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85.71% Bleach: Madara Reborn! (Long Hiatus) / Chapter 6: ch. 6 A Higher Being?

Chapter 6: ch. 6 A Higher Being?

Runuganga's angry roar was infused with spiritual energy and was shaking the surrounding sound hill into flat ground, it would've been intense enough to completely stun, if not kill Madara in his initial hollow stage.

Thankfully the roar had minimal affect against the evolved Meno's Grande Madara as he stood their studying the Sand Hollow screaming and regenerating it's wounds.

Runuganga was completely different from all other hollows, whether its a first stage hollow all the way up to a Vasto Lorde, they all follow a similar pattern.

All Hollows have ivory bone like armour with flesh and muscle, but Runuganga was made entirely of sand and had no actual bones or flesh.

Besides it's shape somewhat resembling a hollow, one wouldn't be able to tell what it was without sensing its Hollow spiritual energy.

With a body of sand, the entirety of Hueco Mundo was his home and as long as there is sand, he can heal from any wound.

As the vocal attack ended, Runuganga looked down and spotted that Madara wasn't afraid of him, but instead radiating a frightful Aura. Despite being much smaller, Madara's presence felt like an imposing mountain that cannot be overcome.

In the eyes of Madara Uchiha, Runuganga's presence did not bring him any oppression but instead be internally ridiculed this unique creature.

'Having such an impressive regeneration means nothing if you can't follow it up with an overwhelming attack, not like that Hashirama Senju. He could regenerate far faster than this creatures and his every attack could have extinguished my life, compared to him, this creature is trash!'

Without wasting the effort speaking to it, Madara silently began performing hand signs as his boney body took in a deep breath before exhaling a massive stream of fire that was scaling to the size of his massive body!

Unlike before, this fire wasn't aimed at the sand Hollow but instead of the surrounding sandy ground!

Madara's large fireball crashed into the floor and immediately began turning the sand to molted glass!

Jumping out of the way of Runuganga's sandy fist and using his remaining hands to block a few attacks, Madara continued blasting his fire and turning the entire surrounding of their battle field to glass.

This continued on until his spirit energy ran to below half his reserves, Madara then stopped his continues stream of fire as he looked at the ground which was now a smooth glassy surface with a smile.

Madara stopped running away as he turned and faced the Sandy Hollow which now stood on the shiny glass floor, looking down and questioning what was happening.

Despite this Hollow being more intelligent than others, it couldn't fathom what was going on as he'd never seen anything other than sand, a few bone like shrubs and the occasional small stream.

Now running forward towards Runuganga, Madara equiped his bone swords and began slicing the sand Hollow, sending sand flying across the glassy terrain. The Hollow tried to regenerate but only then realized he was cut off from the rest of the world!

Using his own sand that was sent flying to regenerate, the sand Hollow began racing off of the glass surface only to having his legs be severed from his body and collapse to the floor.

"You cower and run away the moment you can't rely on the one trick that you know! You built your castle upon a pillar of sand and now you'll pay for it! Water Style, Water Dragon!"

Moving his hands to the correct hand signs, water began manifesting in the air and took the shape of a dragons head before it continued to grow and the body of the dragon began to take shape!

The dragons head opened his gaping maw before it launched itself to the crawling sand Hollow, smashing into it and bursting through its chest before circling around for a second attack!

As the water dragon smashed into the sand Hollow once again, the water began soaking up in the sand and the creature began melting and losing shape in front of Madaras eyes.

"I...Want.... Live....." The sand Hollow let out a broken plea for help before it melted away.

With the Water Dragon finally disappearing, all that was left was a large pool of sandy water on top of the rough glass floor.

Madara looked down at water with slight hesitation before he reached in and grabbed a hand full of the wet sand and began consuming it! With each bite of the wet sand, Madara felt his spiritual energy growing but for some reason this unique Hollow wasn't giving him any important memories.

Unlike other Menos Grande that had memories of when they first awoke in Hueco Mundo as a low level Hollow, this Unique Meno's Grande only had memories of waking up a Menos Grande. Not only this, but his memories were only a few years old compared to the centuries worth of memories other Menos Grande had.

As the last handful of sand entered his mouth, Madara felt his Spiritual energy drastically increase and the last bits of Runuganga's memory entered his mind and it shocked him.

From what he saw, Runuganga was sort of like a ferryman that sent the wandering Meno's Grande into the Forest of Menos Grande!

The Sandy creatures would fight and devour the weak ones and would use his special sand manipulation ability to send the ones too powerful for him away into the Forest of Menos Grande!

Madara didn't know if it was possible, but he couldn't help but get the feeling that this was planned out by some higher being!

For this sand Hollow to be created without any memories of its past, and for it to send the more powerful Menos Grande into a forest where they can fight and continue to evolve, Madara couldnt help but feel like this sand creature was just a cog in a machine that helped create the perfect breeding ground for the creatures to evolve!

There was also the fact that this creatures seemed to be growing more intelligent at a faster rate than other Hollows. Given a few years or even a few months, this sandy Hollow could've been much more intelligent and be able to speak clearly while also be less susceptible to being tricked

"To think, I could've been sent to the Forest of the Large creatures if I just demonstrated I was more powerful than it, rather than killing the creature outright..." As he said this, Madara began unsheathing all four of his bone Katanas.

"That being said, it's not like the Forest is in some otherworldly dimension, it's just beneath my feet!" Using the bone blades, Madara began digging into the sand.

Despite absorbing the sand creatures memories, he didn't absorbs its ability to manipulate sand like the creature as it was similar to a kekkai genkai.

So Madara could only do it the hard way!

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