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Chapter 2: Meeting Guru and Sparring with Nail (ReWrite)

Standing before Grand Elder Guru, I feel a bit intimidated by the stare of a certain Namekian. Because in the corner of the room he stands, he looks virtually identical to Piccolo (i.e. face, height and build). He dons a blue vest and a white scarf around his neck. His chest and stomach are mostly exposed apart from a long flowing brown vest. He also wears baggy white pants with a blue sash and the brown pointed boots common amongst his race.

Of course, it is Nail, the strongest Namekian on the planet. Whom is also Guru's bodyguard. From where I stand, his power feels unreal compared to my own. Speaking of Guru, he is incredibly large, towering over all of his Namekian children even when sitting on the ground. Morbidly obese in his advanced age, he is always seen sitting stationary on his throne-like chair and always has his eyes closed. The patches on his body are a dark orange color, as opposed to the brighter yellowish color seen in other elderly Namekians.

"Hello Young One, you come to us from a planet once called Vegeta correct?" The Old Namekian, questions. Just like in the Anime, Guru is able to trace my origins similarly to how he could've told Krillin he came from Earth.

"Yes, that is the name of my home planet." I reply using the present tense because I shouldn't be aware that it was wiped off the 'galactic map.'

"I am afraid your planet is no more, Young One." Guru informs me his mouth visibly deepening as if he is frowning. "However, the arms of The Namekian people are open to you. You may stay here, until the foreseeable future."

Guru coughs, before taking a deep breath. "I have foreseen that you, will be powerful warrior able to protect Namek. There are many that envy our intellect and abilities, but I know that with the principals of our people and the right mentorship you will become exactly what I envisioned."

'What?' So basically, one of the wisest people in the Universe is telling me that he foresaw my arrival and that I would be powerful? Well talk about surprising.

I can feel my jaw become slack, and my eyes widen. From the corner, I hear Nail start to chuckle. "Grand Elder Guru has a type of Clairvoyance. It allows him to see into the past, present and into a possible future of a person or place. Normally, this skill is used to keep tabs all across Namek but he decided to use it on you. You should be honored."

"Nail, allow the child to process this information for himself." Guru clears his throat, and he waits, for me to get my thoughts in order.

"So, you're saying, that you want me to stay here and train under the guidance of a warrior?" I ask already knowing the answer to this question.

"Yes, preferably under the tutelage of my bodyguard, Nail." Guru raises his hand and Nail steps forward. "Do you accept?"

'What kind of question is that? Of course, I do.' I think to myself, but on the outside, it looks like I am deep in thought.

"I accept, anything to get stronger and be able to protect myself." I respond with utter seriousness. Dropping the childish act, as I furrow my brows in determination.

Nail grins ear to ear, "I like that spirit of yours, I will enjoy mentoring you."

Guru releases a weak chuckle, before he raises his right arm. "Indulge an old man and step up to my side over here." The Elder points to the space beside his throne.

I nod my head, this was Guru's way of helping, by unleashing the hidden potential of others. "Okay?" I walk over, trying to seem oblivious to what was about to transpire.

Upon arrival at his side, I feel a weight press down on my head. Looking up I see Guru's massive hand atop my head, before it starts to glow. Suddenly I feel a power well up from deep within me. My body begins to feel as light as a feather and my ki reserves feel as though they are overflowing.

'So, this is my true potential huh, my body feels looser, and my mind feels free.' I think to myself, not noticing when Guru removes his hand from my head.

"It is done, go out and use this newfound power of yours. Cultivate it and allow it to grow along with your mind." Guru tells me, I can already tell that he has faith in me despite not knowing me for more than 5 minutes. 'That Clairvoyance skill of his must be strong, for him to just trust a literal alien.'

"I will thank you Guru." I bow my head slightly, my pride as a Saiyan not allowing me to do anything else. Nail approaches me, "Nail, allow him to rest, unlike our race, his species requires sleep and nourishment."

"I understand, Elder Guru." He turns to the fossil of a Namekian before turing back to me, "I will give you 8 hours to rest, so that you are at your peak. As soon as you awake meet me at the bottom of this mountain, that is when your training will truly begin."

Timeskip~ (Age 737)

It has been 3 years, since I first arrived on Namek and I have already risen to the top of the powers present on the planet. I tried measuring my power level with my scouter but they all broke. However, I remember the manga stated that Nail's power level was 42,000 going off of how powerful I am compared to Nail originally. I am at around 65,000, give or take. Also, through mentoring me Nail has grown to a power level of 53,000 at best.

POV: 3rd

Just like any other day, Escallion wakes up and is immediately attacked by Nail. Nail punches at his head, Escallion blocks it with his forearm, before yawing, "Good Morning, Nail." The Saiyan smirks, a gesture that is returned by his mentor. Nail, instead of replying, opts for a roundhouse kick. Escallion swiftly dodges, shifting his body so that he is in a crouching position. From said position, the Saiyan uppercuts Nail, who is too slow to react to the punch.

Nail is sent flying through the roof of Escallion's hut. The Namek, regains his balance mid-air and floats above the hut. Emerging from the hole created by his mentor, Escallion cracks his knuckles and neck.

"Ready when you are Nail." He anticipates the Namekian's movement, moving his head to the side to dodge a jab, and a right hook.

Escallion counters with a punch to Nail's solar plexus, generating enough force to knock the wind out of his lungs. Before, delivering an axe kick which sends Nail flying into the dirt. This creates a giant plume of dust.

Suddenly the dust is blown away by Nail's ki violently erupting. He stands with both of his hands balled up into fists and flared at his sides. "Nowadays, it seems I have to take you seriously if I ever want to win."

"Bring it on then!" Escallion shouts as he releases his full power too and they fly at each other. Their elbows crash together and the ground around them shakes. Escallion releases a flurry of well-placed machine gun kicks, these kicks are blocked by Nail who holds his arms up in an 'x' shape. However, Nail still feels pain from the consecutive kicks.

Nail shoots a ki blast at him, which is slapped away by the Saiyan. Incidentally this momentary distraction was exactly what Nail was looking for. Gaining distance from his tailed pupil, Nail begins charging up his ki. Nail's ki almost doubles, Escallion tries to stop him from charging any further by rushing at him. However, the Namekian smirks at his pupil.

"You are right where I want you. This is checkmate." Nail blasts the Saiyan with a massive yellow energy wave, seemingly inflicting a great amount of damage. This causes a smoke cloud to form, Nail pants unable to sense the ki of his student from the cloud. He swipes his hand at the cloud dispersing it. His senses were correct, the only thing in the cloud being Escallion's torn and now burnt to a crisp Namekian robe.

Nail's eyes suddenly widen, as he is hit with an elbow to the back of his head. This elbow sends him crashing into a mountain. Escallion starts charging an Energy Sphere in his right hand Then, he draws his hand forward and fire the energy sphere in the form of an energy wave at Nail. This attack destroys most of the mountain and ingulfs Nail. Causing a giant mushroom head of fire and smoke to form.

'I might have overdone it.' Escallion thinks to himself as the fire dies out and the smoke clears. This reveals Nail to be alive but immobilized. Most of his body is singed and some of his limbs are missing. But this proves to be nothing for the warrior, as he regenerates his missing limbs and the scorch marks. However, this makes him very tired so much so that he is unable to fly.

"It seems you have won this time as well. It is beginning to seem like I am the pupil instead of you." Nail chuckles, he raises his arms in defeat.

"Don't feel disheartened, Nail you gave a good fight." Escallion offers his hand to his mentor. Which the warrior Namek takes with a smile on his face, as Escallion helps him to stand.

"Let us go to Grand Elder Guru." Nail says, having regained enough energy to fly, and the two take off in the direction of Guru's Throne room.

CrownSaiyan CrownSaiyan

Thank you all for the support on the first chapter. I wanted to clear up a few things before I publish anymore chapters:

1. I am not an English speaker. Certain things like fight scenes etc are not my forte.

2. This is my very first novel, therefore, I welcome creative criticism

3. I am a student, so I will update when I am able to.

Aside from that. Thanks for the support.

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