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Pokemon: Radical Redux Pokemon: Radical Redux original

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Author: Katsu39

© WebNovel

Pokemon- Spoilers

As of Ch 248

 On hand


[Nature:Timid(+Spe, -Atk)]

[Ability: Static hidden ability, Lightning Rod.]

[Current moves: Thunderbolt(advanced), Quick attack(advanced), Thunder wave, Iron tail(advanced), Double Kick(advanced), Electro Ball(advanced), Protect, Dig(Basic), Trailblaze(advanced), Thunder Punch(advanced), Thunder(advanced), Discharge(advanced), Nuzzle(advanced), Agility, Brick Break(advanced), Wild Charge(advanced), Substitute]

[Counter shield(Electric)]

[Unown Mutation]

[Legendary Killer - Whenever the user attacks a Pokemon that is considered 'Legendary' it removes its Legendary resistances for 1 minute]





[Nature: Gentle (+SpD, -Def)]

[Ability: Magic Guard

[Current moves:Gravity, Disarming Voice, Heal Pulse, Sing, Protect, Wish, Calm Mind, Reflect, Light Screen, Life Dew, Cosmic Power, Substitute, Baton Pass, Lucky Chant, and Misty Terrain, Substitute,]


[Abra (F)]

[Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpA)]

[Ability:Synchronize, Hidden ability:Magic Guard]

[Current moves: Teleport, Reflect, Light Screen, Confusion (advanced), Protect]

[Grand Master]


[✨Gastly✨ (F)]

[Nature: Jolly (+Spe, -SpA)]

[Ability: Levitate / Cursed Body]

[Moves: Confuse Ray, Lick(advanced), Hypnosis, Hex, Curse, Ominous Wind(advanced)]



[Fearow (M)]

[Nature:Adamant (+Atk, -SpA)]

[Ability: Technician, hidden ability Sniper.]

[Current moves: Aerial Ace(advanced), Double team, Steel wing(Advanced), Tailwind, Quick attack(advanced), Drill Run(advanced), Drill Peck(Advanced), Mirror Move, Wing Attack(Advanced), Protect, Whirlwind, Agility, Roost, Dual Wingbeat(advanced), Facade(advanced), U-Turn(advanced), Substitute, curse, Return(advanced), Tri Attack(Basic), Work Up, Air Cutter(advanced), Double-Edge(Basic), Rain Dance]

[Alpha mutation - gain a permanent +1 to all stats]


[Pidgeot (M)]

[Nature: Jolly (+Spe, -SpA)]

[Ability: Keen Eye, hidden ability Sniper.]

[Current moves: Quick attack (Advanced), Aerial Ace(advanced), Feather Dance, Sand Attack, Steel wing(Advanced), Tailwind, Double team, Wing Attack (advanced), Protect, Whirlwind, Agility, Roost, Brave Bird(advanced), U-turn(Basic). Return(advanced), Work Up, Heat Wave(advanced), Air Slash(advanced), substitute, Double-Edge(advanced), Fly(advanced), Rain Dance]


[Victreebel (M)] 

[Nature: Quirky]

[Ability:Chlorophyll Hidden Ability: Effect Spore]

[Current moves: Vine whip(advanced), Growth, sleep powder, poison powder, stun spore, Sludge Bomb(Basic), Giga Drain(advanced), Swords dance, Protect, Knock Off(advanced), Sunny day, Solar beam(advanced), Leaf Blade(advanced), Grass Knot(advanced), Power Whip(advanced), Synthesis, Strength Sap(Basic), Stockpile]

[Combo: Fly trap]


[Vileplume (M)]

[Nature: Bold (+Def, -Atk)]

[Ability:Chlorophyll Hidden Ability: Effect Spore.]

[Current moves: Giga Drain (advanced), Growth, sleep powder, poison powder, stun spore, Leech Seed, Sludge Bomb (Advanced), Protect, Energy Ball(advanced), Sunny day, Solar beam(advanced), Strength Sap(advanced), Venoshock(advanced), Teeter Dance, Toxic, Grass Knot (Basic), Synthesis]



[Nature: Relaxed]

[Ability: Water Absorb Hidden ability Swift Swim.]

[Current moves:Hydro Pump (advanced), Hypnosis, Rain dance, Power-up Punch (Advanced), Rest, Wake-Up Slap(Advanced), Protect, Substitute, Belly Drum, Strength(advanced), Focus Punch(advanced), Submission(Basic), Flip Turn(advanced), Drain Punch(advanced), Liquidation(advanced),Bulk Up]



[Nature: Docile ]

[Ability: Swarm Hidden ability: Sniper]

[Current moves: String Shot, Electro web(advanced), Iron Defense, Sticky Web, Bug Bite(advanced), Poison web(advanced), Ice Web(Advanced),Flame web(advanced) Acrobatics(advanced), Fell Stinger(advanced), U-turn(advanced), Poison Jab(Advanced), Cross Poison(advanced), Venoshock(advanced), Pursuit(advanced), X-Scissor(Advanced)]

[Queen Bee Mutation - Base stat total raised to 500, Physical and special are added together and treated as 1 stat.]



[Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpA)]

[Ability: Intimidate Hidden ability: Moxie]

[Current moves: Bounce(advanced), Hydro Pump(advanced), Waterfall(advanced), Dragon Tail(advanced), Earthquake(advanced), Aqua Tail(advanced), Ice Fang(advanced), Crunch(advanced), Dragon Dance, Stone Edge(advanced), Thunderbolt, ]

[Fury from the deep - When facing a opponent, if the opponent sees Gyarados as stronger or an equal, they gain a -2 to both physical and Special Attack, if they face an opponent that deems Gyarados overwhelmingly stronger, they will lose all will to fight, no matter what.]


[Scizor (M)]

[Nature: Impish (+Def, -SpA)]


[Current moves: Quick Attack(advanced), Fury Cutter(advanced), Wing Attack(advanced), Double Team, Swords dance, Slash(Advanced), X-Scissor(advanced), Steel Wing(advanced), Knock Off(advanced), Protect, Agility, Trailblaze(advanced), U-turn(advanced), Roost, Bug Bite(advanced), Skitter Smack(advanced), Psycho Cut(advanced), Night Slash(advanced), Acrobatics(advanced), Bullet Punch(advanced), Close Combat(advanced), Brick Break(advanced)]

[Combos: Swift Blade Dance, Steel Blitz Assault]



[Nature: Mild (+SpA, -Def)]

[Ability:Poison Touch Hidden ability:Sheer Force]

[Current moves: Focus energy, Confusion(advanced), Protect, Toxic spikes, Stealth Rock, Thunderbolt(Advanced), Sludge Bomb(advanced), Dig(Basic), Ice beam(Advanced), Shadow Ball(Advanced), Sucker Punch(advanced), Venoshock(advanced), Rock Slide(advanced), Flamethrower(advanced), Earth Power(advanced), Dragon Pulse(advanced), Surf(advanced), Toxic]

[Royal Gene - Royal Command, Resilience, and Dominance]

Royal Command - Grants a permanent omniboost (Can stack)

Royal Resilience - Immune to status conditions

Royal Dominance - Anyone weaker will fall in line to the king



[Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpA)]

[Ability: No Guard/Guts Hidden ability: ORAORA!]

[Moves: Bullet Punch(Advanced), Seismic Toss(Advanced), Bulk Up, Brick Break(Basic), Power-up punch(Advanced), Fire Punch(Advanced), Ice Punch(Advanced), Thunder Punch(Advanced), Knock Off(Advanced), Cross Chop(Advanced), Protect, Close Combat(Advanced)]

[Champion mutation - Whenever fighting someone deemed a worthy challenge a +1, whenever facing someone stronger a +3, can stack]

[ORAORA - Punch moves hit a second time for 50% dmg.]


[Venusaur (M)]

[Nature: Jolly (+Spe, -SpA)]

[Ability: Chlorophyll, Hidden Ability: Thick fat]

[Current moves: Vine Whip(Advanced), Growth, Razor Leaf(Advanced), Magical Leaf(Advanced), sleep powder, poison powder, Leech Seed, Sludge Bomb(Advanced), Giga Drain (Advanced), Protect, Energy Ball(Advanced), Toxic, Venoshock(Advanced), Synthesis, Sunny Day, Solar Beam(Advanced), Grassy Terrain, Grass Knot(Advanced), Grassy Glide(Advanced), Nature's Madness(Advanced), Earth Power(Advanced)]

[Combo: Eat the Energy Ball, Drug Seed]

[Saint of the forest - again Fairy STAB, can learn any Fairy type move]


[Blastoise (M)]

[Nature:Modest (+SpA, -Atk)]

[(Ability: Torrent) (Hidden Ability: Mega Launcher)]

[Current moves: Rapid Spin(Advanced), Bite(Advanced), Water Pulse(Advanced), Aqua Jet(Advanced) Withdraw, Protect, Ice Beam(Advanced), Aura Sphere(Advanced), Scald(Advanced), Jet Punch(Advanced), Shell Smash, Work Up, Aqua Ring, Aqua Tail(Advanced), Power-Up Punch(Advanced), Brick Break(Advanced), Snipe Shot(Advanced), Flash Cannon(Advanced), Hydro Pump(Advanced), Double Iron Bash(Advanced)]

[Combo: Ice Jet, Glacial Cyclone, Gamera Spinner]

[Counter shield]

[Renegade - gain Steel STAB, can learn any Steel type move]

[Charizard (M)]

[Nature: Modest (+SpA, -Atk)]

[(Ability: Drought) (Hidden Ability: Tough Claws)]

[Current moves: Metal Claw(Advanced), Smokescreen, Dragon Tail(Advanced), Dragon Breath(Advanced), Dragon Claw(Advanced), Slash(Advanced), Belly Drum, Flamethrower(Advanced), Shadow Claw(Advanced), Air Cutter(Advanced), Ancient Power(Advanced), Fire Punch(Advanced), Dragon Dance, Thunder Punch(Advanced), Swords Dance]

[Combo moves: Iron Dragon's Claw, Fire Dragon's Roar, Shadow Dragon's Claw)

[Dragonborn - gain Dragon STAB, can learn any Dragon type move.]


[Annihilape (M)]

[Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpA)]

[Ability:Inner Focus, Hidden ability:Defiant]

[Current moves: Karate Chop(Advanced), Low Kick(Advanced), Rock Tomb(Advanced), Beat Up(Advanced), Brick Break(Advanced), Power-Up Punch(Advanced), Focus Energy, Cross Chop(Advanced), Bulk Up, Drain Punch(Advanced), Shadow Punch(Advanced), Night Slash(Advanced), Facade(Advanced), Taunt, Poison Jab(Advanced), Smack Down(Advanced), Rage Fist(Advanced), Close Combat(Advanced)]

[Combo: Gazelle Punch]

[Dratini (F)]

[Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpA)]

[Ability: Shed Skin, Hidden ability: Marvel Scale]

[Current moves: Extreme Speed(Basic), Dragon Breath(Basic), Thunder Wave, Twister(Basic)]

[The Dragon of the West]


[Kingler (F)]

[Adamant (+Atk, -SpA)]

[Ability: Sheer force]

[Current moves: Iron Defense, Metal claw, Liquidation, Slash, Brick Break, Hone Claws, Razor Shell, Swords Dance, Crabhammer, Hammer arm, X-Scissor, Rock Tomb, Rain Dance, Agility, Superpower]



[Nature: Intimidate, Hidden ability: Sheer Force]

[Current moves: Body Slam(Advanced), Horn Attack(Advanced), Pursuit(Advanced), Work Up, Raging Bull(Advanced), Giga Impact(Advanced), Stone Edge(Advanced), Stomping Tantrum(Basic), Iron Head(Basic)]

[Tauros(M)] x 39

[Not for battles]


[Oddish (F)]

[Nature: Timid(+Spe, -Atk)

[Ability:Chlorophyll, Hidden Ability: Run Away.]

[Current moves: Absorb (Basic), Growth, Sweet Scent]


[Zubat (F)]

[Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpA)]

[Ability:Inner Focus Hidden ability: Infiltrator]

[Current moves: Absorb(Basic), Supersonic, Astonish(Basic), Bite(Basic), Wing Attack(Basic)]


[Growlithe (F)]

[Nature: Naive (+Spe, -SpD)]

[Ability:Intimidate, Hidden ability: Justified

[Current moves: Ember(Basic), Flame Wheel(Basic), Howl]


[Vulpix (M)]

[Nature: Brave (+Atk, -Spe]

[Ability:Flash Fire, Hidden ability: Drought]

[Current moves: Ember(Basic), Quick Attack(Basic), Psybeam(Basic), Confuse Ray]


[Crystal Onix(M)]

[Nature: Calm (+SpD, -Atk)]

[Ability:Rock Head, Hidden ability:Weak Armor]

[Moves: Bind, Curse, Rock Throw(Advanced), Crystal Throw(Advanced), Crystal Tomb(Advanced), Crystal Edge(Advanced)]

[Mutation: Crystal body]

- Gain a resistance to Water, Ice, and Grass but gain a vulnerability to fire and lose Electric immunity 

- Gain access to some Crystal (Ice) moves.

- Gain a extra 50 to base stats


[Lapras (F)]

[Nature: Modest (+SpA, -Atk)]

[Ability:Shell Armor, Hidden ability: Hydration]

[Current moves:]


Snorlax (M)

[Nature: Lax (+Def, -SpD)]

[Ability: Thick Fat, Hidden ability: Gluttony]

[Current moves:]


Fuecoco (M)

[Nature: Hardy]

[Ability:Blaze, Hidden ability: Unaware → ???]

[Current moves:]



[Nature: Modest (+SpA, -Atk)]

[Ability: Serene Grace, Hidden ability: Super Luck]

[Current moves:]



[Nature: Jolly (+Spe, -SpA)]

[Ability:Technician, Hidden ability:Steadfast]

[Current moves:]


{Rocket Team}

[Meowth (F)]

[Nature: Docile ]

[Ability:Technician, Hidden ability: Feline Prowess]

[Current moves: Scratch(Advanced), Fury Swipes(Advanced), Bite(Advanced), Pay Dav(Advanced), Fake Out(Advanced), Hone Claws(Advanced), Power Gem(Advanced), Swift(Advanced), Thunderbolt(Advanced)]



[Nature: Careful (+SpD, -SpA))]

[Ability:Poison Touch, Hidden ability:Power of Alchemy]

[Current moves: Pound(Advanced), Poison Gas, Rock Tomb(Advanced), Acid Armor, Harden, Poison Jab(Advanced), Minimize, Thunder Punch(Advanced), Gunk Shot(Advanced), Curse, Fire Punch(Advanced), Power-Up Punch(Advanced), Shadow Punch(Advanced), Thunder Punch(Advanced), Ice Punch(Advanced), Toxic, Sludge Wave(Basic)]

[Homunculus Body]



[Nature: Relaxed (+Def, -Spe)]

[Ability:Insomnia, Hidden ability:Inner Focus]

[Current moves:Barrier, Light Screen, Reflect, Hypnosis, Thunder Wave, Disable, Confusion(Advanced), Headbutt(Advanced)]

[Blessed by Hypnos]





[Nature: Calm (+SpD, -Atk)]

[Ability:Flash Fire, Hidden ability:Sheer Force]

[Current moves: Nasty Plot, Dark Pulse, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Sludge Bomb, Taunt, Overheat, Will-O-Wisp, Inferno, Burning Jealousy]

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