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100% Naruto: Saisu Kamano / Chapter 10: 9. Wait, you are my teammate?

Chapter 10: 9. Wait, you are my teammate?

"Well, Saisu-kun, you passed," Daikoku sensei commented, acknowledging my success in the test.

"As expected of you, we already have a team arranged for you. Please proceed to the 7th training grounds, where you will meet your Jonin sensei. Your first teammate is waiting for you outside," he informed me.

I expressed my gratitude with a deep bow. "Thank you so much, sensei, for all your guidance and teachings."

"It's fine, brat. Just go," he replied dismissively.

As I walked away, their voices reached my ears, engaged in bickering.

"Hey, are those tears I see?" one of them taunted.

"You're too soft," another teased.

"Shut up! It's because Dinosaur scratched my eye. I'm not crying or anything," came the retort.

I shook my head, amused by their playful banter. Leaving them behind, I scanned the area, searching for my soon-to-be teammate. And there, I spotted Hana with ninkens, her loyal canine companions.

"Hey, Saisu, I see that you passed," Hana remarked, pointing at my forehead protector.

"Yeah, it wasn't too challenging," I replied, gently patting the dogs. "Sensei mentioned that my teammate would be waiting somewhere around here. Have you seen anyone?"

"Nope," Hana shook her head confidently. It was no surprise, considering her extraordinary tracking abilities as an Inuzuka. With their heightened senses, she was already a remarkable tracker, and our training further enhanced her skills. I had complete trust in her abilities.

"Well, I'm off to meet my team," I announced, preparing to depart.

"Hey, let me accompany you," Hana offered, stepping forward.

"Sure, why not?" I responded with a smile. I saw no reason to decline her company.

As we walked together, I initiated a conversation. "So, how are you adjusting to the gravity seal?"

"At first, it was quite challenging. I had to reduce the pressure to a more manageable level," she admitted.

"I had to make similar adjustments too. After slapping on the seal, I could barely walk for a few hours," I shared, reminiscing about our shared experience. "But with time, we'll begin to see the results."

I struck a pose, flexing my arm confidently, and Hana couldn't help but chuckle at my display.

Seals, well, they weren't exactly my expertise. I mean, I could still use them to a certain extent. Chakra control and intent played crucial roles in seal-making. Thanks to The Book, I had access to a wide range of seals and managed to master most of them. Take the Flying Raijin, for example. It was on a whole different level. Through experimentation, I formed a theory. Only shinobi with space-time affinities or unique chakra could utilize such space-time techniques. Unfortunately, I didn't possess those qualities. But when it came to utilizing existing seals, I considered myself a proficient user. Creating new ones, on the other hand, was beyond my reach. Perhaps I lacked the Uzumaki bloodline. Nevertheless, with ample time, practice, and a battalion of shadow clones at my disposal—oops, I meant loyal assistants—I eventually mastered them all.

Yes, by the age of 10, I had managed to accumulate sufficient chakra reserves to safely utilize shadow clones. It was a game-changer for me. My growth accelerated, and I became more proficient in the ways of a shinobi. I owe it all to the incredible advantage of shadow clones.

Currently, I consider myself a high-level combatant, approaching the ranks of a skilled chunin. With my training regimen, I believe that soon I will be able to hold my own in battles based purely on strength. My chakra control is impeccable, and I diligently work on expanding my reserves every day. The only aspect I currently lack is mastery over elemental jutsus, but I have faith that my jonin sensei will guide me in overcoming this hurdle.

Furthermore, I am on the brink of embarking on the path of chakra enchantment. With a solid foundation in medical knowledge, I am confident that I can advance to the next level. However, only time will reveal the outcome. For now, my primary focus remains on refining my chakra reserves, control, and physical prowess.

As we arrived at the training ground, I noticed a seemingly average-looking young ninja a few years older than us engrossed in physical exercises. As Hana and I approached, he caught sight of us and halted his movements.

Just as I was about to address him, a shadow abruptly cast over me. Reacting swiftly, Hana leaped away, showcasing her agility. I, however, needed to improve my sensory skills. Realizing this, I swiftly performed the Kawarimi technique with a nearby stone, instantly shifting my position to stand beside the boy we had observed earlier. As I turned to identify the source of the shadow, Hana reappeared on the other side of me, assuming her clan's distinctive battle stance.

Drawing a kunai from my pouch, I fixed my gaze on the man standing before me. "I suppose you're our Jonin sensei from now on. A pleasure to meet you," I spoke, observing him intently. Asuma Sarutobi, he introduced himself, removing a cigarette from his mouth and casting his gaze upon the three of us.

"Quite the sharp reaction, little Inuzuka," he remarked, directing his attention towards Hana. "And as for you, impressive utilization of the Kawarimi technique. Not many shinobi possess such mastery over it," he stated, acknowledging my skills.

I eased my grip on the kunai, returning it to its rightful place. It dawned on me during our brief interaction that while my abilities may surpass the average, I lacked the instinct of a seasoned shinobi—the instinct that comes with experience.

"Come, let's take a seat and introduce ourselves," Asuma suggested, settling down on the ground. Hana and I followed suit, ready to engage in the conversation.

"Wait," I interjected, halting their progress. "Shouldn't we wait for the third member of our team?" I inquired, puzzled by the situation.

Asuma glanced at me briefly before redirecting his gaze to Hana. A faint, derisive smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "Well, I believe we are complete," he stated.

I stared at him, my expression blank. What was he talking about? The other boy was presumably my teammate, but we still needed that crucial third member. Apart from Hana and myself, there was no one else present.

Slowly, my head turned to face Hana, whose mischievous expression was a familiar sight I had come to recognize over the past few years.

"I had a feeling you were planning to graduate from the academy earlier," she revealed, a sly grin spreading across her face. "So, a few days ago, I asked Sensei about it, and I made the decision to graduate too," she explained.

Everything fell into place. I recalled Sensei's low voice when I inquired about the exam. "Another one," he had said back then. So, that's how it was, this little vixen.

I playfully grabbed her head and started rubbing my knuckles against it. "And you decided not to tell me for a few days, huh?" I continued, but deep down, I couldn't be mad at her.

"Ah, stop it, Saiso!" she exclaimed, squirming under my playful punishment. "I couldn't let you go ahead of me," she confessed, her cheeks turning a shade redder. "And I couldn't let you go without me," she muttered, her words barely audible.

"It's fine. I'm glad we're together on the same team," I reassured her, patting her head gently. Instantly, a bright smile illuminated her face.

"Alright, that's enough. I've enjoyed your little show, but it's time to get back on track," Asuma interjected, bringing us back to the task at hand. "Let's start with you, blondie," he pointed directly at me. "What's your name, aspirations, and hobbies?"

Well, here goes nothing. "Hi, my name is Saisu Kamano. In the future, I aspire to become an Anbu. As for hobbies, I enjoy training with Hana, sharing meals with Hana, being lazy with Hana, and cuddling with Hana," I began to ramble, only to be cut off abruptly as a small hand covered my mouth, silencing my words.

"That's enough, we get it," Hana said, her expression turning slightly terrifying as her hair bristled like an intimidating creature.

Ah, women. Just moments ago, she had confessed in front of everyone that she decided to graduate early because she wanted to be on the same team as me, her face flushed with embarrassment. Yet, when I tried to express my appreciation for her presence aloud, she suddenly transformed into an angry lioness—or should I say, an angry wolf.

Well, whatever the case, as an intelligent and conflict-averse man, I swiftly nodded my head and raised my hands in a gesture of submission. Peace was far more valuable at this moment. Thank you very much.

Hana leaned back and introduced herself with a confident tone, "My name is Inuzuka Hana. In the future, I aspire to become a veterinarian and help animals in need. My hobbies include training and spending time with my best friend Saisu and my little brother Kiba. I also have a great passion for taking care of my ninkens."

Next, it was the boy's turn whom we had just met, so I focused my attention on him. From now on, we would have each other's backs, and it was only polite to learn more about my teammates.

"Hi, my name is Inomatsu. I don't really have any grand ambitions, but I enjoy cooking in my free time. As for the future, well, I guess I'd like to open a small restaurant," Inomatsu concluded.

"Alright, now that we all know each other, I want you to gather here tomorrow at 6 AM. We'll have a little spar to understand each other's abilities. After that, we'll embark on our first mission. You're free for now," Asuma declared before vanishing into the sunlight.

I turned to my companions, a smile forming on my face. "So, how about we go grab some ramen?"

"Sure, why not?" Inomatsu replied, and together we strolled towards the heavenly dish. Hana was already enjoying the camaraderie slowly blooming between us.

Well, it seems we'll be just fine in this team, I thought to myself, as I focused my efforts on resisting the urge to salivate at the enticing aroma of freshly made ramen.

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