Author Note: This is a kind of !!!CRACKISH!!! Fanfiction. I don't own Marvel and DC, nor I am some sort of loremaster.
1 week later
Otto POV
Unnamed Pocket Dimension
Kryptonian biology is fascinating and very strange at the same time. Their cells are denser and more efficient than those of any other known species. But what truly sets them apart is their ability to absorb and process solar radiation, which gives them incredible strength and resilience.
Unlike your normal everyday human, Kryptonians have enhanced physical abilities such as superhuman strength, speed, agility, and endurance. Their powers also include X-ray vision, super hearing, and heat vision.
Whoever works on Galatea who I suspect might be one Dr. Emil Hamilton is a genius. The female Kryptonian clones are an almost perfect replica of her originator, Supergirl. She possesses all the same powers and abilities, and her genetic makeup is practically identical. The only difference I am seeing analyzing the data from the advanced scanner from my lab is that she seems to be artificially aged to her prime compared to Supergirl's natural aging process.
"Whoa, dude this is very fascinating" A male voice pipes up beside me. I turned to the voice and see a small green hologram of a person floating beside me. It was my Smart AI assistant, Quintero. The UNSC AI looks like your stereotypical surfer dude with his blonde hair and sunglasses, making him stand out in my lab filled with high-tech equipment.
After my faithful meeting with Black Canary and Zatana, I was able to get to my holo table just in time to greet my new AI companion. At first, the AI looked to have a Monogender look to them but over the weekend and getting to know each other better, Quintero revealed themselves to be more fluid in their appearance.
(Galatea LV???)
Galatea was still sleeping in her stasis pod. Over the weekend after taking her out of my inventory, I still haven't let her out or even try to open the stasis pod. Because Galatea was a blank slate meaning there was no programmed personality or memories for her, I wasn't exactly sure how to approach introducing her to the world. And I don't want to deal with a fully grown Kryptonian with the mentality of a baby.
Well…I could implant her with knowledge and experience with my Telepathy. But I…still don't have enough experience or the know-how to do it perfectly. Over the week, I have been getting the feel and understanding of my new power, but it's still not enough to take on such a big task. I was not Martian Manhunter or even Jean Grey level yet. But I can feel with practice and time, I may be able to get to that level or even beyond. Galatea would have to wait for the time being. BUT there are many ways I could go about it.
One, I could buy something that helps with my Telepathy like a how-to book from the Infinite Shops of the System Forces that contain literally everything from across the multiverse but I might have to maybe spend a fortune for it. Two, I could search for a mentor or someone who has experience with Telepathy and could teach me how to do it properly.
Now…I don't want to get myself involved too much with the justice league or the other heroes just yet, I don't want to bring too much attention to me. And I definitely don't want to go to Charles Xavier in the Marvel Universe. The bald guy is too much of a control freak for my liking. Jean Grey was a victim of the guy's hubris and I don't want to end up like a half-lobotomized tool for his cause.
I sighed heavily, rubbing my temples. It was frustrating not being able to help Galatea properly. She deserved better than being trapped in that stasis pod. But I had to be patient and wait for the right moment. Looking at the clone floating inside the pod, the stunning and dare I say tempting blonde woman was naked and had a calm expression on her face. It almost seemed like she was in a peaceful slumber.
"Any progress on how to wake her up?" Quintero asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.
"Not yet, but I have some ideas. I just need to do a bit more research and practice my Telepathy," I replied, still lost in thought.
"Got it, boss. You know, you should take a walk on the beach to clear your head. It might help you come up with some solutions," Quintero suggested.
I frowned at the AI. "I'm not really in the mood for a walk on the beach, Quintero."
"Come on, dude. It'll be good for you. Fresh air, sunshine, and some exercise. And who knows, maybe you'll meet some cute girls," Quintero said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
I rolled my eyes. "I highly doubt there is anyone other than us in this dimension right now, but fine. I'll guess I take a walk on the beach."
"Awesome, dude. And don't worry I gonna keep an eye on Galatea while you're gone."
"Yea and also keep an eye on the outside world and inform me of any unusual event or noteworthy news," I added before making my way out of the lab.
"You got it, boss. Have fun!"
"You too Baywatch," I said sarcastically before leaving the lab and heading towards the beach.
I like Quintero, The UNSC AI is a Six-generation general-purpose smart AI, unlike Cortana which was created for a specific task, or even Isabel which was made to govern the Ark, Quintero had a more casual and laid-back approach to things, which I appreciate. He is a pretty damn capable and powerful AI with access to a wide array of information Either locally or multiverse and the best and special thing about Quintero is that I don't have to worry about the problem of rampancy.
Quintero was given to me by My sponsor who I suspect is an extremely Powerful Cosmic Entity, but I didn't question it too much. I have decided to stop questioning everything ever since I met My sponsor, it's just that the more questions I have the more I feel like I am going to lose my mind.
I am the type of guy who goes with the flow and adapts to any situation no matter how insane it is. This is probably one of the reasons why I got picked and selected into the S.A.S. in the first place. And I had a feeling that with time all of my questions will be answered eventually.
There are many things on my mind as I walk on the beach, but I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and calm wash over me. The sound of waves crashing against the shore, and the warmth of the sun on my skin, it was all very therapeutic. I have to thank my sponsor for providing me with this pocket dimension if I ever see her again. I walked for a while until I found a spot to sit down and think. I decided to open and look through my stats after nearly a week of not checking in on it.
Level = 108
Exp = 3500/10700
HP = 43000/43000
MP = 18000
Skills Points: 940
STR = 20 + (300) = 320
VIT = 10 + (500) = 510
DEF = 10 + (600) = 610
DEX = 20 + (300) = 320
INT=35 X (5) = 175
CHA =25
WILL = 100
PER = 20
LUK= 80
I still haven't decided on how I should spend my skill points. There are many options and paths I could take, but I need to think carefully before making any decisions. Hmm…maybe I should go for a balanced approach, strengthening both my physical and soul stats at the same time. But my main goal right now is to figure out my class. It's been bugging me for a while now, but I still don't have any concrete answers.
~{(Sci-fi) Or (Fantasy)~
(Pick 4 of Each category)
(Note: avatars can Switch out their class Every 24 hours)
-Page1- 10
1. Space Marine - Your training and combat experience make you a formidable warrior in any situation.
2. Engineer - Your knowledge of technology and mechanics enable you to build and repair advanced machinery.
3. Pilot - Your expertise in spacecraft allows you to navigate through the stars and engage in combat in space.
4. Hacker - Your skills in computer programming and hacking make you a valuable asset for any mission.
-Page1- 12
1. Knight - Your combat training and chivalry make you a noble and honorable warrior.
2. Mage - Your magical abilities allow you to cast spells and wield powerful arcane forces.
3. Rogue - Your stealth and cunning make you a versatile fighter who can infiltrate enemy territory and gather intel.
4. Cleric - Your devotion to a deity grants you healing and protective powers, as well as the ability to vanquish evil.
There are over fucking 80 classes I can choose from and with so many options, it's hard to decide. From a simple farmer or chef class to a scientist or even a summoned class that allowed me to summon a variety of minions or mythical animals to aid me in battle.
I have a feeling that my class would determine my overall build and playstyle. And with so many options, I need to choose carefully. Maybe I should research more about each class and their abilities before making a decision. But at the same time, I also have the option to switch out my classes every 24 hours, so perhaps I can try out a few and see which ones I enjoy the most.
I sighed, feeling overwhelmed with all the decisions I have to make. Managing all of these stats, skills, and classes is not easy, but I knew that to survive in this world, I needed to make the right choices. I decided to take a break from thinking about my stats and classes and just sit there, enjoying the scenery.
Then I heard a coughing behind me. I turn to the sound and see a figure standing behind me. It was an Asian woman, wearing black-and-white Japanese kimono. She had a neutral expression on her face as she looked at me. And I instantly know who that was.
"Madam," I greeted my sponsor. Speak of the devil and she appears, I guess.
"Captain Gallahan, it's good to see you again. How have you been settling in?" She asked, standing beside me.
"I've been doing fine, thank you. This pocket dimension you provided for me is amazing, I couldn't ask for more," I replied, trying to keep my tone respectful.
"That's good to hear. Tell me, how are you finding your new powers?" The woman said, turning to face me.
"I'm still getting used to them, but I have been practicing and starting to get the hang of things. Though, there are still some things I need to figure out," I admitted honestly.
"That's understandable. But don't worry, Captain Gallahan. You have a lot of potentials, and I have faith you will do well to get stronger…"
I nodded, feeling a sense of encouragement from her words. I didn't know much about my sponsor, but I could tell that she was powerful and knowledgeable.
"Thank you, Madam. But if I may ask, why did you choose me to be your avatar?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.
She smiled mysteriously. "Let's just say that I saw something special in you. Something that sets you apart from others."
I know that the System Forces choose its avatar carefully. The chosen avatar must possess certain qualities such as courage, determination, and a strong will to succeed. But there like billions if not trillions of those people across the multiverse, why was I chosen specifically?
"The System Forces was my pride and joy Captain. And I wanted to entrust it to someone who I knew could handle the responsibility. Someone who had the potential to become one of the strongest avatars in the Omniverse," she continued. "Someone who can help us in our finest hours and darkest moments."
I wasn't sure what she meant by "our finest hours and darkest moments" but that sounded way too ominous. But I didn't want to pry too much, knowing that my sponsor was a powerful entity and probably had her reasons for choosing me. Instead, I changed the subject.
"Madam, can I ask for your opinion on something?" I asked, feeling a bit nervous.
"Of course, Captain. What is it that's troubling you?"
"Please no need to call me Captain, just Otto is fine."
"Hmm…very well then Otto" The woman sends a smirk at me. "You may also call me by my name, Eon or Big E if you like to be hip.
I couldn't help but chortle at her casual way of speaking. "Eon, I have been trying to figure out how I am going to get stronger, it said in the System Forces that I could LV UP by defeating any powerful opponents or enemies. But I don't know where to start my LV UP journey. Do you have any suggestions or advice on how I can find worthy opponents to defeat?"
Eon nodded, contemplating my question. "There are many ways to find strong opponents, Otto. You could search for and challenge other powerful Villains or beings in the multiverse, Mission or Quest, participate in tournaments or competitions, or even explore dangerous and uncharted territories."
"Or you can look at the Power Ranking"
"Power Ranking?" I asked, intrigued.
"Yes, the Power Ranking. It's an LV ranking system that measures the strength of every sentient being in the multiverse. It's constantly updated and monitored by the System Forces. By checking the Power Ranking, you can see who the strongest and highest LV beings in the multiverse are and challenge them to a battle," Eon explained.
"That sounds interesting. How do I access the Power Ranking?" I inquired.
"It's simple. Just activate your [Stats] and think about 'Power Ranking.' The holographic interface will display the rankings for you," Eon replied.
"Alright, I'll give it a try. Thank you for your advice, Eon," I said, feeling grateful for her help.
"No problem, Otto. There is one more thing to note: The Power Ranking is currently locked at the DC universe preference meaning you have to be in the top 5 of the DC Universe to unlock the ranking for other universes. But don't worry, with your potential and the guidance of the System Forces, I do not doubt that you will reach the top ranks soon enough," Eon added.
"Thank you again, Madam. I appreciate your wisdom and guidance," I said, feeling more determined than ever to become stronger and reach the top of the Power Ranking.
Eon nodded, but before she turned to leave. "Oh, there is one more thing I need to tell you, and the whole reason I came to see you today."
I raised an eyebrow, curious. "What is it?"
"Your escape from Cadmus did not go unnoticed. Certain government officials have taken an interest in your sudden disappearance. You may know who "she" is."
"Waller," I said. Already anticipating the worst.
This story is free and if you want to donate to help a brother out. Here is me PayPal: https://pà
Author Note: This is a kind of !!!CRACKISH!!! Fanfiction. I don't own Marvel and DC, nor I am some sort of loremaster.
I only writing this for fun nor I am British.
Edit: I didn't like how this chapter ends so I have to rewrite it. I hope you understand.
Eon nodded. "Yes Waller, or the Wall as she is known, is quite a tenacious woman when it comes to tracking down those who have crossed her. I suggest you keep a low profile and be cautious in your actions, Otto. You don't want to draw unnecessary attention to yourself."
"Especially when you also have the Kryptonian clone in your custody…She will do whatever it takes to get her Asset back, even sending a certain "Team" after you," Eon continued looking back at me with a hard seriousness.
I nodded, feeling a sense of uneasiness at the mention of Waller. In the comic Amanda Waller is known for her ruthless tactics and willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve her goals. I knew that I needed to be careful and not underestimate her abilities.
"Understood, Ma'am. I'll be careful," I replied.
"Good. And for that reason, I am going to give you something to…even the playing field one may say. Something to use and care for…Something that I believe you might like and enjoy." Eon said with a smirk on her face.
"What is it?"
Eon just smiled at me as she raised her hand. And before I knew it, something materialized right in front of my very eyes. At first, I didn't know what it was, but as the things began to form organs and skins, I realized it was a…person? The Woman? Because it was definitely a Woman who fell into my arms.
"One thing to note, I don't give a damn if you kill or Maim people with her, Otto. But I suggest you make good use of her "abilities" we shall call it…" Eon said, her smirk growing even wider.
"Now…Don't you ever tell me I didn't do anything for you Gallahan…but for now…you on your own ciao" Eon continued winking suggestively at me before disappearing in a flash.
I was left standing there, holding the woman in my arms, feeling confused and shocked. What just happened? I looked at the woman who I had set on the sand. Looking her over, the woman was stunning, she wore a scantily clad outfit, showing a bit of her Pinkish brown areola sticking out. She has a curvaceous and voluptuous figure, with prominent breasts and hips, emphasized by her tight clothing. Her face is striking too, a beautiful face with full lips. She has tan skin and gorgeous raven-black hair that frames her face perfectly. She looks… strangely familiar to me like I have seen her in a magazine or even in a comic book before and I have read dozens if not hundreds of comic books growing up.
The woman was still unconscious, so I picked her up and carried her over to my base, trying to figure out what to do next. I didn't want to assume anything about her, but I couldn't help but wonder why Eon gave her to me. As I laid her down on a large soft couch, I hurriedly took my medical scanner from the lab and returned to the living room. Quintero, my AI companion at the best time, decided to show himself. He had a cheeky smile on his avatar as I began to check over the beautiful woman.
"Well, well, well, looks like someone is getting lucky today," Quintero teased.
I pointed my fingers up and gave him a deadpan look. "Not a fucking word Quint but I respect your effort to lighten the mood,"
"Hey, I'm just saying. She's hot," Quintero said with a chuckle.
I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore his comment. My focus was on the scanner and trying to figure out who this woman is and why Eon gave her to me.
Quintero chuckled, realizing I wasn't in the mood for jokes about my unexpected guest. "Alright, alright. I'll be serious now. Is she alright?"
I scanned the woman's vitals and injuries, relieved to find that she was just unconscious and had no serious injuries. "She seems to be fine, just unconscious. But I don't know who she is or why Eon gave her to me."
"I guess you are talking about your sponsor rights? Well, let me check and see if I can find any information on her," Quintero offered.
I nodded, grateful for his help. Quintero began scanning the woman's body, looking for any identification or clues. After a minute, he looked up at me with a surprised expression.
"Dude! you are not going to believe this!" Quintero said laughing, shaking his head in disbelief.
"What is it?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at The UNSC AI.
"I was looking through my Multiverse database, and it turns out that this woman is actually a character from an obscure erotic science fiction and fantasy comic book."
I stared at UNSC Smart AI, feeling a mix of shock and confusion. "Wait, what? Are you taking a piss mate? Who is she then?"
"Druuna," Quintero said, showing me a picture of the comic book character on the tv screen.
No fucking way…I couldn't believe it. Back when I was an older teenage lad, my grandfather had kept a stack of those comic books in the attic. I first thought those stacks were just your good old superhero comic that I love to read from time to time but boy was I wrong.
"What the hell...Druuna?" I said, feeling a mix of disbelief and excitement.
"Yes, that's right. Druuna is a fictional character created by Italian cartoonist Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri. She's an obscure character in the erotic comic book genre, known for her sexy appearances and adventurous storylines," Quintero explained.
Druuna was a guilty pleasure for me and combined with my hormonal teenage brain. As A Result, I developed a "fantasy" about her, sure there were also other sexy comic book characters I was attracted to, and considering that I am now in the DC universe with real superheroes and villains, I never thought I would actually meet a fictional character like her in person.
But now, standing in front of the "real" Druuna? I still have doubts if she is the real deal or if Eon just manifests another version of her because I strongly suspect that's what Eon just did. I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and a bit of shame at the same time. Thinking about her like she was some sex object was completely ungentlemanly of me. I am British and we Brits are supposed to act with chivalry and decency. But still, the temptation was there, and I couldn't deny the attraction.
But regardless of my feelings, I knew that I needed to focus on what to do next. Druuna was here in front of me, in the flesh, and I needed to make sure that she was okay and figure out why Eon had given Druuna to me.
I took a deep breath, trying to collect my thoughts. "Okay, Quintero. We need to figure out why Eon gave Druuna to me and what I should do with her. We can't just have her walking around not knowing what's going on."
Quintero nodded, understanding my concerns. "Agreed. Let me do a deeper scan of her to see if there are any anomalies or abnormalities."
I watched as The UNSC Smart AI did another scan of Druuna, looking for any signs of manipulation or interference. After a few minutes, he looked up at me, his avatar's expression astonished and amazed at the same time.
"Woah boss you look at these readings on her biosignature! They are off the charts! It's like she's not even human."
I looked at the screen and saw what Quintero was talking about. Druuna's bio-signature was unlike anything I had ever seen before. It was like she was a mix of humans and something else entirely.
"So she is enhanced like a metahuman or a mutant ?" I asked, trying to make sense of the readings.
The Little Green AI shrugged. "It's hard to say. She's definitely not a normal human, that's for sure"
I nodded, feeling even more curious and confused. "Alright, let's keep scanning her and see what else we can find out. And in the meantime, I'm going to try something …"
I began trying to use my Telepathy seeing it as a good opportunity to get some practice going and a feel for her mind. Over the week of staying in the pocket dimension, I have had some minor experimentation with my Telepathy using Galatea's mind for practice but considering that the Kryptonian clone's mind was a complete blank with no memory or thought patterns, it didn't help much with my training. But I have been able to develop some techniques.
I closed my eyes and focused my mind, trying to reach out to Druuna's mind. As I delved deeper, my invisible Psionics Tendril caressed her mind, searching for any thoughts or memories. Her mind was surprisingly shielded and difficult to penetrate, touching her mental shield has a sensation like touching the outer armor of a tank, that is until my Psionics Tendril touched a particular spot in her shield. It almost feels like a hole of some kind. It almost feels like a key slot…
And upon my Psionics Tendril being "slotted" Suddenly I feel a tingling sensation in my mind. It was like a feeling of being examined and scanned and then approved?... And the next thing I knew my Psionics Tendril was able to "penetrate" into her mind. Huh so her mental shield had what looked similar to a biometric scanner but instead of fingerprint or retina scans, it was a psychic authentication method. Hmm…Very fascinating.
Once my Psionics Tendril was inside her mind, I then projected my Astral self into her mind in order to explore it. Astral Projection was one of the techniques I developed after I experimented with Telepathy. The first time it happened it was trippy as hell seeing your own body lying there while you float around like a ghost, but over time I started to get used to it.
As I explored Druuna's mind, her mind seemed surprisingly almost empty but it was not like Galatea's blank slate. There was no memory BUT there was what seemed to be knowledge of some kind imparted into her mind by some external force or intelligence. It was like she was programmed with certain abilities and knowledge.
It was probably Eon doing… I thought to myself. It made sense. If Eon had given Druuna to me, then it was likely that she had also given her some enhancements or abilities, to use her as a tool or weapon. But what exactly was Druuna capable of?
As my astral self explored deeper, I began to see flashes of knowledge and thoughts. From basic skills like cooking or cleaning to advanced skills like hand-to-hand combat and marksmanship to even more advanced and specialized skills like hacking, espionage, and infiltration. It was clear that Druuna was not just a pretty face, but a highly trained and skilled individual, despite the lack of memories or personal experiences.
But Then I saw what seems to be a piece of paper stuck on another set of knowledge and upon a closer look, it seems to be made out of some sort of Psionic Construct. I focused my attention on the paper, trying to make out what it said. As I looked closer, I saw that it was a message from Eon, written in the form of a Psionic construct. It read:
"Treat her however you wish, but remember that she is more than just a pretty face. Druuna is equipped with an array of skills and abilities, including enhanced physical and mental capabilities. There is also another thing about her...she has a quirk to her that I think you may "enjoy"( ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
My eyebrows raised at the last sentence of the message. What kind of quirk does Druuna have that Eon thinks I'll enjoy? I couldn't help but feel a bit apprehensive and curious at the same time. But right now, I needed to focus on the task at hand and not get too distracted by my own desires.
I withdrew my astral self from her mind and opened my eyes. I saw Druuna lying in front of me, still unconscious but breathing steadily trying to collect my thoughts and figure out what to do next. I knew that I needed to make sure that Druuna was comfortable and safe, and that I needed to plan out how to deal with Waller.
With the knowledge from Eon and the readings from our scans, I knew that Druuna was definitely a valuable asset and ally. I needed to figure out how to utilize her skills and knowledge to further my own goals and become stronger. I took a deep breath, feeling a mix of uneasy and determination. It was time to start planning and strategizing. Druuna was here, and I was ready to make the most of this unexpected gift.
"Fuckin Hell" I grumbled.
This story is free and if you want to donate to help a brother out. Here is me PayPal: https://pà
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