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83.33% The Marvel Experience. / Chapter 18: Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Chapter 18

Immediately I linked my clones to my [Hive Mind] and everyone of them ran out of my room and began rushing towards the commotion at rapid speed while I slowly followed them even as multiple students began rushing out of the school premises.

-3rd Pov-

As Darius's clones walked in into the commotion and the reason of the large explosion of which he traced back to the backyard as Rogue, Mystique, wolverine, Cyclops, Professor X, The beast and kitty were staring at a floating Jean as she levitated in the air as orange energy in the shape of a bird seeped out of her along with Storm floating not far from her saying something and as my clones of 13 joined in on I who was watching from a bit away decided to play this smart or I'd die.

'that's the fucking Phoenix…I guess I'm fucked huh?…I could just have one of my clones 'Bio-logically' die and I could escape with none the wiser…but as fucked up as I am I want to help her, I am not die with her yet' Darius thought before he used his connection to fully sync with his clones allowing them to use more power and since Darius did not want to use any of the Magical Abilities he gained and expose himself he decided to use Nullification Ability he was known for instead and hoped it worked.

On the X-Men the professor was trying to enter the mind of Jean and failing miserably.

"We must get her to calm down so I can try to help her" Xavier said almost out of breath from the mental battle with the Phoenix

"How? How are we supposed to deal with…whatever that is?" Scott said with a frown with his hand already on his visor making it glow a chaotic red ready to shoot at the woman he thought he loved.

"THAT!…that's Jean and at the moment she's in pain, can you hear her screams?" A clone of Darius said with a frown as all the clones entire bodies were covered in grey-black energy which made their bodies glow before they lifted to the air leaving 5 clones who repositioned themselves to stand ground on all sides of the floating Jean while the 8 other floated and surrounded her like while one Darius started floating towards the Phoenix Avatar and as he got close he felt his body break apart before Regenerating making him groan as felt the pain mostly in his soul making him frown but as it healed it became stronger making him smile before he began floating towards Jean once more.

"jean…JEAN!" Darius spoke as he tried to float towards Jean who was exuding an energy that broke Darius's body apart but he didn't let that affact him and stood Infront of Jean who was groaning and holding her head.

"NO!! Stop!…I'll huRt yoU!" Jean with a voice overlapped by another spoke as she stared at my body which broke apart and healed again.

"no…I won't, I can't, i want to help you Jean…let me help you" Darius spoke softly as he smiled floating Infront of Jean till he was able to touch her cheek but the breaking down of his skin and muscles didn't stop and continued even stronger as he regenerated again and again and the only reason that he wasn't adapting was because this wasn't the real Darius so the adaptation and evolution was way slower then natural darius and this was the best OG Darius could give his clones as the Ability wasn't genetic and came from his [Void] Ability so he couldn't share it with his clones fully.

"DArius…PleAse sTop! I'm a mOnstEr" Jean said wanting to float away but Darius grabbed her and hugged her further breaking apart his body but his Regeneration wasn't letting on and kept regenerating the damage as fast as he was breaking down.

"Jean, you're not a monster…you're just special, this is your power Jean and you can control it, you're not a monster…you're the girl I fell in love with it" Darius spat some level 100 lies and bullshit which suprisingly was able to calm Jean up a little bit that slowing down his breaking apart process.

"But…the professor…Hank and Scott think I'm a monster…I'm inside their minds and they want to stop me…the monster" Jean said softly this time the overlap on her voice gone and the Phoenix outline even more accentuated.

"They are just idiots then for thinking that, for believing that even, you're just like everyone else here, they just fear what they don't understand…you just have to calm down and control it, this is just an extension of you" Darius spoke all the while using [heal] on her Mind and fixing every shattered defences and hole inside her and just to make things go more to his favour in this he pulled out of the hug as Jean began trying and even succeeding in taking control and suppressing her Phoenix force energy Darius leaned in and stole her lips all the while using heal on her Mind with more power immediately fixing her mind defences and defects.

As soon as Darius landed his lips into the lips of Jean the Phoenix force seeping out of her started seeping back or dissapearing and so Jean and Darius began floating down as the Phoenix energy inside of her completely dissapeared leaving Jean and Darius standing at the centre of the 12 clones of Darius who felt kinda weird kissing seeing themselves kissing someone from a 3rd point of view.

After a while of landing Darius kept the kids going slowly making sure Ingrave the Experience inside her mind which was easy to do as the skills and experience he gained from the [Ero-Mage] class made any physical pleasuring extremely easy and the only reason Jean wasn't moaning from the kiss was because Darius could control the amount of pleasure one gained from his physical intimacy.

"Erhhhem!!" Scott made a coughing sound behind the two making them immediately split allowing them to see the rest of the X-Men staring at them making Darius wanna trow flames on their asses.

Storm landed besides Darius and looked at him with narrowed eyes making Darius avert his eyes from her.

"well….urh…catch you later?…. yeah that seems right" Darius said before trying to run away but a hand immediately grabbed his t-shirt making him immediately stop but the other 12 clones were already un-summoned at this point didn't need to deal with this shit and Darius thought of un-summoning this clone he was controlling too and not deal with this.

"Urh…Darius can I please talk with you?" Jean said looking at Darius with guilty eyes and a bit of sadness.

"Now, now Jean we should first see if that…thing is gone for good and find out the reason for it if there is any in the first place " Xavier said with a smile as he rolled Infront of Jean followed by Scott.

" we should first find out about why you suddenly had an…outburst and stop any future possibilities of it happening again" Scott followed with a frown while looking at Jean.

"No…I'm fine and we'll talk after I talk with Darius, overall we will still talk and find out what is wrong with me" Jean said slowly all the while never having stopped holding onto my t-shirt.

"Now Jean don't you think that's dangerous giving whatever that was time to come back?" Scott said once again with a depper frown.

" I can handle it and I need to talk with Darius first…" Jean spoke with a frown too looking at Scott with disgust making the sunglasses boy recoil seeing Jean look at him like that.

"well before this turns worse, how about this Jean you go check up on them and you come meet me on my room later after you're done?" Darius spoke to the Jean with a smile making her bite her lower lip and reluctantly sighed and let go of Darius's t-shirt allowing him to walk away and when out of sight he dissapeared into grey-black energy as he got unsummoned.

Darius did not see the yellowish eyes staring at him as he got out of sight of the X-Men.

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