"You must be the wife," I said with a smile on my face, matching her own. "Such a pleasure. Which one of these men is your husband?"
"Unfortunately, after your… husbands… visited mine, he wasn't feeling well and decided not to come. He sent his men instead," she answered, the corners of her eyes tightening. It had been a while since I could play this particular game with another woman. I wondered how she was with Southern sayings.
"That's fine. Spare the rod and spoil the child, right?" I said with a shrug. "Then again, that is the benefit of having four husbands. I never have to go anywhere alone. And I don't even have to beat them to ensure that they stay by my side."
"Well, it was two of your… husbands… that beat mine to the point where he could barely walk," she said quickly, like she wanted to make sure that everyone around knew who she was placing the blame for her husband's misery on.
Just in case I need to clarify... Each city is run by whoever is strongest. There are no elected officials and no one enforcing the laws. Anyone can claim to be the head of a city... but they need the strength to be able to do that.