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62.5% I'm Something of an Adventurer Myself / Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Graduation

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Graduation

"With your graduation around the corner, I will give you another gift. Follow me."

We follow Master Utsushi out of the training ground and go to some kind of farm. I can see a lot of bugs, and when my eyes look at them, a rush of knowledge appears inside my head. It looks like I just unlocked another memory from Dame Luchika.

"And we are here! These are Wirebugs. They will be your partner in your hunt. Wirebug is an animal that can create an unbreakable thread from its butt. However, while they are unbreakable, they do not last long. The thread is made of unknown energy that many scientists try to uncover."

He smiles, and something comes out of the tube on his back. It resembles a firefly but is three to four times bigger than normal fireflies. Not only that, it glows blueish green instead of yellow.

"This is a wirebug. This will be your partner in battle. How? Like this."

He throws the Wirebug away, and I can see the Wirebug release a thread from its but that Master Utsushi holds. The Wirebug flies high and brings Master Utsushi with it. He lands on the tree not too far away from us and says.

"Wirebug lets you access many places you have a hard time accessing in your hunt. Wirebug is a special bug. They will be completely loyal to anyone it smells when it is born. They are also easy to take care of. You can find a special plant anywhere in the world to feed them, and always bring a small bamboo tube for them to stay. That is how easy it is to take care of these wirebugs."

One of the students raises his hand and says,

"Master, can these wirebugs carry my partner and me? I have my equipment and combine it with my partner and their equipment. I'm afraid the bug will not be able to carry all of us."

"And that is where you are wrong. Many researchers and scientists have tested these guys, and the result is shocking. One of them can carry up to ten tons of weight while they are flying. Just like their thread, they will not last long when they carry heavy loads, but it should be enough to dodge attacks or get to places you cannot get into."

"How long can they fly with us holding on to its thread?"

"If this little guy carries you and your partner, including your equipment, they can fly as long as possible. However, the thread can only last for two minutes. That means you can only fly for two minutes."

"Got it."

Master Utsushi beams at the young hunter and gets down from the roof.

"Anyway, that is the basic explanation of the Wirebug. Now, I will give you a pair of wirebug to carry and breed if you can. Follow me."

We walk inside one of the buildings, and I can see five people feeding something. As we get closer, I can see a larva eating the leaves and releasing silk from its mouth. I can see a box in the corner of the room filled with a small cocoon.

"Master Utsushi, the wirebugs are about to hatch. Please follow me."

We go to one of the boxes and see a cocoon shaking.

"Ohhh~ They are about to hatch! Quickly grab two of them and go to one of the empty rooms over there."

I nod, gently take two cocoons, and enter one of the empty rooms. It did not take long before I saw the cocoon start to open up, and I saw two wirebugs fly at me. They fly around me for a few seconds before they start rubbing their body on my cheeks. I chuckle a little and say.

"I will name you two, Huginn and Muninn."

I think it is only my imagination, but I feel something in my mind that tells me both are happy with the name.

"Let's go. We have a new adventure to do."

I can hear the excited buzzing coming from both of them.

When I walk out of the room, I can see Tsukuyo already out of her room with a proud smile on her face. Master Utsushi nods when a pair of wirebugs fly around us.

"Great! Take care of these little guys just like your other partner. Come on! We shall continue our training, but this time, aerial training."


~A couple of months later~

I look at Elder Fugen, grinning at all of us, standing on the podium.

"Congratulations! You are now a proud Hunter of Kamura Village! You are a warrior tested in battle! Forged by experience! Now you are a full-pledge hunter! The protector of the innocent and the banisher of darkness! Wear that title of a hunter with pride, for you have earned it! Now go, Hunter of Kamura Village and carve your name into history!"

All of us shout in excitement, and then the party starts. The villager brings in the food and drinks for us to enjoy. I enjoy the party but stop when Elder Fugen walks toward me.

"Elder Fugen!"

"Bwahahahaha! You don't need to be so tense, Terry!"

"What can I do for you, Elder Fugen?"

"Oh? I can't just talk to you?"

"I can see it in your eyes. You want to ask me something."

Elder Fugen looks at me for a few seconds before sighing.

"I know that you will notice it. Very well. I will not beat around the bush. Please follow me."

I nod and follow Elder Fugen to an empty room. When we get inside, I can see a twin and a man sitting on the floor. I know who they are. The twins are Hinoa and Minoto. Hinoa is a sweet-toothed young woman who likes helping people in the village. She is the one taking care of the mission around the village.

Minoto, Hinoa's little sister, is a stoic young woman on the outside but a shy person on the inside. She wants to be her sister but is too shy to smile at others. However, when it comes to fighting, she is a beast. She is a Lance user. She uses a big fuck off lance and holds a big fuck off shield in her other hand. Never think that she will move slowly when she holds these two weapons. One of the younger hunters regrets underestimating her and pays the price. I hear he still has phantom pain around his rectum.

Minoto is the one taking care of the mission coming from outside the village. She is the Guild Hub Maiden or Quest Giver if we go by the title the villager gives to her.

The last person is called Guild Master Hojo. He's a jolly man taking care of the guild that takes all the missions from around the world for the hunter. He is the man who always smiles and laughs, but for some reason, he is frowning. That can only mean one thing, something bad is happening, and he is unhappy with it.

"Take a seat."

I nod and sit next to Elder Fugen.

"We call you here because we get some bad news from the Yukomo Village from the north."

"Bad news?"

Elder Fugen nods and says.

"Yes. A new Alpha Monster appeared from the north, and now many monsters are migrating here."

Monster Outbreak happens because of three things. Too many monsters are in the area, and they get too bold and decide to attack a nearby settlement. The second reason is that there is not too much food in the area because of weather or overconsumption by the monster. The last reason is that a new Alpha Monster was born and now claims the territory around it as its own.

Alpha Monster is a monster that reaches a certain power. They are usually two to five times bigger than their normal size. Not only their size but their strength and durability also increase like their size. The bigger they are, the higher their strength and durability.

The last one is the most dangerous one because you don't know if the Alpha is chasing after the migrating monster. You will have a hard time fighting against a frenzied monster and the one chasing after them.

"Is the Alpha coming?"

"Lucky for us, no. It is not an aggressive Alpha Monster. However, with the incoming monster in our way, we need someone to hunt the excess monster on our back."

"And that is where I'm coming, right?"

"That's right. Utsushi said that you are our brightest hunter coming from this batch. You are the perfect candidate for this mission. I don't like this because you are still green, but we don't have any choices."

"What about the other?"

"No. As I said earlier. You are still green, but you are the best among them. The other one I can trust with this mission is Tsukuyo, but Utsushi said you are better at this. You know how to survive in the wilderness while she is still learning."

"I see. What do I need to do?"

Elder Fugen gives me a massive grin and says,

"I want you to take as many missions as you can. Hinoa and Minoto over here will be the ones giving you the mission. This will be hard, Terry. You need at least three missions each week because of how many monsters are around our village."

"Three missions? All of them will be on a hunting mission, I presume?"

"And you presume correctly. Ten hunters will have the same mission as you. We will take the newly minted hunter to hunt the frenzied monster coming our way."

"I see. I will take this special mission, Elder Fugen."

"Thank you! We don't want to give this mission to a newbie, but we don't have too many choices with that Monster Outbreak coming."

Fangrove Fangrove

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