"I can't believe that this thing worked... Phew!" elated Ramika, walking all alone in the corridor. It took a while, but Ramika eventually noticed that she was walking alone in the corridor, which was meant to be leading to her class, and no other students were accompanying her.
"Is it a holiday today? Where is everyone?" She pondered and looked around. And she saw a silhouette of a figure getting closer from a distance. A silhouette of a tall man who may be in his twenties.
"No way... NO WAY... NO—"
"Hi, Ramika... Long time no see," with his bright teeth, John Devitto, offered a bouquet of roses to the stunned and terrified Ramika, while creeping her out more with his predatory smile.
"Yohan said you won't be coming back..."
"Nah. Nah. He must have said, I won't harm you..."
"Whatever. You know what happened last time, right? Leave. Otherwise, you will have to answer to his fist. He'll kick the crap out, loot the life out of you... So, if you want to live, get the fu—"
"He asked me to show you around and protect you, actually."
A sudden wave of silence coursed through, and Ramika dropped her conjured-up valorous act down to the floor and stared like a lost rabbit when she came to hear the truth.
'This Yohan guy is the one who is going to be the death of me...'
[In The Staff Room]--
Yohan tried his best to not come off as awkward, but the stares, glares and condescending whispers from the staff members, made it difficult for him.
"So... Like she said. My name is..."
"Gohan!" a bald staff member, shrieked.
"No, that's a Dbz character. I'm Yohan. And... And... It's nice to see you. Hmm... And... Fuc... See, I'm not good at this self-introductory thing—"
"We need to meet someone, Mr Yohan. Come along with us!" A strong pair of hands grabbed Yohan suddenly and Yohan found himself ganged up and the other staff members forcefully dragged him out, pulling his shirts and pushing him away.
"More than the Dean, we are loyal to Mister Joshua... You won't understand his influence. You need to meet him..."
Yohan didn't put up a fight, and let the staff members be rough on him. Worse was, they did behave roughly on him. Treating him in the worst way possible, they pushed and pushed Yohan further and further, urging him to go away and not look back.
"Does your ma'am will be happy regarding this? I mean... I think she maybe. She treated me like this for ages—"
"I don't know the history between you two, Mister Yohan, but sorry, we need to follow the 'procedures'. And Miss Diana gave her wholehearted consent," A lady with pink hair and a big pair of green eyes, said to Yohan, as she led the way in front.
Yohan felt a mystical aura around her, and he quickly deduced that she must be an A-tier being - Beings having the utmost power levels and capable of undergoing peak-level assassin training. An understanding smile escaped from Yohan's lips while he allowed himself to get pushed around.
And finally, the spineless staff members reached the grand gymnasium, where a dozen of students were practising dojo, with a tall, muscular man teaching them. But contrasting to what he heard, the man actually carried a sense of grace, calmness, and especially kindness, perplexing Yohan.
'That guy is Joshua? Damn... He's peaceful as fuck. Maybe these guys are manipulating him... cocksuckers...' he thought as he looked at the graceful judo master with a respectable look and even bowed to him when they made eye contact.
*BAM!* *POW!* Out of nowhere, a crushing kick and a punch, smashed the skull and ribs of the Judo master right in front of Yohan when a brash, loud and foul-mouthed kid suddenly appeared and attacked the master from behind.
"The FUCK!" Yohan shrieked and rushed to the master, who got his entire set of teeth knocked out and struggled to form sentences. Yohan touched the back of his head and realized that there has been a serious crack and internal bleeding going on.
"Brain... It might be brain damage. There's a possibility... I'll... Hold it. HEY! GUYS! Help me lift him..." He stammered, whispering the gruesome possibilities and looked back to the staff members, calling for help. But the members stood petrified and bowed to the arrogant punk while having no shred of concern for their colleague in pain.
"Mister Yohan, we would like you to meet... Mister Joshua Josh, one of our final year students, slated to be launched as an elite assassin from next week..." The pink-haired, lady guided Yohan to grasp the situation and he soon realised that Joshua was not a teacher in the first place.
"WOOOOOh! The Human shit went down... And Helloooo! Mister Gohan... Heard that the Dean had picked you by herself... You also came for the 'spot'? How's the school?" With a half-assed accent on wording the words, the beastly eight-foot tall, 'boy', Joshua, approached Yohan, pushing the other students away.
His every footstep created mini-quakes on the floor and his mad eyes filled with insanity and hunger for blood said about his reputation.
But Yohan had other priorities than noticing these 'pointless' details.
"Yeah, we can talk later! I need to take this guy to the hospital, first..." Yohan shrugged him off, with no second thought, not even slightly intimidated by him and focused mainly on helping the man in his arms to get some immediate help.
While some might appreciate Yohan's goodwill, the place he was in right now doesn't value such things, and definitely not in a place where he was invited to get pummeled.
"Oh, so you're a righteous hero, I guess... And hospital? Hmm. No need. The management has appointed some of the finest surgeons and a really good medical team to look after the teachers and students in case anything happens—"
"Oh, really? That's... That's nice—"
"But I'm not going to let you disturb them!"
"Classic... Good. Typical villain talk." Yohan shook his head, sighing and rolling back his eyes.
"You see, Mister Gohan... He's a human. Just like you. Came for the teacher's job. And it kinda rubbed me off, so I thought of putting him in his place... I mean, your puny kind has no authority or a spot in a place like this, man... This is for assassins. For Beastly creatures like us... whom you passionately call, 'the Others'. So, you see—"
"I don't have all day for this. I need to leave... Save your preaching for later, okay? I'm leaving," firm on his priority, Yohan voiced out his thoughts and lifted the groaning 'master' into his arms and turned back, marching towards the exit.
The others gasped almost in chorus, seeing Yohan and immediately backed away, rushing to the corners of the gymnasium, including the spineless staff members. No one wanted a part of 'this', especially after seeing the flared eyes of Mr Beast, Joshua, who glared at Yohan, who was walking away.
Joshua's forceful punch generated a scorching gust of wind and its powerful momentum slapped the faces of the bystanders as if they had been struck by a hurricane.
Yet, the man for whom the punch was intended was seen nowhere. A sly smirk crept across Joshua's face as he swiftly turned around and gazed upward, only to find Yohan suspended in mid-air, effortlessly carrying the 'Master' with him.
And like a feather, Yohan landed on the ground and glared at the smirking Joshua.
'No matter what, every workplace has this one element that stays marooned and unchangeable, whatever happens... A Bully. And there's a set of elements which never stops supporting the growth of such a Bully... Cowards.'
"GOHAN!" roared Joshua, like a mad beast, while also clapping his hands, looking impressed and admiring. But his thirsty tongue had a few more words to let his thoughts well known.
"Don't be in a rush... He'll be in the revivable zone for thirty more minutes. I mean... he's ripped as fuck for a human. So, yeah... he'll be fine if you take him to the docs within that thirty minutes—"
"And?" Yohan cut him off, urging him to hurry up. His fearless smug face and upfront attitude irritated the heck out of Joshua, who saw nothing other than his righteousness from him to be impressive.
"I don't like humans. Simple and clean. And sadly, the eighth staff member of Block E had to be a human... A fucking rule from that Dean whore. A disgrace of a vampire..."
Yohan, behind those sunglasses, glared with more restlessness in his eyes and the focus kind of made Joshua uncomfortable; a feeling that he didn't like.
His silver eyes scanned Yohan from top to bottom, but his wild instincts picked no hostile factor from him, making Yohan nothing but a poser to his eyes.
"I really want to see what makes you talk like that, Yohan... No signs of physical strength. No special powers... Mere human. And definitely not a peak human. Hmm... Have a duel with me."
Yohan frowned and zoomed in on Joshua with his sharp eyes. "What?"
"A duel... Fight me. Win, you can take that worthless meat to the doctors... Nah, just survive for ten minutes, and you can immediately take him to the medics. No need to win, or anything. But if you lose, I mean, YOU WILL LOSE... You had to leave. Alone... no heroics of saving or anything. Just walk away without turning back—"
"Why? What's the point?" asked Yohan, looking not even slightly overwhelmed or angered by Joshua's condescending agreement. While Joshua smiled back at his opponent's questions.
"Like I said... I don't like humans roaming around my campus. Until I'm here as a student, I don't want any humans to be walking around in front of me... It irritates me, you see... My wolf just goes wild seeing these worthless punks roaming from here and there pointlessly—"
"Oh, fuck, of course! OF COURSE! He's a werewolf... Again! Why the heck do I always get into a scuffle with werewolves? WHY?"
"Mr Gohan???"
On his bed, sleeping well, Lance abruptly woke up and sneezed hard thrice. A chilling shiver ran across his back.
'Is someone thinking of me?' he wondered.
My favourite battle begins...
Mister Edward Jones, was conflicted on giving the judgement on the issue placed before him. A very silly issue, but the result could change the trajectory of the kids in front of him.
Bleeding all over his face, Yohan, an eleven-year-old boy, stood with his chin down, not even bothering to wipe off the dripping blood. Upon first glance itself, Edward noticed a weirdly mysterious aura around the human kid, intriguing him.
He was punched and made to bleed by none other than the 'Prince' of the Shapeshifters tribe. Even though the Prince turned 'six' just last week, his punches were not that simple to write off. And as a mere human cub, Yohan should have died at the very second the punch landed. But here he was, standing in front of Edward, accused of being a 'bully' by the crybaby prince just because he retaliated to the Prince's continuous bullying.
"We were playing football, Edward grandpa... This filthy human cub tried to steal our football. So we pushed him, but then he got angry and threw a stone at us..." The Prince of the Shapeshifters' tribe, Edison Yadav, lied to his teeth, glaring and grinning at the accused Yohan, silently.
Like any kid, Edison thought he was fooling the elder in the room, Edward Jones, the Vampire Lord. But like every other elder, Edward very well knew what was the lie and what was the truth. But to allow the truth to be heard, the human cub must have said the truth.
"What do you say? Yohan?" Edward questioned, taking a sip of the cup of goat blood while keeping his eyes darted towards the frustrated and tired Yohan.
"I'll get punished for punching the prince... Please end this already..." with a grief-stricken voice, the human cub said, as he lifted his chin and faced the Vampire lord, staring right into his eyes.
Edward's eyes widened and he felt a jolt of electricity running through his veins, as he leaned his back onto the chair, while silently chuckling. He couldn't believe that the human cub's eyes were actually glaring at him, with a cold intention.
"Prince Edward, could you leave the class... I need to have a talk with this little gentleman..."
"But Grandpa, don't listen to him. He will try to guilt trip you. Don't allow this swine to lie to you—"
Prince Yadav felt his bones shivering from the astounding voice of the Vampire Lord and rushed out of the room, immediately. Edward then turned back to the unflinched Yohan, who was not even slightly bothered by Edward's presence or his roaring voice.
"Hmm... From the looks of it, it seems you're clearly stronger than our dear Prince. So, why?"
"Why what?... sir."
Edward smiled. Nodding to the human cub's question with a mild chuckle, he unwrapped a bar of chocolate which he retrieved from his pocket and placed it on little Yohan's palm. He always heard from other staff members that Yohan was an adherent lover of peace and a strict follower of non-violence but he never knew that Yohan will be this adamant on following the path of peace.
"You see, kiddo... Being peaceful and following the path of non-violence is admirable. But people will laugh at your face for that and will poke your nerves, because, for their eyes, peace is for weaklings..."
Yohan listened to it with no emotions and simply tossed the chocolate into his mouth, while Edward continued.
"... So, in order to preach to them about your peace, you need to show them the dirtiness of your violence."
Yohan stopped chewing the chocolate and looked at the Vampire lord as the words struck a deep chord with him. They both exchanged understanding looks and Yohan nodded slowly to Edward's philosophy.
But never ever would have Edward thought, that a few words from a kid could send shivers down his spine; until he heard it from a human cub.
"But I can't get violent, sir... I shouldn't no matter what. Because if I get violent... I don't think I can stop myself... I might kill him. And the worst part is, I don't think I can stop myself from killing others either... I'll kill them all."
It was not long ago, since Joshua declared his interest in having a duel with Yohan. But he was met with a straight-out rejection from Yohan.
"About the duel... No, I'm not interested. If you just want me to back away from taking this job, you can have my word... I am not taking the job. Now, let me pass through."
Yohan politely pleaded to Joshua, who kept his eyes darted towards Yohan as he noticed a weird phenomenon in Yohan's movements and how he was carrying himself.
"I'm pretty sure that you don't possess any strength, but... how are you still carrying that Hundred and twenty kilograms of human meat?" He asked, as his curiosity piqued. His unquenched thirst for blood danced endlessly in his mind, prompting dangerous ideas in him.
And Yohan, even though from a distance, could sense it. The wolf within Joshua was from 'normal', having an unhealthy obsession with madness. It had an abnormal amount of bloodthirst, rage, and cravings for violence. It was almost like something was broken, and all this unusualness was a cry for help, asking for a fix.
Yohan knelt down and carefully placed the 'Master' and placed his hands firmly on his chest.
"Fifty Seconds... We'll leave," He whispered to him, assuring the Master.
"I'm yet to be answered, Mister Gohan... How could you—"
A thundering sound erupted all of a sudden. And all the spectators looked around to see where it came from, but Joshua knew exactly where it came from.
Tapping his foot on the ground, Yohan tested his foot movements and proceeded to remove his heavy shoes which weighed seventy kilograms.
*THUD* *CRACK* Yohan dropped the boot shoes on the ground, breaking the spot on the floor, and also releasing a loud *thud* sound for the spectators and Joshua to hear.
"Not possible... Was he wearing those all the time?" Soon the others noticed too and their perception towards Yohan started to flicker. Especially the pink-haired lady professor who watched the entire play with her keen eyes.
'Just as the reports said... Yohan is not an ordinary human...' She thought, smiling to herself.
"Aaaargh! I really don't like others hogging the limelight, you see..." Joshua said smiling and ripped his shirt off with a single pull and flaunted his chiselled abs and monstrous arms.
It was an instant turn-on for all the ladies as in the wide gymnasium their soft moans and gasps were echoed and heard aloud.
Seeing the response, Yohan too went for his shirt, looking to flaunt his body. But a quick thought stopped him.
'I neither have the body to flaunt nor the money to buy another shirt... Let it be.'
Patting himself on the back, Yohan removed his glasses and placed them along with the 'Master'.
"So, you're not blind—"
And they both prepared for the duel, swinging their arms and flexing their back before clashing. And they both stood against each other.
Their eyes met, and their hands danced around to look for an opening to make a move.
Yohan immediately knew that Joshua had no opening in his stance and it was impossible to make a first move. Hence he lowered his arms, letting his defence down and free for Joshua to make a move.
Irritated, by it, Joshua packed a ruthless punch with unrestrained power and landed right on Yohan's face.
"OUCH!" the crowd reacted together as they watched the gruesome sight. they thought Yohan must have died or must have met the same fate as the 'Master', getting his skull cracked and slowly marching towards death.
But what happened was totally the opposite. With his feet firm on the floor and with his face forcibly turned to the right by the punch, Yohan turned back to face the stunned Joshua and looked straight into his eyes.
A small cut on his lips was the only damage Joshua could do to Yohan, who was wiping the small bloodstain out of his face.
"Don't think it's over, you asshole!" Joshua let a warcry and slammed his leg towards Yohan's ribs, and a thunderous sound of the bones clashing was heard aloud. Blood pierced its way out of Yohan's mouth as he coughed and gagged, spitting the crimson.
The crowd gasped together and most of them even hid their faces.
"He is standing still..." one of the students awed as the crowd witnessed the meek and weak Yohan standing tall and still, wiping the blood off his chin and clothes. He returned back in front of Joshua and his arms stayed down, mocking Joshua to go for another punch or kick.
His eyes refused to budge and his stoic, cold face had no shred of pain, hesitance or anger. It was boring as a wall and emotionless as a stone.
"Wha... What the hell? Hey! This is... this is not possi—"
"Is that it, Mister Joshua? If you don't have any more to do... I'll take my leave." Yohan softly and calmly said, sounding like a lullaby for a crying child with a peaceful tone and an empty pair of dead eyes.
"No! I ca... I'll smash your brains out. You bothersome human—"
Joshua felt his brain interrupted as his skin tingled endlessly and his ever-hungry wolf shivered and cowered, horrified by the aura it tasted. Joshua felt engulfed and exasperated heavily, feeling more uncomfortable by the weird behaviour of his wolf.
But he felt even worse when the human he looked down started to walk towards him. His wolf screamed and cried pathetically resulting in Joshua feeling his knees getting weak and dropping down to the floor, panting.
'Why... Why are you doing this? What happened to you, all of a sudden?'
Wolves were always perceptive of their opponents and have the ability to read their opponent's aura and their emotions to boost their host's physical ability to increase the chances of winning any battle they were against. But such a treasurable gift turned into a loathsome bane for Josh, the wolf of Joshua.
"JOSH... COME OUT!" Joshua called out for his wolf, the source of his monstrous strength, but the wolf couldn't. Joshua craved to feel the bloodthirst, madness and hunger for violence again. But all his thoughts, hunger and frustration went into radio silence as soon as he felt a lifeless, cold hand placed on his shoulder.
For the first time in his life, Joshua was granted the telepathic power of his wolf directly and his super-senses felt violated and massacred like getting squashed by an axe as he felt the bloodthirst and rage of thousand mad beasts landing on him all of a sudden.
Getting the taste of who he was against, Joshua lifted his head up, seeing the 'real' Yohan, glaring at him to the death. Seeing him petrified, Yohan leaned towards Joshua's ears and whispered his thoughts.
"Let's stop it here, shall we, Josh? If you continue to push me any further, I don't think I can stop myself from killing you... And worse is, I don't think I can stop myself from killing the others either... I'll kill them all."
I was too excited to write this... Hope the madness I wanted to show, got translated well as words.
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