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70.86% Pokemon: Radical Redux / Chapter 179: Admin: Captured

Chapter 179: Admin: Captured

This went on longer than I expected, but I made a promise so have an extra-long chapter


Candela was falling through the sky with Salamence trying to catch up with Moltres, Spark wanted to go after her but had to focus on Articuno who was still very much a threat to them, barely avoiding a [Ancient Power] and retaliating.

Candela caught up to Moltres and grabbed onto it, at that moment Moltres' eyes opened still covered in darkness as it glared at Candela.

"Moltres it's me, don't you remember?" Candela said desperately as they were still falling.

Moltres didn't change its expression as it raised its beak and prepared to launch a blast of flame at Candela.

When Moltres shot the blast of fire, Candela did something so stupid you'd think she was a shonen protagonist, she reached her hand and went through the flames, obviously her glove and most of her sleeve burnt off but weirdly enough her skin wasn't immediately melting.

Candela grit her teeth from the pain as she reached further, "Moltres I'm not giving up on you, I may not have your mark anymore but I'm still the one you chose!"

As the flames kept coming, Candela's hand approached and then finally touched Moltres' beak, the flames began dancing across her hands, as her hand started glowing orange.

As soon as Moltres felt her hand, it suddenly had a flash of memories, to the day they met and he gave her that mark with its flames, then the memories of them growing up together, to the time when it saw her injured next to Arlo.

As the images kept coming the pupales in its eyes began coming back and the darkness slowly began dispersing, as the flames on Candela's hand began forming into a new mark on her hand.

From above Spark and Blanche heard a loud *thunk* sound, Spark immediately looked down in worry trying to see what happened to his friend leaving him open for an attack from Articuno landing a [Ancient Power].

Zapdos protected Spark taking all of the damage leaving it pretty badly damaged, but it was still up as it sent a [Thunderbolt] back.

Blanche was also worried so in the hopes of ending this quickly, commanded, "Metagross [Meteor Mash]!"

Metagross's body glowed as it appeared to the side of the bird and with a glowing fist slammed its side, however, Articuno took that attack and seemed unfazed despite being super effective.

Articuno raised its beak aiming to blast Blanche since Zapdos was slowed down from its attack, as the blue energy grew it launched it out aiming for Blanche specifically.

It was too fast for Metagross to move so it was coming directly for them, but before it did a sudden change of heat burst through the area as a bright flaming bird came in the center of the attack and took it like nothing.

Flying there was Moltres with Candela staging there her jacket almost completely destroyed from the flames, she gave a smile to her friends, "Yo."

Spark immediately spoke, "Hey what's the big idea making us worry like that? (⇀‸↼‶)"

Candela rubbed her head, "Hehe, sorry, but what's important is that Moltres is back on our side!"

Blanche sighed but smiled, "It's good to see your back to your usual self."

"Yeah, now let's finish this and help the old man!" Candela said as she raised her arm, "Moltres [Heat Wave]"

In the tunnels, the battle continued with Croagunk vs Arcanine, and what it seemed was that Croagunk had the advantage as Arcanine had a purple blush on its face, it was poisoned.

Cole looked increasingly angry, "You useless mutt, finish it it's just a frog [Flare Blitz]"

Arcanine's body ignited in flames as it charged, lighting the tunnel and dashing toward Croagunk and Looker.

Looker looked calm, "Croagunk [Counter]"

Croagunk's cheeks puffed up as he smiled and jumped to meet Arcanine head-on, as soon as they were close Croagunk grabbed onto Arcanine's jaw and flipped the dog over his head and into the wall.

"Now end this [Venoshock]"

Croagunk's puffed-up cheeks began glowing as he started shooting multiple needle-like blasts into the back of Arcanine doing double damage due to it already being poisoned and sending it to the ground unconscious.

Cole looked angry and frustrated as he began rummaging to grab another Pokeball, but before he threw it Croagunk appeared and stabbed him with a paralyzing poison, sending him falling down.

Looker walked up to him pulling out his badge, "Team Rocket Admin Cole, you are Under arrest by order of the International Police."

Despite everything Cole still locked up and smiled, "So what, it's your word against mine, and you know what your Pokemon just unprovoked attacked me, I'll make sure you lose your badge for that Haha!"

"No you won't," a third voice rang out as Anabel walked in holding a camera, "I recorded everything including your admission, so now You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

Cole could only complain as Looker and Anabel took him in.

{Rocket Admin Cole: Captured!}

In the streets the battle against Brock, Yellow, and Misty continued, Colress was actually starting to get pushed back which only served to make him excited from the sudden second wind.

The battle was Graveler and Gravvy Vs Magnezone, Starmie, Chuchu, and Dody vs Klinklang with Onix as support.

"Magnezone [Thunderbolt], Klinklang [Zap Cannon]" Colress commanded as both his Pokemon began chagrin up to attack.

Yellow looked over at her friends, "Gravvy, Chuchu stop them!"

Both blasts of electricity were aiming for the ones weak to it, but with Gravvy and Chuchu managed to jump in the way rendering said attacks useless.

Misty followed up, "Starmie [Scald] attack!"

Brock did the same, "[Rollout] full power!"

Starmie's body spun as steaming hot water released and splashed onto Klinklang's side pushing it to the rubble, meanwhile, Magnezone noticed Graveler and moved out of the way, making him roll right past.

But Yellow saw this and raised her arm, "Chuchu use [Electroweb] between those buildings!"

Chuchu looked at Yellow and smiled as she dashed quickly across the battlefield dodging an attempt from Klinklang to stop her and arrived next to Graveler's spinning body, then a sphere of electricity appeared on her tail as she flipped and threw it.

The ball unraveled revealing a net sparking with electricity as it got caught in the space between buildings catching Graveler, and since the damage did nothing instead it turned into a slingshot that shot Graveler right back into Magnezone in a bright light.

Magnezone was sent to the ground as the Ball was still glowing as Gravvy managed to reach him and turned it around to run back into Magnezone.

The hit ran Magnezone through the ground as it looked like the ground Graveler traveled broke through the concrete, the final attack left Magnezone on the ground with a spiral in its Central eye and Graveler finally slowed down.

Actually, that wasn't accurate as when Graveler uncurled he was now a proud Golem, and although Ash wasn't here if he was he would see.

[Tempered body - Both Def and Sp. Def use Defense]

Colress looked intrigued about the sudden change but chose to keep fighting, noticing the literal biggest threat, "Klinklang [Shift Gear] then [Gear Grind] on that Onix."

Klinklang's front gear disattached and reached on the back, then it disassembled all the gears as they began orbiting around Onix and began crushing between his joints.

Immediately everyone widened their eyes, but most of them couldn't do anything since most of their attacks would end up hurting Onix as well, if not more, the only one who could was Chuchu who was running back.

As Onix's cries of pain rang out Brock looked the most worried, "Onix no!" as he looked for anything to do he considered returning Onix back to his ball, when he suddenly felt something else in his pocket.

Pulling it out it was the Metal coat Ash gave him, he hadn't used it yet since he was still wondering if he should, but at this particular moment his options were limited, he also knew Onix wasn't opposed to evolving.

So with a breath, he yelled, "Onix catch!" and threw the Metal coat.

Onix weakly opened its eyes and noticed the flying metal so with pain it extended its neck and chomped down breaking the container it was in, then his body began to change, and his horn retracted as his body grew new spikes on his sides.

His gray and rough body was replaced with a shiny metallic body as his head grew twice its size, leaving Steelix.

Now the one point was barely an inconvenience as Chuchu returned, back to the battle.

Brock noticed this and looked at her, "Have Chuchu attack!" Then he turned to Steelix, "Don't let them get away!"

Yellow nodded as she turned to Chuchu, "Chuchu use [Thunderbolt]"

As he thought, the pieces of Klinklang began trying to escape but Steelix grabbed them, preventing them from getting far.

The bright electricity flew and hit Steelix, he was fine since he was still ground type, but Klinklang wasn't, and with the added conduction was given it worse until the gears fell.

But although that was a lot of damage Klinklang tried reforming again, but Dody was still there and ready, "Dody use [Jump Kick]!"

Dody delivered a dropkick to the central and biggest gear, and with that, it did enough to make the Klinklang fall down.

It stayed quiet for a moment until Colress began clapping, "Truly interesting, but you do realize this isn't over I still have Pokemon."

When he returned his two Pokemon he pulled out another Pokeball but suddenly everyone's attention was caught by an explosion coming from the top of the Volcano.

Colress looked up and smiled, "Well it looks like we need to cut this short, data needs to be collected," he threw down the ball revealing a Beheeyem as he hopped on and looked down at them.

"Looks like I have some more things to learn, to think you all grew more powerful from our battle," then his focus came to Yellow, "We'll meet again, I want to see more of that which you have."

Then he flew up leaving everyone to relax, and as soon as they did Yellow fell down but was caught by Dody, Brock and Misty quickly checked her to see if she was ok, but she was fine only sleeping.

They looked up wondering who that was and what he meant.

{Colress: Tie? }

On the top of the mountain Lance and Blaine continued fighting Zapmolcuno, with Charizard X focusing on offense and Y focusing on support, they were beginning to push the monster back.

Charizard X was significantly stronger since he was Champion level, but even still this wasn't easy, its resistance was still insanely high.

But with the support they began sending it farther back until they focused on trying one final attack with everything, even if it failed Lance had other Pokemon they just needed to weaken this thing's defenses.

"Charizard [Blast Burn]!"

"Charizard [Flare Blitz]!"

Charizard Y shot a powerful belch of flame creating a small cyclone as Charizard X took those flames and added them to itself as it charged towards Zapmolcuno in a bright glory.

Zapmolcuno looked confident it knew it could tank it so it brought its wings to brace itself for impact, but at that moment something unexpected came.

From the mountain a small streak of electricity came and hit Zapmolcuno on the back, it was Pikachu using [Wild Charge], Ash sent him here to help end this.

A while ago Ash played around with his Pokedex trying to find out whatever he could, and he found something interesting with Pikachu.

[Unown Mutation]

[Legendary Killer - Whenever the user attacks a Pokemon that is considered 'Legendary' it removes its Legendary resistances for 1 minute]



Although it wasn't everything it was something and it was pretty good, as Zapmolcuno looked at Pikachu he just gave a peace sign and dropped a [Substitute] so he could get to safety.

Zapmolcuno couldn't do anything as the attack from the Charizard came at it, the attack hitting it so hard its body began igniting as it began melting, it could only screech as Charizard cut through it, and its body was cut in half before the flames quickly burnt it all in one motion.

Lance and Blaine looked genuinely confused, they did not think that would work, much less kill the thing immediately, but they weren't complaining as the remnants of the bird fell.

{Zapmolcuno: Terminated}

Ash, Green, and Gary were beginning to gain the advantage, as they kept fighting it became apparent to the admins that this was a trap for them, and they couldn't even help each other or get a new Pokemon.

Gary looked at Arlo as he raised his arms, "Both of you, [Flamethrower]!"

Charizard and Arcanine both began charging flames from their mouths and shot toward the bug.

"Scizor try to Block it!"

Scizor was already tired, the most out of everyone actually, and its heavy body wasn't helping as it couldn't even get away only block as the burst of flame hit it and sent it flying to the mountain knocked out.

Arlo looked angry at Gary, which only got worse when he noticed the Pokeball he had on his waist, the purple one was opened and broken, indicating he no longer had control of Moltres.

Green was also doing pretty well as Clefable and Blastoise were covering each other much to Sierra's annoyance.

"Hey Old lady, you should give up!" Green taunted

Sierra grit her teeth in anger as she pointed at Green, "Houndoom use [Fire Blast]!"

"Try again wrinkly, Blastoise your up!"

Houndoom shot a blast of fire towards them but Blastoise was ready and returned with a [Hydro Pump] blasting through and hitting Houndoom.

Green smirked "Now end this Clefable, [Moonblast]"

The entire time this happened Clefable was in the side charging up one big burst of energy and with Green's command she shot it creating a beam that crashed into Houndoom sending it crashing into the mountain as well with spirals.

On Ash's side, it was certainly different, Machoke was wrestling against Tyranitar as Venusaur played support, meanwhile, Ash was holding Cliff back, Cliff was genuinely surprised a kid was matching his strength.

Little did he know Ash was still holding back, "You know, we did meet, I was the one with the cast on during the tournament."

"What, you mean the crippled? That was you."

"Funny way of putting it but yes, and you know Surge gave me that arm, I was planning on breaking him as revenge but here comes my surprise when I find out someone beat me to it, and more when I find out it was you."

"What are you getting at," Cliff said as he started sweating.

Ash smiled as he used more Aura and pulled his fingers down, "I suppose your arm will substitute nicely!"

Cliff was genuinely starting to freak out as he looked towards Tyranitar, "Tyranitar break free and [Rock Slide] behind you!"

Tyranitar managed to push Machoke back as he stomped, creating an avalanche to fall towards Venusaur forcing it to focus on that.

Following that he looked back, "Now [Hyper Beam] full power!"

Tyranitar charged his attack, Cliff was confident this would finish Machoke, and he also noticed Machoke had No Guard so this would end it.

When the beam came Machoke looked at it then ducked under it, how you may ask, well first we need to know what constitutes an attack.

Would shooting a damp piece of paper out a straw across the world to hit Machoke count, no. Would a [Hyper Beam] aimed straight-up count, also no. 

An attack can only be affected by No Guard if 1. It is reasonable that it could be hit by the attack, and 2. It doesn't matter how much of the attack hits, as long the target takes damage.

When the Beam ended Machoke jumped forward, and on his left hand his pinkie was purple and broken in multiple places, but it was only the one finger.

Machoke raised and hit with his right fist than his left, Tyranitar thought that was the end when suddenly from the Left an arm grew and hit him again, the same with the right side.

He began attacking again and again using [Close Combat] and as he did his body grew again leaving a Machamp to deliver one final blow sending the dinosaur to the ground.


[Ability: No Guard/Guts Hidden ability: ORAORA!]

[ORAORA! - Punch moves hit a second time for 50% dmg.]

[Champion mutation - whenever fighting someone deemed a worthy challenge a +1, whenever facing someone stronger a +3, can stack]

Arlo, Cliff, and Sierra had lost, and before they could say anything a loud explosion was heard from the sky, when everyone looked at it they saw Zapmolcuno split in half and burning.

Sierra clenched her teeth as she clapped making an Alakazam appear and pushed Green and Gary's Poekmon back since they were the closest, "This mission is a failure, we need to retreat."

Arlo and Cliff nodded as they all returned their Pokemon and started running, Arlo arrived next leaving only Cliff.

But then Cliff felt a joint of pain on his arm, when he looked down he saw Ash's leg kicking the joint on his elbow and his arm bent a way it shouldn't, then he was launched to the side of the volcano.

"Who said you could run, I made a promise to you," Ash said as he started approaching him.

Cliff's arm was broken, his hat fell off, and the Purple Master ball he had on his waist fell off, he tried reaching for it but Ash's foot beat him to it as he crushed it.

Sierra and Arlo both looked angrily at Ash, Arlo looked at him, "Why y-" but he was teleported away by Sierra and the Alakazam.

Cliff looked at the place his comrades once stood and before he could say anything he felt his hair being pulled as Ash was grabbing him by the hair and crouched down to look at him.

"Looks like we need to have a talk," Ash said looking down at Cliff.

Gary and Green walked over to see this, immediately Green looked at Gary, "Hear me out"

Gary looked at her making a face, "Wha- I'm hearing you out!"

{Admin Sierra: Escaped}

{Admin Arlo: Escaped}

{Admin Cliff: Captured}

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