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73.91% Ray's Totally Unconsented Reincarnation As A Ghoul / Chapter 16: Chapter 14: Rescuing Everyone

Chapter 16: Chapter 14: Rescuing Everyone

Ray arrived at Edogawa district half an hour later, following the direction given by the kidnappers.

Twenty minutes prior, he was assessing every tool in his disposal. Evey potions and scrolls.

Fire, Frost, Paralytic and Poison potions he has around 3 each. For Scrolls, the most useful ones are Challenge, Lullaby, Terror, Mirror Image and Teleportation with plenty in stock except Teleportation which he only had two. Means only two people can use it.

When he is walking toward the ambush, Ray makes sure to check his Map. All hostile targets, aka the kidnappers are marked as red dots on the map and there are around a hundred of them. Making Ray feel nervous, fearing his plan might not work.

What was his plan?

Well, it's simple. Best plan is having no plan as any plan no matter how meticulously done, will be made useless at slightest error. So, his plan is an actual object. He goes in, uses Lullaby or Terror scroll to disable as many enemies as possible. Summon Layla to free everyone while he stalls for time and escapes by breaking through or if escape is not possible, he will give the Teleportation scroll to the youngest of the group, Kiko and Hinami.

Arrived at the destination given by the kidnappers, Ray saw a red circle around him on the Map and a man in suit, black fedora hat and a skintight mask on his face.

"Well well well, aren't you an obedient lil puppy." The man tries to taunt Ray.

"I did what you asked. Now let them go." Ray stares the man dead in the eyes that says he will not go down without a fight if someone tries to pull a fast one on him.

Seeing his words bring no effect on Ray. The man tasked and ordered his men. "Bring out those hostages."

The underlings nodded and went into the building and dragged out all four of Ray's group members. Kiko were resisting and struggling her best to break the bondage on her but only collapsed into exhaustion instead as if his superhuman strength were gone.

"RC cells Inhibitor…" Ray whispered as he is familiar with the effect of the drug because he got first hand experience with it.

"You massive idiot, Rei! Why did you c- Guh!" Akira was cut off by a punch into his gut that knocked all the air out of his lungs.

"Shut up will you." The leader said after punching Akira and adjusting his sleeve and glove before looking back at Ray.

"As promised, you come alone and we release the hostage. So, surrender without resistance and don't make this anymore complicated." The leader said four men in similar attire except wearing bird-like white masks approached Ray.

"Release them first." Ray demanded.

The leader shrugged because what the worst could happen. Not that the four can escape with RC cells Inhibitor in their bloodstream, disabling all their Ghoul's power. He nods to his underlings that are besides the four and then immediately releases the restraints and lets the four walk free.

Seeing this Ray relaxed his body and showing no sign of resistance, the leader nodded and told his men to release the hostage.

"Just go." Ray said when the four walked close to him.

"But, Ray…" Akira wanted to say something but when he saw Ray's determined eyes. He nodded and knew that Ray definitely came with a plan to escape but as long as he and the others are still in danger, Ray cannot act.

Four men in suits restrained Ray and pushed him to his knee and took out a syringe. Ray gulped because he still had doubt with his plan but at this moment, it's either do or die. No more room for hesitation.


Ray's body melted down into fluid-like state before his body disappeared entirely and reappears behind the guy holding the syringe with Assassin's Blade, swinging as hard as he can, down on the man's neck and cleanly decapitated the man and stole the drug into his Magic Pouch and disappeared again.

"Close your ears!" Ray shouted at the four that look relieved that he does have a plan and closed their ears as Ray asked. Ray deployed the scroll in his hand and shouted the incantations to activate the scroll's effect.


A loud and beastial roar unleased from the scroll's activation, making everyone that heard it felt intense dread and terror like a puny rabbit being stared down by 10 meters tall, starved and angry apex predator, T-Rex.

Instantly, the Ghouls that surrounded them dispersed after being affected by the scroll. Ray quickly summoned Layla and gave her the Teleportation scroll and four Purification potions to remove the drugs effect on them.

"Go and lead them to safety, I must kill the leader or else this will just repeat again." Ray stared at her eyes to show her his determination, hoping that she would listen to his request.

She didn't even show any doubt of his credibility and nodded. Telling him that she will return to his aid as fast as possible.

After they left, Ray looked at the leader and four of his men that flanked him. Apparently they aren't affected. No, they were but their will power is strong to dispel the effect by injuring themselves. They each have a deep cut on their arm that has already healed and leave a torned bloody sleeve as the proof of their action.

"How noble of you, staying behind to cover your friend's escape." The leader sounded playful instead of angry because even if the side targets escaped, the main target was still here and he didn't think Ray could fend off 5 Ghouls with extensive combat experience alone.

Ray no longer speaks and focuses his entire mental capacity to fight. His opponent spread out to surround him while the leader moved closer in front of Ray.

"A Ghoul fighting like a Hunter. Not the weirdest thing I have ever seen." The leader said and two tendrils exploded out from his waist, a Bikaku. Then he dashed forward, deflected Ray's splash with one of his kagune and his fist shot towards Ray's arm's joint, intending to incapacitate him because he needed Ray alive rather than dead as his boss asked.

The other four released their Kagune too and advanced towards Ray to gang up on him. But he suddenly disappeared in front of their eyes and reappeared on the leader's left, stabbing his sword towards his jugular but the leader leaned back just in the nick of time that the stab only cut the skin of his neck instead of his blood veins.

"Your magic is nasty indeed, disappeared without a trace like a ghost." The leader grinned and looked at his gloved hand that was stained with blood from his neck that he touched briefly.

The leader is slightly worried that even with five of them ganging up on Ray, they still cannot force him to use his Kagune. Perhaps not waking up more of his subordinates was a bad move. If he has ten or twenty more mens, probably they will have an easier time capturing Ray. But what's done is done, he can only fight with what he has right now.

Looking at his men, he gave a silent nod and restarted his attack at Ray with greater ferocity as four men worked in unison with him to break Ray's defense one after another.

Ray uses his last two charges to cast [Smoke Bomb] followed by [Shadow Clone], splitting into three and each of the two clones only have half his power and durability but capable of independent thinking and combat.

When the smoke dispersed, only one clone remained and Ray with another of his clones activated the Cloak of Shadows, attacking the leader again. The clone attacked first.

"Tsk, another one of your magic tricks!" The leader growled annoyed as he sensed another attempt to stab his neck. He cursed Ray for his obsession to aim for his neck.

The leader evaded the invisible clone attack and unaware the real Ray was still hiding and finally broke his invisibility with his Kagune suddenly stabbed the leader's back, pinning him to the ground. The four underlings tried to save their leader but two of the clones also release their Kagune and even use their body as a wall to stop them.

"Evade this, fucker!" Ray roared and cut the leader's neck off cleanly.

Then he turned to the four underlings and killed them too while being entangled with his four clones. After that, he dug out each of their Kakuhou and devoured it out of spite.

Then Ray fell flat on the ground and hyperventilated. He never thought he would survive, much less win when he came to this place alone. He looks at the moon in the sky and wonders how his life will be now. No doubts these were just someone subordinate and someone higher is aiming for him.

*Clap* x3

"Now I understand why they sent me as insurance." A voice suddenly spoked.

Ray instantly tensed and jumped up, looking left and right while being spooked because he heard no footsteps at all. Then his eyes landed on a person leaning on the door of the building where everyone was held previously. A man in white trench coat, black combat pants and boots, gold rimmed glasses with metallic gray pupils behind it reflecting the moonlight and glowing white hairs.

"My sense indeed isn't mistaken. When you went invisible, the presence was the same as when I sensed it in that base, in Ota district. That's you right? Mr Ghost." The white haired man spoked with a hint of amusement on his otherwise expressionless face.

Before Ray could react, a wave of panic hit him that made all his hair stand up as if standing against a final boss that his instinct knew he cannot surpass. Ray could only utter one word that describes his situation.

"Fuck me."


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Daoist_KittyKat Daoist_KittyKat

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