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55.71% The Vision

Chapter 78: CHAPTER 78 - FACING KANG

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"You're a human!?" The old woman screamed with an excited shock after I told her who I was and I was honestly expecting some heavy distrust.

"Well kinda." I said with both legs crossed as I sat in the empty air(space?). "Let's just say I owe your husband one so I figured I'd get you out since I'm here anyway." And that was basically the whole gist of it. With the Mind Stone safely stored away and my worries of having someone nullify its abilities has drastically lessened.

She was about to answer but then her face showed regret and indecision and inwardly I was already hating whatever it was that she was cooking up in her head.

"Can I ask you for a favor?" She asked.

"Depends. What is it?" She took in deep breaths to calm herself down. "I want to help them." Her voice this time was full of conviction and it was then that I understood where everything went wrong.

The time in here and the time out there were in a constant state of flux against each other so instead of the Janet van Dyne that readily left when the time to leave came, this one looked as if she was still knee-deep in helping their rebellion against Kang.

Obviously this is not a good outcome, whatsoever.

"You could leave to see your family right now and yet you want to fight a rebellion instead of jumping at the chance to see them, why?"

"I will give anything to see my family again, but I have to fix what I help start." She let out a self deprecating laugh before going on and telling me about her and the whole Kang fiasco which only served to confirm my assumptions.

"I just want to try my best to help them as much as I can."

"But correct me if I'm wrong. You said you destroyed this core he needed so there's no way for him to leave the Quantum Realm so there's no need to run it in his face, is there?"

She sarcastically laughed at that knowing fully well that Kang deserved any and every bad thing that should happen to him.

I sighed upon seeing how she looked resolute in her decision which only served to twist the knit already twisted inside my stomach.

Remember what I said about being a hero is hard because of their tendency to poke their nose into things that they have no business in, turns out Janet van Dyne is suffering from an exposure to it. I mean, that's how she got in here in the first place.

As for me? Simples. It's all a matter of plus and minuses.

I don't know what's this whole deal with the Kangs is but I don't want my timeline erased because mini-but-actually-bigger Thanos is the vengeful prick and when he gets out in the future, he'll make sure to find Janet's timeline and have her pay for double crossing him.

I'm extremely cautious in fighting Kang due to all his future tech which is definitely better than anything I have. Energy manipulation? The dude's a master at it.

"Let's just get this shit over with." I looked at the smiling woman and urged her over before whispering under my breath. "Should've brought Wanda and Pietro along."


We arrived at the base and the people were immediately notified which ended with us being surrounded but Janet managed to calm them down to listen to her explanations.

They seemed to have a lot of distrust against humans which is understandable considering all Kang's actions against them and their home.

Even though I could understand what they were trying to say, and I could easily read their intentions so I knew when they were insulting me and when they were rejecting my trustworthiness but I said nothing and just let them say what they wanted.

From a third party point of view, their actions are all justified since Kang did slaughter them by the droves and forced them out of their homes.

"Vision, these are Krylar, Jentorra and Guaz."

I didn't have anything to say so I just nodded. The others cleared out, leaving only the four of us in a room with Jentorra being the first one to ask a question. "Why did you decide to help us? You have no reason to help us so why?"

I groaned at the question and stopped any of them before they asked their oiw questions. "The only reason I'm here is because of the grandma sitting over there. That's all. I'll help you deal with Kang as much as I can, whatever that amounts to is something I can't promise."

Krylar snorted at my words, probably annoyed at the laid back tone I used. "And how do you expect to 'deal' with Kang? If Kang was that easy to deal with then we would have done that ages ago."

"And that's something I can do nothing about. Though I'd advise you to speed up whatever preparations you've had on the works."

"How are we even going to get past the barriers? Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of foot soldiers he has at his beck and call." Jentorra said with gritted teeth as she glared at me. "And do you think you can actually fight Kang? Don't misjudge your worth, human."

With that she left, followed quickly by Guaz and then Krylar who looked at Janet for a moment before exiting the room, leaving behind only me and Janet.

"They are right, you know." Janet looked at me and for the first time, I actually felt pain from her. "Kang… he's too strong. Ever since he rebuilt his armor, he just… destroyed everyone who tried to stand in his way."

"If you're that worried, I can go back up and bring a lot of people to help fight." I suggested but she shook her head. "Who knows how much time would have passed by then?"

True. I can't track the time in the Quantum Realm, I don't think anyone can. And there's also the fact that unknown years might've passed on earth by the time I arrive, which was why I needed to learn how to navigate the time-space stream that runs through a specific section of the Quantum Realm.

"Then we make do with what we currently have." That was the only choice we had if we wanted to fight. "I mean, the probability of losing is up there," I gestured to a height above my head which made her let out a small dry chuckle.

"If you're so gung-ho about fighting, I take it then that you're a good fighter? I still have no idea what you can… do." Her words died down as everything in the room floated up, including her, with lightning and light constructs dancing around.

"Don't worry. I'm pretty sure I can carry my own weight if it's required." I said and made everything disappear with a snap of a finger. "And about getting past the barriers, I think I might be able to do something about it. So how about it? Want to give another go at it?"


"This is easily the craziest thing I've ever done." I said while hiding in a quantum pocket and below me was the technological city of marvel, Axia.

Channeling a ginormous amount of energy from the Mind Stone, I started using my density manipulation to increase my weight to the limit I could and then increased my size with quantum-shifting, further increasing my mass.

Trying to plan a strategy around Kang was useless so we went for the only thing we had – a surprise attack. One Kang definitely didn't put in his calculations.

Despite the energy build-up running through my body, I still deemed it not enough and used my electromagnetic manipulation to notch up my magnetic pull towards the ground.

By now, it looked as if a sun was shinning inside a very dark room, and without further ado, the sky split open and a gigantic human ball was dropped right above the city of Axia.

[A magnetic field is being erected to negate the force you are currently exerting which is enough to destroy the city]

"Would you look at that?"

[Hacking attempts to break through city defenses are all unsuccessful]

'Well that's Kang's empire's main control centre. Makes sense that he'll have it heavily protected.'

Nearing the dome that was already laid and covered over 2/3 of the city, I smirked.

Right before my body touched the dome, I disappeared once again and teleported past the barriers, now falling through a rapidly decreasing 2 kilometers which continued for a few seconds before everything became silent as I hit the ground.




An atomic bomb went off as I released everything I was holding in as I made contact with the ground.

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