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82.6% Ray's Totally Unconsented Reincarnation As A Ghoul / Chapter 18: Chapter 16: One Eyed Owl 2

Chapter 18: Chapter 16: One Eyed Owl 2

In grief and defeat, the rest of the group went into hiding after Layla's summoning expired. They returned to their home to grab what was important before going to a safehouse that Ray made in case something like this happened.

The safehouse was actually a bunker from WW2, abandoned and ignored because the entrance was destroyed but Ray, with his Map, was able to locate the place. The place was so goddamn creepy that none of them were surprised if they found ghosts down here since they found quite a lot of skeletons still in uniform. But Ray assured them he had purified the place and there's no ghosts inside. At least the part of the bunker that he salvaged to become his safehouse.

Inside a refurbished barrack are multiple racks and boxes filled with Rations, coffee beans, water and other necessities, enough for two weeks, beds and other appliances like fan, rechargeable lamp and a fridge. Then a generator, a few gallons filled with gas and a car battery for some reason. Basically anything a group of people(Ghoul) need to survive for a while.

"What are we gonna do now?" Kiko broke the silence, tired of the mourning mood of everyone else.

Akira didn't immediately answer and looked at Ryouko. The mother is cradling her sleeping daughter as she looks up to Akira's face. The face is enough of an answer. She was clueless and had nowhere to go but sticking to the group and kept relying on them.

"Layla told us that Ray was targeted because of his ability to use magic. That extends to us too. They saw us using magic and I doubt they will let us go. So, unfortunately we cannot stay in Tokyo or even Japan anymore." Akira said to the group.

"So, we're gonna flee the country? How? I don't have an ID or passport. I doubt they have too." Kiko points at Ryouko and Hinami.

"I still have money that Ray gave me and a few thousand gold coins. We use illegal channels then smuggle ourselves out from Japan and find a place to live out there."

Kiko nods and hugs her knee closer before trying to get a rest. Akira unpack the stuff in the boxes to keep himself occupied from the negative thoughts and laid down the beds for Ryouko and Hinami.


Meanwhile back to Ray.

He had a good and comfortable rest. He dreamed he was struck by lightning while fighting against an eight foot tall and super ripped Gigachad Ash Ketchum with Dio-chu that screamed 'Wryyy' on top of a skyscraper surrounded by an apocalyptic city in the middle of a thunderstorm, Mortal Kombat style. Not the weirdest dream ever but still weird.

(You should know this is coming and it's cringe af to write but I write it regardless. - Daoist_KittyKat)

Also, he wondered since when did he have such a soft and springy pillow…

Ray felt and followed his sudden impulse to grab and snuggle the warm and soft pillow due to the room being cold.


Ray heard a moan but in a groggy state, he didn't register it much and was still thinking if there is a deeper meaning to his dream.

Meanwhile, Eto was wide awake by the touch and looking at the dazed Ray fondling and kneading her breast, unconcerned of what he was holding or perhaps not even registering into his head at all. Though, she must praise that he had good skill with his hand.

(All those years spending time helping grandma kneading dough had paid off lmao.)

It goes on for a few more minutes before Ray decides he wants more sleep and falls back into dreamland to get a second round with Gigachad Ash Ketchum and Dio-Chu.

She knew something was gonna happen when she tried to sleep with a man and expected it. With a long yawn, Eto crawled out of her bed wearing only an oversized shirt and sat back on her desk to continue making her manuscript.


Another half an hour passed and Ray woke up again. This time, he was wide awake and found himself totally naked except for his boxer briefs.

Ray was facing the wall but he heard noise behind him so he slowly turned to not make any sound to take a peek. He remembered he was fighting the white haired man and to wake up later on a bed almost totally naked is a certified, most terrifying experience. He feared his Chrysanthemum was plucked while he was asleep. But he felt nothing was out of the ordinary, no weird pain or anything which made him feel a momentary relief.

Slowly turning his head and then he saw an empty desk with a table lamp turned on and a bunch of papers on it.


A green haired girl suddenly jumped up from below the bed, sending Ray into a fight or flight mode and jumped up on the bed in a fighting stance facing the girl who fell to her butt, snorting and laughing while holding her stomach.

Ray ignored the girl and regained his bearing while looking at the room. It honestly looks more like a prison cell than a room. No window and the wall is fully concrete with a metal door. This is a maximum security type of cell if removed from the wooden desk and mattress bed.

"Ah… that's a good laugh." The girl said and got on her feet.

Ray still assumed he was captured by the white haired man and probably imprisoned by the organization behind the Hunters.

"Where are we? Are you imprisoned too?" Ray asked while taking a seat on the bed.

Eto freezed and gears spinning in her head before she suddenly grinned. She takes a seat on her chair while hugging the backrest.

"Yeah. Ever heard of the Ghoul's prison, Cochlea" She answered with a nod.

Ray shook his head and waited for her to explain. Eto give a brief explanation about the Ghoul prison and only the most dangerous type of Ghoul will be captured and imprisoned.

"Oh, what were you imprisoned for then?" Ray asked.

"I had been a thorn for the Washuu clan and they tried to capture and kill me." She answered playfully.

"So, how about you?" Eto asked, playing along with the misunderstanding.

"Me?" Ray muttered and looked down on the floor but then he noticed that the girl was wearing nothing but a shirt.

'Is this something to the prisoner? Stripping them off their clothes? At least give me a male cell mate… No, actually. This is fine.' Ray changed his mind really quickly after remembering what usually takes place in prison when someone gets too backed up. He doesn't wanna ever experience the 'soap bar'.

"Ah… Ahem. I was targeted for my ability I guess." Ray answered ambiguously but his 'cell mate' was insistent to dig deeper about himself.

"Heeh… ability? What ability?" She asked while purposely leaning the chair to show her cleavage which made Ray quickly turn his eyes away.

'I mustn't reveal my secret that easily.' Ray reminded himself and countered with his own questions.

"What about you? Why are you considered a thorn for the Washuu clan? What is the Washuu clan anyway?"

Eto smirked at Ray's attempt to not be tempted before her face turned a 180, from mischievous smiley face to hate.

"You don't know about the Washuu clan? They are the self proclaimed royalty of the Ghoul race with control over the Hunters and Agents under the CCG and their patriarch is basically a tyrant that sees Ghoul as nothing more than cattle and tools for their goal. Your group's kidnapping was one of such instance. Meanwhile I am a leader of a revolutionary movement to overthrow the Washuu clan. You can see clearly why they hate me." Eto answered

(Fk, I keep making a typo typing Eto as Ero. I'm not making this up bruh.)

Ray was surprised that a full on French Revolution is happening in Tokyo amongst the Ghoul without him knowing.

"Say, Ray. If I break us both out of here, will you join our revolution movement?" Eto returned to her playful personality like a flick of a switch.

Ray reminded himself that usually people that can change personality like a mask are psychopaths.

"Uh… you know. I'm actually not a person with grand ambition or anything. In fact, I am perfectly satisfied staying in my little corner any matter my own business but since they had made themselves my enemy. One of us has to die." Ray gave his shonen protagonist speech that made Eto crack up laughing again.

"Let's escape from this place." Ray looked up at her with determination. "After we escape, I am willing to cooperate if it means we are fighting against a common enemy."

"How? Cochlea is basically a maximum security prison made for Ghoul. Even if we break out our cell, we have to fight hordes of Hunters, Agents and tens of Special Class Hunters." Eto played along with her made up story and pretended they were indeed in Cochlea.

"Don't worry." Ray said and took out the two Teleportation scrolls that he hadn't used that he reserved for this outcome of being captured. "I have my way. So, are you coming with me or not?"

"Of course I am." Eto said as she wanted to get first hand experience of Ray's magic knowing this scroll had a magical effect after watching him use it last night.

"Ok, so. When you are ready, open the scroll and hold my hand before saying YNGVI. We have to do it at the same time, okay?" Ray passes her the scroll after checking the incantation.

Eto nods and accepts the scroll before following Ray's instructions. She spread open the scroll filled with runes and then looked at Ray again, seeing him nod.



Eto felt a warm layer of energy coat her body before their location shifted. No longer in her own room and now stand at the same exact place where Ray was fighting the Arima clone last night.

"We are free now." Ray spokes which woke Eto from her daze as she looked around to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

This was unmistakably teleportation. It's genuine magic unlike Ray's short distance teleportation last night that she shrugged off as instantaneous movement that can be achieved with enough strength and speed.

Ray takes out his spare clothes from his inventory and puts on his outfit before looking at Eto.

"So, what are you gonna do next? I wanna check on my people first, informing them that I'm alright. What about you? You are a leader right? Don't you need to return to your people too?" Ray asked.

"Nah, I have trusted men to hold the fort. I just escaped the prison. So, let me enjoy some freedom for a bit." Eto pulled out a glasses from nowhere and put it on before asking Ray if she can tag along with a cutesy face.

Ray shrugged and gave her some of his spare clothes to replace her oversized shirt.

"Oh, thanks!" She instantly undressed which made the butt naked in her birthday suit without a trace of shame and smirked teasingly.

Ray gulped before quickly turning away and silently cursed his hormonal teenage body. After a few minutes of wait, Ray turned back to see Eto way staring back at him with a smug grin.

"Is there any need for shame? You saw my body and I saw yours while you were asleep."

"You what!?" Ray exclaimed.

"Nothing. Anyway, it's surprising that your clothes fit me well." She changed the topic and looked at the clothes that fit her snugly.

"How old are you anyway?" She wondered.

"16?" Ray replied with his physical age.

"No way, you are a minor? I thought you were at least 18 or above."

Ray raised his eyebrow at her choice of words.

"How about you?"


"Hmn, maybe I should report you for sexual harassment on minor." Ray joked and opened his Map to find where Akira and the others went.

"Jokes on you. Ghoul doesn't have human rights so law doesn't apply to us." Eto responded and noticed Ray's eyes were focused on something in the empty air but didn't call him out on that and instead asked where they were going next.

"I'm going to regroup with my people as I planned. Are you sure you are coming with me?" Ray tried to confirm.

"Yeah yeah, lead the way already." Eto locks her arm with Ray despite his clear discomfort and they are heading toward the safehouse.


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It's voluntary. So, tipping or not, I will still write because it's my hobby.

Daoist_KittyKat Daoist_KittyKat

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