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33.89% The Uncrowned King Of Assassins / Chapter 19: A Glass Of Blood Wine

Chapter 19: A Glass Of Blood Wine

A/N (12/6/2023)- The previously posted chapter was deleted as I was not content with its content (poor pun, but yeah), so I went on for a rewrite and tried a different version. Dig in.


Warning - Adult Content... and some lengthy conversations.



"Confidential Report of Catherine Thomas.

A previous student of Lord Edward Jones' assassins' training camp. Born as a human but turned into a Half-vampire blessed by the former Princess of the now-disbanded Vampire Tribe, Diana Jones.

Crimes - Guilty of having a hand in the attempted assassination of Lord Edward Jones, the head of the now-disbanded Vampire Tribe, during the Underworld's inner clan war and served under the 'Rebels' led by an unknown mystery figure, thus being instrumental in the momentary fall of 'The Underworld'.

But all of her crimes were pardoned by the 'Elders' for reasons undisclosed to the subjects of the 'Underworld'. She is now running various recreational spas, massage centres and some lavish hotels using them as a cover for running the whore business, supplying women to high-ranking assassins and human clients as well. Her partner-in-crime who provides monetary support for her business ventures is none other than Lance Roach, the former prince of the Wolf Tribe, who is also a fellow 'rebel' and was guilty of various crimes as per the 'Underworld' but punished for none...

From monitoring these two secretly, it is suspected that they might be getting themselves back in touch with the surviving members of the 'Rebels' again, who were actively making moves for triggering another mutiny... DAMN! Who the fuck submitted this to me in the name of reporting?"

Diana berated after reading the report, baffled by the absurd and half-assed detailing since half of the information on them was already known to her. She sighed disappointed, and returned it back to her bodyguards, who were obediently standing around her, protecting her from the other drunken guests who were wildly enjoying their debauchery but also constantly disturbing Diana, pleading with her to join.

It was quite a visual for Diana who herself was a wild cat in bed but seeing men and women enjoying some deep shit combination of sex and drugs was a little too much for her. And seeing old filthy men begging for her to join them, disgusted her; but only mildly as she doesn't discriminate sexual desires and her disinterest and disgust were largely because she was not in the mood.

Seated on the chair, in the lavish golden-themed bar, Diana ordered a glass of blood wine from the bartender while looking towards the live telecast of the orgy which was running on the television, meant to entertain the drunken guests; who were also having a wild time themselves, 'playing' with each other.

Just as she was getting bored with waiting for Catherine, she heard the voice of the devil, who hugged her from behind, tight.

"DIANA, DARLING!" Catherine cheered aloud, burying her naked body against Diana's back. The bodyguards were already on their way to throw away Catherine from Diana, but Diana hand-gestured at them to stay put.

She took a quick breath and swallowed her disgust in a gulp. And with a plastered fake smile, Diana casually freed herself from Catherine's grip and forcefully pushed her to sit on the seat, next to her.

"Did you wash yourself? You reek of cum and booze..."

"Yeah, I took a quick shower, but just didn't get bothered to dress..." said Catherine nervously because of Diana's forceful grip. She wore nothing but a pair of sunglasses and sat near Diana, stark naked, entertaining the drunken guests around them more.

Catherine was a 5 feet tall, peach-skinned woman with a thin frame. She was a renowned beauty in the escort business and was dubbed as 'Golden Leg', by her peers and clients. But no matter how beautiful she was, hardly can anyone move their eyes from Diana, if she was present in the same space as her. And today was not an exception, despite Catherine having 'more' to grab the lustful gazes.

Diana could instinctively feel several men near her table, fucking their women imagining her and fantasizing about her, but all could Diana do was smirk and shrug them off.

"Nice hotel, you have, Miss Catherine..."

"Yeah... wanna have some? Well, we have some girls as per your taste and some men too—"

"No, I'll come another day for that. I mean, I don't think the girls or the men here can handle me... I'm quite vicious, you know."

"I know..." affirmed Catherine with a chuckle, and raised her hands towards the bartender who bowed and immediately placed a glass of red-coloured wine with floating pieces of shredded flesh.

And together, Diana also received her glass of 'blood' wine.

"Hey, you still consuming goat blood? We have fresh, A-grade human blood packets you see... Completely legal and procured with the donors' consent—"

"Unlike certain half-vampires, I, a pure-blooded vampire princess won't get satisfied with that... The taste drives you crazy. And I don't want to lose myself over a glass of human blood... Do you get that?"

Catherine wore an understanding smile as she calmly absorbed the subtle hint directed at her, nodding in agreement with Diana's justification. Though they both were smiling, they instinctively felt what each other was feeling and it proved to be troublesome for both.

A curse and a boon of being a vampire master and a vampire servant, one would say. Diana, the master of Catherine, was feeling disgusted to the core about sharing the same space as Catherine, while Catherine was miffed by her master's prideful attitude and her identity. And they both felt their opposite feelings via their 'blood' connection and silently chuckled.

"So, you only came to have a drink... Nothing else?" Catherine cut the pointless 'beating around the bush' stuff and asked.

Diana took a sip of her blood wine and shut her eyelids tight; feeling the punch of the wine, hitting her tastebuds.

"Whooo... that's strong. And Catherine, I received multiple stupid notices against a 'certain' decision of mine. Do you have any idea regarding that?"

"Stupid what? You know that the 'Elders' are kinda getting more in agreement with the 'Rebels', you know... We are not being looked down on, anymore. So, they might have thought that bringing back a 'certain' person of a lost time would derail that relationship—

"TCH! TCH! TCH! Don't be like this, Catherine... My fingers are basically itching to tear your stupid face out of your stupid skull. Just state your true intentions, Cathy. We may even come to an agreement point, who knows... Just let's not unleash a bloodbath."

Diana calmly but coldly intimidated Catherine, who felt the shiver strong on her nerves but controlled. Because after all, she was nothing but a servant to Diana who turned her from a human to a vampire in the first place. As a vampire servant, Catherine's very consciousness was wired to accept, obey, and adhere to her master's desires, but only if explicitly commanded.

And Diana never commanded Catherine ever since she turned into a vampire, except for that 'one day'; The seed which led to the enmity between the so-called vampire and servant till now.

After a heavy sigh of reluctance, Catherine opened up with her vengeance-filled eyes glaring at Diana. "Humans... I do not wish to serve under them throughout my life, DEAR PRINCESS! I want to be on the side of the 'Masters', not the SERVANTS... You understand that? We are placing everything in place.

Suddenly in a split second, Catherine felt her throat being squeezed to death by Diana's cold-blooded hands, who was glaring with her blueish vampire eyes.

"Sorry, hon, but you are destined to serve under me for life..." Diana pinned her down to the slab and squeezed the vocal chord under her palm, a little more., before continuing, "So, you contacted your former pals, again... Is that so? Forming the rebellion army, again? YOU WHORE..."

Diana shamed her while burying her nails deeply into the skin of Catherine, and also suffocating her.

"Several factions have been ganged upon against my decision of recruiting Yohan into my tribe and bring him back to the Underworld. And they dare to call him a traitor. When you, the real traitor are free to roam around and whore yourself and whoring others and I demand to know WHY!"

Diana screamed her question aloud and Catherine, struggling to breathe, nodded desperately, wanting Diana to unclench her firm palms. But Diana enjoyed seeing Catherine's ordeal and felt mildly aroused in seeing her suffer.

"Hmm... Wish I could fuck you now. But I don't wanna spoil the truce with Yon. I am not willing to risk getting on his nerves..."


Catherine fell on the floor and a loud cheer from other horny men, echoed aloud, who were thrilled by the 'almost' lesbian show of Catherine and Diana. And Diana didn't like it one bit.

She removed her high heels and stomped on Catherine's face, pressing her feet hard on the half-vampire's skull, causing her to scream.

"BITCH!" Catherine groaned in pain, struggling to free herself. Surrounded by horny men cheering and hooting, Diana felt more sadistic and pressed her feet even harder.

"What are you guys planning? Why are you so desperate on eliminating Yohan? No! That's understandable. He is the one who ended the previous war, so eliminating him beforehand sounds reasonable... But why the girl?" Diana continued to press her feet harder, thinking, till Catherine could feel her skull cracking.

"I don't know... I DON'T KNOW. I DON'T—"

Suddenly the stomping stopped and Catherine tilted her head towards Diana and surprisingly saw her content and smiling.

"It's okay. I kinda lost interest today... I'll be back again someday, Cath. Have some answers by then..."

Diana lifted up her feet and left the humiliated Catherine on the floor, wailing in silence. But a smirk escaped from Catherine and Diana mildly felt it. But nevertheless, she walked away along with her bodyguards, exiting the hotel altogether.

"Wait... Wait... Wait for her to leave altogether..." she slowly said to herself, remaining laid on the floor, faking. And her act paid off.

Feeling Diana's connection no longer around her, Catherine picked herself up with ease and snapped her fingers towards a seemingly non-existent masked person, jacking off, seeing Catherine.

The person quickly adjusted himself and grabbed a towel for his Mademoiselle, and wrapped her with devotion. Not him, all the men present in the room, bowed and religiously crawled towards the smirking Catherine, running their hands all over her legs and worshipping her.

It was like they were hypnotised all along and Diana picked up none of it, just as Catherine expected.

'She always thought of me as an inferior being... So, she would have never guessed it. Hmph!' Catherine threw the towel away, and let the men proceed with their desires.

Letting herself taken care of by the swarm of men, Catherine closed her eyes and laid her bare back against them. As the numerous rough hands ran over her, caressing her and pleasuring her, Catherine let herself get lost in a limbo of thoughts.

'Yohan, the obstacle. Ramika, the prophecy. So, Diana doesn't know anything about it yet... Good.'

Mi_22 Mi_22

Hope, it lands

Chapter 20: Not An Easy Task

Warning - Cringe doses of Komedy.



[BACK AT THE PLAYGROUND, where Yohan and Charlotte were talking.]

"What else did she say?" Yohan asked in a broody manner, glaring at Charlotte.

Charlotte gasped in awe, savouring the moment of witnessing the legendary Grim Reaper's icy, cold eyes of unmistakable hatred darting towards her.

"Wow. So, this is how you look when you're angry... Cool. It's true, the rage, the coldness, the menacing aura, the anger—"

"Anger? Who? Me? Naaah. I'm just pissed that I... I just remembered that I forgot to switch off the fan in my home... Psst! Already the current bill is going over the roof every month. Also, people need to be very conscious of saving electricity, because roughly half of the population in our world is suffering from poor home facilities—"

"Sir, I think we are heading to a very mundane topic... Some General Awareness bullshit."

"Yeah, sure. About Catherine, right? We were talking about her—"

"We were talking about her. Yeah."


"Yeah... So?" Charlotte, feeling awkward, tried her best to keep the conversation going, while Yohan kept sighing, being clearly disinterested.

"Look, I kinda get that Catherine must have said a lot about me to you—"

"She didn't."

"Fuck! Of course. Okay, anyway, just say what she told you to say... And say and leave and I'll leave, so you can also leave after you get to say whatever you want to say and I'll also leave after hearing whatever you had to say... aah... Hmm, I'm using a lot of 'says' and 'ands', right?"

Charlotte blinked twice and shook her head, sighing.

"Yeah, you did. Hmm... Well, she told you to back the fuck off... Like back off. All the way from our path—"

"What path?"

"The Path to Revolution—"

"Of what?"

"YOU NEED TO FINISH MY SENTENCES FIRST IF YOU NEED TO KNOW..." Charlotte angrily barked at Yohan, who nervously nodded and took a sip of his tea. And taking a deep breath, Charlotte delivered what she was instructed to tell to Yohan.

"We know that you are back... Back to the Underworld. Back to the place which raised you. And you may have your reasons too. But we politely warn you that YOU ARE NOT WELCOMED."


"I'm not finished yet, you moron... Listen! I mean... The messenger job is not that easy, okay? I've been here in undercover for two years now, my husband is already found himself a side chick to fuck because I am not available for his stupid penis, SO PLEASE!"

An air of silence filled the awkward atmosphere and Yohan politely nodded, shutting his mouth and giving his weird jokes a rest.

"Don't be part of the vampire clan. Don't come back to the Underworld. Don't try to fight against *US*, the second time. And don't try to play a hero for the girl you've been trying to protect... She needs to die. Did you get that? We'll be coming after you and your little peaceful world, as long as the girl is with you... Abandon her. Look at the other side and run!

As you see, I didn't mean anything. It's a message, and I delivered the message. No hard feelings, bro." Charlotte lifted her hands and backed off, after delivering the message, wanting nothing to do with the actual 'content'.

Yohan frowned coldly, but nodded. A tingling anger and a lot of suspicions arose in him, but he focused only on sipping the tea.

"So Catherine's clan wanted her dead. The Rebellion, I guess... You guys badly wanted to rule the world... But it also ties in with Ramika who has nothing to do with the Underworld. But the rebellion wants her dead... Tch!"

As Yohan paused and sighed, thinking about it. And painfully, the last time he faced against the 'Rebellion' flashed in front of his eyes, suddenly pulling him back to trauma. But the trigger was the visions of his previous suspicions resurfacing yet again, haunting his psyche. He could smell the connection between the both, but yet couldn't put his finger on it.

Yohan tried to shake off the feeling, but to get a clear picture of what to chase after and what to find, he needed to dip his feet into the dirty pond in the corner of his brain.

"Convey my thanks to your employer, Miss Charlotte... Tell her that I'll... I'll be considering her warning. Yeah. You may leave." Yohan asked, wanting some alone time.

Charlotte looked up and down at the distracted Yohan who was looking at the kids training on the grounds and left with a shrug, noting down details of the conversation on her notepad; on which the written letters vanished after seconds.

And Yohan stood, sipping the cup of tea, while reminiscing the days he badly wanted to forget; just so he can find some connecting dots for the present.


Dead people mounted on each other, forming a human pyramid and hordes of people arrived from a distance, while Yohan screamed and growled in pain, suffering from the injuries he was enduring for hours. His body cried, pleaded, and even begged for him to stop and give up. His peace-loving inner self shed tears mixed with blood and sweat, and his innocence and inert merciful heart rotted.

"Just a little more... The men will arrive soon. It will be over. I won't be needed to kill anymore... I won't..." Like a broken record, Yohan mumbled to himself, crying.

Seeing the men and women whom he grew up with lying as lifeless flesh nauseated him and tormented his eyes. While Diana witnessed all of this, shocked and speechless.

And Yohan felt it. The stares from the horrified Diana pierced through him and disgusted him. Seeing her looking disgusted by him.

"I'm looking like a monster, ain't I?" he asked softly, drenched in blood from head to toe, and scarred all over badly with grave injuries. Though Diana didn't say anything, Yohan nodded, consciously understanding what Diana felt.

'She feels disgusted... Must have nauseated her. Yeah, I usually make people hate me, don't I? And she must be hating me more.' Chuckled Yohan, accepting his fate, wiping the blood running down from his left eye, which was stabbed by a piece of shrapnel.

He was so much in pain from inside, that the pain of his eye pierced by a metal didn't bother him. His vision dulled and dulled, as the world to his eyes, dimmed down and grew blurry as hours went by. He no longer identified the men and women whom he was cutting down for the past 6 hours.

But the final words of a specific person who was put down by Yohan's sword changed the direction of Yohan's life. Yohan's dying vision couldn't help identify the man, but he listened to the voice religiously.

"Save her... They're after her. They're after the child of the Oracle. STOP THEM. PLEASE..." the man with a guilt-ridden voice and a muffled manner pleaded with Yohan. The dying man drew letters on Yohan's palm and Yohan understood from the touch on his palms, reading the letters through the touch.

'Diana... Not her.'


Yohan squashed and threw the teacup to the dustbin and walked back to the staff room, this time to find himself a seat and mind his business, while also scratching the doubts on his head.

'Diana... But not the princess. That was the clue I was left with. And I finally found her. But she was on the run from Underworld Assassins... And the rebellion wants her dead. But actually, the man I killed in the war was from the rebellion. And that fucker wanted me to save her??? Damn!'

Mi_22 Mi_22

Was sick, busy, travelling...

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