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Chapter 8: The Hunt

I look at Master Utsushi, the teacher who will watch over us and says.

"Master, what should we do now?"

He only smirks at me as we arrive in front of the safe zone where we will start.

"That is up to you! Use the knowledge I give you and defeat your target. I will be watching."

After he says that, he throws a smoke bomb and vanishes when the smoke is gone. I look at Tsukuyo and say.

"So, what do you want to do?"


"Yup. We have a couple of ways to finish this mission."

"Oh? Tell me."

I take out the map Elder Fugen gave to me and says.


"The scout says that the monster first sighted around here."

There are thirteen points I copied from the internet. Last night, after cooking our bento, I spent another two hours researching the target and where they usually go.

"Here, the scout found the Great Izuchi in this area."

I point at the number eight and continue.

"The Great Izuchi always hunts in the middle of the forest and rarely fights in a wet environment. That means we can ignore the area to the north and point two and six."

"Right. That is good. Less area we need to search, the faster we can start the hunt."

"Correct. Now, let's talk about how we hunt the Great Izuchi. We have two choices: trap or head-on. If we want to use a trap, we must lure the monster into our trap and prepare the said trap. The Pros are that we will have an easy fight once the Great Izuchi falls into our trap. Fire many tranquilizer bombs or ammo for me, and we will have captured Great Izuchi without a fight. The Cons are that we need to prepare the traps and learn the Great Izuchi movement, and not only that, but someone needs to lure the Great Izuchi to the traps."

She nods, and I continue.

"The second way is to fight it head-on. Less preparation time but more high chances of us using potions and even then still getting injured."

"Hmmm, I think we should go for the second one."

"Oh? I don't mind fighting it head-on, but can I ask why?"

"Time. Great Izuchi hunts in the morning and at night. We cannot waste any more time. We are lucky that we arrive just after sunrise. That means the Great Izuchi just started their hunt."

"I see. Then we should look at these areas."

I point at three points on the map, the fifth, seventh, and eighth.

"These are the points that I think are the hunting ground for the Great Izuchi and its pack members."

"Great! Then we need to check that place. Let's prepare before the fight."


I take out five [Wyvern Ammo] and place them inside my pocket. I place the sixth [Wyvern Ammo] near my weapon. I look to the side and see Tsukuyo is done sharpening her Switch Axe. Seeing her done, I nod and say.

"Let's go."


Both of us ride our Palimutes and start our hunt.


|3rd POV|

Utsushi smiles a little when he sees Terry and Tsukuyo discussing their plan. So far, they have made a solid plan. He continues to jump from tree to tree to follow the two of them. While following them, he can hear their tactic, and so far, their tactic for the incoming fight is solid enough that he will give them a full mark for their tactic.

However, plans and tactics will break in the face of a fight. He wants to see if they get the full mark in the fight.

So far, they have gotten a full mark in preparation and tactics. One more full mark, and even when they did not manage to hunt the Great Izuchi, Utsushi will give them a full score.

Utsushi snapped from his thoughts when he heard a roar coming not too far away from him. He jumps and lands on a large boulder not too far away from the fight.

Utsushi sees that Tsukuyo and Terry have found their target.

A massive beast, three meters tall, and seven of its pack members are not too far away from them.


Terry takes out a large-size ammo and quickly lies on the ground. This is Wyvern Snipe, a special ability any Heavy Bowgun has. When the special ammo hits its target, it will explode into three massive explosions.

Terry takes a deep breath and presses the trigger. Utsushi sees the ammo hit the Great Izuchi's head, and it explodes a couple of seconds later. The beast roars and looks at the two soon-to-be hunters.

Utsushi sees Tsukuyo quickly run forward and catch the beast's attention while Terry reloads his weapon.

"Oh? [Wyvern Ammo], huh?"

[Wyvern Ammo] is the most devastating ammo available to any hunter. However, it needs ten seconds to recharge before they can fire it.

While Tsukuyo is busy getting the Great Izuchi's attention, Terry charges his ammo and dodges an attack from the Great Izuchi pack member. His eyes look around, searching for an optimal way to fire his ammo, and after the countdown in his head reaches five, Terry quickly runs at the Great Izuchi.

"Five… Four… Three… Two… One…"

Terry uses all his strength to jump high and point his weapon at the Great Izuchi's head. The beast looks up just in time to see a bright light on the tip of Terry's weapon.



The explosion throws the Great Izuchi away and stuns it.

"Tsukuyo! Now!"


She quickly jumps at the stunned beast and changes her axe into its sword form. She swings her weapon for a few seconds, and her weapon glows the more she hits the beast with it. She can feel her weapon vibrate and know that it is time.

She jumps and mounts the beast by stabbing her sword at its body. A second after she stabs her sword, it starts to release explosion after explosion, and after it releases its sixth explosion, the seventh explosion is bigger than the other one.

"Tsukuyo! Switch!"


After hearing Terry's words, Tsukuyo jumps away and sees Terry run at the Great Izuchi, who starts to regain its footing. He arrives in front of the beast's head and points his bowgun at it. He grins and releases the trigger, and fires another massive explosion.

Once again, the Great Izuchi gets thrown by the explosion. Just like before, Tsukuyo runs forward with her weapon in hand. She changes her weapon into its axe form and jumps high. She swung her weapon, and each time it hit the beast, a small spark of lightning got out of her weapon.

While Tsukuyo is busy attacking the stunned beast, Terry reloads his weapon with [Normal Ammo] and starts firing at the incoming Izuchi, who tries to attack Tsukuyo.

"Your enemy is me, stupid!"

Terry grins a little when seven Izuchi come at him as he keeps firing his weapon. When they get closer, he changes the ammo type into the [Spread Ammo]. He rolls on the ground and keeps firing his weapon when one of the Izuchi jumps at him.

"Take this!"

He swings his weapon like a club, hits Izuchi's head, jumps away to get some distance, and then keeps firing his weapon.

"Meowster! The Great Izuchi is limping! We are almost there!"

Kuku shouts at her master while holding her butcher knife and pointing at the beast. Terry looks at the Great Izuchi and says,

"Hina! Kuku! Make an opening for me! I will recharge more [Wyvern Ammo]!"

"Yes, Meowster!"

Terry jumps away from the fight as Kuku and Hina distract the five remaining Izuchi as he reloads more Wyvern Ammo into his weapon. He looks at the battlefield and starts to countdown.

He looks at Tsukuyo and shouts.

"Tsukuyo! Make sure the Great Izuchi don't get anywhere! I'm coming!"

"Got it!"

Tsukuyo changes her weapon into its axe form and jumps high. She swung her weapon with all her strength, and when her weapon hit the beast's head, it fell to the ground.



With the five Izuchi busy with Kuku and Hina, Terry ran as fast as possible and ensured he did not release the trigger. He arrives just in time as the Great Izuchi gets up from the ground and sees his weapon glow once again.


Another Wyvern Blast hit the Great Izuchi right in the head; this time, it was the final blow. The three-meter tails beast swayed for a second before falling to the ground, dead.

Tsukuyo walks next to Terry and pokes the Great Izuchi with her weapon. Seeing no response, she releases her weapon and hugs the man next to her.

"We did it!"

Fangrove Fangrove

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