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71.42% Harry "Doom" Potter / Chapter 10: HD-9

Chapter 10: HD-9

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, which is owned by JK Rowling, nor do I own Marvel Comics. I also lay no claim to the characters of Harry Potter, Victor Von Doom, or any other character I have used in my fic, except for the completely OC characters I introduce.

This is a work of fanfiction, not made for earning money, but just to satisfy my hobby of writing. There is also no guarantee that I will finish this work of fanfiction, so keep that in mind before taking a look inside.

Also while I do have a Pat-reon account, it is completely open for the public, with no paywall for any post on it.


Yours faithfully, HelloDarkness07.

At exactly 11 AM on the 7th of November, I close the door to my house and walk out the gate.

The last few days were fairly calm, as far as my life is concerned. I worked on my technology, and had finally begun recreating one of the favorite inventions of mine — Doombots. Unfortunately, the technology of this world is not yet at the stage where I can create the Doombots with easy, without using Magic as a shortcut like I did with the cameras I have everywhere.

Fortunately, I am not just some engineer that lets the level of technology of the world around him stop him from innovation. 

I am Doom! 

If a technology is missing or not available yet, I simply invent it myself.

When I wasn't working to improve SSD technology till it was up to my standard, creating my own IC all so I can build myself a computer first, practicing my Magic, I would simply watch the attempts at the many people with a red trench coat trying to look inconspicuous as they walked around Godric's Hollow. Mostly around my house.

Aurors, I've learned, are not as good as the people of the Wizarding World would want them to be. Either that, or my expectations of a Police force of Magical humans were just impossibly high.

I had no misgivings about why they're so frequently seen nowadays, Moody most likely being behind it, but I did enjoy the attempts of a few of them trying to study my Ward while trying to not be seen. 

I let them, of course.

If they succeed in breaking it, then it just shows me what I need to improve on. But when they fail, it still provides me with some amusement.

But that wasn't all I did, of course. I kept an eye on Dumbledore, whom it seems I did not underestimate. My cameras had caught him in Surrey, in places I know I frequented. 

It showed me that my skill at getting rid of the traces of my Magic still needs some work. The Sorcerers may have just been unable to follow those traces simply because it was too distorted by the Demonic magic all around that clearing.

Thankfully, said Demonic Magic had prevented Dumbledore from finding that place.

I also read my mother's journal, enjoying doing so for leisure, rather than like everything else I did for work. I am two years into the journal currently, with my mother having spelled it after graduation to have unlimited pages. An enchantment I will be making use of a lot, if I have to say so myself.

By 19, my mother had already begun working with the Witchcraft knowledge that Selena Redwood, my great-grandmother had left her, and was apparently part of a Vigilante organization created to fight Lord Voldemort.

The journal entries of this time mostly spoke of deaths of different people she knew of, or knew personally, along with her crushed hopes at becoming a Charms Master. If it wasn't for the War that was going strong at the time, my mother would have gotten her dreams of being a 'Princess of Enchantments' by her own words, fulfilled.

Alas, the war stopped that from happening.

19 was also the age when James Potter, my father, asked her to move in with him. And she agreed, hoping that her presence at the forefront might protect her parents, and her sister's family, from the wrath of Lord Voldemort.

The war spilled over in the normal world anyway, and the Death Eaters, followers of Lord Voldemort, managed to track down my grandparents, leading to their death in one of the attacks.

So I have even more reason to kill Voldemort and his band of terrorists.

But this day, today, I will not be spending doing any of that. Today is the day that Alastor Moody will be taking me to the Ministry of Magic for an official visit. 

Granted, I will most definitely be keeping an eye on the house still, since I have no doubt that the Aurors and who knows who else will be taking the opportunity of my absence to try and find a way inside. But I am actually looking forward to visiting this Ministry of Magic.

To learn about how the Magical World governs itself first hand, without relying on highly propaganda-filled books is one aim of course, but the one thing I am looking forward to the most is gaining access to the Vaults my parents have at Gringotts.

To finally gain something that I should have had access to since the beginning itself.

I don't have to wait long, before I see the limping form of Alastor Moody walk towards me, having teleported in a spot a small distance away. 

Stopping in front of me, he looks down, his fake eye still failing to see me, and says, "Come on then, we don't have all day."

Raising an eyebrow, I say, "You're late by 1 minute and 39 seconds. If anyone is the reason for us being late, it's you."

I am.. very particular about my time. He told me that he will be picking me up at 11 in the morning, and I expected him to adhere to that time, or maybe even appear earlier to be safe.

Moody simply scoffs, and says, "Don't be a smartass, Potter. Now, we'll be apparating to the Ministry's atrium. You know what Apparition is?"

I nod once, and say, "Teleportation."

"Good enough." Moody answers, and holds out his hand. "You'll feel uncomfortable, as if you want to puke, and I encourage you to do so. Now, hold my hand, and it will be over in a jiffy."

I think for barely a second, whether to reveal the fact that I can teleport on my own, and follow his trail to the location if he goes by himself, but discard the thought immediately after. He doesn't expect me to know teleportation, or Apparition. This means if this is a trap of some form, they won't be expecting me to teleport out to escape.

Holding his hand, I close my eyes for theatricality, as Moody creates his Apparition tunnel and takes us both through it. Within a moment, we appear out of the tunnel with a loud pop of displaced air, and I open my eyes to look around vigilantly, trying to see if anyone is paying any amount of attention to me.

No trap. Good.

Looking up at Moody, I see him staring in approval, and a bit of annoyance even as he mumbles, "Constant Vigilance. Come, let's go."

As Moody starts limping forward, I follow him looking around at the people and sights in the Atrium. There was a set of fireplaces lining the walls, and every once in a while one of them would light up with green flames, depositing a person, and once even a goblin into the Atrium. There was also what looked like a telephone booth at the very back, that was just sitting there for some reason.

Soon, Moody and I reach a guard station, who simply sees Moody and lets us through without a single word spoken between them. 

We enter a lift filled with a few more people, which moves in all three physical dimensions, and in a few minutes, Moody has us get off at the Level which houses the DMLE. And a few minutes of walking later, he finally knocks on the door to the office of the Head of the DMLE.

Amelia Bones is a stern looking woman, wearing high quality robes that didn't scream out that she's rich, and a monocle on her left eye which I can tell had some Enchantments on it, although not to the same extent as Moody's fake eye.

After welcoming us in with a loud and clear voice, Madam Bones — as I've read she prefers — had offered me the seat opposite her, a work table between us, while Moody stood behind me, at the door. For a few seconds, she just stares at me, seeming disapproving of me for some reason.

"I spoke with Professor Dumbledore." She begins the conversation, still staring at me. "He spoke droves about how you should be allowed leeway to live alone."

I expected him to speak with her, although his support for my independence is surprising. He was pretty adamant that I needed to go to the Dursleys before. So what changed?

"And I don't suppose you're just going to grant me that right?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"No." She simply says.

Right. So I need to convince her as well. Wonderful.

Sighing, I ask, "And what would you propose then, as an alternative?"

"You will be allowed to stay in your house, once you have the Deed. Your experiments with Magic will have to stop until you start Hogwarts, meaning no Magic till 1st September, 1991. Since your absolute refusal to return to your muggle guardians, a Wizard one will be assigned to you until your age of maturity, who will also be tasked with other duties such as monitoring your Vaults, taking care of you and your house, and reporting to us any issues that come with your daily life, including but not limited to any health issues." Madam Bones reads it out of a paper in front of her.

I raise a single eyebrow, absolutely unimpressed. "No." I drily say, not even considering it for a single moment.

That's my house. Like hell are they allowing me to do anything at my own living abode. Doom did not allow his own father to stop him from messing around with his bombs. And these Government floozies think they can control any single aspect of my life?

The other terms are just as unacceptable. A guardian to take care of me, monitor me, and keep an eye on my spendings? I would rather name them my enemy once and for all and wage war on them all, at least I'll have something to do before I decide to go to Hell for that unfinished business.

Madam Bones blinks, and says, "Mr Potter, no matter your celebrity status you are still a child. There are laws to follow, and one of those says that you cannot own any property until the age of Majority, until you are 17."

I snort, and ask, "You think this is about my celebrity status?"

"Is it not?" Madam Bones asks, staring dubiously.

I shake my head, disappointed in her. Not that my expectations were high, but still she managed to disappoint me. Leaning back in my chair, I ask, "Did Dumbledore mention anything about my life at the Dursleys, Madam Bones?"

Madam Bones takes a moment, and answers, "He told me you discovered your Magic at a very young age. He said that you used your Magic to threaten your muggle family, which is not considered a crime yet solely for the reason that you were a child who was also unaware of the Wizarding World. And he told me that your intelligence is above what's normal for your age group."

Above normal? That's insulting.

Shaking my head, I say, "You know a lot, so I'm taking a leap of faith and assuming that you know about the abusive nature of my life there from ages 1 and a quarter to 4 and a half." Madam Bones nods slowly when I look at her in question, so I continue, "You see, what Dumbledore does not know, and therefore you do not, is that I remember everything from the moment I woke up at the Dursleys to this moment. Every single waking moment is etched into my mind like in stone. Every single beating Vernon tried to or did give me, every word screamed at me by Petunia and Vernon, the hotness of the pan Petunia smacked on my head. I remember everything."

Narrowing my eyes, I lean forward and say, "Where was your law then, Madam Bones? When I, a child, was being beaten by those meant to Guard me?"

"Mr Potter…" she begins, a bit sad looking now. Pathetic, really.

I raise my hand to stop her from whatever platitudes she might give me, and say, "I tell this not for any sympathy, but so you can understand why I will not allow absolutely anyone to intrude upon my house. First of all, I do not trust your law that failed to protect me as a toddling child. I do not trust anyone you might try to make my guardian, no matter if they're a saint, because I do not trust them not to abuse their authority over me. I do not trust anyone enough to let them into the sanctity of my house, because my house has already been stolen from. I.. do not.. trust you, Madam Bones, because I do not know you. So keep in mind that no matter what you believe will happen, no matter what you think is right, I will be walking out of this Ministry with my inheritance. I will still be staying at my parents' house, and I will not be allowing any kind of supervision on my actions."

Madam Bones stays silent for a while, thinking while staring at me. Slowly, she nods, and says, "It seems.. that the Ministry will have to earn your trust, Mr Potter."

"Earning my trust will only work when you're not trying at this very moment to break into my house." I say with a frown, relaxing a bit.

This conversation is almost over anyway.

Madam Bones blinks, surprised, and asks, "What do you mean, Mr Potter? I haven't sent anyone to your house since my conversation with Professor Dumbledore."


She's.. telling the truth. Huh, she's not lying.

I put my hand inside my shirt's expanded front pocket, and ignoring Moody's sudden tenseness behind me, I take out a square piece of glass. Placing the glass on the table in front of me, I tap it twice, projecting a hologram of the feed I've been receiving wirelessly from the cameras around my house. 

I'd been keeping an eye on it since the moment Moody and I appeared inside the Ministry, and I've been watching it still.

The hologram shows a three dimensional view of my house, projected after compiling the view from four different cameras fixed surrounding the house. It shows a total of 11 people outside my house, 4 of whom were Aurors wearing the typical red Auror coats, while the other 7 were wearing odd, similarly made but different coloured Robes, along with a Witch's hat. Their faces were also obscured from sight, looking just a shadow to me, and to anyone watching I believe.

Madam Bones leans forward, and I even hear Moody take a few steps towards the table to watch. I let them marvel at my genius, as Madam Bones asks, "What.. what Magic is this?"

"My magic." I simply say, not yet feeling trusting enough to explain it to her. "Who are they then, if they're not yours?"

"Oh, they're ours alright." Moody mumbles, his fake eye moving from one person to the next. "We just didn't send them, someone else did."

Shaking her head, Madam Bones says, "Alastor, note down everyone who's trying to break into the house of Mr Potter please. Mr Potter.. I apologize for this. I understand that as of now, you won't be agreeable to anything I might put forward, least of all after.. this."

"You understand correctly." I say, nodding my head and placing the glass sheet back into my pocket once Moody is finished.

Madam Bones nods, and says, "I.. I request for something else then. A meeting once a month, at your house or here in my office. Just so we can confirm that you're okay, that you're healthy."

I nod once, slowly, and say, "That.. is acceptable."

"Wonderful." Taking a moment, Madam Bones brings out a scroll of parchment from the drawer, and signing it, she hands it to me. She says, "That should be submitted to the Department of Inheritance, and everything we have of your parents will be turned over to you, in your name. The deed to your house, the Vault keys to your Parents' Vaults, and the Vault that the Ministry had created at the time to store your parents' effects."

Taking the scroll, I nod and say, "Thank you, Madam Bones."

She nods, and as I get up, she says, "I do hope we have a good relationship, Mr Potter. You're important to the Wizarding World, not just because of your celebrity status but because you are our future. So.. I hope you take care not to break any laws purposefully, or otherwise."

Smiling a bit, I say, "Send me a book I should read to understand the Laws, and we'll be set."

Madam Bones just shakes her head, and just waves us off, Moody opening the door for me. That went better than I expected it to go. She did give up far earlier than I expected a Government official to. Was it something I said? Or was it something Dumbledore said to her?

Doesn't matter. I have the legalities behind me, and I can focus on my Doombots, and on finding what is missing and who took it. Time to mess with Time, I suppose.

A/N: How was it? tell me in the comments and reviews!

Thank you for reading!


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