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25 Flightless Bird

[A/N* What's really funny is that when I was starting this story I was just writing whatever came to mind so now I'm trying to build off the loose ends I gave at the beginning like the 1 year time skip

And it's turning out pretty hard

Who's stocks are you buying next chapter?

Yuta Bumkostu (the wrong choice - end it all just for choosing that Epstein clone) :

Sukuna - the binding vow merchant:


Wuji Wintadori:

Kenny the one that took it all:


A formerly elegant room once bathed in eerie darkness resumed it's ambiance but to the shock of many all that encompassed was a massacre

Wails and cries for resonated against the Oakley coloured walls and the prominent chandeliers hanging precariously high up out of unaided human reach

Scarlet stained the floors and ornaments that decorated the interior accompanied by various half dead half alive (...barely) bodies strung up on the table mimicking a mountain

However even amidst the strangeness of it all, at the very epicentre was a boy ethereal in nature sitting opposite to where Oswald once sat - on top of the billionaire himself

A bizarre sight to peel back your eyelids and lay your sight on but an even stranger day to be alive for even greater forces were at work scheming and sowing seeds of chaos whilst our protagonist relishes in his pleasure


--Gojo POV--

Slapping the annoying face of the villain below me, I couldn't help but smile, 'This day out turned out to be pretty entertaining, who would've though I would have such a catch. A flightless bird of all things'

"Stop whining, this was your fault anyway," I popped an especially sweet citrus lollipop into my mouth and relished as the sugar coursed to my brain, energising it rather satisfying me

"D-Do you know who you're crossing kid?!" He screamed, the inclinations of desperation and well deserved fear struck me making me reveal my whites in pride

'This is...freaky. Going from a kid watching Batman beat the shit out of this fatty to...this,' I mused to myself in silence, 'Super meta'

"Someone who placed a hit of 100K on me~ who else?" My gaze descended down onto his lowly body, "After all the work I accomplished cleaning up the rotten streets of Gotham, inch by inch, just to have my life threatened...whatever am I gonna do..

..Maybe I should just kill you," I wiggled my finger in front of my face and watched the life drain out of the fat pig

"W-What? WHat..What do you want?! Money?! Wom-?!" His eyes lingering across my disinterested yawning expression as he switched his tactics immediately like a professional confidence man, "Y-You care about Gotham...killing me w-will do the opposite! The grip I have over Gotham is immeasurable.."

Sensing my interest, his businessman tongue began to work its magic at this new advantage given.

"...I-If you kill all goes down and everything descends into c-chaos, all the crooks and gangs under my control will fight to fill the void that I leave - do you really want to risk tha-!"

I cut him off with an ominous wide eyed smile oozing over confident edgelord, "..Then I'll just have to bring everything ruin don't I? Unleash all my demons on the city of Goth- pfft~ ..Heh I can't keep a straight face when pretending to be a fanfic mc - who writes these things hehe"

I snickered deliriously as my laughter grew at the dumfounded, absolutely flabbergasted face of good 'ol Oswald as I kicked his already broken beak like nose...taking slight joy at his pain, "Gonna cry~? Hehe...lucky for you I'm just not ready to become a monster like my predecessor -no no just yet.."

Rising from my 'seat' with a thin lipped lazy grin I continued, "Now~ Down to business. Please kindly remove that bounty from my head, you're free to refuse of course just know that I will annihilate your organisation from the ground up."

He began nodding his head in hurried agreement even as he writhed in agony from his meagre wounds I had given him before the start of our...negotiation

However if there was one thing I'm able to sense and perceive as a jujustu sorcerer it would be the whispers of deceit and right now were telling me that this fatty was lying to save his skin

"Lying is a bad trait y'know? Hm?" I watched his face contort to mimic a petrified statue of one of mommy Medusa's victims whilst his head perked up, "Guess there's only one solution.."


Warping space, I pressurised a thin slash of air, and simply slashed his nose off as easy as a hot knife through tiramisu.. damn now I want some cake.

His screams echoed louder than his others as agony and anguish of a demeaned man rang loud

A streak of scarlet threatened to stain the clothes I had worn and yet they stopped like all others that wanted to get closer... inches near my face

"Infinity... what would I be without you' I cheered internally and yet the same indifferent twinkle danced across the celestial fire of my eyes and face


I pushed the door open to the less than flamboyant candy store front, it's appearance depressive and dull a stark contrast to the expected image that it would shock many

But that's just the influence of such a city plagued by poverty, crime hardship and strife - even the concepts that sought to bring happiness was forced to succumb to it's grip 

'So you may be wondering - Satoru why are you here? What business does a person of your status and power have to with a place like this? Satoru why are you so handsome? Satoru-senpai why do flocks of women surround you wherever you go? Well, I'll tell you!

You see while this may seem like a shitty candy store (as expected of Gotham) for the last year and a half during my stay in DC this was my humble abode thanks to the help of its lovely owner and resident guest I grew to love this place'

My feet graced the Oakley floor of the shop as I widened my mouth to alert the people of my entrance, "GRANNY! YOU HOM-!"

Evading the metal frying pan which bolted its way past my head and embedded itself in the wall behind.

"GRANNY?! I'm only 82!" An aged voice screamed emerging from the drapes at the back of the shop.

She was a short old lady, robust for her age however her stature was demeaning - don't let that take away from her practically inhuman strength for someone with so many years on her, 'Like a goddamn tortoise on steroi-'

I swiftly dodged another metallic pan launched my way at breakneck speeds with ease, "Now~ What was that for?"

"Don't you act innocent, you brat! I can just tell you're commenting about my age in you head - you and that smug face of yours!" The rosy butterfly apron followed adorned around her, followed behind closely like a watchdog

'...There's no way she isn't a meta" My face deadpanned at the sheer intuition and strength of Granny which still came as a shock after a year of knowing her'

"Annoying brat...disappeared for a few months, left me to deal with the guys looking for you and only now came back," She exclaimed, the rugose lines drawn across her face grew more agitated

"Guys looking for me?" I questioned however I already had a clue to what she meant. Placing myself on a nearby table I listened attentively

"Yep. A couple of thugs ran up to my shop hoping to cause some trouble, had to show them what this young lady is made of" She flexed her biceps exposing destructive weapons that could probably wipe out America with one blow

'She's definitely not normal.. also young lady?!' 

A sharp glare bored into my stomach causing me to relent my thoughts, "Sorry granny~ I got mixed up in some pretty entertaining stuff.. joined a team with people I can call teammates-ish"

"Sounds fun, like I should care though," She hollered with a frown, "..You made any real connections yet?"

"Hm~? What you talking about? Of course I ha-"

"I'm talking about real connections dumb brat!" She shouted before simmering down and continuing, "You think I ain't notice. The way you're never too close to anyone. Never really making connections - heck that little snot is the only decent bond you got from what I there's a wall stopping you from growing and empathising...seems to me you still haven't overcome it"

I stayed silent to her accusation letting the silence guide the mind before finally breaking it with one final question

"Where's the kid?"


The alleyway before me seemed to cave in and narrow, crush those trapped within and there I saw him

His negative energy overflowing and oozing out of his body like a wave that it even surpassed my own in folds. 


A true monster in the making if we were to go off energy alone

'But that's jus the tip of the iceberg...we can't just forget that relative of his that refuses to pass on'

His shaggy hair swayed about, revealing those piercing emerald eyes which displayed the hardships he had come to know with but a single glance

We locked gaze as I gave a wide tooth grin at his shock and annoyance

"Yo! Jason!"...


[A/N* As always if you see any mistakes please point it out and I'll love you forever >_<!!

That's all see ya next chapter

Oh! One more thing if you wanna support me even further 🥺 **]

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