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14.28% Bleach: Madara Reborn! (Long Hiatus) / Chapter 1: Ch. 1 Ghost of the Uchiha Reborn!
Bleach: Madara Reborn! (Long Hiatus) Bleach: Madara Reborn! (Long Hiatus) original

Bleach: Madara Reborn! (Long Hiatus)

Author: TomTucker777

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Ch. 1 Ghost of the Uchiha Reborn!

'My dreams are shattered, but... yours will live on, Hashirama. I am such a fool...' Looking at the new generation that united the five nations to stop him, Madara felt foolish.

Not only had he been betrayed by the black zetsu, but his ideals had turned out to be wrong. He thought world peace was only possible through the infinite tsukuyomi, and while it was only temporary, he saw first hand that the world could unite without need of a genjtusu.

But these thoughts didn't matter as he felt his life reach it's end, becoming a pawn in another's plan. Closing his eyes for what he assumed was his last time, Madaras life ceased to exist...


In the infinite darkness, Uchiha Madara dreamt a wonderful sight.

This dream was the very peace that he had long been looking for, the five major countries living in peace with one another, supporting each other and building a greater world without war or anguish.

There was no more petty disputes of wars, no brutal rebellion, everything was perfect.

In this dream, Madara saw a stone statue of himself placed above the Hokage face. He stood on the stone statue overlooking the whole village, pleased with the prosperous village of his and Hashiramas village.

That was when suddenly the clear blue sky suddenly turned black, the bright sun disappeared and replaced by a cold full moon and the Konoha villager begining to shift and changed into a yellow blob.

This sudden scene shocked Uchiha Madara's heart, too enamored in his dream of the peace to understand what was happening.

With an overwhelming searing pain, Uchiha Madara opened his eyes and felt a sense of weakness overcome his body. The blurry vision gradually became clear, and when Uchiha Madara saw the scene in front of him, his eyes were wide in shock.

The dream has not disappeared!

It was still that cold and desolate full moon, except now instead of that shifting yellow blob, he saw a completely barren sandy desert.

This place didn't makes sense to the Uchiha, everywhere exudes the smell of blood and death, as if this entire world was a battlefield. The icy moonlight, like a sharp sword blade, brought a deep chill to all that witness it for the first time.

"Where is this place? Where is the army of ninja trying to stop me?! Zetsu what is goi- Aarrgg!!"

Uchiha Madara's pupils contracted suddenly as a sharp pain entered his mind, followed by memories of his final moments.

As he opened his eye, a profound look of understand cane over him. He is dead...

However, something was different this time.

'I've spent decades in the Pure Land after I died the first time, I've never witnessed or experienced anything like this before!'

Unbeknownst to the powerful ninja, this wasn't the ninja world or the Pure Land that he was use to, this was Hueco Mundo! A barren infinite landscape that housed innumerable amount of monsters, all killing each other in order to grow stronger!

Despite facing this new situation, Madara mind was cold as ice as he tried figuring out what was going on.His still sharp eyes radiating a self-confidence that very few beings could ever posses.

Madara was the strongest being in his world for a long time, and he had faced death not once but twice! The idea of dying a third time didn't phase the ninja by now, nor did the fact that he felt an overwhelming weakness at the moment. Why? Because he is Uchiha Madara!!

Looking around the barren wasteland, Madara was pleasantly surprised to find that there was a tiny river not far away, just a few feet wide.

Dragging his weaken body, Uchiha Madara came to the small river with great difficulty. Along the way, Madara saw his hands and felt shock coursing through his veins but held off his suspicions until he reached the river.

Without wasting a second, the ninja plunged his face towards the river and only stopped a few inches from it. Looking at the reflections in the rivers water, Madara saw an unbelievable scene.

His previous suspicions had come true, his body was no longer the one he was familiar with! Instead of his fleshy toned body, he saw ivory bones that encased his entire being from foot to face. The bone mask in his face seemed especially thick!

"This look..."

Studying the bone mask, madara's pupils contracted suddenly as he realized this mask looked too familiar. It was his Susanoo's original form!

For a long moment, Madara sat by the river in silence. He didn't expect to be reborn, let alone reborn as his Susanoo made of bone!

More importantly, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't tear off the mask on his face!

"I just wanted to create a world of endless peace, and yet look at me now. I am but a monster..." Uchiha Madara sighed softly, an overwhelming sadness encompassing him.

However at this moment, the sadness within the ninja unconsciously activated the new dormant energy in his body, causing his eyes to change.

His yellow eyes turning a crimson red, a small black hooked jade appearing on the button right of the eye.

The One Tomoe Sharingan!


Sitting quietly upon one of the many Sandy hills that filled the barren wasteland of this new world, Madara looked up as the dark night sky with an inexplicable charm in his eyes.

After a few hours of testing, he found that not only did he change in appearance, but his body structure was also very different from his past life.

The Chakra in the body disappears and is replaced by a brand new energy, somewhat similar to Chakra, but still distinctively different.

His diffrent energy source was only a side thought once he realizes something terrifying, their was a major hole in his body!

Everything from his major organs and even his heart would occupy the space where the hole was, and yet they are missing!

"Forget about being an Uchiha, im no longer a human being! What kind of existence will I live like this..."

Although Madara didn't want to, he had to accept this fact. He is no longer the "Ghost of the Uchiha" who could dominate the ninja world, but instead is now a nameless monster in this barren wasteland of a world.

Fortunately, Uchiha Madara still had his the memory of her previous life alongside his sharingan. These were the only things that brought him some solace, at least he didn't degenerate into a total monster.

Pressing the complicated thoughts to the back of his mind, Madara remained silent before suddenly whipping his head to the right.

At the very end of his sharigans field of vision, a malformed creatures appeared to be walking his way on four legs. The creature was ugly and had a ferocious face, distorted figure, with a familiar huge hole in it's chest.

It's overall appearances looked like a large skeletal dog that had a twisted face of a man!

This dog creature was the first being Madara met within this endless sea of sand, and decided to walk over to it. When he and this beast met, there was no verbal communication, only an ear-piercing roar.

It seemed to move on instinct the moment the animal saw Madara, it rushed towards him, its sharp claws shone coldly under the moonlight.

With a smirk beneath his bone mask, Madara rushed forward to meet this being in combat.

If world peace was Madaras number one goal in life, then having a challenging fight would undoubtedly be his second goal! After realizing the miserable fate that befell him, Madara felt greatful that atleast he could still fight in this new world.

Even without his sharigans activated, Madara could easily read the trajectory of this mindless beasts simple attack and since his body has taken the humanoid form of Susanoo, Madara found this dog creatures movement very simple.

Dodging the creature straightforward yet fast bite, Madara wrapped his boney arms around the creatures neck and squeezed, his boney arms began cracking through the neck of the skeletal beast.

Try as it might, the creature couldn't get out of Madaras strangle hold and died a few minutes later. As the dog creature took its finally breath a strange urge entered Madara mind.

It was an instinctive and primal urger that demanded he eat this creature head! While the urge was strong, Madara's willpower was able to overcome this urge with slight difficulty.

Despite that, Madara was still curious as to why his body was acting this way and decided to indulge it.

Opening his mouth, Madara realized the bone mask seemed to move as well before it cracked open the creatures head with ease!

There was no discomfort at all in this act but instead a sense of satisfaction, It seemed like devouring other creatures was an instinctive reaction.

Time passed slowly and in the blink of an eye, the creatures skull disappeared in the blink of an eye! As the last bite entered his body, Madara fully awoke from this act and realized something major!

Not only did the new energy in his body increase slightly, but he felt this creatures memories enter his mind!

The creatures memories showed a lot about this world like geographical space within Hueco Mundo, where stronger creature resident and areas that could lead to certain death.

He found that this world was devoid of rules and humanity, only never-ending fighting and endless devouring can be found in this cruel world.

If you want to survive, you must keep devouring others! Onlly through devouring others can one find themselves standing at the top of the food chain!

Madara stood up and looked into the distant full moon

"Compared to my complex past world of Innocent and guilty, Hatred and love, this worlds simple and bloodthirsty rules suit me better...I don't have to show them any mercy!"

At this moment, a powerful and bloodthirsty aura poured out of him and he immediately looked for the next creature to devour!,

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