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22.22% Bell Cranel of Loki Familia / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

A bright morning mixed with sounds of singing hummingbirds.

"MmM~! Aiz-chan don't be mean with Bell-chan~!"

Loki was hopelessly snoring while her bed was a complete mess.

Beside her was Bell who couldn't close his eyes even for second.....seems that Loki forced him to sleep in her room.

Hugging him like a pillow Bell was getting more and more nervous.

"Hehe~Soma wine is the best one around."

'Why does she always thinks about Alcohol.....?'

He said as sweat slide through his cheek.

Truth be told,Loki was known for her love for Alcohol....she herself could empty around 4 barrels in just a blink of an eye.

Loki hugging him like a doll wasn't the only reason for his insomnia. He,the weak and fragile guy with no future,managed to become a part of Familia....and not the ordinary Familia,no,it was the strongest Familia in Orario known for it's outstanding members.

Words couldn't describe how grateful he was...he slowly turned his head Towards Loki and softly smiled.

"Thank you for accepting me, Goddess....."

"Your welcome."


"Hehe, it's so cute of you to say this to me~!"

She poked his cheeks with her index finger.


He jumped away from bed while blushing madly.

"S-S-Sorry Goddess I didn't meant to—"

"Hey Hey chill will ya? I accepted you to my Familia because I see a potential in you."


Loki slapped her belly a few times.

"Call it a hunch or a gut feeling."

Bell was a bit taken aback by this... however Loki highly might have been right.

Even tho Gods descended to mortal realm in order to live peacefully with there children restricting themselves from using there magic,nobody denied that Gods know human beings more than they know themselves.

It was futile to lie or to fraud a god. For over millions of years they were watching over children....and they knew them better than anyone.

The most outstanding God with such an ability to see through anyone was Loki. Because of her so called 'Hunch' she requited many adventurers who are now known as strongest people in Orario.

And what she saw in Bell couldn't be described with mere can say that potential he held was even stronger potential that she saw in nobody but Bell.

"Well, Anyway, Let's give you a blessing."


Gods weren't allowed to use there powers in mortal realm... however it was allowed to bestow there children with status in order for them to grow stronger.

"Yes. Basically I will bestow you your own strip."




"Strip.Putt off your clothes."

She was slowly approaching Bell with a bit scary face.

"Bell~! That won't take a lot of time~"






A God's Blessing or it is better known with the title 'Falna' is a special blessing bestowed by God to there Familia.

And I,Bell Cranel,was granted by this gift.

Feeling unimaginably happy I was nearly jumping while being on streets.

Goddess beside me and....she looked happy watching me jump like this from happiness.

But still I didn't knew where we were heading to so I decided to ask her.

"U-Uhm, Goddess?"

"What is it,Bell?"

"Where are we going to?"

"Eh? I didn't told you?"

No she didn't.

It was part of her character to leave a person dumbfounded...well she was a Goddess of lies after all so maybe it was part of her as well.

"Well the place where we are going to is....'Adventurer's Guild' "


I was speechless. Words couldn't get out from my mouth as I wanted to say even a word.

Going there was one of my most wanted dreams.

The place where Adventurers gather and earn money. Getting tasks from guild board and slowly raising your rank.

"You seem happy."

Goddess looked at me while upon little opening her always closed eyes.

"Of course I am!"

I shouted with all of my strength.

"I wished going there since ever I came to Orario! Fuuuuh...I wanna go there,badly!"

As if little kid going to a toy store my eyes were sparkling.

Goddess chuckled seeing me.

Well...I too was embarrassed by time that I realized what I was doing.

Taking a deep breath I and Goddess proceeded forward,all the way towards "Adventurer's Guild"

× × ×

The big wooden building with a brown design and a feeling that it was more of a business center rather than a guild.

I widened my eyes seeing such a building before my eyes.

Goddess wasn't that interested as I was....well she saw the same building over all these years so it was inevitable of her to not be surprised by this sight.

As for me,the guy who saw nothing in his life,this place was like a Dreamland.

Of course it wasn't as fancy looking as our Familia's house but still it was a design worthy of saying thanks to the architecture.

It was fully made of wood with people all around.

Strong looking adventurers with levels varying from 1 and going all the way towards level 4...some probably were level 5 but they were surely part of strong Familias.

Feeling as dust near gold I wavering looked towards the goddess.

"Feeling nervous,Eh?"

"Y-Yes and... Nauseous as well."

"Hahaha! It happens with everyone ya know. This place is the center of adventures. The place where all of them gather in order to get missions....but well we are here to get you a license and assign you here."

"Assign? D-does that mean that once we are done here I can finally go to the dungeon!?"


I was feeling happy and nervous...what would you call it in words? Happervous? Nervhappy? Neither way I was between those two feelings.

Flames of impatiens took over me as me and goddess approached the reception.

"What can I help you with,Loki-sama?"

Brown haired woman with sharp ears addressed to goddess with her real name.

She was an elf....the descendant of demi-human race which was known for it's beauty.

There couldn't be an elf without good looks and talent to magic....and it was a well known fact.

She wore glasses while strictly was looking over me.

"Heya~! Eina-chan,you doing good?"

"Yes,thanks for asking,Loki-sama, just a bit tired."

"Oh? You shouldn't push yourself too much... better do it like me and drink all you want!"

The supposedly Eina(I'm not sure about her name but goddess refered to her like this) look at her with a bit of sweat running through her cheeks.

"So...what is the business which brings you here?"

"Hehe always down to business...well I brought this boy over here."

Finally it was my turn.

I bowed down introducing my name.

"N-Nice to meet you! I'm Bell Cranel."

My body bend down I was watching the floor of guild hall.

"He is a bit of a shy fella but nonetheless he is new member of my Familia."

Eina-san's expression changed a bit.

"To think that Loki-sama would accept such a rookie means that he surely got a potential."

The word rookie made me twitch a bit... however I can't say that she wasn't right....

"Yup! Well anyway I will live ya both for a consultation...My new barrels of wine are waiting...hehehe"

She rubbed her hands onto each other feeling motivated to go and drink.

"Goddess! Why are you leaving part of your Familia for a glass of wine!?"

I asked hurried and a bit nervous.

"Hm? Cuz this is your duty to understand what are Guild and Dungeon."

Her words made sense however with her face clearly telling 'Leave me alone I wanna go drinking.' I doubted on my decision to believe her.

But oh well she left without even turning an eye towards me.

"U-Umm...Eina-san...N-Nice to meet you."

She chuckled.

"You already said that."

What the hell am I even saying!? Idiot!

That's how I am... I'm always nervous while talking with people... especially opposite gender.

I often stutter whenever I speak with them and am always shy....

"You are really rookie as I can see...hmm can you follow me?"

Exiting the stand where she was staying she got out telling me to follow her.

Yet again...she was truly beautiful women with exceptional beauty of her own.

"U-Umm where are we going,Eina-san?"

"Consulting room. There we won't get any problems of someone hearing us."

I nodded in agreement.

Finally reaching our destination I and Eina took a sit.

The square room with one table and two sofas facing each other. This was the consulting room of was sound proof so info leaking out wasn't really a problem here.

"So...Mr.Cranel,what are the reasons for you becoming an adventurer."

Ah...the question which I was afraid of...

" that necessary to answer?"

"Not really...if you are not comfortable with saying this it is not a problem."

I shook my head.

"I will say.... promise to not laugh,ok?"

"Mr.Cranel I'm already mature enough to not laugh when it is not necessary."

I hesitantly closed my eyes.

"W-Well....I always wanted to be a hero...the one who is in fairy tales...soo...umm...I wanna get stronger and become famous as heroes of fairy tales."


....she started to laugh.

"Hahahaha! Hero? Haha! That's so cute actually."

"Hey! You said you won't laugh,Eina-san!"

"Hahaha sorry,Bell,it was just so surprising that in this day and age there still can be such a pure minded kid."

I don't know whether I should say thanks or just stay silent.

"It's not really embarrassing dream...after years of working here I understood that people are mostly drawn to dungeons because of hearing someone with such a pure dream is a bit reassuring."


"Haha...well going on to the next question..."

After that I was asked several other questions but it wasn't really that difficult questions...Something like "How strong you are?" It wasn't difficult to answer.

"Welp! We are done! Here is your license,Bell-kun."


I looked at it with sparks in my eyes...I was one step closer towards my dream.

"Thanks Eina-san! I am going to dungeon!"

Rushed I wanted to burst out from door but—



"Are you planning to go there like that!?"


She facepalm looking towards me.

"You don't have a weapon within yourself...what about armor? Potions? Did you even updates your status?"


A vein popped up in her head.

"Than you are banned from going there untill you won't get a weapon and armor."


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