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57.69% Ràndom Seggs Stories / Chapter 15: Life at a Japanese Shrine

Chapter 15: Life at a Japanese Shrine


Adriah shivered and trudged onward down the street. She couldn't feel her nose or ears and the snow blew sideways in her face. Her coat was threadbare and she was freezing. Since she failed out of college three months ago, her family had disowned her and she had lost all focus in life. She had been wandering aimlessly around Tokyo doing whatever work she could find to try and survive. Right now it was getting late and the sky was dark. She was trying to find somewhere warm to stay tonight, her last place to stay kicked her out, having been a corner in a convenience store bathroom.

"What's that?" Adriah said, straining to see through the whipping wind and snow. She stepped off the sidewalk, through a tall archway and up a snow-sunken stone path. At the end of it, she found a shrine hidden in the trees. Adriah struggled up the steps and pushed the door open, almost falling inside. It took the last of her strength to shove the door closed and she collapsed on the smooth wood floor. It was strangely warm inside for what seemed to be an abandoned shrine.

Dragging off her backpack, she scooted over into the corner of the room and curled up with her head on it. For the first time in weeks, she felt okay. This shrine was special and she quietly thanked whatever spirits lived their for their hospitality in letting her stay there. It took her barely two minutes to fall asleep but that sleep didn't last long. A little past midnight, she heard voices nearby.

Adriah mumbled and sat up. She could see light coming from under the only other door to the room. A shadow passed over the light and she quickly got to her feet. She reached out and opened the sliding door a crack to peak inside. Her heart skipped a beat and she almost cried out at what she saw.

Inside the room were two very exotic looking spirits. Both humanoid in nature, but both partially covered in fur. One had a beautiful mane of golden hair, similar fur covering her arms and legs with a dogs paws ending her limbs. She had floppy canine ears on top of her head and a big, poofy golden tail above her butt. What shocked Adriah the most about her was, alongside the spirit's enormous breasts, her glistening and erect nine inch red doggy dick.

The other spirit had short, tomboyish black hair and barely any breasts at all. Her limbs were silky black fur with big cat paws. Perky black cat ears twitched atop her head and a long, dexterous tail wriggled about behind her. Her dick was fleshy and pink, covered in small spines and probably six inches long.

"Come on sis, why can't I fuck you?" The canine whined pitifully.

"Because you always knot inside my ass. You never remember to pull out in time. Now bend over." The feline said, pointing with her paw.

"Fine..." The canine sighed, her tail drooping. She turned around and got down on her paws and knees. The feline spirit knelt down behind her and held up her pointed kitty-cock. Her black paws felt over the canine's soft ass and she gripped her hips, ramming forward to bury herself in her sister's tight ass.

"Ahhh yes! That's a good puppy." The feline cooed, gently pulling back and thrusting again.

"Ooooh!" The canine growled, her tail wagging as pleasure poured through her.

"Wow..." Adriah whispered to herself, her hand slipping into her pants. She touched her wettening pussy and slipped the door open just a little more. Her body shuddered and she bit her lip to try not to moan. Tingling pleasure made the skin on the back of her neck shiver. Her finger slipped inside her virgin pussy and she clenched her pussy. She had broke her own hymen years ago, but her vagina was still very tight. It felt very good to rub a single finger deep inside herself.

"Mmmm, ohhh, I'm gonna cum." The feline cooed, burying herself deep inside her canine sister.

"Awooo~! It feels good sis!" The canine howled, arching her back as hot, kitty spunk began to spurt inside her.

They jerked together for a few more thick spurts of cum and the cat pulled out, sitting back with a sigh, "That was good."

"Come on sis, do me more. Come on. Don't stop there." The canine said desperately, shaking her ass as her big cock drooled thick pre onto the floor.

"Nah, I'm sleepy. I think I'll take a nap." The feline sighed softly, curling up on the floor.

"Oh darn you sister." The canine growled quietly, turning over and sitting back against the wall. She wrapped her paws around her thick doggy dick and began to stroke it off.

Adriah moaned a little too loud as she pushed her finger deeper inside. Her body jerked and inched the door open a little too far. Falling forward, she shoved the slider open completely and collapsed on the floor.

"What? Who's there?" The canine said, looking up in shock.

"Oww, ow, ow..." Adriah groaned, holding her arm.

"What're you doing there?" The dog asked her.

"Sorry, I was just so cold. I came in to get away from the storm. I woke up when I heard you two." Adriah said, scrambling up to her knees. She bows her head reverently to the spirits and looked up.

The canine was on her knees, panting and holding her dick, her fuzzy blonde balls churning with eager spunk. Adriah blushed as she crawled closer to her. The feline just peeked over her paws, watching with idle interest.

"Can we have sex? I want to have sex." The canine said, hugging her.

"What? No! I mean, I don't... I just... Sex..." Adriah stammered fearfully as the dog's paws worked wildly over her body. Before she knew it, she was naked and on her hands and knees.

"A pussy! I can't remember the last pussy I had!" The canine exclaimed early. She leapt on Adriana and sank her cock deep inside her without a pause. Adriah howled loudly, her eyes going cross as her pussy was stretched wide. The canine cooed happily and rutted like a wild animal, pounding her tight cunt relentlessly.

"Oh my goodness! You're so big!" Adriah howled, her mind unable to cope with the wild sex.

"Yes! I won't take long! Yes! Here it comes!" The canine howled. Something began to grow inside her, making the dick violating her even bigger. She felt it, about an inch up from the base, start to get thicker and thicker until her pussy was stretched to breaking and neither of them could even move. Hot spunk suddenly erupted inside her cunt. Hot seed filled her womb and stretched her innards even further, sending orgasmic waves through her form. The doggy panted lustily and laid down on top of her body, huge breasts pressing to her back. Adriah collapsed under her and they went flat on the floor with a loud moan.

"Oh god... That knot..." Adriah groaned, her nerves buzzing with orgssmic ecstasy.

"That was great. That was the best orgasm in fifty years!" The canine woofed, licking her ear and across her face. She hugged her tightly and gently twitched her dick around.

"Ohhh, can I sleep? Its warm here." Adriah mumbled weakly, her eyes fluttering shut, "Your fur is soft..."

"Mmmm, I'd like that. I could sleep right here." The canine agreed, snuggling against Adriah's back.

"What is your name?" Adriah asked quietly.

"I'm Canita. My sister is Felicia." The dog said, her dick still rock hard inside her pussy.


Adriah woke up, rested and feeling better than she had in months. Her body was tingling with warmth and energy. Her face was snuggled against warm, fuzzy fur and her insides were starting to feel a growing desire. She stirred and sat up. She and Canita had rolled over sometime in the night and Adriah had rested peacefully on her arm.

"Morning." Adriah whispered to her, kissing the canine spirit on the cheek.

"Don't even try to wake her. She'll be out cold until midday." Felicia said from the other side of the small room. Adriah looked over at her and smiled.

"I want to thank you both for letting me stay here. I would've frozen to death without you." Adriah said, crawling over to the cat spirit.

"Well you kept her from fucking me in my sleep, thank you for that." Felicia chuckled, sitting up on her butt and paws.

Adriah leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, "Yes, but I really needed this. I feel very good today, I don't know why. I'm just happy and I feel so peaceful today."

"Its Canita's blessing. It gives you joy and peace." Felicia explained.

"Really? So you two are the spirits of this shrine? Why is it abandoned?" Adriah asked as she looked around the small, sparse room.

"Its been abandoned for decades. This is a shrine of life and joy. Canita and I have inhabited it for more than a hundred years since it was built. Some people still come by on occasion but nobody has actually stayed here. Our last shrine maiden was killed during the horrible war so long ago." Felicia sighed, "She was a sweet girl, really knew how to suck my dick."

"So what about you? What kind of blessing do you give?" Adriah asked, her hand sliding down to Felicia's spiny cock.

"Health and alacrity. My blessing will bring new life to your body and give you cat-like grace." Felicia smiled, leaning back a bit to let her dick stand up better. Adriah wrapped her hand around it uncertainly as she felt the spines.

"They're soft, wow." She cooed as she started to awkwardly stroke it.

"Of course. It wouldn't be any fun to have sex if I hurt my partner." Felicia smiled, stretching herself out as she laid down. Adriah bent over her lap and wrapped her mouth around her cock. It felt very interesting as it slid over her pallette and inched back in her mouth. Being so much smaller than Canita, Felicia was very easy and fun to suck off. As she slurped and sucked on the spiky cat cock, her hand pushed between her legs and rubbed her pussy, warmth starting to emanating from deep inside her.

Adriah backed off her dick and licked her lips, "Your fur is so much silkier than Canita. Hers is all fluffy and warm, yours is smooth to the touch." Her fingers were playing through the fur that went up to Felicia's hips.

"I'm a cat spirit, I care for my fur." Felicia said, giving the back of her paw an idle lick, "Could you get back to...?"

"I want more than just sucking you off." Adriah said as she crawled over Felicia's lithe body. She poised herself above the little cat cock and sank down on it. The lithe, spiny shaft sank deep inside her and she moaned happily.

"Oh wow, I haven't felt a pussy on my dick in... In... I don't even know." Felicia mewed, "Just... Wow."

Adriah started to lift her hips and she gasped loudly. The soft spines on her cock dragged along the insides of her pussy, making her nerves burn brightly with pleasure. Eyes rolled back in her head as she savored the feeling of those spines pushing her pussy in a way she could never have imagined. Her back quivered and her scalp tingled as she reached the tip of the cock. Her hips gave way and she flopped back on top of her, panting heavily as it buried inside her again.

"I... I think... I just came from that..." Adriah breathed, her hands holding tight to Felicia's shoulders.

"Why do you think I am the spirit of life and she is the spirit of joy? She might be overly passionate in the action, but the ecstasy of 'that' moment is my specialty." Felicia grinned naughtily as her paws ran down Adriah's sides.

"God it felt so good." Adriah swooned, gathering the strength to raise her hips again. This time she barely got halfway up the shaft before her pussy clenched and a flood of juices bathed the spirit's lap. She collapsed back down it again and her head fell on her shoulder.

"Come on, let me do it. You're never going to get anywhere." She sighed, putting her furry arms around Adriah's naked body. She rolled them over amid moans from Adriah. Once she was on top, laying between Adriah's supple thighs, she started to pull back. She could feel the tight pussy quivering around her from sheer pleasure and ecstasy of the spines teasing her cunt.

"Felicia! Felicia, its too much! Oh god~!" Adriah howled, arching her back as she started to cum again.

"Hold on, I won't last long." Felicia cooed, thrusting faster. Her big juicy balls slapped around and she cried out happily. Her dick sank deep into Adriah and burning hot seed began to fill her. Much more than she had expected poured into her womb and began to run out around Felicia. For a few long, unending seconds, thick spunk spurted from her dick. Probably three times as much seed as Canita had cum poured into Adriah and spurted out of her cunt. Her mouth lolled open and she laid limply on the ground. Her voice rose in a half hearted moan as Felicia dragged herself free of her cum-packed hole.

"Guhhh..." Adriah groaned, her head slumping to the side.

"Something tells me I'm going to enjoy having you around." Felicia smiled, leaning forward and kissing Adriah on the cheek, "Maybe you'll even be the one."

When she finally regained consciousness almost an hour later, Felicia was curled up and napping again. Adriah just got to her feet and looked around. She snatched her clothes off the floor and looked around for a bathroom. Her nethers were still bathed in a mix of feline and canine spunk. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy all the sex or that she didn't want more, oh god did she want more, but she really wanted to take a bath.

Thankfully enough, adjacent to that room was a rather nice looking bath. The problem being that it didn't have running water. If she wanted a bath she was going to have to figure out how to fill the tub and then start a fire beneath it from outside.

She was feeling conflicted about this now.



Adriah cooed softly and sighed, "That's almost better than a bath."

"Well it tastes good." Canita smiled, licking her lips. She sat up from Adrian's licked-clean pussy and her tail wagged idly behind her.

"So do people steal stuff from you or something? There doesn't seem to be a lot here." Adriah said as she looked around the two sparse rooms of the shrine.

"No, nobody steals from us. We just haven't had someone living here for decades. The little shrine there is all we have for decoration." Felicia said, pointing to the small incense shrine in the corner of the main room. It was a squat, hand-carved table with a small open-front box on it. Inside was a burnt out old candle and two copper figures of a cat and a dog.

"No wonder nobody really comes here, its not much of a shrine." Adriah said, scratching her head.

"Well thank you very much! I like it!" Canita growled indignantly and angrily, "Its our little shrine and its very nice. I'll have you know that we have lots of donations gathered over the years!"

Canita pulled the donation box out from under the table and ripped the lid off it. It was bursting with paper and coin, a small fortune gathered over the years. The donations individually were all small and likely seeking favor with the spirits for peace or love, but they added up to quite the sum.

"Wow~! I've never even seen that much money." Adriah swooned, staring in awe at the box.

"That's more like it. I'm sorry, but I like our shrine. It makes me so happy whenever anyone comes by and we do our best to give the weary and tired new life." Canita said with a sigh.

Adriah bit her lip and looked around the room. She stared for a moment at her worn backpack and threadbare coat. She had no other option at the moment and, with these two, it seemed like a good prospect. It wouldn't be easy and she likely would have to do a lot of work.

"Could I become your new shrine maiden?" Adriah asked nervously. Canita stopped and stared at her in shock. Felicia raised her head from where she had been napping, her eyes staring intently at Adriah.

"You would... Do that for us?" Canita asked in clear disbelief.

"Well I'm homeless, destitute and on the verge of starving. At least this will give me a roof over my head and something to do from day to day. Perhaps, with your blessing, I could make this shrine lively again. I mean..." Adriah rubbed her neck, "I've never met any spirits before and maybe this is meant to be my destiny."

"You need to realize that this means everything to us." Felicia said with a very cold seriousness as she sat upright, "Only do this if you really mean it, not just because its convenient for you. If you need someplace to stay, we will let you stay here without being our maiden."

"No, I think I am meant for this. I've not felt this happy in years. I'm not even hungry right now, something about you two is sustaining me. I am grateful to you two beyond words and I want this." Adriah said.

"Yay! I love you Adriah!" Canita exclaimed, leaping on her. She threw her paws around her neck and started to lick her face wildly. Adriah laughed and wrapped her arms around the dog spirit, wrestling around with her on the floor.

"Canita! Canita, you are ridiculous!" Adriah laughed, pinning her to the floor as she sat on top of her belly, "Thank you both for letting me do this."

"Well first we need to prepare you for it. You need to cleanse yourself in mind and body. First you need to take some of this money and go buy the proper attire. You need to go buy yourself a red hakama and a white haori, no undergarments are allowed. Once we begin this, you cannot eat anything until we finish so I suggest you get something to eat while you are out." Felicia said, taking some of the money from the donation box. Adriah was in awe at how she just handed her that much money as if it were nothing.

"I... I can just have this?" Adriah said, staring at the money.

"If you are to be our shrine maiden, then everything in this shrine is at your disposal, the donations included. But make sure you make it last. We have no need for money or food and so we don't have any way of getting anymore." Felicia warned as she replaced the lid on the box.

"Oooooh! I can't wait! I can't wait!" Canita exclaimed happily, bouncing to her paws.

Adriah quickly put on all her clothes and wrapped her coat tightly around herself. She walked to the front door and slid it open. Her jaw dropped at all the snow that had gathered outside. A foot more of snow had gathered since last night, although the clouds had moved over and the skies were bright blue.

"Wow! There's so much snow!" Canita howled, leaping out the door past her. She dove naked into the three feet of snow, laughing wildly.

"Oh my dear sister." Felicia sighed with a smile.

"How is it so warm in here?" Adriah shivered as she stepped out into the snow.

"We keep it warm, our powers do. I can't stand the cold." Felicia said, wrapping her furry arms around herself as she watched Canita tromp through the snow all around the shrine grounds.

"Alright, well I'm going to go shopping. I'll be back soon." Adriah said, pushing out into the snow.

"Adriah!" Canita exclaimed, leaping onto her. They bowled over into the fluffy white snow, "I can't wait until you come back!"

"I've got to leave first!" Adriah laughed, pushing the eager dog off her. She quickly got to her feet and prepared for Canita to tackle her again. She didn't. Instead Canita just sat up and her tail wagged in the snow behind her. "Hey, isn't that cold?"

She was pointing at Canita's wet, flaccid cock as it sat in the snow between her legs. The dog looked down at her cock and poked it with a paw, "Its kinda numb, I don't feel it. When you get back, let me warm it up in your pussy, okay!"

"Alright, alright. I'll be back soon." Adriah chuckled at her.

"And don't forget some matches! We will need to warm up the bath when you get back!" Felicia called after her.


Adriah had a bit of a time trying to find a good outfit. She did end up buying a new coat and she got herself a nice big bowl of rice and beef. Her belly hadn't been this full since she had been in college and hadn't been this happy since high school. In the end though she found a tailor who happily made her a custom set of hakama and haori. She asked her why and Adriah explained that she was becoming the new shrine maiden for the shrine of the life and joy up on a hill in north Tokyo. The tailor told her, with a smile, that she might have to stop by to pay her respect.

When she returned to her shrine, she was wearing both her coats and carrying a thick wrapped paper package that held her outfit. Canita met her at the door, panting and erect, eager to fuck her. However Felicia was also there and stopped her.

"Until she is cleansed and ready, she cannot have sex either." Felicia said seriously, putting a paw on her sister's shoulder, "Go ahead and put that down. You're going to need to fill the bath."

"How, there is no running water." Adriah asked.

"Usually we would use the well out back, but its likely frozen over. You will have to fill it with snow and get the fire burning hot under it." Felicia instructed her.

"That sounds like a lot of work." Adriah groaned as she put her new outfit next to her backpack.

"It is, but it has to be done. Out behind the shrine you will find a pile of old logs under the snow. Build a fire under the bath and get it warming up." Felicia told her.

"Okay, okay. I will get started. Thank goodness I got a new coat." She sighed, stepping back out into the snow.

An hour later, her hands were freezing and she had a small fire started under the stone and metal bath tub. It had taken her a while to dig the snow out of the way, clean off the wood and then get it burning. Now that it was, she tended it and tried to warm her hands over it all the while. Above here, Felicia stuck her head out the small window, "Hey, you're doing great. Go ahead and start bringing snow in here. Just roll up some big balls of it and put them in here. Sorry we are kind of archaic here, but this shrine was built a long while before plumbing was in every building."

"I'm just focusing on how good this is going to feel. I've not had a bath in months, I've barely been able to keep clean. This warm water is going to soothe me to my very soul." Adriah sighed, sliding another log into the fire. She stroked it a bit with a stick and got to her feet.

"Alright, well try as I might, I haven't been able to stop Canita from helping you. So you'll find a dozen or so big balls of snow rolled up out front." Felicia said before closing the window.

About another hour later, Adriah was kneeling in the small tiled bathroom, stirring the warming bath water as the last ball of snow melted into it. It was almost full and the water was lukewarm. Canita sat in the corner of the bath, stroking her cock with both paws. It was very tempting to try and fuck her, Adriah was getting very horny because of her. But she really wanted to do this right for the spirits and so she forced herself to focus on the bath.

"Alright, go ahead and strip yourself clean. Canita, go in the other room, I don't want you jumping on her when she's naked." Felicia said, pointing at the door.

"Oh alright, fine!" Canita huffed, pushing herself to her feet. Adriah glanced over to catch a peek of her throbbing canine shaft before she left.

Adriah did as she said and stripped her clothes off. She knelt down on the tile floor again and Felicia dipped a rag in the warm bath. Adriah sighed and closed her eyes as she started to rub it over her body. It felt good to have the feline spirit's fur rubbing against her as she rubbed the soft rag over her skin. Her nerves tingled with soothing pleasure. As it carried on, she slowly lost track of time. Felicia's paws were all over her, scrubbing every inch of her skin. She moaned softly as the rag passed between her thighs and she seemed to give special attention to getting that well-cleaned. Eventually the rag was forgotten and Felicia was just rubbing her all over with her fuzzy paws.

"Go ahead and get in the bath. Relax yourself and gather your mind. When you are ready, clothe yourself and come out to me." Felicia told her, "Your new clothes are in the corner."

"This is so wonderful." Adriah cooed, climbing over the wall of the tub. She could feel the heat radiating up from the bottom of the tub and it warmed her wonderfully. She had initially thought of masturbating while she was in the tub, but the soothing feeling of the water was just far too comforting. It was then she realized that the bath water had a faint scent of cherry blossoms, Felicia must've put something in it.

For almost an hour, Adriah relaxed in the bath while the fire burned out beneath it. She was torn with getting out of the bath. Something about continuing this cleansing ceremony made her nervous and the bath just felt so nice. In the end though, she knew she had to do it and some part of her was very excited.

"Here we go." Adriah mumbled, pulling herself out of the tub. She grabbed the towel sitting on the floor next to her paper package and dried herself off. She untied the package and pulled out the white top of her outfit. It took her a little while to figure out the top and then get the red hakama over top of it. When she thought the outfit looked perfect, she slid the bathroom door open and stepped out. The side room was empty and the door to the main room was closed. Her heart was pounding loudly as she reached for the door. It slid open without a sound and she found quite the breathtaking scene.

Felicia and Canita were dressed for the first time Adriah had ever seen. They had beautiful ethereal white kimonos on. They were sitting quietly on the floor, their legs beneath them and their eyes closed. A single candle burned in the middle of the room, throwing shadows over the wall behind them. They opened their eyes and looked up at her.

"Come, sit across from us." Felicia gestured to the other side of the candle.

Adriah carefully sat down across from them, trying not to mess up her outfit at all.

"We are going to touch your spirit and cleanse your soul now. Close your eyes and stay quiet. Focus on your breathing." Felicia instructed and Adriah closed her eyes, "Breath in... Breath out... In... Out..."

Their breathing slowly synchronized. Adriah could feel something happening within herself, her spirit was coming out. It was as if the deepest parts of her soul were being laid bare for all to see. The sensation of stretching outward, beyond her own flesh and bones was extremely strange. Her heart started to clench with fear that she was going to lose herself.

Just then, she felt something touch her spirit. A familiar mind touched hers, she instinctively knew it to be Felicia. She had no idea how she knew, but a part of her mind just did. Felicia's spirit caressed and melded with hers. It was fiery and passionate, much different than Felicia seemed to act outwardly. Another spirit touched hers as well, this time a gentle, joyous spirit, one that bathed hers in a sense of peace. Together their spirits existed in one place at one time. She couldn't actually hear their thoughts or communicate with them, but their entire existence was exposed within their spirits.

Adriah could feel the two spirits, canine and feline, touching and caressing her spirit. Her body was soon forgotten with this strange sensation of mingling souls. There was a loving closeness to it, one she couldn't have ever imagined. But before she knew what was happening, her spirit was back in her body and she was panting. Her eyes snapped open and she looked around wildly. The light from outside was gone and Felicia and Canita were staring at her.

"Wow, what an experience... I feel... Like you to have been inside my very soul." Adriah said, wiping the sweat from her forehead, "Oh jeez, I am freezing! Its cold in here."

She shivered and hugged her knees, fog emanating from her nose.

"To draw your spirit from your body, we had to focus our powers on you. The shrine cooled because of it." Felicia explained, "But don't worry, you are now our shrine maiden. Go ahead and light the candle on the shrine."

Adriah crawled over to the small shrine and sparked a match. She lit the candle and a small blue flame grew from it. It shone over the small cat and dog figures.

"Yay!" Canita exclaimed, leaping on her from behind. She grabbed her breasts and licked up the side of her face, "Now let's fuck!"

"Okay, let me get this off! I don't want to mess it up!" Adriah giggled happily.

"I think I could go for a good butt fucking." Felicia agreed, holding out her hands. Her kimono slowly dissolved into sparkles of light, exposing her naked body. Adriah turned to see Canita also completely naked.

"What? How did you two do that?" Adriah asked, pointing at them.

"Our clothes are summoned by our spirit powers. They are merely figments of our imagination." Felicia said, wrapping an arm around Canita.

"Come on! Let's fuck! Let's fuck!" Canita panted like a dog, stroking her throbbing shaft with both hands. Her horniness had been building over the last day and their ceremony had shown a lot of self control on her part.

Adriah hastened her disrobing and folded up her clothes in the corner.

"Yay!" Canita woofed, leaping on her.

"No! Bad dog!" Adriah bopped her on the head and clenched her thighs together, "A little foreplay first please."

Canita backed up and shoved her head between Adriah's legs. Her long, slobbery tongue lapped at her pussy and rubbed over her clit. It made her shiver with delight and she cooed with pleasure.

"Good puppy." Felicia giggled, rubbing between her sister's floppy ears. She crouched behind her sister and began to lick her throbbing red shaft. Her fingers teased around the base of it and she licked beneath the tip. Sweet, salty precum bathed her pallette and she wrapped her lips around one of her soft balls.

"Ohhh sis, I like that." Canita moaned between laps of Adriah's slobber-covered pussy.

"Alright, alright. Lay back, let me ride you. I want to feel your knot inside me while I'm on top." Adriah moaned, leaning on her elbows.

"Really? You want my knot? Nobody has ever said that before." Canita said in surprise, sitting up in front of her.

"It might've stretched me a bit, but I've never felt so full in my life." Adriah smiled. She got up and pushed her canine lover back on the floor.

"Nobody has ever wanted my knot before, I can't wait to give it to you!" Canita exclaimed happily.

"God that dick looks good." Adriah breathed, climbing above it. She settled down on its small tip and let it pierce deep into her pussy. Her voice rose in glorious ecstasy. Something about her cock felt incredibly better than last time, as if she could feel Canita's desire pouring into her. "Oh this is so much better than before! The cock feels so good!"

"Its your connection with us. As spirits, we are bound to your soul and you are bound to us. You're as much a part of this shrine as you are a part of us." Felicia said as she crawled around behind her.

"Haaa! Haaa! Its so amazing! Its so amazing!" Adriah panted, her tongue lolling out of her mouth.

"Its about to get better." Felicia said, sliding a paw up her lower back, teasing along her spine. Her spined shaft prodded against her tight asshole and Adriah squeaked in surprise.

"That hole! Oh goodness... Do it... Sink it deep into my ass!" Adriah moaned, feeling her start to push forward. Her pussy clenched around Canita and her ass squeezed tightly against the intruder.

"Wow, you're tight! You've never used this hole, have you? Ahhhh!" Felicia moaned happily as her cock pierced through her tight sphincter.

"Fuck, you feel huge!" Adriah grunted, her fingers squeezing Canita's breasts, "Yes! Your dick is good! Fuck my ass!"

Canita moaned and thrust upward, pumping against Adriah's womb. Her paws held to her hips and she cooed with pleasure. Felicia shoved faster, driving her kitty cock against her ass again and again. She spread her legs and swung her hips faster, shaking both Adriah and her sister with her wild thrusts.

"Oh god yes!" Adriah groaned lustily, her eyes going cross from the sensory overload.

"Take my seed! Take it all!" Felicia cried, ramming herself deep inside her lover.

A torrent of cum like she had never known flooded her bowels. It made her pussy clench and she realized that Canita's dick was now growing in size. Her knot was thickening inside her and she moaned deeply.

"Fuck, there is so much!" Adriah howled, her insides shuddering as canine cum filled her cunt.

"This is a sign of our love!" Felicia moaned, jerking a bit, "Our love for you."

"Whaaaat?" Adriah moaned shakily as she felt her feline phallus pull from her ass.

"Wasn't it obvious? You're our Shrine Maiden, of course we love you!" Canita giggled as Adriah slumped over her, drooling down her chin as her pussy continued to bubble with thick spunk.

Truly, she had found a wonderful life here.



Adriah yawned and stretched, her muscles sore from sleeping on the hardwood floor. Her and Felicia were both cuddled on either side of Canita, their heads resting on her prodigious bosom. She was naked, except for her new coat, from their nightly sex. Not much had happened the last few days since she had become a Shrine Maiden. It was still snowing and cold outside, giving them very little for them to do... aside from sex of course. Adriah had left a couple of times to get food, but that took little time.

"Morning Adriah." Felicia cooed as she stirred.

"Ohhh... I really need to find a more comfortable way to sleep. A week on hard floors is not very good." Adriah sighed, rubbing her face.

"Why don't you buy a bed already?" Felicia asked with a great yawn.

"What? I can buy a bed?!" Adriah exclaimed, sitting bolt upright.

"Of course you can. I told you that everything in this shrine is yours to use. Grab some money out of the donation box and go get a bed." Felicia sighed, snuggling back down with Canita, "The only reason we don't have one is because we can't go get one."

"Wahoo!" Adriah cried, leaping to her feet. She rapidly donned her clothes and bolted out the door, eager to go shopping. So eager in fact that she had to turn around at the shrine gate and trudge back to the building to get the money she had forgotten. With a great pile of Yen in hand, she set out to buy a bed.

Three hours later, she came back without any money or a bed. Canita was sitting on the front deck waiting for her as she always did. She cocked her head and stared at Adriah in confusion.

"Where's the bed?" Canita asked, standing up to follow her inside.

"The delivery truck from the store will be here soon. I kind of... spent a little more than just a bed." Adriah groaned, scratching her head.

"How much did you spend?" Felicia asked.

"More than I should've. I just kept seeing things that would make the shrine better and more comfortable." Adriah mumbled, prodding her fingers together as her face blushed.

"Alright, let's hope you got some good stuff." Felicia smiled.

Another hour passed and a large truck pulled up in front of the shrine.

"Quick, get some clothes on, they're here!" Adriah exclaimed, pushing the door open and running outside. She didn't wait for an answer from them, she just ran down the path to the gate and greeted the men.

"Hey, how's it going? Bit surprised someone actually moved in here. It's been haunted for years, nobody has been able to go inside." The delivery man said as he opened the back of his truck, "Is it family land or something?"

"No, let's just say I have the spirit's blessing." Adriah smiled as two other men joined him in pulling things out of the truck.

She led them up to the shrine and opened the door. Her heart stopped and she slammed the door shut immediately. Canita had been standing right on the other side of it, completely naked.

"Sorry! Sorry! They can be a little... free spirited." Adriah said, turning back to the delivery men.

"Who?" They asked.

"The... The dog girl." Adriah stammered, pointing over her shoulder.

"Dog girl? I didn't see anything. Did you guys?" The delivery driver asked, looking at the other two. They shook their heads and shrugged.

"Adriah, they can't see us." Felicia said, sliding the door open again.

"Whoa! Door opened on it's own!" The delivery driver jumped in surprise.

"What? Really?" Adriah asked, turning around.

"Yea, only you can see us Adriah. Most people can't see spirits, it's pretty rare. That's why we're so ecstatic that you're here." Felicia explained.

"Lady, can we bring this stuff in and put it down? It's cold out here." The delivery driver sighed.

"Yea! Yea, sorry. Come on in!" Adriah jumped, stepping insde and out of their way. They followed her in and put down the things she had bought.

"Wow, nice and warm in here." One of the men observed, "Can't even feel the cold once you walk through that door."

"There really are spirits here. This place is sacred." The driver said solemnly, walking over to the small shrine in the corner, "Pay your respects men, we don't want any spirits angry with us."

The three of them knelt down in front of the shrine and put their hands together. They bowed to it and quietly mouthed a small blessing. Canita stepped around them and crouched before them, kissing each man on the forehead in turn. Adriah tried not to blush or fidget too much, it was clear the men could not see the enormous breasts jiggling inches before their eyes. Then they each pulled out a small amount of money and put it in the donation box. After another small prayer, they stood and the delivery driver smiled to her.

"Are you the caretaker here?" He asked.

"I have been blessed by the spirits and I am the Maiden of this Shrine." Adriah said with a smile.

"Really? Well I wish you best." The man smiled, bowing to her before he left.

Felicia closed the door behind them and sighed, "It's good to have someone come here again."

"They really can't see you! God that was unnerving." Adriah sighed, rubbing her face.

"Did you see that though?! They knew we were here! They could feel our existence! Adriah, it's all thanks to you, all thanks to our wonderful Shrine Maiden!" Canita exclaimed, hugging her tightly.

"So what did you buy?" Felicia asked, looking around them.

"Well here's a futon, extra fluffy and extra big." Adriah said, rolling the tightly bundled bed into the other room. She undid the ropes around it and let it flop open. A big, soft mattress splayed across the floor. Canita cried out with joy and leapt on it, curling up tightly on the soft bed. The soft, fluffy bed puffed up around her as she flopped on it.

"It's sooo soft!" Canita cooed, rolling around on the bed.

"And I got a little stove for cooking and a pot and pan. Some dishes and utensils. Here's a radio for some music. I also got a shovel to clean off the walk way outside. There's also a box of little things here, fresh incense, flowery soap, some cleaning supplies to take care of the shrine and, of course, a big fluffy pillow for the bed!" Adriah said, holding it up with a wide grin on her face.

"I don't see what you were worried about. This is all good stuff. I don't think you spent too much." Felicia said as she looked through the box.

"I love you guys." Adriah smiled, giving the feline a surprise kiss on the lips.


More than a month passed and winter slowly faded away. Adriah kept the shrine grounds shoveled clean and the inside beautiful. She sat around day after day, listening to the radio and playing around with the two spirits. Nobody else actually came by the shrine. Every time a person walked by, they all were at a window staring at them as they went. Each time they passed with barely a glance at the small shrine.

Chapter 16: Life at a Japanese Shrine PT2

"Jeez... nobody ever comes." Adriah mumbled, fiddling with the edge of her Maiden clothes.

"We've spent decades like this." Felicia sighed from where she leaned against the open doorway. It was a sunny, pleasent spring day. A soft breeze carried the scent of fresh flowers through the shrine.

"Why do you think I've been so ecstatic to have you around?! You're changing our whole lives!" Canita exclaimed as she hugged Adriah passionately.

"If it weren't for having you two around, I'd have gone mad by now." Adriah kissing Canita, "Hey, you guys wanna fuck outside tonight? It's supposed to be a cloudless, warm night. Nice night to be outside, we could watch the stars."

"Ohhh that sounds so niiiiice~!" Canita cooed, her tail wagging ecstatically as she nuzzled Adriah's neck.

Adriah laughed and pushed on Canita, "Hey! Hey, down girl, come on."

Canita woofed loudly, jerking and hugging Adriah tighter. Felicia pushed up close behind her, "I don't want to wait. I'm horny."

Felicia's dick sunk deeper into Canita's tight, wet hole. Her ass clenched around the kitty cock and she growled lustily. Her dick was throbbing and poking against Adriah's thigh, precum dripping on her skin. Smiling widely, she turned over underneath the beautiful canine and shook her butt for her. Her fingers undid the tied sash around her waist and pulled down the lower half of her maiden clothes. She exposed her wettening hole and the scent of her sex wafted around them. Canita happily obliged her and dove hard into her wet cunt. She moaned loudly, carelessly fucking in the open door. Canita bounced back and forth between her two lovers, her cock driving into Adriah as Felicia's cock pulled from her rectum.

"This feels so good!" Adriah laughed happily, joyously taking the thick canine cock she knew so well. She adored their animalistic genitals and had been happily taking them in both her holes every night since she met them. The only reason she wasn't pregnant was because their semen couldn't actually work with her. Because of this fact, she adored letting Canita sink her dick deep inside and knot her, unloading every bit of cum she could manage. It felt so amazing to fill her cunt with bubbling, thick spunk, but Canita clearly had a different idea.

"I wanna fill your ass!" Canita exclaimed, pulling out of her with her cock soaked with pussy juices. She spread her cheeks better and pierced her well-used butt. Adriah moaned deep and filled with desire, her pussy quivering in delight at her anus getting stretched. Behind her, Canita panted and moaned as her own ass was drilled by her cat sister.

"Canita! Oh Canita, your ass is great! I wanna fill you sister!" Felicia panted, her balls slapping against Canita's as she pounded her butt. Each gentle bounce of their testicles sent shocks of pleasure through their crotches, both of them losing themselves in the pleasure of it. Felicia sank deep inside her canine sister and gyrated her hips around, rubbing hard against her ass. Their balls pressed together in a sweaty mass of cum-laden orbs. She squeezed her body against her, groping her large breasts as she thrust short and deep into her ass. Her short, feline cock prodded against her lover's prostate with each push.

"Yes! Deeper Sis! Deeper!" She panted in response, her dick burning with the pleasure of her prostate, "Oh you both feel so good!"

"I'm gonna fill you! I'm going to pack you with my love!" Felicia cried out, jerking and twitching as her balls convulsed powerfully. Her cock dilated wide as an enormous load surged forth from her. Even though her body wasn't as sexualized as her sister, her sex was wildly more exotic. Her cock could unleash far bigger and thicker loads, truly showing the passion of her existence. She poured nearly a liter of cum into her bum, her hips jerking with each thick spurt. Canita moaned and howled like a wolf, her body surging with pleasure. Her bowels felt heavy and wonderfully warm as thick seed bubbled deeper into her. Her sister pumped harder and slowly pulled free of her, letting her ass clench tightly. Barely a drip of cum escaped her butt, showing her skillful muscle control.

"I love it!" Canita cooed, her dick growing inside Adriah. It grew thicker and thicker, making her ass stretch wide from it. Thick canine cum poured forth from her, the throbbing of her knot clearly giving away all the pleasure she was feeling. Adriah's mouth hung open and Canita slumped over backwards on the floor, dragging Adriah with her. She moaned loudly at the impact of her ass on Canita's lap. A huge splurt of cum surged up her ass and she moaned happily.

Just then a noise came that made Adriah jerk up in shock. Her heart pounded and sweat beaded on her forehead. At the end of the walkway, a man was walking through the shrine gate. He had called to Adriah and waved.

"Shit! Shit! Canita, come on!" Adriah cried in fear and she moaned as more cum bubbled into her ass, "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck."

"It's okay! They can't see us! Just keep yourself sitting there!" Felicia said, grabbing the lower half of Adriah's maiden clothes. She pulled them up right against Canita's cock and pulled them tight, hiding her naked lower half. "Cross your legs! Sit still!"

"Hello." The man said at the foot of the steps up to the shrine.

"H... Hi!" Adriah stammered, crossing her legs on Canita's thighs. She was incredibly nervous because the back part of her outfit was open against Canita's lap with her dick buried in her ass.

"Oh my goodness! Are you floating?! How are you doing that?" The man cried in shock as he got closer. Adriah bit her lip, feeling Canita's cock twitch inside her. She realized what Felicia had planned. With her outfit fixed as she sat on top of Canita, it appeared like she was sitting cross-legged eight or ten inches off the ground.

"Uhh... Uhh..." Adriah cleared her throat loudly and she gathered herself a bit better, "I have formed a pact with the spirits of this shrine and they have allowed me a small portion of their powers."

"Oh my goodness! I'm sorry, let me pay my proper respects." The man said quickly, whipping the hat off his head. He got down on his knees and bowed his head to her.

"No!" Adriah exclaimed, "I mean... pay your respects to the spirits please, not me."

The man raised his head and nodded, "You are right! Where is your..."

"Right there." Adriah said, pointing at the shrine.

"I'm sorry, it's just so small." The man mumbled, walking past her.

Canita, at Felicia's beckoning, shimmied around in a circle. Adriah squeaked a bit as she was turned to face the man and the shrine, hiding her naked backside. The man didn't pay any attention as he knelt before the shrine and bowed to it. She breathed slowly, trying to not focus on the pleasure emanating from her nethers as Canita's huge knot twitched idly inside her bum. The man lit the incense sitting on the shrine and put some money in the donation box.

He turned to Adriah and bowed his head again, "I beseech you and your guardian spirits, my family is falling apart. My wife is threatening to leave me and I am terrified of my young daughter having to live with a destroyed family."

"I... I... I..." Adriah stammered, her heart pounding in fear from her inability to answer.

Behind her, Canita started to chant quietly on the floor. Felicia joined her in the soft chant and a glow started to radiate from Adriah. She felt her body start to buzz with power she had never known. Felicia stopped chanting and leaned close to Adriah.

"Speak as I do." Felicia whispered, "Bless you and may good peace and joy follow you wherever you go. May your heart be opened to the passion of life and let you share with those that you love. I wish you a happy and long life."

Adriah repeated it only words behind, holding her hands out towards the man. The man fell to his knees in awe and he bowed to Adriah, his head only inches from Canita's leg. Adria managed to lean down towards him and, as he raised his head, she kissed him on the forehead. The glow around her began to fade and the man sat up, tears welling in her eyes.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" The man sobbed, "I can feel it within me! I can feel your blessing touch my very soul."

"Go to your family. You will not lose them today." Adriah said with a pleasant smile.

"Thank you! Thank you!" The man exclaimed, bowing his head to her before dashing away from the shrine. Adriah watched until he disappeared through the gate and down the sidewalk. She gasped loudly and gave a lusty moan.

"Oh my god!" Adriah cried out at the top of her lungs, flopping over backwards on top of Canita.

"You did amazing Adriah. Through you, we managed to give the first true blessing in decades." Felicia said, kissing her on the lips.

"Y... Yea... oh Canita, let's hope we don't have to do all the blessings like this." She exhaled, her eyes closed. She slumped in Canita's arms and gave a soft sigh.



Adriah yawned widely and suddenly found a warm dick in her mouth. She tried to sit up, but that only ended with her deepthroating Canita's cock and her nose buried in the dog girl's crotch.

After the excitement of yesterday, they never ended up having sex outside. Canita couldn't stop bouncing all day and she ran a dozen circles around the building on all fours. Even Felicia seemed more excitable than usual after their encounter with the troubled man. They had explained that it had been the first time they had truly helped someone since before the war. Because they were restricted to the shrine and it's grounds, their powers couldn't leave either. This meant, at most, they could make someone feel better emotionally and look a little happier, but nothing deeper than that. With Adriah as their Maiden however, they could instill the man with a blessing that would help him stay healthy, in body and mind, and put fate just a little bit more on his side when the chance arose.

Adriah sighed and rolled her eyes, her tongue swirling around Canita's tasty cock. More than once she had underestimated her doggy spirit and had almost dislocated her jaw on her knot, but she had since gotten very good at telling when she was about to cum. She happily let Canita continue to face fuck her until she felt the twitching in her cock and just the slight increase in heat that foretold her knot's growth. She pushed on Canita's hips and set back to sucking powerfully on the first few inches while heatedly stroking off the rest. Her free hand reached up and pushed a finger into her asshole, sliding deep into her. She reached up with her middle finger until she touched her prostate and her entire dick surged with hardness. The knot thickened before her eyes and a huge burst of pre erupted down her throat.

"Adriah!" Canita howled, her orgasm starting to burst in her body. She bucked and tried to thrust down Adriah's throat, but her hand clasped tightly around her knot kept her from going far. Cum spewed lewdly from her dick and poured into her lover's belly.

It took a bit for the cum to stop and when it did, Adriah felt positively stuffed. She sat back and let out a little burp, tasting completely of her salty dog spunk.

"Canita, since when do you get up before me?" Adriah asked, looking up at her floppy-eared lover kneeling above her chest.

"I thought I'd surprise you this morning for fun. I waited for ten minutes with a boner for you to open your mouth so I could do that!" Canita snickered, her fluffy tail wagging behind her.

"Jeez sister, haven't you ever heard of a gentle wake up?" Felicia asked as she stirred next to them. The futon was more than enough for all three of them to sleep on together, especially because they all liked to cuddle so close together.

"I honestly expected to wake up with her dick in my ass if I ever sleep in later than her, but because she naps until noon most days, I'm kinda surprised to see her doing it." Adriah sighed, stretching her arms and sitting up.

"So are we gonna bless more people today?" Canita asked eagerly, her tail wagging.

"If anyone comes in." Felicia shrugged, pushing herself up on her hands and feet to stretch out her back like a cat would.

"Would you guys mind if I worked a garden out back? With the well and how lush the grass has grown, the ground must be wonderful for vegetables." Adriah asked the spirits.

"Adriah, do I have to tell you again?" Felicia asked flatly as she laid back down at her side.

"The shrine and everything in it are mine to use, yea, yea. I know. But that doesn't mean I want to go digging a rake into your yard without asking. You keep saying its all mine, but that hardly makes sense. Doesn't that mean anyone could've walked up and taken it?" She said, scratching her head.

"Hardly, we wouldn't have let them in. We let you because you had a troubled spirit and needed a place to sleep." Felicia said with a fanged smile.

"Don't I feel special." Adriah smiled, sliding a hand over Felicia's bare, pale butt. She began to purr softly as her fingers gently massaged her lithe backside. "Like that do you?"

Felicia just laid there, eyes half-drooped as Adriah's other hand slid up her back and rubbed along her spine. Her fingers played through Felicia's hair and rubbed her ears softly while she continued teasing her ass.

"Oh can I get petted too? Please!" Canita asked, bouncing up and down eagerly on the bed. Her dick flopped around lewdly, completely uncaring about it.

"Yes, yes." Adriah chuckled, reaching up to scratch her head too. "You guys are just like house pets, I swear."

Neither responded, Canita just panted and wagged her tail while Felicia purred. After a few minutes of this, she stopped and got to her feet. Canita seemed distraut, but Felicia just curled up and wrapped her tail around herself, content and half-awake.

"I've got to get started on that garden. We already have a shovel, so I can work at taking up the grass and turning over the soil to get it ready for planting." Adriah said as she slipped into her Shrine Maiden's clothing.

"You know you don't have to wear that every day." Felicia said, looking at her through a half-lidded eye.

"All the clothes I had when I came here, I was wearing and they were barely intact. This is by far the warmest and most comfortable thing I own." Adriah chuckled as she fixed the hakama around her waist.

"Just saying in case you don't want to get it dirty and have to wash it again." Felicia shrugged.

After that, she went on outside. The day passed with swiftness, Adriah throwing herself completely into preparing the soil for her garden. There wasn't a single person to come to their shrine that day, but she knew they would come. She could only hope the man they had helped was doing better.

The garden was situated in the back corner along the wall, about ten feet in both directions. She dug up the grass and churned the soil to get it ready for planting. When she was done, her white clothing had been stained brown with dirt and so the first thing she did before bathing was get it washed clean. As she relaxed in the bath, Canita came in and slipped in with her.

"Hey, if no one else can see you, what would they see if they looked at the bath? Would there be a 'you' shaped hole in the water?" Adriah asked curiously.

"I don't rightly know. I think they would just see the water flat and smooth." Canita said, rubbing her chin with her paw, "Hey Adriah, I have something I'd like to do with you."

"Wait, you're asking? You never ask, you always just jump on me." She snickered at Canita as she scooted closer to her.

"It's not just sex. There's something we spirits can do when we've bonded with a mortal. If you let me, I can inhabit your body and I can change it." Canita explained, putting an arm around Adriah, "I can give you a dick to try and fuck Felicia."

"Oooh thats kinky. Wow. I can't imagine what thats like..." Adriah said, biting her lip, "Alright, let's try it."

"Yay! I've not done this in so long! I love sharing bodies!" Canita hissed happily, trying to keep her voice down so Felicia wouldn't hear. In a flash, she suddenly slid sideways [i]into[/i] Adriah and a strange sensation overcame her body.

Her hair prickled as it lengthened down her back. The top of her head itched horribly and she could feel her entire body stretching in every direction. Her breasts grew heavier on her chest and her hips widened out. The worst of it was her nethers. They churned and changed, sometimes in painful ways, as her vagina disappeared and a huge doggy dick grew from her crotch. A gigantic sack of fist-sized balls grew beneath it and she groaned loudly. As quickly as it started, it stopped and she was left panting in the bath.

'Oh you have to see yourself. You are so cute as a doggy!' Canita's voice echoed in her mind.

Adriah looked immediately down into the water and started in shock. Her black hair was now shaggy and wild, encompassing her head and rolling down her shoulders in a thick mane. Tall, dark dog ears topped her head, white hair poking out of them in a stark contrast to her black hair. She quickly got to her feet and looked down at herself. Her body was sensual, curvy and incredibly sexy now. Her dick...

That was just wierd to even think, her dick. Her dick was throbbing hard and nearly a foot long. It was bright red and tapered like Canita's had been, although her balls were considerably bigger.

She stepped out of the bath, almost tripping from the offset of weight. Her new beyond-DD breasts set her quite off balance and she had to constantly think of how to stand or walk so as to not fall over. She dried herself with a bit of effort and fluffed out her long mane of hair. It was wierd with how much hair she now had. When dried, it almost fell to her butt.

Peaking out the door, her eyes set immediately upon Felicia's bare ass. She was facing away from the bathroom door, her head lay on the pillows as she awaited their return. Being a cat, she couldn't stand water or baths. Adriah smiled naughtily and slid the door open as quietly as she could. She crept across the floor and crawled onto the bed behind the cat spirit. As she crawled up behind her, her dick brushed teasingly up her butt crack.

"Canita, I'm surprised you came out here for me. I thought you'd be in there doing Adriah." Felicia said, raising her ass up a bit. Her dick was already hard beneath her and she willingly presented her ass.

Adriah spread her cheeks and pushed slowly into her ass. Felicia grunted and moaned loudly as her ass was rent open by Adriah's enormous canine cock. She smiled and leaned down to her, "Not Canita, not entirely."

"Oh lord, she didn't." Felicia moaned deeply.

"But she did and this feels amazing. I didn't think it would feel so good, but having your warm ass wrapped around my cock is amazing. I can only imagine just how good my pussy is. Maybe we could figure that out somehow." Adriah cooed in her ear as she sank deeper and her cock brushed over her prostate.

"She... ohhh... she failed to tell you..." Felicia struggled to speak as her dick shuddered with ecstasy, "The merger must last at least seven days!"

"What?!" Adriah squeaked, shoving suddenly down on top of her.

"Ahhhh!" Felicia came loudly and her dick spewed thick, delicious splooge beneath her.

'Whoops.' Canita said in a half-hearted apology.

"Whoops? Whoops?! How am I supposed to go anywhere with big fluffy dog ears and a huge, throbbing di... dick..." She moaned as Felicia's ass clenched around her again.

"You don't..." Felicia cooed happily, "Oh god... do pull out before you start to cum... your dick is bigger than hers... your knot would break me."

"Are you sure you don't wanna try? I wanna know what it's like to be the one with the knot." Adriah grunted as she thrust lovingly back into her tight asshole.

"Nooo... please..." Felicia tried to sound desperate through all her horny moaning.

"Alright, I won't this time if you suck me off really good." Adriah gave a false sigh and a smile. She pulled out with a purposeful slowness and watched as Felicia's asshole gaped and clenched weakly, "But don't worry, we'll get you good and stretched out so you can take it next time."

"N... Next time..." Felicia whimpered weakly as she turned over.

"I've got a whole week like this you said and we've got the libido of two in here." Adriah smirked, rubbing her wet dick teasingly.

Felicia swallowed nervously and scooted forward. Her usual cool demeanor had been cracked by the thought of a knot bigger than her sister's in her asshole. She wrapped her paws around the base of Adriah's dick and sucked on the front half of it. Her tongue was textured in a very pleasurable way as she slurped her dick all over. Adriah moaned loudly and threw her head back, shocked at just how good a blowjob felt when she was on the recieving end. It was just as good as getting her cunt lapped by Canita's doggy tongue. Her knot started to grow as a heat flooded her nethers. Felicia apparently felt it because she suddenly started rubbing faster with her soft paws.

"Yes! Felicia yes! I'm cumming! Oh god I'm cumming so hard!" Adriah howled, holding tightly to Felicia's head as a thick eruption of cum dilated her cock. She began to absolutely drown her in her cum as her dick really started going. Felicia jerked back with a gurgling cry, the sheer amount of cum starting to strangle her. This resulted in a gigantic flood of cum bathing Felicia's face and breasts. As the river of cum started to subside, Adriah's legs went weak and she fell flat on the bed next to Felicia, her heart beating powerfully and her half-flaccid dick dribbling more cum between her thighs.

"God you basted me. Even Canita never..." Felicia cooed weakly, starting to lap her paws clean. Adriah slowly fell asleep to the gentle sounds of Felicia cleaning herself. If she wasn't so incredibly exhausted from that orgasm, she might've gotten more aroused when Felicia's tongue turned on her, lapping around her butt and thighs, cleaning up the excess cum from her dick.


"Mmmm... Ohh... My ass so early Canita?" Adriah cooed sleepily as she felt a furry paw rubbing her butt.

'Not me, I'm in here.' Canita's voice was just as sleepy as hers.

"It's me... I woke up to the sexiest combination of my sister and my Maiden next to me and my dick just couldn't say no." Felicia cooed, stroking her thigh with a paw, "What do you say?"

"I say: give it to me kitty style." Adriah smiled, raising her ass in the air. She spread her cheeks for Felicia as the cat girl started to lap at her asshole to wet it. She laid there in a half-sleepy bliss, her ass up on her knees as she was pleasured lovingly.

Then that wonderous spined kitty-cock pressed against her ass and slowly slid inside. It felt tighter than Adriah was used to, but there was just as much pleasure. Her dick was throbbing hard, desperate for a warm hole to slide inside of. Instead of that, her dick got something infinitely better. Felicia slid just a little deeper and the tip of her dick bumped something inside Adriah.

Her eyes snapped open and she let out a long and lusty moan. Her dick grew incredibly hot and her mind swam in boggling amounts of pleasure. This must be the prostate that the spirits were always moaning about when they butt-fucked one another. It was like the very root of her dick was getting the massage of a lifetime as that barbed shaft slid slowly over it.

"I can't take it! Oh god I can't take it! Felicia, start stroking me! I'm gonna cum any second!" Adriah howled as her knot grew. There was immediately pleasurable relief when she felt her velvety paw wrap around her cock and begin to pull on it. Her balls convulsed an a gigantic flood of spunk was unleashed from them. She wetted the bed beneath them thoroughly and continued to spray and spray and spray as an entire night's worth of cum came bursting forth. Her asshole convulsed involuntarily and Felicia moaned appreciatively.

'That even feels amazing for me.' Canita cooed inside her head, her voice even struggling for words. She shared in every ounce of pleasure Adriah was experiencing.

"God you cum buckets. We're definitely gonna wash the bed." Felicia groaned in jealousy, slowly pushing her dick back and forth. The spines sliding back over her prostate made the orgasm go on forever until her balls were completely drained and her dick was twitching desperately.

When Felicia finally came inside her, it was a glorious release that left her insides washined in thick spunk. Adriah had to go heat the bath to wash herself for the day. She was used to getting basted with her lover's cum day after day, but usually Canita was only to happy to lap it all up and leave her sparkling clean.

'Sorry bout that. I'd love to have a taste, but we're kinda stuck.' Canita responded to her innermost thoughts.

"It's so weird that you can hear my thoughts. I'm almost worried I'm going to think something strange and you're gonna freak out." Adriah groaned, rubbing her fluffy canine ears.

'Nah, I already looked within your soul, remember? Nothing you can do that would bother me, I know everything about you.' Canita giggled at her. Adriah just grumbled and her face flushed at the thought of Canita knowing all her naughty fantasies.



The week passed in relative swiftness. They had two young women come on a Wednesday evening, but Felicia said she just couldn't feel the need for a blessing on them, so Adriah just bid them a happy day after they paid their respects at the shrine. They, luckily enough, didn't notice the dog ears on her head and her cock had been strangely complient with her wishes at staying flaccid with other people around. When soft, the long, thick dog cock hid pretty well in her hakama. When it was all done and the week was up, Adriah was almost sad to feel Canita leaving her body. They had done very good at planting the garden, Canita's strength in her arms was substantial and she worked with fervor for hours without tiring.

As the canine spirit floated free of her and settled across from her on the futon with a soft 'fwump', Felicia snickered at Adriah.

"What?" Adriah asked, cocking her head.

"Something you should know about joining with spirits. Once you do it, they never entirely leave your body." Felicia said, pointing at her chest.

Adriah looked down, expecting to see her usual B-cups. Instead, they had blossomed into large C-cups, maybe even D's. It was a pleasant change that Adriah was giggly and happy about. Her body has a whole had retained just a little bit of Canita's changes, her hips being a little sexier and her butt just a little more plush. Her hair had even kept half it's fullness and length, staying right about her upper back and shoulders. Then she reached up and scratched her head.

"The ears! Canita! I... My ears are still these floppy dog ears!" Adriah squeaked, feeling for her missing human ears on the sides of her head.

"Oh you look so cute like that!" Canita cooed, smiling widely at what she had done.

"Good grief, I'm gonna have to wear a bow or something in my hair to hide them when I go out!" Adriah grumbled.

"Please." Felicia sighed, "For one, you're a young woman. People might believe they're just decorations. Even if someone notices they are real, you're a shrine maiden! You have contact with spirits every day! Anyone with half a brain could notice their lasting mark on you."

"I guess you're right. And they are rather cute. Small price to pay for this body. I feel so much sexier with these and this." She said as she ran her hands down her bare breasts and then over her newly plush rump.

"Oh yea you are." Canita panted, her dick growing to full hardness.

"I can see that Canita." Adriah said flatly. Canita's ears drooped at her tone of voice and Adriah laughed happily, "Come put it where it belongs! I'm dying to have your knot in me again!"

Her tail wagged happily and she leapt on Adriah, tongue lolling out of her mouth in excitement. Without even needing to be told, her face went straight for Adriah's pussy and she began to lustily lap at her cunt. Her gooey slobber covered it all around and Adriah's own juices seeped forth. With her hole good and hot, she threw herself over backwards and spread her legs for her canine lover.

"Yes! Adriah, I missed your pussy so much." Canita panted, drooling openly as she started to rut her pussy like a wild animal.

"Yay!" Adriah laughed happily, her pussy clenching in delight. She had fun with Canita's cock, but since she had lost her pussy, her body had been crying out for that special sensation of her cunt getting pounded to endless orgasms. She could feel Canita reaching to her womb with each wild thrust and her balls slapped wetly against her crotch each time.

"I must admit I too am excited for your return. I won't like, I don't like getting butt-fucked that much, but at least I know I'm stretched out a little more from just how big you were. It should feel better with Canita from now on." Felicia said as she knelt above Adriah.

Adriah looked back at her and saw her dick erect and dripping. Her balls looked positively delicious and she eagerly opened her mouth for the kitty cock. It slid over her tongue, giving her a liberal taste of her sweet precum.

"Ohh now that is lovely." Felicia cooed in pleasure. Adriah's mouth jerked and shuddered around her, swallowing and slurping madly as her cunt was pounded by her canine lover.

"Adriah! Adriah, I can't hold it in! Your pussy is just too good!" Canita panted, burying her growing knot inside the warm cunt. She howled happily as her dick let loose a thick torrent of splooge. The knot continued to grow until they were completely locked together and Adriah's womb was wonderfully full of hot seed.

Adriah gurgled around Felicia as her body shook with a glorious orgasm. She tried not to thrash too much as Felicia continued to fuck her mouth. It felt simply amazing to be back where she belonged, getting spit-roasted by her spirits. Just as that thought was crossing her mind, a huge load of gooey sweet cum poured over her tongue and down her throat. She swallowed happily and drank down Felicia's entire load, which was quite a feat. She slowly pulled free of her mouth and Adriah gasped loudly, gulping down sweet, cool air as her body shook with another orgasm.

"Ohh I love you so." Canita cooed, cuddling on top of her as her dick twitched inside.


The garden was growing well. Adriah had heads of cabbage growing, mounds of potatoes and long lines of carrots. None of it was more than sprouts at the moment, but growth would come in time. A few more people had come to the shrine in the last week, apparently the man who they had blessed first had shared word of their work. One of his coworkers had come in said how he had never seen him happier and how his family just seemed to come back together after he had come here. No longer did they go a week without a single person, now it was rare that they would go a day without one. Admittedly it was still only getting to be about one person a day, but Canita and Felicia couldn't have been happier. The donations were flowing in and the love and faith for their shrine grew more every day.

Amid all of that, Adriah just couldn't slake her curiosity. She had to find out what Felicia's spirit would be like inside her. Canita had made her strong and sexy, curvaceous and lustful. She had left her with a bit of that strength and a good amount of sexiness. What would Felicia do?

"Well, if you're that curious, we could try it. But like last time, it would last a week long." Felicia warned her, "And you'll have to deal with what it's like to be a cat."

"Now you're making me even more curious." Adriah said flatly.

"Alright. You wanted this." Felicia said and she stepped forward. Her body phased through Adriah's in the same manner as Canita's had. A similar strange sensation overwhelmed her body and she fell to her knees. Her hands covered her face as she shivered and shook. A searing pain above her butt took presidence and she groaned loudly. Her eyes seemed to tingle oddly and then she collapsed, panting on the floor. After a second, she jerked upright and bounced to her feet.

"Adriah! Your eyes! They're like Felicia's!" Canita squeaked happily, pointing at her.

Adriah scrabbled for a hand mirror that was sitting in a drawer in the corner of their bedroom. She indeed had the sharp amber eyes of a cat. A quick glance over herself showed that her body hadn't changed like it did with Canita. That is, of course, excluding the tail that now flicked around behind her. She looked at it as it curled around her waist. A long, lithe black cat tail, it seemed an odd companion to her dog-like ears.

Above all that were her senses. Smell, sight and hearing were all more sensitive than they had ever been before. She could hear a bird chirping a block away, could smell the flowers growing around the outside of the shrine and could see the finest edges of grain in the wood floor. It was like the world had completely opened up around her and she was finally awake.

"This is amazing. Oh... Oh Canita... you smell amazing..." Adriah cooed as she sniffed the air, "Your... Your dick. I can smell it so easily and it's scent is different. It's like there were things I couldn't smell before."

'Of course, you were only human before and Canita's lust for you made her merging focus completely on the sexual aspect of it. I, instead, focused on the finer points of being an animal. The keener senses, the more agile muscles. I even grew a tail so you could balance better.' Felicia's vocie was the one inside her head this time.

"This is so amazing." Adriah swooned as she stiffed the air again. Her pussy quivered in excitement and she couldn't hold herself back anymore. She leapt on Canita and pressed their lips together. Passion and ecstasy blossomed between them as they made out with wild abandon. Canita's paws grabbed eagerly at Adriah's bare ass and Adriah groped her breasts. She could feel her canine cock throbbing hard between their bellies and burbling pre wettened their skin.

"Oh Adriah, you're so wild. I love it. I love it when you take me like this!" Canita panted between kisses.

"Then lay down and let me do it!" Adriah said, pushing her completely on her back. She scooted down and grabbed her throbbing red cock. Her lips met the warm flesh and Canita groaned in pleasure. Almost immediately Adriah pushed down and deepthroated it, slurping and soaking the shaft all over. Once her dick was good and wet, she sat up and crawled forward, posing her ass above the tip. She sat down and pierced her asshole with the thick shaft.

"Your ass! Oh god thats your ass!" Canita moaned loudly as her dick was enveloped in hot, squeezing innards.

"And it feels amazing!" Adriah cried out loudly, dropping completely to her lap.

Canita groawled and wrapped her paws around Adriah's butt and hips. Her ass was clenching her in amazing was, undulating all up and down her thick doggy cock. If she wasn't careful, she was going to knot and cum very quickly.

"I've got a better idea here!" Adriah said, suddenly standing upright. Canita's dick was left shivering in cold air as her legs were lifted up and pushed back to her shoulders. Adriah turned herself around and grabbed Canita's cock between her legs. She lined it up with her gaping asshole and sat down on Canita, using her thighs like a seat to prevent her knot from entering her.

"What kind of position is this?!" Canita squeaked as she held onto her legs and felt Adriah bouncing on her thighs. Even though she was the one penetrating Adriah, Adriah was completely in control.

"One that lets me do this!" Adriah moaned, licking her fingers thoroughly. She teased her fingers over Canita's fuzzy golden balls and slipped two fingers into her exposed asshole. Canita moaned loudly and her dick throbbed powerfully inside her. She easily found her prostate and massaged it vigorously. Canita howled like the animal she was as her knot grew between her soft thighs. Her dick shuddered and twitched, eager to get deeper inside Adriah, but in this position it was impossible.

"I'm gonna cum!" Canita's hips bucked weakly beneath her as a wild flood of goo filled her bowels. She could feel Canita's knot pressing against the outside of her ass, but the rest of her throbbed inside as it poured out load after load of sweet cum.

"Canita, that's amazing. You're cumming so much. More. Give me more inside my ass." Adriah panted as she rubbed Canita's prostate and massaged her balls.

"Of course Adriah, I'll do it! I'll cum more!" Canita panted, her tail flailing about beneath her as she nodded. Her hips thrust up as best she could manage and her dick continued to twitch about in her asshole.

"Yes! Thats it!" Adriah cooed lovingly as her innards were flooded with even more spunk.

"Ahhh! I love cumming this much..." Canita slumped weakly beneath her, exhausted and spent.

Adriah slipped forward off her, laying down on the end of the bed as Canita's legs laid over her cum-splattered ass. Her dick flopped weakly against her thigh and Adriah sighed, "I love it when you do too."


"Oh yes! Canita, pound my cunt! Fuck me! Fuck meee~!" Adriah screamed as Canita's knot stretched inside her pussy. She was bent over the bathtub, taking it hard and fast from the lusty canine. It had started today with Adriah just trying to bend over and test the bath water. Canita had a different plan and she mounted her in earnest.

"Your pussy is great! It's so great! I don't know why, I'm just so horny today!" Canita exclaimed as she jerked back and forth, grinding her knot about inside Adriahs' stretchy pussy. Since she had gotten Felicia inside her, her body had become more flexible all around. The size of her pussy before she gained feline flexibility meant the knot no longer tied them together completely. Canita was free to continue thrusting in and out of her pussy and the knot stretching her cunt lips wide was an exisquite experience.

'Oh this feels so amazing. I wish I had a pussy. I'd let Canita knot me all day long for the rest of my life. You're so lucky Adriah!' Felicia moaned lustily inside her head as she was wildly overwhelmed by the ecstasy of it.

"Don't stop Canita! Cum more inside me!" Adriah moaned, the thick doggy spunk running down her thighs.

"You love my cum, don't you? You've really been going crazy for it lately!" Canita grunted, unloading the last of her spunk into her.

"Yea! I just can't live without it." Adriah sighed as Canita stopped thrusting. She went limp over the tub and breathed heavily, her body overcome by the pleasure of the wild knot-fucking.

"I can tell. I'm gonna miss being able to fuck with my knot when Felicia is back." Canita sighed, slowly pulling her thick knot from her tight cunt.

"Ahhh! G... God... So big." Adriah cried out and jerked sharply when she felt her pussy stretch wide. As it slid free of her, there was a sudden feeling of emptiness. Cum ran thickly down her thighs and pooled around her feet.

"I cannot ever get tired of you. Adriah, your body is the best." Canita cooed as she rubbed her hands gently over her ass. Eventually, they found their way into the bath together and enjoyed a soothing soak.


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