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32.46% I Have a Time Travel Simulator / Chapter 61: Chapter 61: Night Chat with Utaha Kasumigaoka and Yukinoshita Yukino

Chapter 61: Chapter 61: Night Chat with Utaha Kasumigaoka and Yukinoshita Yukino

"Ah~ It's finally over. I've raised a daughter now."

After Daki is settled.

Kitahara Hakushu also returned to his room, lay on the bed, and said with a smile on his face.

Don't look at him disliking this and that in front of Daki, but in fact, he thinks that Daki's daughter is quite interesting.

After all, what a wonderful daughter.

And she's a big daughter.

Putting this identity on Daki, wouldn't the contrast be cute?

The most important thing is that although this daughter lacks common sense, she is really obedient.

This made Kitahara Hakushu extremely comfortable.

In the future, if we attack Daki, wouldn't this interest come?

"However, the Gyutaro is really daring."

Kitahara Hakushu also said with emotion when he thought about the matter of their brother and sister.

This is him.

If it were a good and thorough person, it would be absolutely impossible for Daki to be tolerated.

And if it were a completely evil person, then Daki's fate would not be much better.

There is only Kitahara Hakushu.

Although he is also good in the eyes of the Gyutaro.

But he has his own set of code of conduct, which is the most suitable for Daki nowadays.

Perhaps, this is also the reason why the Gyutaro handed Daki to Kitahara Hakushu.

But even so.

The Gyutaro is actually betting on this matter, betting for his sister.

That's why Kitahara Hakushu said he dared, he was really brave.

Of course, he also knew.

It is estimated that I will not see the Gyutaro again in the future.

After all, the Gyutaro said in a letter that he would not mess around in this world.

However, as a Demon.

He didn't use medicine, but he thought that "evil" had to eat people in order to survive.

In this case, there is only one way to ensure that you will not mess around.


Probably only the innocent girl like Daki couldn't see it.

Kitahara Hakushu saw the death of the Gyutaro at a glance.

Of course, Kitahara Hakushu didn't intend to tell Daki the truth.

The current Daki still can't bear this, and keeping it hidden is the best result.

As a Demon, the Gyutaro has committed countless evils.

But as an elder brother, Gyutaro has also achieved the ultimate in protecting his younger sister, Daki.

"Anyway, the matter of Demons destroying the world is now completely over." Kitahara Hakushu said.

That's right, now is the result.

the demon slayer must kill Kibutsuji Muzan to exterminate the demon, but the demon is still not extinct.

Only when the Demons of both worlds are wiped out will it be finally over.

After all, Kitahara Hakushu has to thank Daki for this matter, otherwise it would be really troublesome if there are demon lurking in this world.

on this matter.

Kitahara Hakushu also discovered a shortcoming of himself.

That is, although he is powerful, in terms of finding someone, it is a bit difficult to be honest.

Might have to figure it out later.

And just as Kitahara Hakushu was thinking, his cell phone rang again.

It is Utaha Kasumigaoka.

Kitahara Hakushu picked up the phone and smiled slightly when he saw the person on it.

Recently, Utaha Kasumigaoka has become more and more enthusiastic about sending emails to him.

[Kasumi Utako: Byakuya-sensei~ Are you coming over tonight? I'm very welcome here.]

[Kasumi Utako: By the way, what I'm wearing tonight is still Byakuya-sensei's favorite black silk.]

Good guy, as expected of Utaha Kasumigaoka, she said things that ordinary girls would never dare to say easily.

But the point is that you are the one who said this, and you don't know who it is when you are doing the real thing with a face full of fear.

Kitahara Hakushu thought so, and replied with a smile.

[Byakuya: Sorry, maybe not tonight. Someone in my family needs to be taken care of, so it's not easy to leave.]

[Kasumi Utako: Is there anyone at home? Is it a woman?]

[Byakuya: Yes.]

[Kasumi Utako: Woohoo, I'm crying. Byakuya-sensei is not even willing to lie to me. Obviously, Byakuya-sensei and I have lived together, but sensei actually abandoned me for another woman.]

[Kasumi Utako: This world is so dangerous, Byakuya-sensei, do you know how scared I am alone? Is cohabitation so worthless? I didn't expect you to be such a man who loves the new and dislikes the old. I misunderstanding you.]

Kitahara Hakushu answered truthfully.

Because he felt that there was no need to hide it at all.

As a result, Utaha Kasumigaoka directly played the upper body, and began to cry to Kitahara Hakushu, making Kitahara Hakushu laugh.

[Byakuya: Okay, no problem, next time I will try to become a man who has lived with Kasumi Utako-sensei!]

[Kasumi Utako: ... this, that, then I'll wait.]

At this moment, Utaha Kasumigaoka face was flushed.

If the molestation fails, he will be transferred, and he is talking about Utaha Kasumigaoka.

But if you lose, you don't lose. Even though Utaha Kasumigaoka was shy in her heart, she still said it firmly.

[Byakuya: As for the danger, you don't have to worry, Utaha, all the Demon in this world have been wiped out.]

Utaha Kasumigaoka was stunned when he saw Kitahara Hakushu's words.

They were all wiped out...?

Although she doesn't know how many demon there are in this world.

But it must be difficult to wipe them all out.

As expected of Byakuya-sensei.

Utaha Kasumigaoka showed a smile on her face, feeling... Maybe she really became more and more fascinated by Byakuya-sensei, and maybe she was about to fall completely.

Though thinking so, Utaha Kasumigaoka typed.

[Kasumi Utako: You actually wiped out all the demon. You are worthy of Byakuya-sensei. Let me praise you, but the demon have been eliminated. What about the ghost? What happened to the ghost? Also eliminated?]

[Beihara Hakushu: ...That's not true, Utaha, you have to understand that there are so many ghost in this world, and they don't have much impact on human beings, so under normal circumstances I don't care about them.]

[Kasumi Utako: Hehe, that's why I need Byakuya-sensei to accompany me. Even if it doesn't affect me, I will still be afraid knowing that there are ghost in this world. After all, I am a girl.]

Remember you are a girl now?

When Kitahara Hakushu saw this, he felt a little funny, and immediately replied.

[Byakuya: Then, why don't Kasumi Utako-sensei move to my house in the future? My house is quite big.]

[Kasumi Utako: Move, move to your house? I didn't expect Byakuya-sensei to be such a corrupt person, I misunderstanding you.]

[Byakuya: Then why don't you say whether you will come or not?]

[Kasumi Utako: Come!]

? ? ?

Now, it was Kitahara Hakushu's turn to be a little surprised.

I never thought that Utaha Kasumigaoka would actually agree so readily.

However, what Kitahara Hakushu didn't know was.

because it is related to creativity, Kasumigaoka Utaha used to stay in hotels outside from time to time.

Even though Kitahara Hakuaki and Kasumigaoka Utaha didn't do what they should have done that night, they did everything they shouldn't.

For Kasumigaoka Utaha, Kitahara Hakushu is a very familiar person.

Anyway, I have to stay in a hotel, so where should I live? Why don't you stay at Kitahara Hakushu's house?

There are demon, ghost, or other supernatural things in this world.

Utaha Kasumigaoka said that she was not fake.

Now, only staying by Kitahara Hakushu's side can make her feel at ease.

that's it.

It was just joking around.

But both of them took it seriously.

Soon, it was agreed to move here on the weekend.

Utaha Kasumigaoka didn't care, and Kitahara Hakushu naturally didn't care much more.

Who would think there are too many beauties at home?

[ Kasumi Utako: Oh, by the way, Byakuya-sensei, editor Machida Sonoko said, you have been a little slack in updating novels recently, she herself dare not disturb you, knowing that I have a good relationship with you, so she asked me to urge you.]

[ Byakuya: This is the business you are looking for today, Utaha-san, it's a shame that you said it now.]

[ Kasumi Utako: Hee hee, after all, I know that you are very busy, Byakuya-sensei, and you are busy protecting the world, so there is nothing you can do about it, but if possible, sensei should seriously update the novel, after all I But your fans.]

[ Byakuya-sensei: Well, since Utaha-san fans have said so, then I will reluctantly write about it]

The two chatted constantly on the line.

This can be regarded as the daily life and fun between them.

Utaha Kasumigaoka has already decided to move here in a few days.

Of course, it was hidden from her parents.

Anyway, she often lives in hotels, and her parents are used to her not coming home, so they are not afraid of being exposed.

After another round of conversation between the two, they also ended their conversation.

However, just when Kitahara Hakushu was about to turn off the screen and put down the phone.

His cell phone rang again.

Yukinoshita Yukino!

Kitahara Hakushu's face was a bit astonished, he thought it was Utaha Kasumigaoka.

Unexpectedly, this time, it turned out to be Yukinoshita-senpai.

[ Yukinoshita: Kitahara-kun, are you asleep yet?]

[ Kitahara Hakushu: No, is Yukinoshita-senpai okay?]

[ Yukinoshita: I'm sorry for disturbing Kitahara-kun late at night, but I actually have some questions I want to ask you. I didn't have the opportunity before, and the daytime is not suitable, so I can only make a bad plan...]

[ Kitahara Hakushu: It's okay, Yukinoshita-senpai, just ask if you have any questions.]

[ Yukinoshita: Well, Kitahara-kun, I want to know, are there many demon that cannibalize you mentioned earlier in this world? I read some related news today, and it feels like they just popped up out of nowhere.]

[ Kitahara Hakushu: Not many, please rest assured, Yukinoshita-senpai, those demon have been dealt with.]

[ Yukinoshita: Has it been resolved? That's how it is, I would like to ask again, it doesn't matter if you don't answer, Kitahara-kun. In this world, are there many heroes who protect the world like you, Kitahara Hakushu?]

[ Kitahara Hakushu: Sorry, Yukinoshita-senpai, I don't know much about this, but as far as I know, I'm the only one.]

Is there only one person...

When Yukinoshita Yukino saw this sentence, she was silent for a long time, only feeling that she was inexplicably distressed.

She couldn't imagine how much pressure Kitahara Hakushu endured by himself in the face of those monsters.

The Kouhai must have worked very hard.

Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't help thinking in her heart.

At the same time, she made up her mind.

In fact, what Yukinoshita Yukino has always believed in is to lend a helping hand to those who encounter difficulties.

To this end, she also created a Ministry of Service at school.

It can be said that it is somewhat similar to Kitahara Hakushu who is now guarding the world.

It's just that her service department is just doing small things, at most helping the students in the school.

But Kitahara Hakushu extended a helping hand to the whole world, guarding everything silently by himself.

[ Kitahara Hakushu: Don't worry, Yukinoshita-senpai, with me here, nothing will happen in this world, least for now.]


Yukinoshita Yukino saw Kitahara Hakushu's words.

For a while, I couldn't help but think too much.

It's just that at present, that is to say, in the future, there may be incidents that even Kitahara-kun can't solve?

This made Yukinoshita Yukino a little nervous.


What she didn't know was.

Kitahara Hakushu actually means that he can still control the world to prevent any changes.

But if there are more fused worlds in the future, he may not be able to control things like the exposure of super powers...

[ Yukinoshita: Kouhai-kun, I want to ask, how can I become a person like my Kouhai? I don't want to be as powerless as last time when I'm in danger again. I also want to help my Kouhai. As long as I can help Kitahara-kun, even if it means getting injured or dying, I'm willing.]

Extend a helping hand to those in need.

It is one of Yukinoshita Yukino's beliefs.


Teaching a man to fish is worse than giving him a fish.

It is also the belief that Yukinoshita Yukino believes in!

Therefore, Yukinoshita Yukino wanted to help Kitahara Hakushu very, very much.

I don't want Kitahara Hakushu to bear everything for everyone in this world

Even though she knew it would be dangerous, it could be hard work.

But she would too!

Kitahara Hakushu was also stunned when he saw Yukinoshita Yukino's words.

He never thought that someone would say such a thing to him.

help him?

[ Kitahara Hakushu: Yukinoshita-senpai, it may be very hard work if you do this. Moreover, if you want to become strong, you can't do it overnight. I don't think it's necessary.]

Can Yukinoshita Yukino become stronger?


The Hashira of Demon Slayer World are becoming stronger one by one through self-cultivation.

If Kitahara Hakushu is willing to teach.

Not to mention anything else, if Yukinoshita Yukino reached the level of The Hashira, it would be completely fine.

However, Kitahara Hakushu really felt that it was unnecessary.

After all, it takes too long to consume that way, and with more and more worlds.

It is estimated that the strength of Demon Slayer World may become nothing.

Therefore, instead of agreeing to Yukinoshita Yukino, Kitahara Hakushu finally chose to persuade her to give up.

[ Yukoshita: It doesn't matter, I believe I can persevere, as long as I can help Kitahara-kun.]

Seeing Yukinoshita Yukino's firm words, Kitahara Hakushu laughed immediately.

[ Kitahara Hakushu: Well, since this is the case, if there is a chance in the future, I will make Yukinoshita-senpai stronger. At that time, I will trouble Yukinoshita-senpai.]

It is extremely troublesome to become stronger in Demon Slayer World, and the upper limit is not high.

But don't other worlds have that kind of method that can make people stronger?!

The most important thing is Yukinoshita Yukino's heart.

Seeing Yukinoshita Yukino's determination, Kitahara Hakushu agreed with a smile.

yullain yullain

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