

On the way down, I could feel something or someone watching the ship descend past the dark clouds into a loading bay lit up with green glowing lights marking its outline. The oddities did not stop there for when we exited, we were met by rows of soldiers, each only momentarily stunned before a shout from what had to be a political officer getting the men back in order.

We were then led down the city roads toward the center, passing many hanging corpses that clashed with the sight of children playing in their yards, not even paying attention to the corpses' mere feet from them.

"What a grim place, but for children to play so freely, safety must've been assured by this High Judge," remarked vulkan ever the optimist

"Or these corpses are what's left of his dissenters too weak to make a difference," stated ferrus

It was as we got closer that more corpses appeared on walls with the fresher ones seem to have their crimes labeled on their very skin.

"They have no respect for their dead, obviously," said fulgrim

"No, dear brother, it's a warning to others and a gruesome fashion to do so as well," rebuked horus

It was as we came across a large arch that we got a first look at something outside of macabre corpses, and in high Gothic, written above an arch was the words [Praetorium] carved into the ferro Crete and marked in what seems to be blood. within this hall is a list of crimes and the corresponding punishments to be given based on the situation.

"Judge indeed for he sees himself as a harbinger of justice," remarked Guilliman

After exiting the hall, our escorts split, leaving only the political officers in power armor, and it was only then that I remembered where the glow was from as I look upon the guass rifle in the officer's hands about the size of a heavy stubber possibly why they need the power armor to lift it. Now, knowing just what level of fire power they possibly have. I signal my sons to be cautious for even a prkmarch could be atomized if hit in a place with no armor.

We were then led to a massive central building with its lower level absolutely covered in tortured corpses and many gauss weapon turrets with power armored guards armed with power weapons. Once past the heavy security, we heard a loud slow clapping coming from the stairs as each guard stiffened, not out of fear but out of respect.

"Welcome, Father. I have been expecting you," commented a tall man who could only be one of my sons.

Looking upon my son, I see pitch black eyes not staring at me but at his brothers as a look of confusion crosses his face before before returning to a sharpened edge smile.

"Welcome to nostramo and the empire of night."


Hello author here

thank you for continuing to read this story, and sorry for the delay. I was trying to find the best spot for him to be found, so I thought, why not after finding papa smurf.

Now I would like to say I do plan for him to go find the primarchs that the emperor botched like angron or mortarion. But I would like to know which primarch he should find first since I threw the OG timeline in the trash.

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