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38.88% Werewolf İn Twilight / Chapter 14: Chapter 13 : The Lie and a Moment from the Future

Chapter 14: Chapter 13 : The Lie and a Moment from the Future

When Derek woke up, he could feel his whole body aching. His arms, chest, and stomach were tingling and he felt incredibly tired.

As his vision gradually cleared, he realized that he was in an elegant room, on a comfortable bed. He blinked a few more times, clearing his vision.

He looked to the left and right of the room in his bed, trying to figure out where he was. Looking at the tall trees visible from the window, he realized that he was somewhere in the forest.

After a brief moment of confusion, Derek finally realized where he was.

In the middle of the forest, the young man knew only one place that was this luxurious: the Cullens' house.

Realizing that he was in the vampire's house, Derek struggled to get up in bed. The young wolf knew that there were at least two beautiful bloodsucking creatures here who wanted to kill him.

He couldn't understand why the Cullens were helping him. But he was in no condition to question it. The young man was aware of the amount of blood he had lost.

He couldn't predict what state he would be in right now if there weren't any vampires. But being in such a weak state in a house filled with natural enemies of his kind really stretched Derek.

He was about to rise with difficulty due to his injuries, when the door of the room opened. Seeing the brunette vampire he had never seen before, the young man was surprised for a moment. But he realized who the elegant brunette was when he saw blonde vampire.

Carlisle and Esme noticed that he was awake and went inside.

The mature blonde woman noticed the injured man trying to get up on the bed and approached the bed and carefully helped him. After placing a pillow on Derek's back and making sure that he was perfectly comfortable, he spoke.

"Why are you trying to stand up on your own? You could have called us if you had a wish... Aren't you aware of the condition of your wounds?"

The reproachful and compassionate tone in Carlisle's words stunned the young man for a short while. The blonde woman scolded him like a mother scolding her child... However, her voice contained the coquettish tone of a woman talking to her lover.

For a moment, Derek wondered if he had amnesia, but he quickly ruled out the possibility when he noticed Esme Culle also giving her wife a stunned look.

The puzzled looks that both people in the room shot at him really embarrassed Carlisle.

But it was not in the hands of the shy mature woman to act like that. The fact that the young man lying in the bed right now was almost dead had affected her worse than she thought.

And only then did the elegant woman understand: Derek Swan was more important to her than she thought.

Realizing that the atmosphere in the room was starting to turn strange, Esme spoke and helped her wife.

"Derek, your injuries are so severe... You've been in a coma for two days. That's why we were all so worried about you..."

The young man really didn't know what to think about the situation he was in. And what to say...

Fortunately, Carlisle seemed to have calmed down a bit. Noticing his condition, she offered to bring the only things he needed right now:

"You must be starving, Derek... I'll get you something to drink and eat."

Watching her wife flee the room, Esme couldn't help but burst out laughing: Carlisle was so cute when she was embarrassed.

Derek stared at her smile in surprise. He had never seen such a mischievous and innocent smile before.

Noticing the admiring gaze of the man lying on the bed, the beautiful woman felt shy for a moment. Fortunately, her personality was different from her wife. So she continued her smile and introduced herself:

"I am Esme Cullen... I am Carlisle's wife."

"Nice to meet you, Miss Cullen. I'm Derek Swan."

Esme frowned after Derek spoke. The beautiful vampire spoke as the young man wondered if he had said something to offend her.

"Call me Esme... And I'll call you Derek."

Derek frowned for a moment at her commanding tone, but then nodded to her.

"Well, Esme... I'll call you Esme"

"Excellent…" said the mature woman, clapping her hands and giggling like a child.

Derek couldn't help but smile at her. She was really sweet...

Then the mature vampire sat on the young man's bed, approached him and whispered.

"Derek, since we call each other by our first names, we're friends, right?"

Although the young man was stunned by her statement, he accepted it, shaking his head. The woman continued to speak, increasing his curiosity even more:

"And friends help each other, right?"

Realizing that she was going to want something from him, the injured man reluctantly agreed.

"That's right, Miss Cull—I mean Esme..."

"Good…" said the mature-looking childish vampire. Then, licking her lips, she continued:

"Since we're friends, can I touch your penis?"

-------------------------- Back to Edyth --------------------- ---

Edyth ignored everything around her, focusing on the prey running ahead of her. The young woman was aware that the animal was tired. In fact, he might have caught her right away... But hunting was a kind of relaxation exercise for the copper-haired woman.

So when the deer she was chasing slowed down to the point of fainting from exhaustion, she stopped and watched the cute animal go away. The beautiful vampire spoke in a scolding voice behind the deer.

"You've been so out of shape lately, Spotted. If there was another hunter in my place, it would have eaten you already... So next time I'll chase you another 2 km."

If anyone else saw these events, it was normal for them to treat Edyth like crazy. Fortunately there was nobody around.

Having finished teasing herself, the copper-haired vampire slowly returned home. It was as if her feet didn't want to take her home... The reason for this was simple: She didn't want to see anyone in the house, elegant and beautiful.

Instead of wanting to see it, it could be said that she didn't want to face that person.

The person Edyth did not want to confront was her sister Alice. The member of their family who is a source of joy with Esme...

The reason for all this was simple. Edyth's attention was caught by what Alice had said when they had found Derek injured two days earlier. The young woman was shocked when she realized that her sister was lying.

Esme would not be in danger in the future. Alice had lied to her family to save Derek... The copper haired vampire had seen something else in Alice's vision.

' There were Quilette wolves chasing the black wolf in the vision. Then the young man came to a fork in the road, instead of entering the Cullen area he was taking the other road... '

The images in Alice's mind clearly explained what she had said the moment they found the injured youth.

Edyth felt deceived because of this. She hadn't spoken a word to Alice for the past two days. The copper-haired woman was wondering only one thing:

'Why had Alice lied to them? '

Edyth knew she could get the answer to that question by reading her sister's mind. But she couldn't do that. She had not knowingly read the thoughts of any member of her family.

Only when they were thinking too loudly did she hear it whether she wanted to or not. This situation could be described as someone shouting and the other person in the room involuntarily hearing it...

Putting her thoughts in order, the big-chested clever vampire entered the house and followed Alice's scent. Enough of this prolongation. It's time to find out why Alice lied...

Of course, Edyth wasn't going to read her mind. She was going to ask her personally and get the answer.

When Edyth entered Alice's room, she found her reading in bed. When her sister saw her coming, she chirped with delight.

"Derek woke up sister..."

"That's good news," Edyth said, with cold tone.

Perceiving the strangeness in her sister, Alice asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Is there a problem Edyth?"

"I don't know, tell me if it's okay..."

Alice frowned at her stern demeanor this time.

"What's going on Edyth? Why are you mad at me?"

Edyth spoke without further ado.

"Why did you lie in your vision of the future that Esme was saved by Derek? Is saving Derek important enough to lie and harm to your family?"

And the woman said her last words in anger:

"One of us could've been hurt that night... We went to fight the Quilette wolves, Alice... Just because you said Esme would be in danger... Just because you lied to save Derek... Is someone you see just once worth it?"

Then continued : " Is Derek Swan worth it?"

At Edyth's plea, Alice got up from the bed and stood directly in front of her. Looking into her sister's eyes, the brown-haired woman spoke.

"Read my mind and look at the vision I see, Edyth... Then decide for yourself: Is he worth it? Or isn't he?"

After saying this, Alice gracefully left the room without looking back.

Although Edyth was stunned by her words, she couldn't take it anymore and read what was going through her sister's mind... Or rather, she saw the vision that Alice wanted her to see.

' The young man was in the garden of an elegant house in the middle of the forest. Edyth just finished renovating the front of their house… Derek looked more mature than he was now. And happier...

Edyth saw his turn around and look at the door of the house. Then, from the door of the house, three small children rushed to hug him with a speed that a normal person could not have.

Extremely cute children with pale skin were playing with Derek's large body by pulling on it in various parts... The beautiful vampire guessed that they were 4-5 years old with great surprise.

Edyth froze when she saw one of them better. The cute girl in the white dress... She watched the little girl's features for a long time as if fascinated...

The little copper-haired girl was laughing happily as she hugged her father. And Edyth continued to watch the girl, who was her copy, with only a few differences.

Until the door of the house opened and an elegant woman with copper hair came out from inside. That woman was herself...

When the little girl saw the woman with the same hair as her own, she sadly ran to her.

Edyth could tell that the girl was complaining about her father to beautiful woman.

Future Edyth laughed and hugged girl… The unlikely resemblance between the two was even more evident now. '

Edyth stood for a long time without moving from the moment she saw the vision. When she was finally able to react, a name softly spilled from her lips...

The name that the future Edyth calls her own daughter...


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