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0.43% Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads / Chapter 2: Building a New Life

Chapter 2: Building a New Life

In a higher dimension, an old man with a long white beard, the same old man who was riding in Truck-Kun's cab, was sitting in his office, sifting through two piles of paperwork. On top of each pile was a name. On the pile to the old man's right the name on top of the pile read, "Alfonzo Marcus." While the pile to his left read, "Elicia Taylor."

"*Sigh* This Elicia was nothing but an energetic angel who tended to speak before thinking." The old man said to himself, putting down a page of Elicia's report on his desk. "She didn't have a single bad bone in her body. This was truly a horrible accident. *Sigh*"

Then, the old man picked up a document from the other pile.

"And this Alfonzo Marcus, he was nothing short of an arrogant prick for the first sixteen years of his life." The old man said as he read through the summary of Alfonzo's life. "At least he started changing for the better. Too bad it took an accident like that, though. The sixth sense he manifested after the accident is quite curious as well. And his slightly overboard levels of self-confidence can be a bit worrying. But he was a good kid for the most part."

Placing the document back onto the desk, the old man then picked up another two documents, one from each stack. These two documents mentioned the supernatural-like abilities that Alfonzo and Elicia had.

"Supernatural-like, my ass." The old man said with a frown. "These two clearly had supernatural abilities that were almost on the level of magic. The only thing they were lacking was the creation of the things they could manipulate."

As previously mentioned, Alfonzo had the ability to intuitively see the structure and material make up of metal objects. While Elicia had a supernatural level of dexterity when it came to sewing. However, there was more to both of their abilities than even they knew.

While Alfonzo could use his will to see the structure and material make up of metal objects, with the use of his will, he could even shape those metals slightly when doing repairs. Though, the changes he could make were so minuscule that he never noticed.

Elicia, on the other hand, had not been manipulating the needles while she sewed as one would expect. Instead, she had the ability to manipulate threads. This, in turn, helped make corrections to her needle work.

I can only imaginef how far they could have pushed these abilities in they had been born if a world with mana, or some equivalent." The old man wondered aloud. "Maybe I should send them to a world like that."

Once again putting down the documents in his hands, the old man started sifting through the piles again. Then, he found a document that detailed what the deceased lovers liked to do in their spare time. Alfonzo liked to watch sports, exercising, cooking, baking, and, to the old man's surprise, practicing Eskrima.

"Eskrima?" The old man said to himself. "That doesn't really seem like the friendliest martial art for someone with a visual impairment. Well, whatever, more power to him. It seems he reached a pretty high level in it, too. Though he never participated in any competitions or sparring, with good reason."

Then, the old man switched to reading Elicia's list of hobbies. Designing and making clothes, reading manga, watching anime, and dragging Alfonzo along with her to read manga and watch anime.

"Haha, these two take the age old argument of subbed versus dubbed to another level." The old man said with a chuckle. "Of course, Elicia hates dubbed anime, with a passion. Although there are a few she approves of, that is definitely the exception to the rule. Alfonzo on the other hand can only watch dubbed anime, seeing as reading subtitles is nearly impossible with his eyesight."

Continuing to read, the old man eventually decided to send them to an AU world of Fairy Tail, one of the few anime that they both agreed on. It helped that Elicia did not mind the dub of the anime, either.

"So, a Fairy Tail AU with a few crossovers to spice things up." the old man decided. "And I guess I'll make it so the chances of them becoming childhood friends again is almost a forgone conclusion."

With those decisions made, the old man began typing on the keyboard on his desk. Then, after setting up the world Alfonzo and Elicia would be sent to, he got to the final check box.

"Do I let them keep their memories?" The old man asked himself while hovering the mouse over the check box. "If I do, do I let them have them from birth? Do they get them back after a trigger? After they reach a certain age? *Sigh* So many options."

In reality, there were not really that many options. There were the two major ones. Allow or do not allow them to retain their memories. If do not allow is chosen, then that is it, no more choices. But if allow is chosen, then you have to choose when they get their memories. However, the old man just did not know what to do. So, he reached into his pocket, and pulled out a coin.

"I'll just flip a coin. Heads, they get their memories from their past life. Tails, they don't. The old man said before flipping the coin. "Heads. They keep their memories."

After that coin toss, the old man immediately clicked the check box. Then, he held up the coin again.

"Well, they won't have their memories from birth." The old man decided. "But will they get them at a certain age or after a trigger event? Well... Heads, trigger event. Tails, after a certain age... Tails it is."

After another coin toss, the old man clicked another check box. Then, he had to figure out how old the kids would be when they got their memories back.

"Okay, I'll flip the coin again." The old man said after some consideration. "AS many times as, I get a different outcome in a row, will be the age that they get their memories back."

Although it may not be too clear from his speech, the old man planned on flipping the coin several times consecutively. Then, as long as the side showing changed, he would continue to flip the coin. Once the same side came up two times in a row, that would end this little game. And the number of times that the side was different would be the age that they get their memories back.

"Tails... Heads... Tails... Heads... Tails... Heads... heads." The old man said aloud as he flipped the coin. "Okay, memories back at six. Good thing they have the same date of birth, so they'll get them back at the same time."

The old man then entered the age they would be getting their memories back and proceeded to put the finishing touches on the reincarnation process.

"Okay, done." The old man said as he stretched in his chair. "Now, I just have to wait for the Worldline Department to approve the world I want them to reincarnate into. Then, they'll create it and send the paperwork back to me so I can complete the reincarnation."

As the old man spoke to himself, he cleaned up all the paperwork on his desk. Once he did, a nameplate became visible. This nameplate read, "Samsara, The God of Reincarnation."

"*Sigh* That was more work than I thought it would be." The old man, Samsara, said as he stood up. "I wonder if Truck-Kun is free to get a drink tonight."

After that, Samsara walked from behind his desk toward the door to his office. Then, just before leaving the room, he flipped the light switch, turning off the lights. Then, he closed the door. From there, he turned left and walked down the hallway. After passing four doors, Samsara turned to his left and knocked on a door with a nameplate that read, "Emmee Truck, The God of Death."

*Knock!* *Knock!* *Knock!*

"Hey, Truck-Kun, let's get a drink." Samsara said with a smile after knocking on the door.

"God damn it!" A low female voice sounded from the other side of the door. A few moments later, the door was swung open with force. "How many fucking times do I have to tell you not to call me that you son of a bitch. Neither you nor I are Japanese, so using the honorifics makes you sound stupid. On top of that I'm a woman. At least use –Chan if you're gonna do it anyway."

Standing in the doorway and yelling at Samsara was a tall, stunningly gorgeous woman with fair skin, cherry red hair, silver eyes, and curves in all the right places.

"Oh don't' get mad, I was just calling you what the kids in the lower dimensions call you." Samsara said with a chuckle.

"Fuck you!" Emmee shouted. "This is all my husband's fault! What kind of last fucking name is 'Truck'?"

"Oh yea, because turning into a truck so often had nothing to do with it." Samsara said to himself under his breath.

"What was that!?" Emmee asked in a threatening tone.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." Samsara said while waving dismissively. "Anyway, how about that drink?"

"Not tonight." Emmee said. Then, her expression turned much gentler before she continued. "Today is my wedding anniversary and I'm sure the hubby will have something planned for tonight."

"Oh well, maybe next time." Samsara said with a shrug. Then, he turned and walked away as he continued to speak. "Have a good night."

Shortly after Samsara walked away, Emmee ended her work day as well. Then, she went back home to her husband. Meanwhile, the application Samsara sent to the Worldline department was approved. Then, the members of the Worldline Department pulled an all-nighter so that the reincarnations of Alfonzo and Elicia could be kept on schedule.

The next morning, when Samsara arrived in his office, he sat down at his desk and checked his email, like he does every morning. When he saw the emails stating that the new AU was approved and created, Samsara smiled. Then, after a few minutes spent reviewing Alfonzo and Elicia's reincarnation procedure one more time, he clicked the "Submit" button.

"Elicia Taylor, I hope you continue to be the ray of sunshine that you were in your previous life." Samsara said with a gentle smile. "And Alfonzo Marcus, I hope you continue to improve yourself as a person. I can only pray that having your eyesight back won't lead you down the same path."

Earth land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Hargeon.

In the middle of the night, as the clock struck midnight and the date changed from May 7th x771 to May 8th x771, a pair of orphaned children, a boy and a girl, woke from their slumber. It seemed that they both had a nightmare at the same time. Fortunately, or unfortunately, that couldn't be further from the truth.

"Where am I? Didn't I die in a car crash with Elicia/Fonzie?"

After scanning the room, they woke up in, for a few moments, the two children, Alfonzo Marcus and Elicia Taylor, spoke in unison. Since the room was full of sleeping children, it was not hard for the two to hear the similar utterance that came from the next bed over.

Each child looked in the direction they heard the voice from. Then, when they met eyes with the other speaker, they both spoke in unison once again.


SixthSense1029 SixthSense1029


And there's the second chapter. I'll post a cople more tomorrow.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy the story.

Comments and Reviews are appreciated.

Chapter 3: We Got Isekai'd

Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdon of Fiore, Hargeon.

May 8, x771


As the two children spoke in unison, a pair of grey eyes and a pair of dark brown eyes met. Once recognition dawned on the two, the girl, Elicia, jumped from her bed onto the next one over where Alfonzo lay in a daze. Then, she wrapped her arms around him and began to shed tears quietly.

Meanwhile, even with Elicia hugging him tightly, Alfonzo was laying there in complete silence. There were two reasons for that, though. However, he could not believe either of them.

'What's going on?' Alfonzo asked himself. 'Weren't we crushed in that accident? I mean, there's no way Elicia's little Z3 could have protected us from a semi, right?'

The first thing that Alfonzo could not believe was that he was still alive. Just as he thought, Elicia's small car provided absolutely no protection from the collision with the semi that ran the light. So, they both died near instantaneously, with Elicia surviving only a second longer than Alfonzo. Once Alfonzo realized that he was, in fact, alive again, he noticed something else.

"I can see... clearly and from both eyes." Alfonzo muttered while letting his eyes wander around the large room where the orphans slept.

Although he was not very loud, Elicia was able to hear Alfonzo's muttering thanks to the quiet that was present in the room. So, she quickly sat up, straddling Alfonzo, and looked into his eyes.

"Fonzie, did you just say you can see?" Elicia said with even more tears falling from her eyes.

Smiling at the girl who was sitting on his abdomen, Alfonzo raised his hand so that he could wipe the tears from her face. However, when he saw his hand, a much smaller hand than he was used to seeing, he froze. Then, he slowly turned his sight from his hand to the face of his fiancée. When he did, he finally realized that something was wrong.

"Elicia what's going on?" Alfonzo asked in a shaky tone. "My hand... why is it so small? And why do you... look so young?"

Although Elicia had been listening to Alfonzo's questions, when he made it sound as if she looked old, she completely forgot about the first question Alfonzo asked.

"What do you mean, Fonzie?" Elicia asked in a low, menacing tone. "Are you trying to say that I looked old before?"

Hearing Elicia's question and tone, Alfonzo was pulled out of his stupor. Then, he rolled his eyes at the "absolutely terrifying", totally not so cute that he wanted to pinch her cheeks, expression Elicia was wearing while waiting for his response. So, instead of trying to defend himself, he grabbed one of Elicia's hands and held it up in front of her own eyes.

At first, Elicia struggled, trying to move her hand so that she could glare at Alfonzo in the most menacing way she could. However, after a few seconds, she realized that there was something off about her hand. It was... smaller. And her fingers were... shorter.

"What's going on?" Elicia muttered as she finally realized something was wrong.

However, before they could discuss things, both Alfonzo and Elicia experienced a mind-shattering headache. One that was absolutely debilitating. Elicia then fell forward onto Alfonzo and they both passed out.

The next morning, Alfonzo was the first to wake up. When he did, he noticed that Elicia was now clinging to him instead of simply laying on top of him. In his surroundings, he could hear the other orphan children talking.

"Look, Elicia snuck into Alfonzo's bed again." One boy said while laughing.

"I bet they're gonna get married when they get older." Another boy said.

Then, when they noticed that Alfonzo was awake, all the boys began to sing.

"Alfonzo and Elicia sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love. Then comes marriage. Then comes a baby in a baby carriage. Hahaha!"

"Why is it so noisy?" Elicia asked in a sleepy tone. Then, she buried her face in Alfonzo's arm and spoke again. "Give me five more minutes."

Meanwhile, Alfonzo glared at the kids. Though, he was not really even paying them any mind. Instead, he was reviewing the new memories that appeared in his head once he woke up again.

'So, right now were in an orphanage in Hargeon Town, a port town in the Kingdom of Fiore on the Ishgar continent.' Alfonzo thought to himself. '*Sigh* No matter how I spin this in my head, we're in the world of Fairy Tail, aren't we?'

Alfonzo then looked down at Elicia and smiled gently.

'I wonder how she'll react when she realizes this.' Alfonzo thought to himself as he stroked Elicia's hair. 'I should probably make sure she doesn't start screaming about being isekai'd. At least, not where other people can hear her, anyway.'

"Come on Lici, it's time to get up." Alfonzo said in a gentle tone.

"Mmm~, five more minutes." Elicia said, repeating herself in her sleepy state.

"If you don't get up, I'm not gonna make you breakfast." Alfonzo said.

Immediately after that, Elicia opened her eyes and sat up. Then, she grabbed Alfonzo by his shirt and began to shake him violently.

"Fonzie, you can't do that!" Elicia shouted. "That's inhumane. To deprive someone of your amazing cooking is just evil. Especially..."

When Elicia saw Alfonzo's teasing smile, her tirade came to a stop immediately. Instead, she began hammering on his chest with a pout on her face.

"You tricked me again, Fonzie." Elicia said in an aggrieved tone. "Why do you always do that?"

"Because it works." Alfonzo said with a chuckle. "And if it ain't broke, don't fix it, right?"

"Fonzie, you're such a meanie." Elicia said while continuing to hammer Alfonzo's chest.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry." Alfonzo said, catching Elicia's hands. "But it really is time to get up. We have to eat then do our chores, remember?"

Surprisingly, in both this life and the previous one, Alfonzo used the same trick to wake up Elicia. On top of that, none of the orphans found it strange, since Alfonzo often helped the orphanage staff cook breakfast in the mornings. As a matter of fact, Alfonzo had been cooking for about a year. Well Before they even ended up in the orphanage.

"*Sigh* Fine." Elicia said in a huff. "But you gotta play with me later."

Although Elicia was speaking in a childish tone, Alfonzo could read the message she was sending with her eyes that was screaming: "We need to talk!"

'I guess I worried too much.' Alfonzo thought to himself while smiling. 'I know she's smart, like, really smart. But she doesn't always think before speaking.'

"Of course." Alfonzo replied with a nod and a smile.

Then, while the other children in the room played, Alfonzo and Elicia began to make their beds. Once their beds were made, they left the room to wash their faces and brush their teeth. Then, they went to the orphanage's dining room where they split up. Alfonzo went back into the kitchen so that he could help with breakfast, while Elicia made herself comfortable at one of the tables.

Shortly before breakfast was served, a member of the orphanage's staff led the other children, fifteen boys and girls, ages four to ten, who shared a room with Alfonzo and Elicia, into the dining room. Behind them were some older boys and girls, a total of twelve, whose ages range from eleven to fifteen.

A few minutes later, Alfonzo and the other cooks in the orphanage came out with breakfast. While the cook staff were holding large pans full of eggs, bacon, and pancakes, Alfonzo carried two plates that were already made.

"Fonzie, over here!" Elicia shouted as she waved at Alfonzo.

"*Sigh* Those two are so cute together." The matriarch of the orphanage said. "It's too bad that their village was abducted by a dark guild."

"Yeah, it's a miracle the two of them survived." One of the women on staff said in a sad tone.

"I heard that their parents sacrificed themselves to barricade a cellar to keep their kids safe." Another younger woman said.

"Yeah, so did I." A woman around the same age as the last said.

Unlike what the orphanage staff were saying, Alfonzo and Elicia's family in this life were not abducted along with all the other villagers. During the attack, Elicia's father and Alfonzo's mother, who were both retired wizards, sealed Alfonzo and Elicia in the cellar under Alfonzo's house using their magic. So, in anger, the abductors killed them after killing their spouses in front of them.

After that, as they were out of time, since a part of the kingdom's army was approaching, the abductors left the village with all the captured villagers. Eventually, the army arrived to find an empty village. However, when they were searching the village for any survivors, they heard banging from the inside of a sealed cellar. When they were able to break the seal, they found Alfonzo and Elicia. Then, after finding out all they could about the incident, they took the children to the nearest town, Hargeon, and entrusted them to an orphanage.

For the next few hours, Alfonzo and Elicia followed the routines they were used to before they regained their memories from their past lives. They ate, did their chores around the orphanage, and learned to read and write. Then, once all that was over, Elicia, as she usually does, dragged Alonzo somewhere so that they could play alone.

"*Sigh* I guess they haven't connected enough with any of the other kids yet." The matriarch said as she watched Elicia drag Alfonzo away.

"They've only been here for a little less than two months." The head cook said. "I wouldn't be surprised if they still feel like they are all they have left."

"You're probably right." The matriarch said before taking a toke from a pipe." I wonder if they will turn out to be wizards like their parents?"

"Well, if they show any signs of magic, we'll do like we always do." The head cook said with a smile. "We'll point them towards the guilds. We're not equipped to raise wizards in this little orphanage."

Meanwhile, Elicia was dragging Alfonzo towards the borders of the orphanage's property. Once she was sure there was no one close enough to over hear them, she let go of Alfonzo's arm, turned around, and hugged him with all the strength she had in her six-year-old body.

"Ahh~~~~~~~~~!" Elicia screamed, burying her face in Alfonzo's chest. "We got isekai'd! Fonzie, we got isekai'd! Fairy Tail! We got isekai'd into Fairy Tail! Does that mean we can do magic? Of course, we can do magic. I mean, why would we get isekai'd here if we couldn't? More importantly, are we gonna join Fairy Tail? Oh, what am I saying? Of course, we're gonna join Fairy Tail!"

While Elicia gushed in excitement, Alfonzo knew there was nothing he could do until she calmed down. So, he just smiled and rubbed her back until she got it all out of her system.

"*Sigh* Okay, I'm good now." Elicia said after three minutes of her ranting about how cool this is. "So, what are we gonna do, Fonzie?"

"Haha. Are you sure you're done?" Alfonzo said in a teasing tone. "I'm sure there's more you want to go on about."

"Stop teasing me." Elicia squeaked out with an awkward smile. "Be serious."

"Okay, haha, I got it." Alfonzo snickered. "But I haven't seen you that excited since Mass Effect 3 came out."

"I still say that was the best Mass Effect. It's just too bad the ending sucked." Elicia said with conviction.

"Anyway, like you said, we can use magic." Alfonzo said, taking on a serious tone. "We both used it on that... day."

With that statement, the atmosphere became rather subdued.

"[Thread Magic] for me and some kind of metal magic for you, huh?" Elicia said.

"No, just [Metal Magic]." Alfonzo corrected. "From what I can feel, I can create any metal that I have a good enough understanding of."

"Does that include metal from Earth?" Elicia asked.

"Yeah." Alfonzo replied with a nod.

"So, that makes you kinda OP, right?" Elicia asked.

"Not really." Alfonzo replied. "There are a ton of magic metals in this world. I won't be OP until I can create them all."

"Then, that leaves us with only one course of action." Elicia said with her feet spread shoulder width apart, her left hand resting on her hip, and her right hand raised in the air with her index finger pointing at the sky. "We have to join a guild. We'll need a backer after all. And what better guild to join than Fairy Tail?"

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Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy the new story.

I'll upload again next weekend. Leave me some comments to let me know wat you think.

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