Author Note: This is a kind of !!!CRACKISH!!! Fanfiction. I don't own Marvel and DC, nor I am some sort of loremaster.
I only writing this for fun nor I am British.
Otto Gallahan POV
(Supergirl LV 257)
Kara Kent was a very interesting woman to say at least. She was as attractive as in the comic books, with her blonde hair and blue eyes. But there is a difference between seeing her in a comic book and experiencing her in real life. She was smart, curious, and had a thirst for knowledge I can tell.
But with my telepathy, I also sensed some faint frustration and confusion within her surface thought. Perhaps she was struggling with her identity as an alien living amongst humans, or maybe she was dealing with some personal issues that she didn't want to share.
I didn't go deeper obviously, her mind is evidently shielded and I didn't want to invade her privacy without her consent. But I feel that Kara has some unresolved issues that were bothering her. I wondered if she had talked to anyone about them, or if she was keeping them bottled up inside.
I can also tell that Kara has an attraction towards me, although small and subtle. I suspect it had something to do with my high Cha[Stats]. But I also sensed a hint of caution and wariness in her emotions, as if she was both intrigued and guarded at the same time.
I couldn't blame her, I had a lot of secrets and skills that I wasn't ready to reveal yet. I didn't want to scare her off or make her feel uncomfortable. But I also didn't want to lie to her or hide myself completely. Maybe another time I'll open up to her, if she proves herself trustworthy and reliable then I will certainly reveal to her that she has a clone.
I can tell she was disappointed that I had to leave so suddenly and to be honest, I was disappointed too. I found myself enjoying her company and her intelligence. Back in my old life, I never had a partner to care for, mostly because of my work in the military and intelligence. I was a spook and a soldier, always focused on the mission and nothing else. Another reason, I am afraid, is that in my line of work, it was difficult to form close relationships, and if I die on a mission, it would only hurt those who cared for me. And I did die, at least, I was supposed to.
I sighed, looking back at Kara. "It was nice meeting you, Kara. I hope we can talk more soon."
She smiled, nodding her head. "Me too, Bourne. Safe travels."
I nodded, then turned and walked towards the exit of the library, I couldn't help but glance back at Kara, who was still sitting at the table, looking at the book I had shown her. I wondered what was going on in her mind, and if she would call me again.
I didn't know if I was ready for that kind of relationship, but I couldn't deny that I was drawn to her in some way. I liked her curiosity and her intelligence, and I felt a sense of protectiveness toward her.
But then Suddenly In front of me, a notification pops up like a hologram.
{Character Bio Unlock}
Character Bio? Where did that come from? But before I could question more about what is going on. More information appeared in front of me.
(Congratulations on unlocking Supergirl Character Bio. In this feature, an avatar such as yourself can access the background information of any character you encounter in the world.)
I blinked, surprised by the sudden appearance of this new feature. I wondered what kind of information would be available. I hesitated for a moment before mentally activating the feature and a holographic screen appeared in my field of vision.
(Character Supergirl added)
(Character Black Canary added)
(Character Zatanna added)
(Character Doomsday added)
I quickly scanned through the list of characters that had been added to my bio feature, so then every new character I encountered would be added automatically. It seemed like an incredibly useful tool for gathering information and potentially useful in my line of work.
As I scrolled through the list, my attention was drawn to Supergirl's bio. I clicked on her name, and her bio appeared in front of me, detailing her origin story, powers, and personal history.
Name: Kara Zor-El/ Kara Kent/ Supergirl
Alias: Girl of Steel
Powers: super strength, super speed, flight, invulnerability, heat vision, frost breath.
Origin: Krypton, was sent to Earth as a teenager to avoid the destruction of the planet.
Personal History: Right After escaping Krypton, the pod she was in malfunctioned and she arrived on Earth years after her cousin Kal-El, who had already become Superman. She was taken in by the Kent family and given the name Kara Kent. She eventually revealed her powers and began to use them to fight against crime and evil aliens. Kara eventually joins the Titans, an intergalactic superhero team. She has also faced numerous challenges, including personal loss and struggling with her identity as an alien living on Earth.
There was more information like her psychological profile, but I didn't feel comfortable delving too deep into that…yet. However, I did gain a greater admiration for her struggles and her determination to fight for justice, even in the face of adversity.
I closed out of the bio feature, it was a useful feature but overall it didn't really help me that much because of my meta-knowledge. I have known these characters since I was a child and have read countless comic books about their adventures. But for someone new to this world, it would certainly be a useful tool.
Walking to an empty alleyway, I took out my Sling Ring from my inventory and opened a portal into the pocket dimension, stepping through it into the living room of the Base. I turned to the commanding corner and was greeted by the sight of my UNSC Smart AI Quintero, who had been monitoring my location and activities.
"Welcome back, Boss. How was your *meeting*?" Quintero asked, his small green holographic form raising his sunglasses and giving me a wink.
I rolled my eyes, knowing that Quintero was just being cheeky and sarcastic. "It went pretty well. She's an interesting woman."
Quintero cocked an eyebrow, "Interesting in what way, Boss?"
I shook my head, a small smile on my face, and said out loud intentionally ignoring Quintero's teasing. "Report"
Quintero sighed dramatically, "Fine, fine, always so serious. But as you requested, I have been monitoring Druuna's biorhythms and there has been a change. The neural stimulation has increased by 23% in the last 24 hours."
I raised an eyebrow, "So that means she is waking up soon?"
"Most likely, Boss," Quintero confirmed.
"Good," I nodded, "let's get everything ready. We have a lot of work to do."
Walking over to the couch, where Druuna was lying still seemingly unconscious, I sat down on another chair beside her, looking intently over her form. I had been keeping a constant watch on her, waiting for any signs of improvement
Druuna looks like a very sensual woman just like her erotic counterpart on the comic pages. Her ample bosom and curvy figure were on display underneath the scantily clad outfit she was wearing that left little to the imagination. But I tried to ignore those thoughts and focus on her condition.
"Shit..." I muttered. I just remembered something...
"What's wrong boss?" Quintero asked, his floating form moving closer to me.
"I forgot to take my damn tea set with me," I replied with a frustrated sigh.
Quintero rolled his eyes, "Is that really important right now, Boss?"
"No, but I left it with Kara at the library. It was our only set in the kitchenette and I don't want her to think I'm stealing her tea," I explained with a small smile.
The UNSC AI shook his little head, "You Brits, and you need to drink your tea."
I chuckled, "It's a part of our culture, Baywatch."
Quintero scoffed, "I seriously need a better nickname than that, Dude."
"Hey! is your fault you look like a stereotypical surfer dude-bro," I retorted jokingly. "But enough of that, let's focus on Druuna."
"Yes, Boss," Quintero said, his tone becoming serious again, "I'll keep monitoring her while you get everything ready."
Nodding my head, I stood up and walked out of the living room and into the lab, ready to prepare for Druuna's awakening. First thing first, getting her some new attire and I had to confess...I like what I am seeing but I can't have her in that outfit while she wanders around.
The same goes for the Kryptonian clones. If I am ready to wake her up, I get distracted every time I catch a glimpse of Galatea's stunningly nude body floating around in the pod. It got to a point where I had to cover the pod with a blanket or something because it was just too distracting.
Now I don't mind women walking around in skimpy clothing or nude... I am never the kind of guy to tell a woman what to wear or not to wear, it is their body and their choice. But I can't just have both of them go out in public looking like that, it wouldn't be appropriate.
And if I ever let them go out onto the field, they need to be properly outfitted and protected. I don't want to risk their safety just because of some provocative outfit. You don't win battles with sex appeal, it is just completely idiotic, disrespectful, and unprofessional to do so.
Now with my recently acquired knowledge, I can properly design and create some outfits for them that would be more suitable for fieldwork and combat but also look aesthetic and badass. I'll make sure they're comfortable as well, I don't want them to feel restricted or hindered in any way.
Yeah, I am definitely going to make some advanced power armor for these women. I have some ideas and inspiration for how they are going to look. I like the aesthetic of the sister of Battle from 40k without the religious iconography and the sleek design of Halo's Spartan armor.
But for now, I'm just going to make some outfits for normal daily wear and training purposes. I had to make sure they were prepared for any situation that could arise. And if they were going to be working with me, they needed to be properly tested and proficient in combat.
Maybe I made some comfortable catsuit-type outfits with reinforced fabric and armor plating in strategic areas. It would be sleek and form-fitting yet provide protection and mobility. It was a good starting point and I knew I could improve on it later.
Opening up the workstation, I activated the holographic interface and began to browse through the images of catsuits that I had found online. I saw some examples of latex catsuits1, which looked very tight and shiny, but also very uncomfortable and impractical. I also saw some images of women wearing catsuits made of leather, spandex, or other materials, which looked more flexible and breathable, but also less protective and durable.
I decided to use a combination of different fabrics and materials to create my own version of a catsuit that would suit my needs and preferences. I wanted something sleek and form-fitting, but also sturdy and resilient. Something that would enhance the natural beauty and abilities of Druuna, but also, provide her with some level of protection and comfort.
I will work on Galatea's ensemble later since she was a Kryptonian and a clone of Kara. I need more advanced and better materials, in order to properly design and create her outfit. I began to sketch out some designs on the holographic screen, using some references from various sources. I liked the aesthetic of the Black Widow's suit from the Marvel movies but without the red and black color scheme and some armor plating on the chest, shoulders, arms, and legs. I also liked the look of the Catwoman's suit from the Batman comics, which had a black leather material and some claws on the gloves and boots. I also added some features from other sources, such as a utility belt, a hood, a mask, and some pockets for some gadgets.
I was satisfied with my design, so I proceeded to create a 3D model of it on the screen. I then used the fabricator to produce a copy of the catsuit for Druuna. I made sure to adjust the size and measurements according to her body type. I didn't add anything more to her suit until I knew more about her preferences and personality.
I finished making the suit and took it out of the fabricator. I held it in my hand and admired it for a moment. It looked amazing and felt smooth and soft to the touch. It was Kevlar padded for now and had some nanofibers woven into it, making it resistant to cuts and punctures. It had a blue and black color scheme and It also had some thermal and electrical insulation to protect Druuna from extreme temperatures and electric shocks.
This was my first time ever designing or making something like this or even like…ever actually, so there was more room for improvement, but I was satisfied with my first attempt. I would bring it to Druuna and perhaps get her input on it. Maybe she had some feedback or suggestions on it.
I put the suit in a bag and walked back to the living room, where Druuna was still lying on the couch. Quintero was hovering over her, scanning her vitals and brain activity.
"Any changes?" I asked him.
Quintero nodded, "Yes, Boss. Her neural stimulation has increased by another 10%. She should be waking up any minute now."
"Good," I said, placing the bag on the table next to the couch. "I have something for her to wear when she wakes up."
Quintero looked at the bag curiously, "What is it?"
"A catsuit," I answered.
Quintero raised an eyebrow, "A catsuit? Why a catsuit?"
I shrugged, "Why not? It's practical and stylish. And I think she'll look good in it."
Quintero smirked, "Oh, I see. You have a thing for women in catsuits, don't you, Boss?"
I rolled my eyes and smirked back, "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. What's it to you, Baywatch?"
Quintero chuckled, "Nothing, nothing. Just making an observation, Boss."
I ignored his teasing and focused on Druuna. She was still unconscious, but I could see some signs of movement in her eyelids and fingers. She was about to wake up soon. I sat down on the chair next to her and waited patiently.
But all of a sudden I feel my phone buzzed in my pocket. Picking it up I see it was from an unknown number but my suspicion was relieved upon reading the message in it.
*Hey is Kara, I'm just texting to see if you're okay. You left in a hurry and I was worried about you. Also, you forgot your tea set here. Do you want me to keep it for you or return it to you?*
I smile, appreciate her concern, and type back a reply. *Hi Kara, I appreciate your concern. I'm fine, just had to deal with something urgent. I'll come back for the tea set later. Thanks for keeping it safe for me.*
*Really? When are you going to come back? I still have some questions for you. And maybe we can talk more over a cup of tea.*
I paused, wondering how to reply. I wanted to see Kara again, but I also had to deal with Druuna and the Waller problem at the same time. I didn't know how long it would take to get Druuna up to speed and ready for action. I also didn't want to keep Kara waiting or make her think I was avoiding her.
I decided to be honest and vague at the same time. *I'm not sure yet. I have some things to take care of first. But I'll let you know when I'm free. And yes, I would love to talk more with you over tea.*
I hit send and hoped she would understand and be patient. I didn't want to lose her interest or trust, but I also had other priorities and responsibilities. But then The phone buzzed again.
"Oh ok then but just letting you know. I am always at the library on the weekend.*
Huh. So she was a regular visitor to the library. That made sense, considering what I knew about her in comic books and what I gleaned from the face-to-face conversation. I wondered what kind of books she liked to read, and if we had any common interests.
I typed back a reply. *That's good to know. Maybe I'll see you there then. Thanks for the heads up, Kara.*
*You're welcome, Bourne. I hope to see you soon.*
*Me too, Kara. Bye for now.*
I ended the text conversation and put the phone back in my pocket. I looked at Quintero, who was giving me a knowing smile.
"What?" I asked him.
"Nothing, nothing," Quintero said innocently. "Just wondering how long it will take you to ask her out."
I sighed, "Quintero, please. This is not the time for that."
"Fine, fine," Quintero said, dropping the subject. "But you have to admit, she's a catch. And she seems to like you too."
I didn't reply, but I couldn't deny that he had a point. Kara was a catch, and I did feel something for her. But I also had other things to worry about right now. Like Druuna.
Speaking of which, I noticed that she was starting to stir on the couch. Her eyelids fluttered open and she blinked a few times, looking around in confusion. She looks up and our eyes meet. And damn, she is pretty like in that erotic comic.
Definitely ONE of My types of women. She has long black hair that falls over her shoulders, her once tan skin which had strangely turned pale that contrasts with her dark eyes, and full lips that curve into a slight smile. She looks at me with curiosity and recognition the first time she lays her eyes on me then her gaze turns smoldering and seductive. She licks her lips and says in a husky voice, "Oh...Hello, Who Might you be handsome?"
AN: You boy going off on a Break to Try to work on the story and get it up to my standards of quality. Just so you know I haven't stopped working on the story because I care about it and want to make it the best it can humanly be. I appreciate your patience and support, and I'll be back soon with more updates. Thank you for understanding!
This story is free and if you want to donate to help a brother out. Here is me PayPal: https://pà
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